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Jack Bauer asks WHERE IT IS.

RedSky says...

It kind of bothered me for a while that I enjoyed this show and people interpreted it so literally. From what I remember reading the producer was actually a hardcore conservative.

But then I realised people also watch CSI and begin to assume that forensic evidence is irrefutable. Or that criminal defence attorneys are always the bad guys.

Turns out people are just morons.

ChaosEngine said:

Disturbingly, this show actually made people think torture is an effective interrogation technique.

Kurzgesagt: Are GMOs Good or Bad?

bamdrew says...

Monsanto is like Microsoft... they are these hulking titans of their respective industries, who work as hard as they can to stay ahead of the game, sometimes through questionable activities. However, their contributions on the whole are incredible, driving generations of progress in their respective fields through investment, research, and release of progressively more useful tools (on the whole).

There is a similar debate regarding pharmaceutical companies and their profiteering from the invention of life saving drugs... its easy to paint a company as a 'bad guy' for charging large amounts of money for medicine that a person needs to live. But is it the company's responsibility to forgo shareholder profits in order to maximally help more people with their drug, or is it the spectrum of regulations imposed by a representative government that should be entrusted with that responsibility?

GMO agriculture products that are drought tolerant, flood tolerant, self pollenating, etc etc, will likely save our buns in the next 100 years. If anything we should be doubling down on how much effort we put into GMO production and selection, to help drive a technological boom in that industry before we've mismanaged ourselves into a crisis.

mr plinkett responds to comments on his rogue one review

Asmo says...

I'll bite. (needless to say, spoilers)

The characters certainly had motivation.

Jyn's motivation, much like Rae in FA, is simple, daddy issues. She isn't so much invested in the rebellion as she is in enacting vengeance for her father. She is stunted emotionally and is not idealistic, but I think she uses that as a vehicle to push other characters along with her. Her last moments with Cassian aren't driven by any great romance, just the solace of two people who don't know if what they did will make a difference, but they succeeded in what they set out to do. I suspect she understood before she left Yavin that she was not going to get out of it alive, which sort of fits with her fairly nihilistic view of the universe.

Cassian was entirely driven by the fight against the Empire. He was willing to do anything, and was completely ruthless at the start, but he does mellow towards the end as Jyn makes a point of saying that he was like a stormtrooper. He is a zealot, a true believer, and is willing to sacrifice everything, even his humanity, for the cause.

Orson, the imperial commander, is a mixture of patriotism and self interest. He's a fervant believer in the imperial ethos of bringing order to the galaxy, but he is also deeply interested in recognition and commensurate rise in rank. He is so motivated that he risks his life directly to try and stop the rebels (not something you typically see bad leader types do outside of superhero movies, that's what henchmen are for) at the end.

The droid is all programming, but his comedy relief is explained by the dialogue that slicing an imp droid can affect it's personality. He is the one of the few light hearted notes (and consequently gives us a pretty poignant note when he says goodbye and get's shut down) in what is a fairly depressing movie. His bluntly honest statements are perfectly ironic and as such really do deserve the laughs they get.

The monk and the warrior were guardians of a temple but are now displaced. While it's couched in the monks mysticism, I think honestly they were happy to stand up to the big bad guys who wrecked their temple and extract some form of revenge. I think it would please both of them to know that it was worth it in the end.

The imperial defector seems to have little motivation, but he has already taken the dangerous step of defecting and getting the ball rolling for the entire plot etc, he's obviously completely displeased about the empire and willing to risk his life to do something about it.

Saul has been driven mad by the fight. The rebel leadership all seem to fit well within their established roles in the canon, as do Tarkin and Vader. Random rebel and imp personal are placeholders and who really gives a fuck what their motivations are? X D

/shrug As far as character development goes, it's certainly not a work for the ages, but to say these characters are going to get a thing because they need to get a thing seems to be nitpicking for the sake of nitpicking.

Oh yeah, and in regards to AT AT's, it's a strategic imperial world and heavily garrisoned. Likely a staging point for excursions around the galaxy as well. It has major shielding, AA and fighter complements, Star Destroyers standing guard etc. Sure, fan service is a thing (although the homages in R1 are far less clunky than FA, including things like the Hammerhead, references to the cartoons etc), but as an imp commander, I would certainly release AT AT and AT ST vehicles against an attacking force of unknown size, particularly when you see a whole bunch of landing pads explode simultaneously. Are their 10 commandos or 1,000? 10,000? Yeah, go lowball and wait for them to walk out in the open right? \= |

It's not like the AT AT's were stomping all over the archive looking for a guy hiding behind valuable Imp data infrastructure, they are roaming the outer regions and are fairly proof against ground troops. Makes sense to me.

Dunno, I think the RLM reviews are generally entertaining and thoughtful, but in this case whoever writes Plinkett has let his acerbic dislike of "new" Star Wars cloud his objectiveness imo. It was an enjoyable flick and certainly one I intend to own. I don't think it's anywhere near the best sci fi (although I kinda like it on par with Empire) movie out there, but it's far better than RLM gives it credit for, imo.

Villain Pub - The Boss Battle

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'HISHE, villain pub, boss battle, batman' to 'HISHE, villain pub, boss battle, batman, Cheers, bad guys' - edited by ant

An Intriguing New Gun Safety System

JustSaying says...

Or someone kidnaps your daughter and thanks to your preparedness and special set of skills you realize you're actually Liam Neeson.
This whole guns-for-safety-schtick has been debated online a thousand times. You know what protects you from crime? Tackling the very real social issues like poverty and racism that cause crime.
You have so many guns and yet your crime rate is so shitty. Mass shootings are routine in america. Where are all the good guys with guns to stop the bad guys when you need them?
It's not working. It simply isn't, crunch numbers all you want. Just look at Canada. They have guns. Yet, they seem to live so much safer lives. Is Mexico such a dangerous place because they don't have enough guns? They got the good Heckler&Koch rifles, you know.
You want to fight fights that I say should be avoided in the first place. Fix your social issues and less people will have reasons to try breaking into your home.
Same with the terrorist. Don't just bomb them, disable their ideological rethoric, disable their methods of recruiting.
We have islamic terrorists here in germany. They either try to build bombs (requires actual know-how) or they attack with axes and knives. Something must be working in our favor here. Same can't be said for the citizens of Paris or nightclub visitors in Orlando. They got shot.
The american paranoia is a reaction to an action that can be made far more unlikely to happen. Once you are ready to tackle the issues.
You can bring a fire extinguisher every time you go to the gas station in case a fire breaks out or you can just stop smoking around the gas station.

ForgedReality said:

...Or, someone could break into your home and preparedness can mean the difference between life and death.

But sure. Paranoia. Zombies. Let's go there.

When Marty Realizes Trump is President

URGENT: MSM Syria Lies NEED TO BE EXPOSED...Before It's Too

bcglorf says...

I know it's a bit of a cliche to say it, but this whole video is just so much Russian propaganda. Right from the very first story 'ignored' by the MSM, you have the very same day coverage by the BBC here:

The only difference is that the BBC coverage has some details that the video's source leaves out, like that the Free Syrian Army condemned the beheading and was seeking to punish those responsible.

There is absolutely zero question that Syria is currently a war zone, with Russian jets dropping Russian made bombs on Syrian civilians. There is overwhelming evidence that chemical weapons have been deployed by BOTH ISIL and the Syrian government.

I'm not really sorry if it seems like the MSM is drawing a picture that makes the Assad regime look like bad guys. The reality is that the FACTS make the Assad regime bad guys. That doesn't make ISIL good guys because they are fighting Assad, criminals try and kill each other all the time and that's what's happening. The really troubling aspect is there exist plenty of Syrian people in the region who legitimately wanted an end to Assad's dictatorship and started a legitimated rebellion and have been almost completely cut out and killed off by both Assad and ISIL. If you've been paying attention, Russian bombing strikes focus heavily on the NON-ISIS rebels because they have legitimacy and thus need to die first.

Native American Protesters Attacked with Dogs & Pepper Spray

transmorpher says...

So the ones that are indiscriminately firing rockets at civilians and using children as human shields aren't the bad guys?

(honest question, I'm not that familiar with it).

To me, regardless of the historical context, I not able to imagine any situation where using human shields (especially your own civilians) makes you anything but the bad guy - even if you have a good cause, it instantly shows what you really are.

dannym3141 said:

This is known as putting the cart before the horse.

We are living in a time of unprecedented propaganda and it really saddens me. Good people can give their blessing to atrocities and their only mistake was listening to major news outlets. I can't get angry at anyone for thinking like this anymore, i just despair that we've allowed ourselves to become intellectual cattle.

With terrorism upon us, how do you get rid of a suspect car?

SFOGuy says...

huh; I was thinking more: other bad guy watching with the cell phone to call the cell phone detonator in his hand.

Drachen_Jager said:

Guys, it's not a movie. Regular terrorists are lucky if they can rig a detonator to explode when they want it to. Mercury switches and all that crap are purely for spy thrillers.

Not much danger in moving the car, or at least not because you were moving the car.

How the Gun Industry Sells Self-Defense | The New Yorker

StukaFox says...

You haven't thought this through.

If the whole point of your carrying a weapon around is that you don't want to use it, then why are you hiding it in the first place?

Who do you think the prototypical bad guy is gonna go after: some guy strapping 5 pounds of metal death to his hip or some guy who doesn't look like he's armed in the first place?

Guns are like nukes: if you never want to use them, make sure everyone knows you have them.

Mordhaus said:

In any case, I am a proud CCW permit holder. I carry every day and have never had need to use it.

Good Role Model Teaching Kids to Work Through Emotional Pain

vil says...

They all should have prepared better for the test TBH. Inflicting pain on purpose or through bad technique is not a great idea.

Most of the "pain" for the dad is from keeping his watch and his ring on. Fairly unprofessional overall.

Good job to manoeuver through all the psychological obstacles, but meh training IMHO. That said it is better to have a good person as trainer, than an exceptionally able bad guy.

Also martial arts dont make you a slave, they make you a servant and you get to choose who or what to serve.

Trump Praises Saddam

bcglorf says...

There aren't even words.

Saddam was a bad guy is absolutely the most ignorant remark you can make. Were Stalin, Hitler and Mao simply 'bad' guys? Saddam committed multiple genocides against his own people. Hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians killed not as collateral damage, but systematically. The remaining widows were systematically raped to impregnate the Kurdish women with half-Arab children and breed the Kurds out of existence. If that's not enough, Saddam invaded and seized Kuwait and declared a part of Iraq. In the Iran-Iraq war, he made extensive use of banned chemical and biological weapons against Iranian forces, before turning them on Kurdish Iraqi's as well. Anybody content to just call that 'bad' behaviour is morally bankrupt.

Oh, but along the way Saddam brutally murdered anybody that spoke out against him, or had their daughters raped or their families otherwise held hostage or also killed. More over, because Saddam classed these people as 'terrorists', clearly we should take him at his word. In that one sense, yes, Saddam was effective at killing and pacifying the people he counted as 'terrorists'. That of course is missing the fact that Saddam was the singularly most terrifying monster in the entire Middle East at the time.

Houston Helicopter Officer Lands and Tackles Suspect

Digitalfiend says...

I'm all for getting the bad guys but seriously did they need to nearly run the guy over? As for losing him in a field, isn't that what the helicopter is for? A bright red shirt amidst a sea of green is pretty hard to miss from the air, right?

Samantha Bee on Orlando - Again? Again.

bobknight33 says...

Assault rifles ( M16 rifle.) are illegal. People like you don't know what your are talking about.

There are rifles (Ar15)that look like assault rifles abut are just regular rifles.

The guy was on a mission to kill gays in the name of Allah. The gun was just a tool.

The no fly list is woefully flawed. YEs it gets some bad guys but a lot of good guys too.

Check you own name

Yep nothing gets fixed- so keep doing the same elect Hillary.

Vote for Trump - I mot saying he is perfect but - he is the only only one standing against the norm.

Fairbs said:

I think you're wrong about the root cause, but you'll continue to follow the same themes and nothing will get done.
Do you have or need an assault rifle? If not, why do you continue to support what's tragically killing these people. How about more money to mental health. What about the Republicans blocking legislation stopping people on the no fly list being able to get guns just recently. Nothing gets fixed. We just move on to the next tragedy which is a sure sign of stupidity as individuals and as a nation.

Monster Trucks TRAILER 1 (2017)

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