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Diversity and inclusion meeting ... at Michigan school

newtboy says...

It is the greatest country in the world DESPITE it being the home of some of the most disrespectful racist assholes in the world like edit:Thomas E Burtell of Saline Michigan. Sadly, that status is in serious jeopardy because of them. Edit: Fortunately even his own son is disgusted by him and disavowed and condemned his racist and bigoted comments. He identified himself, so I have no qualms about identifying him, but I won't post his address and phone number like others have.

I hope the incessant abuse and ostracism he receives from the community as a whole from this day forward force him to leave not just that school system but this great country...MAGA by getting the fuck out, douchebag.

Trolling Teslas autopilot systems

mxxcon says...

Actually I've always been worried about rogue attacks like that. Some asshole would project something to confuse self-driving system and would cause either an accident or a traffic jam..
There should be a law where it would make these kind of attacks equivalent to attack with a deadly weapon.

Is anyone else getting a lot of weird redirect pages and ads (Sift Talk Post)

Believe in yourself

BSR says...

It's simple. He told her all she had to do was just find her courage. She obviously did that. If she didn't find her courage she wouldn't have found out that he was an asshole.

vil said:

I dont get it. It looks like there should be something in there and I may be overthinking but what IS the point here?

Why Shell's Marketing is so Disgusting

newtboy says...

What say you to those who grow their own food, produce their own power with microhydro, solar, and or wind, (or only buy renewable energy, possible in California) and drive electric vehicles or bicycles when they drive?

What about those who still pollute, but offset their carbon usage by buying credits/planting trees?

Can they blame the problem on the companies who supply destructive products and the junk science that tricks gullible ignoramuses into believing they aren't destructive...or do those companies get to continue to abdicate their responsibility, pawning it off on their customers?

I mean, your position seems to be if you assholes wouldn't buy the lead painted products, we wouldn't be selling it to toy companies and producing studies claiming it's it's your fault your child is brain damaged....or the same argument over opioids, your fault you listened to your doctor and got addicted, then turned to heroin, not your doctor who told you the pills weren't addictive, certainly not the drug company who told your doctor they were safe, right?
Fortunately, courts don't think that way, just ask Johnson and Johnson.

Yes, customers bear some responsibility for what they buy, but not nearly as much as the sellers, especially true when the sellers advertise by lying about the dangers. When companies lie about their products dangers, they make themselves 100% responsible for their damages.

bcglorf said:

I'm gonna have to stop at 100 companies being responsible for 71% of green house gas emissions.

If the criticism is deceptive practices, don't start with deceptive statistics of your own. It's awful easy to blame Shell for all the greenhouse gas emissions of the gasoline they sell. It's wonderful to not have to take personal responsibility for your act of buying that gas for your own transportation, for the manufacture of your own food, for the transportation of that same food to your supermarket. Better still, the gas and electricity used to heat and cool your home can be blamed on the coal and power companies too.

Videos like this are part of the problem by abdicating our own responsibilities and pawning it off on someone else. Stop making this worse while pretending to care about the problem.


Drachen_Jager says...

Fuck Vantablack.

Asshole Anish Kapoor bought it so he could keep it to himself and not allow any other artist to use it.

That's like the ultimate dick move. Make a ton of money off your questionable art and instead of paying it forward, you take products off the market for your exclusive use so no other up and coming artists can use it as a medium.

Why Don't Birds Lay Square Eggs?

FPV drone pilot is invited to film a power plant demolition

cloudballoon says...

I concur. This is more a fail than a success. The commission, I assume, is not to have something "cool" to see -- like watching aerial parkour -- but to have footage at each stages of detonations for the engineers to analyze if every calculations/explosive hookups went off as planned.

With that as parameters, there's almost nothing to see here. If the drone is equipped with a wide-angle lens and/or multi-cam setup (filming both the building and the smokestack at the same time) than maybe the video would be useful. What I see here is crap, narrated by clowns.

@mxxcon: The drone controllers are the assholes IMO. Shouldn't be paid, or paid 10-20% of the commission, max!

lucky760 said:

@TRRazor That was exactly my reaction...

THIS is the footage you got??? The edge of the screen showing something happening off screen, lots of empty idle ground mid-frame, and the very tail-end of the tower hitting the ground?

SUCCESS! not so much

FPV drone pilot is invited to film a power plant demolition

mxxcon says...

"You are not here to have fun"
Wow that guy was an asshole.
I'd answer to him " Are you here to have fun? I'm professional in my field just like you are in yours. Show some respect!"

Climate Change Is Erasing Large Island Chains

BSR says...

OK dick, you found me out.


I now stand corrected in my orthopedic shoes.

Ya happy now?


figured since you went easy on me I'd be rough on myself. I know you would respect that. ; )

newtboy said:

Actually, it's both.
If you watched carefully, they explained how erosion was lowering the land height at the same time the water is rising. That erosion is happening much faster than the ocean rises.

Venice is flooding.

Trump Voter Feels Betrayed By President

It's Not Okay

newtboy says...

I agree with not accepting their usurping common terms and gestures, but I cannot accept ignoring what them mean by them. Just because I don't mean anything racist when I use the OK hand symbol, I'm not going to pretend the white supremacist assholes flashing it behind the black sports announcer wasn't blatantly a racist move. Thankfully, neither are the stadium owners who banned those people for life.
Recognizing their racist intentions is not the same as condoning their racist usurpation of language. Ignoring their racist meaning and usage is condoning it. I will call them out when I think they're being racist, which these people undeniably are. "It's ok to be white" is a slogan used EXCLUSIVELY as a racist taunt, not a factual statement of equality.

Don't ignore racism in an effort to deny it power, that doesn't only allows it to fester and grow. Bright sunlight is the best disinfectant.

greatgooglymoogly said:

If you're keeping track, the hashtag/pound sign is now a nazi symbol as well.

This will never end, stop accepting their reality.

It's Not Okay

newtboy says...

Lol. Even you aren't ignorant or dumb enough to not know this is a well known white supremacist racial hate slogan, not an equality movement slogan, not a non inflammatory statement.

Edit...when you see bald white guys wearing t-shirts printed with "14-18-88" you would insist they're just clean cut math enthusiasts. There is none so blind as he who will not see.

Um....take another English class Vlad, I think you mean nuts infer hate, because you just called your own cohorts nuts. It's crystal clear they are implying hate with these pro white fliers being posted only in minority areas and schools, not predominantly white areas and need #10 RWNJ goggles to hide that fact from yourself.

Rightwing cowardly assholes can't stand behind their own hate in public, but revel in it when they're together in private. You're cohorts are afraid to admit who they are, so afraid of everything they're afraid of themselves, or at least they're afraid of the repercussions of exposure. That's why they can't admit what's obvious to everyone who isn't delusionally biased....that they're racist.

Remember, it's RWNJ's like yourself that totally lost their shit and continue to be triggered today over "black lives matter", insisting it's a racist movement and they want to hide their obvious racist intent by pretending they're emulating that social justice movement when's laughably transparent.

I guess you didn't watch this video, because there was plenty of right wing fear there....ending in the creation of your fear...."it's not ok to be white"...a Fox news created slogan you were terrified by. Boy do they have your number.

You are helping them spread the white supremacist message by only looking at life with your blinders and right wing goggles on.

bobknight33 said:

What is hateful? Nuts imply hate. Projection???

Leftest snowflake nuts jobs are afraid of everything.

Cart Narcs Catch A Dumb Hag

moonsammy says...

Eh, I agree in theory but think that in practice it's a rather pointless endeavor. The type of person who is self-centered and entitled enough to make the "it's someone else's job to clean up my shit" argument is not the type of person who, in my experience, is remotely likely to change. Narcissism precludes negative judgments on one's self. Plus most of the time calmly explaining anything to a person who already feels you've wronged them is not going to result in the outcome you'd like. You might say that some of the time it'll have a positive impact, but I think on balance the amount of strife I'd put myself through for that rare "win" isn't nearly worth it.

I do feel this approach might work if there's a friend or family member with the offender, but even then at best it's a dice roll. Maybe the other party will point out that the asshat was in fact in the wrong, and that may alter their behavior in the future just to avoid an argument. However, if the 3rd party spends a lot of time around the entitled asshole in question then there's a good chance they either behave similarly themselves, or are well aware of the asshattery and know it's pointless to fight them on it. So... yeah. Maybe a semi-public shaming? Don't think filming would ever help things stay cool though.

newtboy said:

I think you help people by showing them their mistakes, calmly explaining them if needed, and you help the public by exposing those who angrily deny any obligation to be responsible, civil, or accept established social obligations so others don't rely on them or trust them to do the obviously right thing so the public has the information needed to know to distrust and shun them.

You don't help by excusing inappropriate behavior.

Cart Narcs Catch A Dumb Hag

newtboy says...

I think you people miss the point. She is in the wrong, disrespectful, and insulting from the get go. He's being a douche intentionally to get under the skin of people like her who believe they have no obligations to be decent human beings, people who leave their messes for others to clean up without qualms because somebody will take care of them. She was being a dumb bitch before he arrived, leaving her cart where it blocks both the parking spot and endangers the neighboring car, and could easily damage others by rolling, that's why cart return spots exist. Maybe his car has been repeatedly damaged by inappropriately abandoned carts, we don't know his motivation for demanding others not be irresponsible. He maybe should have just moved it and a few others to block her then sat back and recorded her outrage, and not engaged with the douchey nutjob....but that wouldn't have the desired effect.

Guaranteed she litters, despite her claims....she absolutely records him without permission, something she claimed was illegal when he did it. Rules don't apply to people like her. Civility isn't part of their makeup, neither is accepting social obligations...She must be a Trump supporter.

He was calm and polite at first until she went full superbitch on him immediately.

I fully support being a dick to dicks, and a douche to douches. I would have supported him knocking her phone out of her hand like she tried multiple times...turnabout is always fair play, and she was the disrespectful douchebag first and best....eventually blocking handicapped parking in her disrespectful rage after trying twice to break his camera/phone.

If you're doing something wrong that could harm others and someone calls you out, YOU are the asshole, not the upright citizen who saw something and said something. If you get outraged at being called out for ignoring your responsibility, you are the douchebag that deserves public shaming.

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