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Subway acrobatic/dance skills at there finest

mxxcon says...

Which happens many many many times!

God I hate these assholes so much! Love it when they get arrested or smash their faces against poles when train stops unexpectedly.

newtboy said:

It's all fun and games until someone gets kicked in the face.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Odd, there are correct answers in other countries that are doing exponentially better that America.
Trump has no correct answer. FTFT

If it's a state issue, why are Trump and Devos trying to force them to open no matter what states say?

By no one you mean Trump. Fauchi knew, CDC officials knew, doctors knew, basically anyone with an average IQ knew. Only nobodies DIDN'T know, and you all are willfully ignorant, not honestly questioning professionals but obstinately backing an ignorant moron's dangerous and inconsistent "plan".

Dual shifts?! Are you fucking kidding? Your plan is make overworked underpaid teachers work twice as long, doubling their exposure and workload?! They'll walk week one.

Open to varying work south? Are you suggesting we outsource teaching to Mexicans? What?

Fuck you asshole, you said you work from home less than two weeks ago, or did you forget? Fucking liar.

Again, your plan is to let up to >5% of Americans die and 10% be permanently disabled....not to mention the insane medical costs, most not covered by insurance....all to avoid social distancing.

Your anti American sentiment is showing, your suggestions amount to 15 million dead Americans and 30 million more disabled is way better than wearing a mask and distancing. Only America's enemies would consider such a thing....comrade.

bobknight33 said:

There is no correct answer.

School opening is a state issue.

No one really knows what will be few months ago.

If open then maybe alternate days dual shifts or any other way if need to open.
Then also Employees should also be open to varying work south.

I have yet to miss a day of work.
Mask up and move forward cautiously.

This mess will go away when all get nicked and let covid run its course.

Solving the Mask Shortage in Huntington Beach

newtboy says...

Sneeze on every one of these assholes.
If not for self centered morons like these, the epidemic would be over with under 1/10 of the current infection and death numbers.

I'm so happy they are starting to get pepper sprayed, it's totally the correct response. Self defense is an excuse to use it, and anyone without a mask under 20 ft from you (the 6 ft distance is bullshit, you aren't safe under the distance a sneeze travels) is assaulting you.


newtboy says...

Brother? Really? Yeah, you aren't a bit racist, just stuck in the 70's (when that would still be considered racist, but at least contemporarily racist).

One bad apple.....spoils the bunch is the rest of that sentence.
We see nothing but bad apples. There are no good apples in the bunch, because they left those bad apples in the bunch for decades, actually recruiting them in many cases (see Florida, who recruits cops fired for violence).

Pablo Escobar did nice things, he was a bad apple. Not being the most racist, accusatory, disrespectful, violent assholes possible at every turn does not make a good apple. Turning in, and testifying against his fellow thuggish cops whenever they get violent, racist, or abusive until those cops are in prison instead of on the force, that makes a good apple. They don't exist.

The agreement between law enforcement and citizens starts with law enforcement's obligations.
First is to enforce the law evenly and fairly, not use it as a club for their personal prejudices. Second is their obligation to police themselves with greater zeal and less leeway than they give citizens.
Until they fulfil these obligations, citizens have no obligation to be civil to them. They shirked their obligations first, and theirs came with authority and benefits they retain even though they fail at their obligations every single time.
Civility with police in no way protects you from often does nothing but give them excuses to violate citizens further. Any first year lawyer can tell you, there's no benefit to speaking with them at all.

Funny how you think finding one instance where being friendly ended with just a ticket and search you insist it works every time despite the numerous, uncountable examples proving that's simply not true shown to you daily.

"The race issue" (as if it's only one issue) if at the forefront because Republicans have become so outrageously overtly racist with support from the top down that the entire planet has had enough and are marching against the racist, murderous police. We know who is on who's side. It's clear. No one is accepting your word on the subject. We know you have said clearly that you support lying if it helps your cause or proves your point.

BTW, thanks for getting last night's bobknight33 off the keyboard. That one really needs more practice before being put in rotation, he didn't sound like the bobknight33 group in any way. Edit:oops, I hadn't read your other post this morning. These do not appear to be the same person posting in your name 1 1/2 hours apart....shift change comrades?

bobknight33 said:


Sorry NEWT no brother was harmed. Nothing to see here. I realize ALL you post is bad cop vids because of your derange mind is to intolerant to accept that not all cops are bad.

Take solace newt, you will find something to bitch about this.

This is the example of the social compact between society and its law enforcement.

Funny when one is cordial, open dialog, legal, and complies with request form officers things go pretty well.

However this is NOT the narrative that FAKE news pushes day in day out, sowing the seeds of discontent just for the up coming election. If Dems win then race issue pushed to the back burner again.

Black Man Gets Pulled Over For Doing 65 in a 70

newtboy says...

There's no such thing as a casual conversation with a racist pig. Only conversation designed to catch you in what they say is some admission or claim you slurred your words so they can violate you more.
Never answer questions. None. You have no obligation to help them investigate you, and that's what questions are. You have a constitutional right to remain silent, use it.

Another good cop? As good as they get now, only blatantly racist by his actions. There's no such thing as a good cop. They're a myth.
Note after seeing this video they aren't a bit convinced there's something wrong with him giving a written warning for not speeding and before they'll even consider looking at his actions they need an official complaint with his name, address, place of work, car model and color, license, and any other identifying information attached....for ID purposes not retaliation. His entire department backs him in this harassment. I'll bet $20 if he went to the precinct to make an official complaint they'll first spend hours dismissively trying to talk him out of it before claiming they're out of forms, come back next week and try again.

A warning for 5 mph under the limit. Yeah....I'm sure he pulls over every little old white lady he sees driving and arrests them, they go 20+mph under 70. What utter bullshit.

These aren't police, not civil servants, and they aren't there to help or keep the peace, they're violent, power tripping thugs, racists, liars, and are all severely lead deficient. The last two weeks have proven it conclusively.

Perry, please make that official formal complaint, and please record that interaction in full. This was not a valid traffic stop, it was an abuse of power by a disrespectful racist asshole who wanted to harass a black man.



Photojournalist blinded in left eye by police projectile

newtboy says...

Worthless assholes happen.

But who really cares?
Just another fake Republican making more fake baseless accusations for his fake president and his anti constitution, anti American team.


BTW, *redacted*, it was not an accident.

bobknight33 said:

Accidents happen.

But who really cares.
Just another fake news liberal who took one for the team.

newtboy (Member Profile)

JiggaJonson says...

Don't mistake me, im not unreasonable. Im sure we probably could find someone who didn't add an asterisk and say "IF no one does anything" as an attempt to get ratings. As someone with extra time on his hands who was watching the news nearly constantly though, I didnt see that.

That said, still don't think the claim holds up. Even if there was halfhazard use of that study as a headline creator at times, he's using it as a justification to say basically that there definitely WERE going to be these deaths, and trump stopped them. That is simply not true. If even one single person decided to wear a mask, those numbers drop.

That and there are degrees of good and bad jobs being done, it's not binary.

Closing down the country? good.
Closing it down earlier? better.
Not restocking the emergency stockpilke when warned? bad
Blaming obama when he is the one who fired the pandemic team? asshole
Funneling money for small business relief into his own company and his son in laws? criminal
Opening too soon? bad
Finally encouraging people to wear masks? okay, but could be better


------------- also ----------------

my cousin just died
39, 5 kids
she had "fluid on the lungs"
but it's not determined yet the cause
like im saying my mom just called me 1 hour ago
im tryin to find a fucking picture of her on her husband's facebook
but all i can find is shit about not wearing masks and how obama is trying to stop trump from blah blah blah

Did donald trump kill my cousin? absolutely not.
Did he help spread propaganda that encouraged her to not wear a mask and break social distancing because 'MERICA!? yes And he's currently trying to force the RNC to accomodate 50k people in one small space, to boot.

She was 39, 5 kids

newtboy said:

Not only that, it's a worst case scenario based on no one doing a thing over the course of the outbreak if it lasts for years and the medical system is overwhelmed.

As you said, NO CREDIBLE PERSON said it WOULD or even COULD happen in "a few months", or ever in the real world, which was his claim. Only people like Trump intentionally misstating the conclusions to create paper tigers he could slay have said it.

Man refusing to wear a mask breaks arm of Target employee

newtboy says...

Sadly, these brothers are reported to be indignant transients, so won't be paying for the security guard's medical bills, pain and suffering, or loss of wages.
I do hope they both get a nice roof over their heads and 3 meals a day at taxpayer's expense for the next 3-5. Self centered assholes won't be missed by anyone.

Roger Stone Unhinged In New Deposition Footage | NowThis

Dr Drew's Horrific Coronavirus Advice Compilation

eoe says...

When I bike around town and some asshole almost hits me with his car, I oftentimes catch up to them at a red light. I usually knock on their window and ask them to be more careful because they almost fucking killed me. Politely. But usually a little bit of adrenaline behind my voice because, you know, he almost killed me.

Sometimes they tell me to fuck off. But 9 times out of 10 they say they didn't even see me and that they're sorry. And honestly, even though they almost killed me, sorry makes a lot of the hate go away.

Can one of these pigfuckers please, for the love of fucking god, just say, "I was wrong. I'm sorry that I underestimated the breadth and deadliness of this disease. Please listen to other sources of information. I'm obviously misinformed."

But not one yet. Not a single one has admitted to their inaccuracy. Not even good ol' @bobknight33.

A walk through an Italian hospital right now

lucky760 says...

Holy crap man... geez, that's hard to watch and awful to realize how many humans are just laying there waiting to die... 800 died yesterday alone in Italy...

Heart-wrenching. And it kills me to see so many people out socializing in close proximity without a care in the world. They know and don't care that they can all be silently passing the virus on to one another then on to other loved ones who are more vulnerable.

It won't stop spreading if people won't fucking stop being selfish dipshit assholes.

Family Businessman by Good Cop/ Rad Cop

w1ndex says...

I live in east Tennessee, unfortunately, the amount of opportunistic assholes in this state is high, thankfully there are some decent people but you never hear about them, always the trash.

Family Businessman by Good Cop/ Rad Cop

newtboy says...

So glad Amazon shut him down, I hope eBay, Craig's list, and elsewhere did too. I have to wonder if he broke even before they did, selling $1 bottles for $70 it wouldn't take long.

What a douchebag pandemic profiteer. I'm actually surprised Trump isn't doing the same thing, it's so his style. I hope it's a separate felony for each item he gouged with.

If you're sick and in Tennessee, find this guy and go directly to his house looking for sanitizer, and be sure to cough on your money first. If anyone deserves to be deliberately infected, it's assholes like him.

*promote a *quality shaming

eric3579 said:

This dude..

Trump Gives Mitt Romney A Cool New Nickname

JiggaJonson says...

@bobknight33 You are an asshole. Like others have said, Mitt isn't someone I agree with but he seems to be an honest person when it counts.

John McCain was someone who I loathed mostly for picking that religious-nut-writhing-on-the-ground-chanting Sarah Palin. Genuine policy disagreements and VP pick aside though, he was a patriotic American and highlights just what a traitor this president and his supporters are to this country in comparison.

That said, he spent 5 years being tortured in Vietnam rather than leaving immediately because he refused to leave without his fellow American captors.

John McCain was and remains an honorable person and a patriotic American who cared about his own.

Here's a detailed account

"What they wanted, of course, was to send me home at the same time that my father took over as commander in the Pacific. This would have made them look very humane in releasing the injured son of a top U. S. officer. It would also have given them a great lever against my fellow prisoners, because the North Vietnamese were always putting this "class" business on us. They could have said to the others "Look, you poor devils, the son of the man who is running the war has gone home and left you here. No one cares about you ordinary fellows." I was determined at all times to prevent any exploitation of my father and my family.

There was another consideration for me. Even though I was told I would not have to sign any statements or confessions before I went home, I didn't believe them. They would have got me right up to that airplane and said, "Now just sign this little statement." At that point, I doubt that I could have resisted, even though I felt very strong at the time.

But the primary thing I considered was that I had no right to go ahead of men like Alvarez, who had been there three years before I "got killed"—that's what we say instead of "before I got shot down," because in a way becoming a prisoner in North Vietnam was like being killed."

Don't ever talk about him again you fucking traitor.

bobknight33 said:

I prefer the nick name Mitt McCain

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