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German prostitutes in Berlin on the Oranienburger strasse

deathcow says...

Image stabilization in post-processing. This is an artifact of whatever the hell they do to make a shaky image stand still.

Yogi said:

People smarter than I might be able to tell me why the image shifts all strangely? I've seen this with some videos and I have no idea what causes it.

Community - G.I. Joe Opening Title Sequence

ant says...

As a GI Joe cartoon fan from the (19)80s and not a Community fan, it was decently funny. I like how they used artifacts and cold commercials to make fun. I was weird to watch and hear it in HD. Heh.

Yogi said:

It was an Amazing episode!

shagen454 (Member Profile)

shagen454 (Member Profile)

Dragons are Real!

VideoSift isn't iPhone friendly (Sift Talk Post)

oritteropo says...

The most annoying thing for me is having to scroll down 57 pages to get to the stats at the bottom, which I think might be an artifact of the extra vertical space that was added as a workaround for the js resizing issue on the multi-column version... but can you take it out for the single column view?

There are a few other things that don't work terribly well, but that's the one that bugs me most.

lucky760 said:

No worries, blanketyblank. It's not your fault if the UI is a piece of crap. (And in this case, it's not directly "our" fault exactly because we outsourced the entire front-end design and implementation for the first time ever. But I digress.)

@dag and I have been discussing potentially making some sweeping changes in the not-too-distant future, but I think an immediate change needs to be to put something more like the old mobile site back into place asap.

Before @lurgee mentioned to me how horrible and non-functional it is, I thought the current mobile stuff was working fine (mainly because I never use it and haven't heard any specific complaints [that I can remember]). So now this ST post just makes that point even clearer.

My apologies we've accidentally allowed our mobile site to not be as awesome as we thought it was. We thought the responsive design would allow you to use all the full features of the site while also maintaining the look and feel, but it sounds like it's just totally busted.

The Hobbit - The Desolation Of Smaug (HD Trailer)

Everything You Need To Know About Digital Audio Signals

Everything You Need To Know About Digital Audio Signals

MilkmanDan says...

Thanks for the reply and sharing your expertise -- sounds like you'd confirm everything that the video said.

This probably just displays my ignorance more, but specifically with regards to the MP3 format, do you think it adds any noticeable compression artifacts even at high-quality settings? Part of my problem was that I was thinking of MP3 *bit*rate as sampling rate (128 kbit/s = 128 kHz, which is not at all correct). But still, MP3 is a lossy format (obviously since one can turn a 650M CD into ~60M of 128k MP3s, or still a large filesize savings even for 320k) and even my relatively untrained ear can sometimes hear the difference at low (say, 128k or lower) bitrates.

I guess that a music producer wouldn't record/master anything in a compressed format like MP3, so that is sort of entirely separate from the point of this video and your comment. But just out of curiosity, do you think that people can detect differences between a 16 bit 44 kHz uncompressed digital recording (flac maybe?) and a very high quality MP3 (say, 320 kbit)?

hamsteralliance said:

Going from 16 bits, to 24 bits will lower the noise floor which, if you have the audio turned up enough, you can hear it ever so slightly. It's not a huge difference and you're not going to hear it in a typical song. It's definitely there, but it's already insanely quiet at 16 bits. An "Audiophile" on pristine gear may notice the slight change in hiss in a moment of silence, with the speakers cranked up - but that's about it.

As for pushing up the sampling rate, when you get beyond 44.1kHz, you're not really dealing with anything musical anymore. All you're hearing, if you're hearing it at all, is "shimmer". or "air". It sounds "different" and you might be able to tell which is which, but it's one of those differences that doesn't really matter in effect. A 44.1khz track can still make ear-piercingly high frequencies - the added headroom just makes it glisten in a really inconsequential way.

This is coming from 17 years of music production. I've gone through all of this, over and over again, testing myself, trying to figure out what is and isn't important.

At the end of it all, I work on everything in 16bit 48kHz - I record audio files in 24 bit 48 kHz - then export as 16 bit 44.1kHz. I don't enable dither anymore. I don't buy pro-audio sound cards anymore. I don't use "studio monitors" anymore. I just take good care of my ears and make music now.

Everything You Need To Know About Digital Audio Signals

MilkmanDan says...

This goes beyond my knowledge level of signals and waveforms, but it was very interesting anyway.

That being said, OK, I'm sold on the concept that ADC and back doesn't screw up the signal. However, I'm pretty sure that real audiophiles could easily listen to several copies of the same recording at different bitrates and frequencies and correctly identify which ones are higher or better quality with excellent accuracy. I bet that is true even for 16bit vs 24bit, or 192kHz vs 320kHz -- stuff that should be "so good it is impossible to tell the difference".

Since some people that train themselves to have an ear for it CAN detect differences (accurately), the differences must actually be there. If they aren't artifacts of ADC issues, then what are they? I'm guessing compression artifacts?

In a visual version of this, I remember watching digital satellite TV around 10-15 years ago. The digital TV signal was fine and clear -- almost certainly better than what you'd get from an analog OTA antenna. BUT, the satellites used (I believe) mpeg compression to reduce channel bandwidth, and that compression created some artifacts that were easy to notice once somebody pointed them out to you. I specifically remember onscreen people getting "jellyface" anytime someone would nod slowly, or make similar periodic motions. I've got a feeling that some of the artifacts that we (or at least those of us that are real hardcore audiophiles) can notice in MP3 audio files are similar to an audio version of that jellyface kind of issue.

Man of Steel - Trailer 2

Sagemind says...


1). His love of humanity - Absolutely
2). Lois Lane (and Jonathan & Martha Kent)
3). Kryptonite - Proven Absolutely
4). Red Sun or Starless worlds would void his powers but first you have to make him go there.
5). Magic - Can slow him down, but can't kill him
6). Virus X - Kryptonian leprosy, the only form of disease for which Kryptonians had not found a cure (Turns out Blue Kryptonite is the cure)
7). Mind Control - He has no powers against mind control but he is a strong minded individual and has battled this and won before.
8 ). Extreme amounts of force/impact ("Darkseid and a few others have this power").
9). No air/Food/water - Superman could survive indefinitely without food, water, or rest due to the yellow sun's radiation sustaining him.

Shazam - Almost killed Superman with his lightning bolts which are magic
Lex Luthor used a magical artifact called the Powerstone to take his powers away.
Wonder Woman's magic sword can cut him.
Hulk kicked his ass once too but wasn't able to follow through.

Looks like his next major weakness after Kryptonite is Magic. Not all magic though. Only some magic granted by Gods, and then only some gods has the power to affect him. Magic has been able to lay him out but has never stopped him.

Check this forum where they clearly argue it out:

Greatest Surfing Wipeouts of 2011 = Ouch

Owen Jones deconstructs the Gaza situation on BBC's QT

shinyblurry says...

Perhaps you've never studied the history of the region, but the reason I haven't addressed your questions is because I reject the central premise, which is the notion of a distinct "Palestinian" people. There is no such thing as a Palestinian people. There never has been any people in history going by that name, or demanding a country of their own. There is no Palestinian culture, artifacts..nothing The fact is, there is no actual difference between Palestinians, Jordanians, and Syrians. Before I go into it, you can hear it straight from the horses mouth:

"The Palestinian people does not exist. The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel for our Arab unity. In reality today there is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand that we posit the existence of a distinct "Palestinian people" to oppose Zionism. For tactical reasons, Jordan, which is a sovereign state with defined borders, cannot raise claims to Haifa and Jaffa, while as a Palestinian, I can undoubtedly demand Haifa, Jaffa, Beer-Sheva and Jerusalem. However, the moment we reclaim our right to all of Palestine, we will not wait even a minute to unite Palestine and Jordan."

Zuheir Mohsen leader of the Syria-controlled as-Sa'iqa faction of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) between 1971 and 1979.

James Dorsey, "Wij zijn alleen Palestijn om politieke reden", Trouw, 31 March 1977.

They aren't struggling for "independence", they are waging all out war against the Jews. The "Palestinians" have been offered their own state many, many times, with the initial deal being something like 80 percent of the entire country. They rejected it and vowed to exterminate the Jews. They are not interested in negotiating because they want to wipe any Jewish presence in the region off of the map. They're also being funded and supplied by Arab nations all over the Middle East for this purpose. Why? Because Muslims are raised to hate Jews and this stems from the Qur'an. It probably goes back to when the Jews rejected Muhammad as a prophet.

Please research the history:

messenger said:

Yes and no. But I have to get rid of your loaded terms and misleading juxtapositions. First, nobody here is a murderer. They are at war with Israel, and they killed people on the other side, just as Israel does to Palestinians.

VideoSift 5.0 bugs go here. (Sift Talk Post)

Sagemind says...

Why are all the video thumbnails such bad quality?
I'm looking at them and they are fuzzy, blurry and almost look like they have a screen filter on them. It is possible that the thumbnail process is compressing the images too much creating extensive compression artifact but I don't think that's it. To me they all look like what you would get if you filmed your TV screen with a low resolution video camera and then made a JPG out of it. Just plain ol' low quality.

Why are the comment text boxes so small?
Text boxes, like the one I am typing in right now show about six lines of text. I assume it's to give that sleek/slim look to the page and not take up so much vertical real estate on the page. Sometimes slimmer isn't better. I have to constantly stop and scroll up and down just to read my one paragraph as I'm typing to make sure my sentences make sense. Never mind actually trying to see more of what I've written. It's not quite like reading a book through a pin-hole but it does feel awfully claustrophobic. - Oh hold on... There's a corner I can pull and make the text box window larger - nice. You still may or may not want to set the default box size to text lines of text, at least.

Magnetic Cannon

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