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Synchronized Reversing Ends in Rear End Collision

luxintenebris jokingly says...

surprised this doesn't happen more often. especially in parking lots. have seen cars pull out across from each other, and parallel to each other.

'tho seen something even more intriguing than this. after h.s. let out, two cars were diagonal across and backed out, mirroring each other completely. both drivers saw one another, reacted precisely at the same time but still touched bumpers.

no real damage, other than both car's passengers spilled out, while play-acting, holding their backs and necks, yelling "OH! MY BACK!" or "MY NECK!" and threatening to sue each other.

no one (nor the cars) suffered anything but embarrassment, shock, or amusement.

2020 Politics

mram says...

All of those caused by Capn Orange, and yes being addressed, don't you worry. Your posts are amusing and appreciated.

bobknight33 said:

-Border crisis
-High unemployment
-Gas prices up
-Churches and schools still closed
-Tax increases coming

And what are Democrats doing about it? Nothing.

They’re busy obsessing over President Trump.

Testing Your Metal

StukaFox says...

I was riding the bus in Paris, and all the streets in Paris were designed for anorexic horses in the 17th century and fuck you for trying to fit your fat-ass 21st century car down them -- much less a huge city bus. So we're squeezing down this street and we come across a moving truck blocking the road. I, as an America, am awaiting horns, swearing and automatic weapon fire. Instead, the driver stops the bus, turns it off, hops off and goes and has a smoke. The people in the bus were being totally French about it: not a murmur of complaint.

Two years later, I was in Canada and some dude cut off a taxi at a light. Out hops the taxi driver to confront the driver of the other car. I start scanning for my exit once pop-pop-pop / muthafuckas drop gets underway. Instead of a spray of bullets, or at least an amusing fist fight, the taxi driver shakes his finger at the guy and gets back in his cab.

I live in mortal fear of getting shot on the road in America over some stupid bullshit (this actually happened to me once: some asshole in Cupertino cranked off three rounds at my car when I accidentally cut him off). It's so amazing to visit civilized countries and see people acting decent and calm to each other.

Squirrel jumps on UPS delivery man

StukaFox says...

I gotta squirrel story.
So when I lived in Mountain View, for Christ only knows what reason, the idiots in charge of power put this big-ass transformer thing on the corner of my property. The thing hummed with menace and I knew that shit wasn't right. But I didn't worry none because there was a big green metal cover over it that provided the same protection against horrendous death that a box of Kleenex would have provided the World Trade Center on 9/11.
One day, I'm standing on my balcony and drinking a beer. I mighta been stoned, too, only there's no 'mighta' that day. I'm watching the whorehouse across the street (really) and generally buzzing when I see a squirrel on the lawn. I hate squirrels. A motherfucking squirrel ate my bar fridge and fucked me outta the $50 I was selling it for on Craigslist (really).
Anyway, I got this longneck of Bud in hand and I'm working out whether I can brain the goddamn rodent with it when the neighbor's cat come rippin' ass from under the balcony and goes after Skippy.
Well here's some amusement!
The squirrel is running for it's pointless life and the cat is banking like a F-16 chasing an Iraqi MIG and I've already got $10 down on the kitty with a $3 over/under. I already know how this was gonna end and I was rootin' for it every step of the way.
Only it didn't.
The goddamn squirrel found the ONE way to get under that green metal cover I mentioned previously. The cat stops in amazement and I'm all pissed because I've been gypped outta Wild Kingdom's money shot.
A second later there's a flash like Ivy Mike going off from under the cover and an a concussive BOOM!! The fucking cover blasts off like a Space-X project gone horribly wrong -- or, in this case, delightfully right.
The cat jumps like 5 feet in the air and an arc of turds flies outta its butt, the cover returns to earth as a traffic hazard in the middle of Latham St., and the squirrel is basically vaporized. And now I'm the happiest motherfucker in Mountain View because dude, that shit was AWESOME!
I call out, "Babe! You won't believe what just happened!" 'cause you gotta totally share shit like that.
Then I realized everything is TOTALLY silent, like Little House on the Fucking Prairie silent.
"The power's out," my wife responds.
And it STAYED out for like two goddamn days while the putzes from the power company had to rewire pretty much everything that blew up.
Honey Badger didn't give a shit because Honey Badger'd copped an oz right before this shit happened. And as Fat Freddy taught us, "Dope will get you through times of no power better than power will get you through times of no dope." Or some shit like that. I dunno, I'm totally fucking baked right now.

New Rule: The Tragedy of Trump Voters

smr says...

I think you mean they wouldn't have to pay you the interest. They would have to pay you back the principal. And that would be under specific cases and usually when no contract is involved, also all depends on where you live.

Also, I don't think either Bill's building codes are "new" vs. the usury laws being "existing". Please cite to support.

The irony is that additional laws to stop predatory lending are, in fact, what red tape is made of, by definition. So I found it amusing that he would look at her situation, say that Nancy and team were trying to solve it for her by passing new laws, then go on to complain about all the red tape surrounding this building. That red tape exists because someone else before him saw a problem or safety issue or concern, and put yet another policy or law in place to solve it. In reality, as your posts prove, her problem was not that a predatory lender got involved in her life, but that her business was in bad shape because she had gone off the deep end and was thus losing customers.

I could easily imagine a bit where he showed a stack of papers four inches thick that he had to sign to get a loan, and complain about the processing time, then showcase an SMS based loan that works in another country and funds in one day.

newtboy said:

I'm curious why you think enforcement of existing usury laws is the same as new building codes.
If you loaned a friend money and charged over 10% interest, in many cases they don't ever have to pay you back anything because that's usury. Payday loan companies are only allowed to charge 1600% because they bribed congress to make them exempt from the law.


Trump Rushes Back to Fox After Disastrous Axios Interview

wtfcaniuse says...

It's amusing that he would try and claim he's protecting the environment and national parks when he appointed a coal stooge to the head of the EPA and is trying to mine national monuments.

Gundam Robot Yokohama, Japan Walk Testing!

Alaskan Glacier calving Columbia w/ 200 foot high shooter

vil says...

Glaciers that end in seas calve regardless of the effects of global warming. That is just what happens when they meet sea water.

The entertainment is mostly the result of the boats not being at a particularly safe distance. People enjoy doing something stupid and surviving.

Also big moving things awe us. I would definitely be entertained seeing this from up close. Could not help myself.

My take from this is that "holy shit" is slightly more entertainment than "oh my god". Amused to death.

cloudballoon said:

Am I the only one disturbed and concerned by the underlying cause of the calving than repeatedly yelling "Oh my God woohoo!" like I'm watching a blockbuster disaster CGI movie? It's not "entertaining"...

And reading up Glacier calving on wikipedia, the boats not even at a particularly safe distance?

How Rally-Car Drivers Avoid Crashes

Lt. Gov Dan Patrick Says Put Economy Before The Elderly

wtfcaniuse says...

It was amusing how he did a piece on the apparent "liberal" playing down of the virus causing complacency in the populace while completely ignoring Trump's actual playing down of the virus.

Trump Threatens War Crimes Against Iran: A Closer Look

Why can i not go to the pub!?

noims says...

This is so familiar. Since my son was about 2 it was always a special treat for me to bring him to the pub after creche. When collecting him he'd jump around shouting "Dunphy's! Dunphy's! I'm going to Dunphy's!" to the great amusement of the creche staff.

How you expect your friends to react to your beer wall

This Will Make You Laugh.

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