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Geometry Lesson: How to Assassinate the President

Matthu says...

For a second I was like, Hmmmm, then I realized he's a teacher and naturally what he sas in his classroom is going to affect his job.

He should have exercised better judgement and not used a presidential assasination as a forum to teach geometry. That's stupid.

Countdown: Obama Authorizes the Killing of American Citizen

Countdown: Obama Authorizes the Killing of American Citizen

enoch says...

an executive order to seek out and eliminate a specific person and not ONCE in that segment did i hear either olbermann or rice use the correct term:
because that is exactly what they are talking about.

PhotoSketch creates a photo-realistic montage from a sketch

The Power Of Religious Beliefs

enoch says...

What are you on about??? I think you've misheard what he said in the video,

reading your transcript i must have,or conflated two dissparate points into one.
thank you.

i understand that mr harris was using islam as an example,i furthered it by supplying my own.
i shall attempt to clarify my point:
i have no problem with mr harris's premise,in fact i tend to agree with him.
here is my crux..if you will.
in my opinion his premise would have had FAR more veracity if he didnt indulge in such blanket while i would not wish for examples from each religion i would like his examples to be more precise.
example:what mr harris has issue with,as do i for that matter,is "fundamentalism" and the misuse of it's supposed authority.
the palestinian suicide bomber does not run into an isreali cafe ad kill dozens of people because the qur'an tells him to.he does this out of desperation against oppression of a military occupier and as a last is the RELIGION and the leaders of that religion that use dogma and doctrine to make such an act acceptible,even praiseworthy.
another example:
a devout christian who is pro-life,agressively anti-abortion,assasinates the abortion clinics doctor.this to any sane person is hypocrisy absolute,but this mans religious leaders have twisted scripture and doctrine to somehow make murder ok,all to serve an agenda.
the REAL fight is with fundamentalism,not religion.
the real fight is with those who,for their own advancement,would pervert another human being by amplifying their faith into a murderous fervor.
which mr harris speaks about,and i agree.
the only point i was making is lets point the finger at the real culprits,not those who follow peacefully in faith and in make such blanket statements discounts rich histories,contributions to cultures and the humanities.a total population which counts in the millions.and in the case of islam...billions.

this was the only point i was attempting to make.i stated i agreed with mr harris,just not with his execution.i am not an atheist but neither am i a fundamentalist.i actually dont follow any religion at all..i just teach it.
i do hope i did a better job in conveying my point.
till next time...peace.

Black Eyed Peas Have Officially Written The Worst Song Ever

oinkinstein says...

>> ^EDD:
>> ^alien_concept:
When is someone going to assasinate Fergie? She is an abomination with a vagina and I detest her

You're treading on dangerous ground there, a_c.
I mean - assassination would only make her a martyr. We don't want that. Better let her fade away into the nothingness that is a miserable self-indulgent ex-celebrity heroin-addict existence.

the only thing i saw in that post was ass ass

Black Eyed Peas Have Officially Written The Worst Song Ever

EDD says...

>> ^alien_concept:
When is someone going to assasinate Fergie? She is an abomination with a vagina and I detest her

You're treading on dangerous ground there, a_c.

I mean - assassination would only make her a martyr. We don't want that. Better let her fade away into the nothingness that is a miserable self-indulgent ex-celebrity heroin-addict existence.

Erik B. & Rakim - Microphone Fiend

MrFisk says...

I was a fiend before I became a teen
I melted microphone instead of cones of ice cream
Music orientated so when hip-hop was originated
Fitted like pieces of puzzles, complicated
cause I grabbed the mic and try to say, yes y'all!
They tried to take it, and say that I'm too small
Cool, cause I don't get upset
I kick a hole in the speaker, pull the plug, then I jet
Back to the lab ...without a mic to grab
So then I add all the rhymes I had
One after the other one, then I make another one
To dis the opposite then ask if the brothers done
I get a craving like I fiend for nicotine
But I don't need a cigarette, know what I mean?
I'm raging, ripping up the stage and
Don't it sound amazing cause every rhyme is made and
Thought of, cuz its sort addiction,
Magnatized by the mixing
Vocals, vocabulary, your verses, you're stuck in
The mic is a drano, volcanoes erupting,
Rhymes overflowing, gradually growing
Everything is written in the cold, so it can coin-
Cide, my thoughts to guide,
48 tracks to slide
The invincible, microphone fiend rakim
Spread the word, cause I'm in
A smooth operator operating correctly,
But back to the problem, I gotta habit,
You cant solve it, silly rabbit
The prescription is a hypertone thats thorough when
I fiend for a microphone like heroin
Soon as the bass kicks, I need a fix
Gimme a stage and a mic and a mix
And Ill put you in a mood or is it a state of
Unawareness? beware, its the reanamator!
A menace to a microphone, a lethal weapon
An assasinator, if the people ain't stepping
You see a part of me that you never seen
When I'm fiending for a microphone, Im the microphone fiend...

After 12, I'm worse that a gremlin
Feed me hip-hop and I start trembling
The thrill of suspense is intense, your horrified
But this ain't the cinemas of tales from the darkside,
By any means neccesary, this is what has to be done
Make way cause here I come....
My dj cuts material....
Grand imperial.
It's a must that I bust any mic youre hand to me,
Its inherited, its runs in the family
I wrote the rhyme that broke the bulls back,
If that dont slow em up, I carry a full pack.
Now I dont want to have to let off, you should of kept off
You didnt keep the stage warm, step off!
Ladies and gentleman, youre about to see
A pasttime hobby about to be
Take it to the maximum, I cant relax see, im
Hype as a hyperchrondriac cause the rap be one-
Hell of a antidote, something you cant smoke
More than dope, you're trying to move away but you cant, you're broke
More than cracked up, you should have backed up
For those who act up need to be more than smacked up
Any entertainer, I got a torture chamber
One on one and Im the remainder!
So close your eyes and hold your breath,
And I'm a hitcha wit the blow of death
Before you go, you'll remember you seen
The fiend of a microphone, I'm the microphone fiend

Jimi kills a Liberal

Countdown: The Bush Legacy (or the evisceration of ...)

NetRunner says...

>> ^RedSky:

I have to agree on your first point, PEPFAR did a lot of good, and it's probably the most common thing people put forward when asked "what did Bush do right?" Still, the point Olbermann makes about not funding groups who promote condom use goes to show how petty Bush can be, even when he's doing something that's working out well.

The Muslim theocracy in Lebanon is referring to the elections Bush pushed for that resulted in a big, legitimizing win for Hezbollah -- something Bush's own advisers had predicted. You can argue that maybe other courses of action might have had the same outcome or worse, but you can't argue that giving Hezbollah legitimate influence over a country's government is anything but a lost battle in this "war on terror" he's so fond of.

As for the Mumbai bombings, and Benazir Bhutto's assasination, they're outgrowths of a policy towards Pakistan that involved simply trusting Musharraf, and giving him buckets of aid with little to no accountability. Instead, all we ever hear is "Pakistan is on our side, Iraq is the main battlefront on the War on Terror." Looking for bin Laden in Waziristan is off the table.

You have a point about North Korea being a global failing, but they were trending towards dismantling their nuclear program during Clinton's diplomatic efforts. Bush stormed in with his "we don't talk to bad guys" policy, dismantled the talks, and North Korea responded by reverting to their old ways. They were left unchecked (again, Iraq was to be our main/only focus) until they were able to build a nuclear weapon.

As for the one-sided nature of Olbermann, there's not much to argue there other than to say "they started it first." Are Hannity, Glenn Beck, and Bill O'Reilly some sort of multifaceted objective political commentary? I don't want MSNBC to become the left's Fox News, but I think the media environment can tolerate one Olbermann, and many Maddow-like personalities, for there to at least be two sides doing the whole spin-as-news shtick.

If it were me, I'd love for the media to give believably objective reporting of current events, facts, and history, but all of the outlets that try to do so are either a) struggling to "prove" their objectivity by trying to show that both parties have equal responsibility for all failures or b) are flagged by people as being left-leaning because objectively speaking, Republicans haven't gotten anything right in quite a while.

We'll see how long people keep accusing, say, PBS or the NYT of being "liberal" now that Democrats are in power. I suspect even HuffPo and TPM will get credit for doing fact-based reporting, now that Democrats are in the driver's seat. After all, the "liberal" press loves to attack authority, no matter who they are. "Conservative" press will keep doing what it's been doing; smear Democrats at all times, praise conservative Republicans at all times, and frame all failures as a direct outgrowth of failure to adhere to conservative principles, or failure to pursue them drastically enough.

The Fastest Way to Smoke some Pot

Drax says...

That's like some sort of Pot Droid from Star Wars.

It would be called PT-420, would appear in one scene for about 2 seconds in one of the feature films. A comic book would feature it a few more times and it's cult following would truely start. Soon after a paper-back would be written with it as a main character as it hurled it's way fully into the expanded universe. The plot would involve an assasination attempt on yoda by the PT-420, thwarted by yoda's natural ability to consume as much narcotics as exists in the known (Star Wars) universe. "Stoned I am, always. Why talk like this, you think?", they would then befriend each other and take on imperial scum for the grand finale.

...oh my god, did I just make all this up just now? haha.. *puts down device*

Charles meets Obama

MINK says...

imstellar you are becoming the QM/BillO of austrian economics. or maybe the Palin of austrian economics... or maybe... the Tom Cruise of austrian economics.

i learned in school that WW1 started because of the assasination of Franz Ferdinand, so yeah I don't trust school much. I just know everything is too complicated to teach in school or to write down in some perfect theory.

Obama Assasination Plot

volumptuous says...

>> ^shuac:
What's the significance of 88 and 14?

I read somewhere that it has some sort of neo-nazi significance.

Oh shit. I just found it, and it's über creeps.


From Wikipedia

The Fourteen Words is a phrase used by white nationalists, Neo-Nazis, and others. It refers to both the 14-word slogan: "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children."[1], and the 14-word slogan: "Because the beauty of the White Aryan woman must not perish from the earth."[2] Both 14-word slogans were coined by David Lane, a member of the Neo-Nazi organization The Order. The first slogan was inspired by a statement, 88 words in length, quoted from Volume 1, Chapter 8 of Adolf Hitler's Mein Kampf:

What we must fight for is to safeguard the existence and reproduction of our race and our people, the sustenance of our children and the purity of our blood, the freedom and independence of the fatherland, so that our people may mature for the fulfillment of the mission allotted it by the creator of the universe. Every thought and every idea, every doctrine and all knowledge, must serve this purpose. And everything must be examined from this point of view and used or rejected according to its utility.

It can be combined with 88, as in 14/88 or 1488. The 8s stand for the eighth letter of the alphabet (H), with HH standing for Heil Hitler.[3] 88 can also stand for the book 88 Precepts by David Lane.[4]

chtierna (Member Profile)

burdturgler says...

It's not a dupe.
Thanks for the thoughtful response.
I'll edit what I said there.
Sorry about the misunderstanding.

In reply to this comment by chtierna:
The comedy channel assignment was only because their plan was absolutely insane. I just couldnt take it seriously (although I guess I should have) and you could even hear the news anchor laugh in the background. Still, I am sorry if I offended anyone, that was not my intent.

Do you want me to remove the video as a dupe? I think its from the same channel but before (after?) your video?

In reply to this comment by burdturgler:
Comedy is a rather sick channel assignment for this.
see also:

Special Comment to McCain: Get Control of your Campaign

zomgunicorns says...

This American election is just disgusting and I'm speaking as a Canadian observer. I seriously cannot believe McCain's camp is willing to put Obama's life in danger just to win. How sick is that?! At this point, it doesn't even matter if Obama or McCain wins, there is so much hatred built now that it will have a negative impact on America regardless of who becomes president.

If Obama wins, these angry ignorant people will be furious and will look down and even hinder any progress Obama makes. Heck, even an assasination attempt will most likely take place.

If McCain wins, these same people will have their racist, bigotted views justified. And this will show up on the streets, at work, in neighbourhoods, schools, everywhere. People will feel their hatred for another race, religion, whatever, is a way to solve problems... and why shouldn't they believe that if McCain wins?

ughhh.. anyways, sorry bout the rant

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