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Family Guy S16E18: Millenials -- Who are they?

00Scud00 says...

Back in the day I used to use ProCom software with my modem and got a copy that turned it into ProFuck that turned all the language into something filthy. Ah to be young and easily amused again.

ant said:

My cyberfriend changed all "cloud" to "butt". Heh.

Hey Incels, women don’t owe you anything

scheherazade says...

The last comment about 'be a nice guy' is interesting.

I was listening to Joe Rogan Experience, and they mentioned something about how the genesis of the 'woman hater' is actually the forever-friend-zoned-nice-guy who gets so fed up with being 'taken for granted'/'shot down' that his niceness turns into hatred

It made sense to me. Essentially, the woman hater is what becomes of a boring nice guy who lacked the patience/endurance to wait for women his age to make their way through all the exciting unreliable men before being satiated (or just getting too old to fetch the interesting men's attention) and finally settling for the nice guy that was boringly always available.

And I get it. It plays into the human natural value system, where things that are scarce are more valuable.

The ahole is fleeting. You can't always have him, and if you do you can't hold him, so he has an element of scarcity, which creates value.

The nice guy will reliably stick around if you go with him, so he is less scarce, so he is less valuable. The lower value in turn makes him more likely to be single and always available, further reducing his scarcity, and further devaluing him, and further increasing his chances of being single. A feedback loop.

I suppose that there is also a 3rd path - the element of nice guys that just stop giving a crap before turning into haters, which makes them more scarce, which actually finally gets them attention, and they stop being single.

(And a 4th path - nice guy finds 'a girl who wants a nice guy from the start'. In my observation this isn't the typical case.)

Cases like this (forever alone nice guy, not specifically Mr Van Driver) are when I think 'arrangement' web sites create a good solution. The guys get to not be lonely anymore, and the women gets taken care of. Kind of plays into the nice guy natural instinct, too.

Amusingly, 'arrangement' may be a better fit for the forever-alone nice guys than 'waiting it out'.
In both cases (waiting vs arrangement) the women are mainly after stability/support.
The older women 'nice guy' matches with by 'waiting it out' would not have picked 'nice guy' if they still had the looks to keep pulling exciting men.
So, if you're gonna be with someone because they want you for support, why not just go with a younger woman and be up front about the situation. If it doesn't work out, either party can walk away. No messy divorce. Seems like a safer and more practical option.

(Not picking on older women, just observing that : as people get older, the single scene becomes more and more 'leftovers' that are 'left over for a good reason'. The odds of finding anyone worth while diminish with time, because the highest quality individuals get retained first. Wait long enough, and you're left with over the hill jaded pragmatists who once may have had looks but now have nothing left to offer. At which point, both 'arrangement' and 'being single' are legitimately better options.)

Regarding Mr. Van Guy specifically, I'm not sure if he had a chance. He had some social anxiety that made him unable to talk to people. So he was likely not gonna get a partner naturally, and was unlikely to succeed among professional peers well enough to get the financial security necessary to be some sugar daddy.

So, yeah, dude was likely a romantic dead end. Possibly even the same mental (brain developmental?) issues that made him unable to talk to people also made him susceptible to getting the sort of crazy tilted that allowed him to run people over. The dude could have actually been fated (circumstantially) to end up in tragedy. Just speculating, wouldn't shock me.


Launching An Entire Fireworks Display At Once

nanrod says...

Judging by their reactions it was either a hell of a lot more awesome in person than on video, or they are easily amused.

Why would you put streamers there?

How the Alt-Right Trolls

FlowersInHisHair says...

That's not the proposed solution, though. The main idea is to keep control of your own story by explaining to your audience, not to the troll, what the truth is. But there is really nothing wrong with pruning remarks from people who are only trying to rile you or your audience up for their own amusement (true trolling). That's not the same as shutting down all contrary views, it's refusing to tolerate lies and unreasoned arguments that attempt to divert the conversation on a tangent.

entr0py said:

That was a good description of why that form of argument is successful, but the proposed solution seems unsatisfying. I mean, if you just shut down all contrary views by deleting the posts, banning the posters or ignoring them, it makes it seem like you're just trying to build a comfortable echo chamber. I feel like you've got to preserve the willingness to consider that you might be wrong, even when confronted with trolls.

A Computer Vision System's Walk Through Times Square

mysdrial says...

I'm especially amused when it highlights the handbags/backpacks....I just assume this is the prototype for Bender's stealing algorithm...

King Tut - SNL

Say nay to Nonsensical Rifle Addiction (NRA)

newtboy says...

$40-$60 million more in undisclosed payments to Manafort surfaced last week....but Trump has nothing to do with the Trump for president campaign, does he?....and did I say collusion, or even Trump? Nope, but a guilty conscience hears accusations that never happened.
The Russians today are doing exactly what you do, pretending to be right wing nutjobs on left leaning sites, and lefty snowflakes on right leaning sites, pushing the narrative to all that the other guy is a total nut by making ridiculous, ignorant claims like you do. If you aren't being paid by Putin, you're working for him for free.

Jesus fucking Christ, Bob. Can you be more deluded and ignorant? Once again, your Russian text book of American history is 100% ass backwards.

Southern strategy: In American politics, the southern strategy was a Republican Party electoral strategy to increase political support among white voters in the South by appealing to racism against African Americans.[1][2][3] As the Civil Rights Movement and dismantling of Jim Crow laws in the 1950s and 1960s visibly deepened existing racial tensions in much of the Southern United States, Republican politicians such as presidential candidate Richard Nixon and Senator Barry Goldwater developed strategies that successfully contributed to the political realignment of many white, conservative voters in the South to the Republican Party that had traditionally supported the Democratic Party.[4] It also helped push the Republican Party much more to the right.[4]
Not Nixon courting the black vote.

Troll: Internet slang, a troll (/ˈtroʊl/, /ˈtrɒl/) is a person who sows discord on the Internet by starting quarrels or upsetting people, by posting inflammatory,[1] extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a newsgroup, forum, chat room, or blog) with the intent of provoking readers into an emotional response[2] or of otherwise disrupting normal, on-topic discussion,[3] often for the troll's amusement.
Definitely you, Dimitri. It's almost time to have lucky investigate your ip address to see if you're in Kiev or Moscow.

bobknight33 said:

Still ZERO Russians / TRUMP linkage of trump colluding to win the election. Keep dreaming --

There is Russian meddling but to mess with Clinton and to stoke the fires of discontent of black lives.

Russia/ Anti Clinton / BLM division YEP.

Southern strategy was Nixon attempt to gain black vote in the south. Wow Newt 1 instance of poor republican crap .... Yoo hoo -you got me there Newt 1 Bob 453. you still loose.

Democrats are littered with history destroying the black race. And you continue to push that agenda by keeping you head in the sand.

I hold the different opinion on this site but it is the correct opinion.

Troll-- I think not..Foolish ones like who believe their progressive elitist ideals are above reproach are the trolls.

Call Flooding an IRS Phone Scamming Company

And the Thirteen Doctor Is...

ChaosEngine says...

The last season was kinda average. Capaldi is great, but he hasn't been given enough to do, with a few notable exceptions (see his utterly amazing anti-war speech in the Zygon Inversion).

The bigger change here is less about Jodie Whittaker and more about Stephen Moffat stepping down as showrunner.

That said, I'm excited for this new doctor. First up, I like Whittaker as an actor. Second, I think a female Doctor will be interesting and finally, I have already gotten a seasons worth of amusement from butthurt MRA snowflakes whinging about "PC" or "SJWs" ruining Dr Who, despite the fact that we've already seen Time Lords change gender in show at least twice now.

AeroMechanical said:

I kind of lost interest a few seasons back. There were still good episodes but for whatever reason I just wasn't into it overall anymore. Has it jumped the shark or is it just me?

Woman freaks out after Father gets joint custody

newtboy says...

Almost. The judge gives some, saying both are guilty of abusing their child by deriding it's other parent and she's guilty of withholding visitations. If he had physically abused them, no judge would give him joint custody, even if it was just an accusation....not here in America. Now if SHE was a physical abuser, maybe, our courts are quite sexist in these cases.

I can judge her on how she acts when she knows she's being judged by authorities, and extrapolate reasonably that this is the most restrained she's capable of being under scrutiny, and 99.999999% of people act worse when not being judged or supervised.

I also don't find it amusing, it's clear their child will suffer.

ChaosEngine said:

The problem is this video provides no context or background information.

For all we know, the father could a great dad and she's a complete psychopath. Or he could have been beating her or the kids.

I don't think you can reasonably judge her based on what's probably one of the most stressful experiences of her life, and one for which we have no background.

Either way, call me a prude, but I don't find it amusing.

Woman freaks out after Father gets joint custody

ChaosEngine says...

The problem is this video provides no context or background information.

For all we know, the father could a great dad and she's a complete psychopath. Or he could have been beating her or the kids.

I don't think you can reasonably judge her based on what's probably one of the most stressful experiences of her life, and one for which we have no background.

Either way, call me a prude, but I don't find it amusing.

newtboy said:

This is mom on her absolute BEST behaviour.
Does anyone think she behaves better when not in court? Does anyone think her family members don't physically inject themselves when not in court?
This seemed like a good reason for the judge to reverse his decision and give dad primary custody and mom supervised visitation, along with anger management classes, and tack on an order requiring uncle (or whoever the guy from the back is) to not be present.
Poor kid. This is far from the end of it's nightmare.

Tabs v(ersu)s Spaces from Silicon Valley S3E6

MilkmanDan says...

I guess you wouldn't be amused by "one liner" programs like this one:

main(int c,char**v){return!m(v[1],v[2]);}m(char*s,char*t){return*t-42?*s?63==*t|*s==*t&&m(s+1,t+1):!*t:m(s,t+1)||*s&&m(s+1,t);}

(no way in hell I could figure out what that is doing without the description on Wikipedia, and even then...)

ChaosEngine said:

Oh, it's on! If you don't indent your code, you are like Hitler multiplied by Trump.

eric3579 (Member Profile)

Jim Bakker: Ask Angels To Help Trump

SDGundamX says...

You know, I went on a roller coaster of emotions watching this.

First, I felt mildly amused by the lady who claims to be able to see angels.

Then I felt pity for everyone up there that seems to believe her.

After that I felt a bit of anger, because I remembered that this guy Bakker is an ex-con who swindled his congregation and possibly raped one of his secretaries and yet somehow here he is on TV again preying on people desperate to find meaning and hope in their lives.

Then I felt disgust as I remembered the news from the other day about the teen denied birth control from her Walgreens pharmacist because he claimed a religious objection to filling the prescription and that in many places in the U.S. it is perfectly legal for pharmacists to do so.

The only thing that eased my mind after this is that young people in the U.S. are non-religious in record numbers and that these numbers have steadily increased and will likely continue to increase going into the future. The quicker organized religion dies out, the better off we'll all be.

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