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Republicans explaining why you should NOT vote for Romney

Hive13 says...

I can't believe that Romney not only got the party nomination, but that it is still even considered that he may win.

It just goes to show that all you have to be is white, mid 50's, semi-attractive (with a dash of salt and pepper hair), be anti-gay rights, anti-Obama and anti-abortion and most Republicans will blindly support you no matter your name, stance on issues (other than the three above), economic plan (or even a vague one), and a consistent, verified, proven history of lies, flip-flopping and deception.

It is pathetic. It is like those Calvin peeing on Ford/Chevy stickers that everyone had on the car a few years back. Blind loyalty and devotion to anything is such a bad thing.

Next election, I sure hope that the third party candidates get the time in the spotlight. If the media actually showed more on Gary Johnson or Jill Stein Or Virgil Goode and the like, I promise you that there would be a lot more people willing to support them over Romney/Obama.

Japanese Woman breastfeeds her pet cat

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

As long as your cat was male. I'm anti-gay-cat marriage.>> ^UsesProzac:

I poured a bit of my breast milk in a bowl for my cat, curious to see if he'd like it. About fell over himself to lap it up. As soon as this gay marriage thing takes off, going to see if I can marry my cat.
>> ^dag:
Happy to discuss this one, but I despise the idea of sexualising breast feeding. Can't a woman breastfeed her cat in peace without it being a sex thing?

Dad Cites Bible To Disown Gay Son In Letter

VoodooV says...

Now let's just think about this a second.

What are the odds of someone seeing this video who is a parent and anti-gay, realizing that they would never do that to their son/daughter and seriously rethinks their stance on homosexuality.


A parent who is anti-gay seeing this video and re-affirming their beliefs or if they do have a kid who is gay, finding the "courage" to finally disown their kid.

The former is just a tad bit more likely than the latter. So please. Let's air this stuff out. The more people do stupid shit like this, the more it hastens acceptance.

Kofi (Member Profile)

Boise_Lib (Member Profile)

Boise_Lib (Member Profile)

direpickle (Member Profile)

direpickle (Member Profile)

Anti-Gay Protest at General Mills goes wrong

How to Make Your Own Chick-Fil-A (Hate Free Sandwich)

Truckchase says...

>> ^bobknight33:

The left is all inclusive unless you have a different point of view.
Who had anti gay signs? Over 21 million people at there on 8/1. I would guess there might be a few but go ahead Show one, just one. Not Photoshoped.

Its easier to just swing through the drive through.

And thus you get the point. These people won't come out and actively admit to their discriminatory views, but make fast food a proxy for denying a minority the same rights and they show up in the millions. These are the same people that obscure, yet act on their viewpoints on a day-to-day basis, making the lives of minorities more difficult than most can grasp.

It's unfortunate we have to go through this, but we humans evolved to fear things we don't understand. Thus the best thing we can do is work to increase understanding.

Caribou Barbie CLUELESS on 1st Amendment

VoodooV says...

I realize I am debating with a brick wall aka @bobknight33, but...:

"You believe in the gay thing and are proud also in that belief. No one is bashing you for that belief."

my "thing" doesn't infringe on anyone's rights. Yours and the CEO's does.

"Maybe 5% not 1/2"

nope, pull your head out of the sand/ass Look it up on gallup or any reputable site. Gay marriage support is over 50 percent. If you don't want your money supporting anti-gay causes, you won't be supporting chik-fil-a anymore. And it's a hell of a lot easier to NOT eat there as opposed to those who would support who now have to eat there frequently in order to make up for that lost business. Even if it was five percent. From a business standpoint, that's still a retarded thing to do. I noticed that there were a lot of old people who showed up to support chik-fil-a. Those old people aren't going to be around for much longer and regardless of whether it's 5 or 50 percent, It's only going to go up.

"If I am not mistaken his statement was on a religious station so he was speaking his religious beliefs. He does not regret saying those words. He just regrets the childish hatred from the " open minded" community. You guys don't seem too open minded. "

again, mr. brick wall. My views don't infringe anyone's rights. yours ultimately do. not being tolerant of those who are intolerant is not intolerance.

"I don't know of any hard evidence to support this statement Time will tell. I strongly believe that Divorce and single parenting is dangerous and destructive to the fabric of the country. I believe there are no "winners" in a divorce. I would rather see pro marriage agenda being push rather than call now for a quick divorce ad."

If I had a nickel for all the things people claimed would destroy the fabric of america, but didn't I would have a lot of nickels. allowing women to vote. interracial marriage, ending slavery, civil rights, the list goes on and on.

How exactly does one measure the "fabric" of america? Does it have good tensile strength? Or is the "fabric" argument just a bullshit way of invoking fear to scare people into agreeing with you. Agree with my view or AMERICA WILL DIE!!! WHY DO YOU HATE AMERICA!! All these things that will supposedly destroy america have been around long before America even existed. If they were destroying america, they're doing a shitty job of it.

You and your ilk have demonstrated time and time again that you have no actual evidence as to why homosexuality is bad or harmful other than some old book. If you can't make your case, then prepare to be another footnote in society along with those who thought the earth was flat.

Caribou Barbie CLUELESS on 1st Amendment

bobknight33 says...

Again. Why should he offer an apology? He did nothing wrong.

He is allowed to denote $ to causes that he believes in.
He should be proud he is standing up for what he believes in.

You believe in the gay thing and are proud also in that belief. No one is bashing you for that belief.

You stated\
" They needlessly pissed off at least half their customer base." Maybe 5% not 1/2

-Proclaimed that people who don't share their stance are morally inferior.
-Declared on television that gay marriage is dangerous and destructive to the fabric of the country
" They've said that in the future they're going to stay out of situations like this which seems to indicate that they regret what they did. If they regret their apology WOULD be in order"

If I am not mistaken his statement was on a religious station so he was speaking his religious beliefs. He does not regret saying those words. He just regrets the childish hatred from the " open minded" community. You guys don't seem too open minded.

You stated\

"-Proclaimed that people who don't share their stance are morally inferior."
I don't know if he stated this but would be wrong to say.

You stated\
-Declared on television that gay marriage is dangerous and destructive to the fabric of the country "

I don't know of any hard evidence to support this statement Time will tell. I strongly believe that Divorce and single parenting is dangerous and destructive to the fabric of the country. I believe there are no "winners" in a divorce. I would rather see pro marriage agenda being push rather than call now for a quick divorce ad.

>> ^VoodooV:

Found this on another website and it would appear relevant:
Chick-fil-a and it's CEO met several criteria before earning a boycott.
-Donated to antigay causes.
-Announced that they did so
-Seemed proud of their stance
-Proclaimed that people who don't share their stance are morally inferior.
-Declared on television that gay marriage is dangerous and destructive to the fabric of the country
-Are a private company
- They needlessly pissed off at least half their customer base. They've said that in the future they're going to stay out of situations like this which seems to indicate that they regret what they did. If they regret their apology WOULD be in order.
It's called empathy bob, try it out sometime.

>> ^bobknight33:
Why should he offer an apology? He did nothing wrong.>> ^VoodooV:
>> ^bobknight33:
Gays 0 Chick Fil-a 1

bob's math isn't too good either. CEO didn't issue an apology, but they did release a statement saying that in the future they are going to stay out of hot-bed political issues.
It appears they have learned their lesson, but probably too late. Pro-gay supporters will very rarely eat there again, meanwhile the anti-gay supporters may be eating there a lot now...but they won't be able to sustain their attendance. They'll either go broke or die of a heart attack.
Net win for civil rights

Caribou Barbie CLUELESS on 1st Amendment

VoodooV says...

Found this on another website and it would appear relevant:

Chick-fil-a and it's CEO met several criteria before earning a boycott.

-Donated to antigay causes.
-Announced that they did so
-Seemed proud of their stance
-Proclaimed that people who don't share their stance are morally inferior.
-Declared on television that gay marriage is dangerous and destructive to the fabric of the country
-Are a private company
-Are a company that requires minimal effort to boycott
-Are small enough that a boycott might have an effect

They needlessly pissed off at least half their customer base. They've said that in the future they're going to stay out of situations like this which seems to indicate that they regret what they did. If they regret their apology WOULD be in order.

It's called empathy bob, try it out sometime.

>> ^bobknight33:

Why should he offer an apology? He did nothing wrong.>> ^VoodooV:
>> ^bobknight33:
Gays 0 Chick Fil-a 1

bob's math isn't too good either. CEO didn't issue an apology, but they did release a statement saying that in the future they are going to stay out of hot-bed political issues.
It appears they have learned their lesson, but probably too late. Pro-gay supporters will very rarely eat there again, meanwhile the anti-gay supporters may be eating there a lot now...but they won't be able to sustain their attendance. They'll either go broke or die of a heart attack.
Net win for civil rights

How to Make Your Own Chick-Fil-A (Hate Free Sandwich)

bobknight33 says...

The left is all inclusive unless you have a different point of view.

Who had anti gay signs? Over 21 million people at there on 8/1. I would guess there might be a few but go ahead Show one, just one. Not Photoshoped.

Its easier to just swing through the drive through.

Caribou Barbie CLUELESS on 1st Amendment

bobknight33 says...

Why should he offer an apology? He did nothing wrong.>> ^VoodooV:

>> ^bobknight33:
Gays 0 Chick Fil-a 1

bob's math isn't too good either. CEO didn't issue an apology, but they did release a statement saying that in the future they are going to stay out of hot-bed political issues.
It appears they have learned their lesson, but probably too late. Pro-gay supporters will very rarely eat there again, meanwhile the anti-gay supporters may be eating there a lot now...but they won't be able to sustain their attendance. They'll either go broke or die of a heart attack.
Net win for civil rights

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