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JiggaJonson (Member Profile)

bobknight33 says...

And what did Flynn do?
Who interviewed Flynn that led to charges? Biased lead FBI Agent Peter Strzok,

Please pick a new "bad" guy.

JiggaJonson said:

Rather than edit the previous post, I'll add a comment here about why I pulled Flynn out of the group to cite:

Flynn is the most blatant example of the bunch. There are many human shields ready to take the fall, but there's a problem with Flynn compared to the rest. We know what he knew when. We know what Trump knew about Flynn and when.

Take a look at a search on Trump and Flynn from Jan-Feb before he was fired in 2017:

His son was fired prior to that, but he had some strong words on Twitter in May of this year

5 Knots Everyone Should Know

newtboy jokingly says...

What? The best protection against a bad guy with a knot is a good guy with a knot. Don't you want to be part of the solution?

BSR said:

Great video. I was amazed and inspired and motivated. Then he shot it all down with his very last sentence.

How the NRA hijacks gun control debates

bobknight33 says...

If dick head liberals wouldn't try every way to ban guns then the NRA would not have to push gun owner rights so hard.

ACLU and NAACP are push just as hard for their agenda.

Good guys with guns are needed to stop bad guys with guns.

2nd amendment is rightfully needed.

Who wants to watch Tom Cruise's ankle shatter in slow-mo?

visionep says...

I think Xenu is the bad guy in that story. So Xenu would have attached a weak Thetan to Tom to make him unable to complete the stunt successfully.

StukaFox said:

Where's your Xenu NOW, Tom?

Dashcam Video Of Alabama Cop Who Shot Man Holding His Wallet

Khufu says...

also this guy is an idiot for getting out of his car in a traffic stop and actually pointing his black wallet at the cop and grabbing at it with his right hand unnecessarily. If you kinda squint it actually looks like he's trying to pull a gun and shoot. If this was one of those arcade games where you had to shoot the 'bad guys' and not shoot the innocent bystanders I would have totally lost a quarter there. (i realize that analogy dates me.)

What if we get really good at drone AI and batteries?

TheFreak says...

Restricting access to this type of technology through laws and regulations is not the answer. If you try to prevent bad people from slaughtering their enemies en-masse using technologically advanced and highly efficient means, they're just going to do it another way. Will you outlaw knives or trucks next?

And if only the government has this weapon, then you have no means to fight back when they come to take your rights away. We have a constitutional right to arm ourselves against a hypothetical tyrannical government.

The only way to stop a bad guy with autonomous murder drones is a good guy with autonomous murder drones.

Donna Brazile: HRC controlled DNC and rigged the primary

scheherazade says...

This video is strange to me. It's like the guy woke up and realized what everyone else already knew before the election was even over.

Video makes references to the DNC/Hillary campaign calling the emails a conspiracy - but I don't remember them ever denying the authenticity of the emails.
All it would have taken was one phrase : "these emails are made up".
But they didn't - and the only reason to not deny, is if you know it will be confirmed and you will be caught lying.

The irony of the situation is:
- DNC&Hillary rigs primary election against Bernie, undermining democratic elections.
- *Russia steals and leaks documents showing that the DNC was undermining democratic elections.
- *Russia is the bad guy, because 'letting people know that elections are being rigged' is making people upset at the cheaters, and is improperly influencing elections against the cheaters.

So, apparently it's fine if you cheat, but it's cheating if you let people know who's cheating.

It's like the bizarro episode from SeaLab2021, only applied to political sensibilities.


Your phone is always listening

MilkmanDan says...

Slashdot had a post about an upcoming (about 1 year out) phone that can run pretty standard Linux distros. I took interest because I'm very annoyed about how UNconfigurable android is.

I have a Samsung Galaxy S2, very old by now, but hardware wise it still works fine. Software wise, it is shit. Android apps are massively bloated compared to when the phone was new, so the "system" partition of the phone is too small to install anything other than like 1-2 apps. From what I can tell, rooting might not help because there are still standard partitioning requirements? I dunno. Anyway, it is a big mess compared to a desktop, where I can partition things any way I want (which works great if you know what you are doing).

Anyway, I don't want to shill for Purism, the company that will be making the phone in the Slashdot article (for one thing, the phone is still a year or so away from final production), but they seem to be doing things right. They DO have some laptops on the market now, which apparently include a relevant feature mentioned in the write-up about their upcoming phone: hardware kill switches for the microphone, camera, and WiFi/Bluetooth.

If you read the ToS (hah! as if) for things like Facebook's app or the phones / OS themselves, you might see that you are "agreeing" to this kind of data collectionspying. If that sets the bar for "good" behavior, imagine what the bad guys (NSA, other agencies, state actors, unscrupulous advertisers, malware producers, etc.) can and will do. That's why any software solution is dubious. That's why electrical tape over your webcam is better than assuming that the record light is trustworthy. That's why a hardware kill switch is a good feature if you're concerned about this (like me).

Here's links to:
an article about the hardware kill switches in Purism's laptops, and
an article about their upcoming phone the Librem 5

I don't own any of their hardware. I don't like paid shills. That being said, I'm interested in what they are doing.

Bouncer vs. Gunman

CNN: Guns In Japan

Engels says...

I think we could draw from this. How about all US citizens that want to purchase a gun have to take a comprehensive exam that test knowledge not just of the 2nd amendment, but also the entire constitution, branches of government, federalist vs anti-federalist arguments, all supreme court cases directly involving challenges to the 2nd amendment, etc. Throw in a federally mandated mental health check from an accredited shrink and voila, guns are taken from the hands of those fighting erectile disfunction and put in the hands of those that actually care about the nation.

PS: don't go off on a tangent about how then only the bad guys will have guns and then we'll all get murdered like, all the time. That's a bs argument and you know it.

Machine Gun Attack On Las Vegas Concert

bobknight33 says...

You are as diluted as Newtboy. Guns are regulated to great extent.

You can make all guns illegal and still bad guys will use them. Better to let good guys have access to them also.

The bump stock ad-on this guy used would never be useful except in the situation he was in.. No accuracy just spraying lead down stream..

In America guns are as plentiful as roaches... impossible to rid yourself of them.

The guy could have used any other method using legally obtained items ( like his guns). He could have use Nitrogen fertilizer like the Oklahoma city bombing back in 1995.

If you want to kill people your going to find a way.

The guy appears to be more mental than anything else. Better to improve mental health laws and let finds/ workers to have a anonymous line to ATF to say hey this guy might be a danger to community.. And let that be a trigger when/if he applies to get a gun - which entail a more thorough background check

ChaosEngine said:

You’re right. Cars and trucks are deadly in the wrong hands.

Which is why we regulate them. You need a licence to drive one. You are tested to see if you are a competent driver. People with serious mental health issues are restricted from driving and there are MASSIVE industry regulations that attempt to make these vehicles safer.

There’s also entire departments dedicated to studying road fatalities.

None of which is true of guns. The CDC can’t even STUDY gun violence.

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Vox: The growing North Korean nuclear threat, explained

MilkmanDan says...

Not the *only* thing.

We also don't invade if you don't have anything we want, or if you can't be exploited as a pawn in a proxy war.

N. Korea doesn't have anything we want, so they would generally be safe on that account. On the other hand, the Korean War (particularly support from China, Russia, and the US) was very much tied into early and continuing Capitalism vs Communism proxy wars wherein those major players downplayed direct confrontation (why the Cold War was cold) but were quite happy to ramp things up indirectly.

Things frequently don't go real well for countries tied up in that history. We arm Afghanistan to indirectly prod the USSR, decades later that comes back to bite us and we hit them back with a rather disproportionate degree of destruction. The USSR sets Cuba up as a potential proxy Communist threat to the US, which pushes us pretty close to nuclear war. Fortunately we avoided that, but the fallout for Cuba in trade sanctions etc. persists to this day. And on and on.

So I concur, N. Korea has plenty of reasons to see the US as the bad guys. Personally, I think Obama's strategy of patience was probably the best. Either they are full of hot air and won't ever actually do anything, or they'll eventually do something so provocative that China will have no choice but to withdraw that lifeline. In the meantime, N. Korean people are the ones suffering the most. Not much to be done about that, because the US has an even worse track record when it comes to interfering "to save the people of {wherever} from their terrible leaders"...

eric3579 said:

It seems to me having nukes is the ONE thing that holds off America from potential invasion/war with other countries. Why wouldn't you develop nukes? North Korea aint going out there destroying countries and killing hundreds of thousands. America is the empire building terror nation not North Korea. Why are they such the bad guys? I assume they would rather not be invaded and destroyed.

Vox: The growing North Korean nuclear threat, explained

eric3579 says...

It seems to me having nukes is the ONE thing that holds off America from potential invasion/war with other countries. Why wouldn't you develop nukes? North Korea aint going out there destroying countries and killing hundreds of thousands. America is the empire building terror nation not North Korea. Why are they such the bad guys? I assume they would rather not be invaded and destroyed.

How sanctuary cities actually work

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