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Chris Christie Does Something Right

Was Killing Osama Bin Laden Legal?

Crosswords says...

RT if you're ever going to get as good at spin as FOX your 'experts' not only need to support the ethos you're pushing, but they need to be so in favor of it, they make the anchors look neutral in comparison. And when you show clips that supposedly support your position that don't actually support it one way or the other, your lead in needs to be much stronger so as to cue the audience more to your way of thinking.

Seriously, they show a clip that supposedly shows a massive flipflop in the story and the biggest change is them saying the wife was used as a shield, to she charged the SEALs. Frankly that clears up how she shielded him and her willingness. Secondly all the expert can say is it was illegal if he surrendered and they shot him anyways and that you can only speculate whether that happened or not, but we have no idea.

People treat this like it was the police showing up for some domestic abuse squabble, and they shot the guy for being angry. This was a man who headed an organization responsible for thousands of people's death. Who specifically targeted civilians, and used his own people as living bombs. And no that's not an emotional plea saying he's a bad man and deserved to die. It's a listing of factual behaviors showing the man is very capable of and willing to use lethal force. Its a matter of risk assessment for the SEALs; how much latitude do you give someone before deciding the potential for them to kill you is too great? With a man that had a history like Bin Laden I'm going to say probably not a lot.

Rush Limbaugh Laughs About Japan

quantumushroom says...

To conservasift

There is no "conservasift." There's just me and I'm the janitor, or if you will, a guy in a janitor costume.

I love it, bloated fat drug addicted hypocritical liar Rush is an "Icon of conservatism", certainly he must be the pinacle of 'conservative' ideals and ideas today.

Yes, he's a flawed human being. All of his foibles put together wouldn't equal a liberal hollywood "genius's" average Tuesday night.

I agree, his comments here may be taken out of context here, and he may well be laughing at idiots that believe that your actions determine the reactions of 'god' (or gay-a, freudian slip Rush?).

You can expect any non-liberal comments by non-liberals to be twisted by liberals. I'm sure the reverse is sometimes true, but just quoting liberals and what they really mean is insanity enough.

It's funny, he doesn't seem to realize that that is a major tennant of Christianity, (that god is watching and cares what you do, and will punish or reward you for it at some time) and I don't think he meant to publicly degrade and denegrate the tennants of Christianity, collateral damage sucks, huh?

I think you want the 'Hate Glenn Beck Wing' of the asylum here.

That said, turnabout is fair play. Rush consistantly mis quotes and mis represents anyone that does not agree with him 100%, faux news style, and rarely if ever retracts his lies. Now you're crying him a river because it has been done to him.

Please see above

Rush has weathered the left's *cough* sanity for over two decades. This is nothing. In case you never heard it, he calls the powerful attacks on him by the left "BBs against a battleship".

Now you can incorrectly call me a liberal and ignore all my logical points.

Dear liberal, where are the logical points in your ague-ment?

No ill will dudes, your opinions are yours.

conservatism", certainly he must be the pinacle of 'conservative' ideals and ideas today. I agree, his comments here may be taken out of context here, and he may well be laughing at idiots that believe that your actions determine the reactions of 'god' (or gay-a, freudian slip Rush?). It's funny, he doesn't seem to realize that that is a major tennant of Christianity, (that god is watching and cares what you do, and will punish or reward you for it at some time) and I don't think he meant to publicly degrade and denegrate the tennants of Christianity, collateral damage sucks, huh?
That said, turnabout is fair play. Rush consistantly mis quotes and mis represents anyone that does not agree with him 100%, faux news style, and rarely if ever retracts his lies. Now you're crying him a river because it has been done to him.
Poor Rush, bad man make Rushy cry hurt.
Now you can incorrectly call me a liberal and ignore all my logical points.

Rush Limbaugh Laughs About Japan

newtboy says...

>> ^quantumushroom:
Attn liberalsift, we know where you stand politically; stop fibbing about what icons of conservatism said (or didn't say). Internets won't let you get away with it.

To conservasift
I love it, bloated fat drug addicted hypocritical liar Rush is an "Icon of conservatism", certainly he must be the pinacle of 'conservative' ideals and ideas today. I agree, his comments here may be taken out of context here, and he may well be laughing at idiots that believe that your actions determine the reactions of 'god' (or gay-a, freudian slip Rush?). It's funny, he doesn't seem to realize that that is a major tennant of Christianity, (that god is watching and cares what you do, and will punish or reward you for it at some time) and I don't think he meant to publicly degrade and denegrate the tennants of Christianity, collateral damage sucks, huh?
That said, turnabout is fair play. Rush consistantly mis quotes and mis represents anyone that does not agree with him 100%, faux news style, and rarely if ever retracts his lies. Now you're crying him a river because it has been done to him.
Poor Rush, bad man make Rushy cry hurt.
Now you can incorrectly call me a liberal and ignore all my logical points.

Cat attacks World of Warcraft dragon

TDS: Top of the GOPs

Olbermann Reads the Riot Act to Obama

kronosposeidon says...

Not much of an Olbermann fan these days, but he nailed this one.

Here's an article at The American Prospect, Why Democrats Are Deserting Obama. Here are the opening paragraphs:

Dorothy: You’re a very bad man for pretending to be a wizard. Wizard: No, I’m a good man, just a very bad wizard.

Barack Obama, you might say, is a very good man who is just not turning out to be a very effective president. And he makes a serious misjudgment if he thinks that it is just the liberal base of the party that is disillusioned both with the deal that he cut and with his leadership skills. Centrists like House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer are every bit as dismayed at the agreement Obama made -- a deal that increases the deficit by some $900 billion in a fashion that is both inequitable (too much to the top) and not very efficient as economic stimulus.

It was nothing short of astonishing to see Obama, at his surprise press conference Tuesday, with harsher words for members of his own party than for Republicans. It is the Republicans, after all, who have been blocking his efforts, wall-to-wall, while the liberal Democrats who have been his staunchest if often exasperated supporters.

I still believe Barack Obama is probably a decent man, and I agree with the majority of his political opinions. However, I agree much less with his political actions. He might be the smartest wonk to occupy the Oval Office in decades, but he has no political savvy. On the big issues he almost always blinks first. He never calls the Republicans' bluffs. Let's be frank: he's been at the helm for 2 years now, and his leadership has been weak. And just in the last 24 hours he has caved AGAIN, this time on the Israeli settlement issue. So if he's still wondering why so many Democrats are pissed off at him right now, it's because we have every right to be pissed off. EVERY right.


Disproving global warming in 4 minutes

PS3 Error Code 8001050F Rage

Cowbell Playing Girl Is Not Amused

Flash Snowball Fight in D.C.: Detective Pulls Gun

Maddow Destroys Tim Phillips of Americans for Prosperity

brycewi19 says...

I bet that was very cathartic for her. Good for her to standing up to a bully on national tv.

Aren't we the ones who get upset at the media for letting slime-balls like this off the hook? For being too soft with them so that they can ensure a "good relationship" so that they'll return as a guest?

Rachel effectively guaranteed that he'll never come back and she was clearly fine with that. I don't see what she said as losing her cool. She was calm and collected, but clearly very nervous to say those words to a bad man. But she had the courage to do it anyway.

And that's the kind of courage we've been dying to see in the media for the longest time.

Bravo Rachel.

Countdown - Blackwater Founder Implicated in Murder

bcglorf says...

newtboy: Thanks for the well thought out response. It's a welcome change to many kneejerk cliche responses others are fond of.

Osama was, if not the leader, at least an important, vocal member of the mujahideen. We supported him when the enemy was our enemy

He was simply a leader among many leaders within the mujahideen. After the Soviets were defeated dozens of different leaders amongst the mujahideen all started fighting with each other for control of the country. So it is just as accurate to describe our support for the mujahideen as support for Osama's enemies. My point is simply that in reality support for the mujahideen was support for the whole which was bad enough. Describing that as support for a specific individual within the mujahideen is not accurate and is in fact very misleading.

True, I left Carter's name out, because (besides Regan) I was mentioning the people who, in the 60's-70's, helped put Saddam and Osama into power.

I think you have your dates a little confused. The 60's-70's predates everybody you mentioned, including Reagan. Saddam didn't even take power in Iraq until 79 and Osama wasn't fighting in Afghanistan until the late 70's. The Soviet Afghanistan war didn't even start until 79. All once again predating Reagan and everyone else mentioned. Anyways, it's all more of an aside issue other than to make clear that Carter was the one around for the beginning of much of the mess.

Agreed, by the time he invaded Kuwait, there was no denying he was dangerous and no longer acting in our interests, but I propose his nature was evident far before he started killing our allies. That was just when we opened our eyes to his monstrosity.

I don't strongly disagree with this, there is a certain amount of fog/unclarity about who knew what and when. But I haven't any problem with condemning aid to Saddam any point after it was known he used chemical weapons in the Iran-Iraq war, which clearly America did not stop after witnessing. It wasn't until he used them on Halabja and it couldn't be blamed on Iran that America cooled towards Saddam, which in my eyes was also much too late.

I do agree that supporting our ally, Kuwait, was proper.

That much I'm very glad to hear.

I certainly disagree that, if we are going to be the ones removing monsters from power, that he should have been our first target.

I couldn't agree more, and for the longest time opposed the second gulf war on nearly that basis alone. Upon listening to more accounts, particularly of the plight of the Kurds, I started to see it a little differently. Saddam may not be my first choice for monsters that need removal, but I must admit that he IS on the list. If he is on my list of monsters for removal, then I support his removal, even if America is only choosing him because it coincides with their self-interest.

Far more monstrous than he were the many dictators in Africa committing genocide, and the Jihadists that had attacked us, yet we ignored them for the most part in favor of (...tried to kill my daddy...) Saddam.

I thought that too, but I've since learnt more about Saddam's rule and discovered that he may not have been the most monstrous dictators in the world, but he was in the very top of the class. In his campaign to exterminate the Kurds he setup concentration camps for them. All Kurdish men in these camps were executed and buried in mass graves. The children and elderly were so mistreated and abused that many died, virtually no children under the age of 5 survived the camps. The women were systematically raped. Not for the guards amusement or to humiliate the women, but to literally breed the Kurdish people out of existence. Oh, and the prisoners in these camps and rape rooms were not limited to the Kurdish people, but anyone even suspected of opposing or questioning Saddam's rule. Saddam was unimaginably more than just a very bad man.

I do not call Saddam an American puppet, but he was our main man in the region for quite some time because he was our enemy's enemy (Iran). As long as he was keeping Iran at bay, we ignored what he did to his own people for the most part.

Agreed, and I'll happily agree to condemn that as well.

American foreign policy is the most important factor to consider when we are talking about American foreign policy in the region.

I agree more with the rest of your paragraph than this start. American foreign policy is not the most important factor, but just one of many vitally important factors.

I again thank you for your reply and can't agree more with your overall assessment of how complicated the issues are and the importance of discussing them beyond the extreme left and right camps that so many seek comfort in.

The sift IS ready for this kind of terrible

Liberty Activist Ian Freeman Pays Property Tax with $1 Bills

enoch says...

object away my friend,it matters not,because it has nothing to do with my premise.
im talking right to protest,your talking about inconvenience.
i would guess you would have the same problem with michael moore's style of protest also?
and what "incident" was he attempting to provoke other than saying what he wanted to say?
filming it was just a prudent decision considering.where he "profits" i dont see,not in any monetary fashion at least.
interesting how your not a "fan" of violence,yet have no problem if some other "victim" pounds his face in.uh..WHA?
and who are his supposed "victims"?
the people he spoke to,who seemed pretty intent on ignoring him anyways?
THOSE are victims?
christ on a stick!are you fucking kidding me?
"the skinny,incredibly pale man,who needs a shave, said harsh words about the county government i work for,and referred to people in jail i dont know..make the bad man go away"
for the love of FUCK!
if thats being a "victim" then my country has turned into a nation of pussies.
this is what i served for..
not "rights" but so that people can not hear harsh language...
thats it...
im going to go shoot myself in the face.
mike judge is a fucking prophet.

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