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What to do when a girl won't give you her phone number

chilaxe says...


• I think knowledge about everything is always better (even about various ethnicities in my background); opposing data for normative reasons is never right.

• Ad hominems aren't an effective response to statistics, and I think in this case they also misunderstand; most of my interactions with African Americans are in athletic activities, where, by chance, my physical attributes are on the right side of the physical bell curve, and where people in general are nice and friendly. However, it'd be wrong to try to diminish someone's voice because of physical attributes, which are generally irrelevant in life.

Statistical differences in average crime rates between African Americans and e.g. Asians is a very reasonable statistical claim that everybody already agrees with; of course there are average differences between different groups in all manner of things. 1200% appears to be accurate.

My comment put AVERAGE in bold so that nobody would miss it. Using terms like "all black men" and references to Obama suggest you should take your advice on statistics and probability. The reason I tend to refer to Obama, Herman Cain's son, and Black Americans born in Africa is to emphasis differences in cultures and where group averages don't apply.

Sorry if it was upsetting. I know that when I feel misunderstood, it occopies time in my mind that'd I'd rather spend elsewhere. I do, though, like better knowledge achieved through multiple people's perspectives. So thanks for the discussions. Best wishes

What to do when a girl won't give you her phone number

longde says...

@chilaxe, What is this inferiority complex you have against black men? Did some black man steal some girl you liked? Did some kid beat you up after school? Did some thug steal your car? Or do you have yearnings you can't fulfill?

Frankly, I don't have time to teach you statistics or probability. Suffice to say that the paragraph you posted is full of fallacious uses of both. If this drivel were submitted to me, I would give the writer an "F", based on the math alone. For you, someone who claims to use statistics in his job, to trust this sophistry, makes me question your credentials.

You are the only one making light of your friend's assault. You are the one using your friend's experience to peddle your racist theories. I don't see how she is more safe by avoiding all black men. Using your fucked up reasoning, the AG of California or the President of the US is 1200% more likely to murder your friend or take their iphone.

The Most Racist Rant You've Seen by a Mainstream Journalist

longde says...

Then don't do it. Simple.

Why needlessly suffer? If your heart is in the right place that is all that matters. People will always read what they want too into your actions and words. Happens to everyone. And you may not want to hear this, but it is true that the negative stigmas are put less on you in America because you are a white male.

But don't blame all black people for your self-imposed penance and the bitterness it may bring you. No black commission orders white people to tiptoe on eggshells.>> ^Porksandwich:

I mean it sounds horrible saying it like is in this video......
But I have been in some situations doing work in predominately black neighborhoods where some of the people went out of their way to cause us problems, and a black guy working for us got up in a couple of their faces about it.
I have also had similar situations with some white guys who create problems for people when they think they should have been the ones who got the job or should be working.
Now, Im a white guy. And when you have a black guy act like this and see another black guy whose more attuned to your circumstances because he works with you being on your makes it seem more racially fueled than if you have ignorant white people doing it....they are just white trash and you can write them off as white trash.......because you're white and you can do that.
But in the case of black people acting that way, you can't be sure if they just hate you because you're white or hate you because they think they deserve what you have like white trash does.
So........I can see the point of some of the comments the guy made because as a white guy you can't be sure how your actions will be long as the question of skin color or ethnicity is ever questioned. And it's questioned all the time in the US, so you have to be aware of that because some people will make issue of it if you just say you are sick and tired of ignorant bastards treating you this way because it makes you sound like a huge racist if you say it in reference to black people.....because it's always measured like that. Where as if a black guy said it in your defense, it'd be OK or at least less scrutinized.
And here's a fun thing to keep in mind. I have an US born Indian friend, I met him in college. The people who hated him most in college for seemingly no reason? Indians not born in the US, they hated his ass with a passion. I noticed it, thought maybe it was due to language they never spoke with him as some of them sucked at English and needed the others to help them figure stuff out. I asked and he said they hate him because he wasn't born in India. And you know who he came to hate the most? Non-US born Indians, because they treated him like shit for something he had no control over.
I mean if people just hate you because you are <whatever>, there ain't a whole lot you can do but ignore them. And if they keep it up and start to affect your life, you can only hate them back. Anything else is pretty much hoping the law will allow you some protection, because everything else is involves some horrible violence or death to solve it. You can't reason with irrational hatred.
I don't know the answer, but I can say that having to constantly wonder about this shit is stressing as hell but mentioning it to people draws this kind of "awww poor white male" crybaby attitude toward it. It slowly kills off your empathy/sympathy for others who think your life is awesome simply because you're male and white. I surely don't agree with this guy's view, but I have to wonder if in 40 years I'll be so tired of having to constantly weigh every comment or action I make against some invisible scale of political correctness will just wear me out and make me bitter.

Never half-ass a robbery in the Netherlands.

GenjiKilpatrick says...


Wtf are you talking about man.

How is "Public transit's very developed here. It looks like this." followed by a picture of Mad Max's post-apocalyptic wasteland in any way a "reasonable hypothesis" or intellectual argument for the negative consequences of the talking points blanket term: "socialism"?

Secondly, if you're allowed to show extreme prejudice toward your assumed stereotypes of all blacks and hispanics.. why can't I?

By your very own logic, it would be inconceivable to assume you're a successful non-white living in the lap of luxury and high society in the middle of Silicon Valley.

Seeing as you constantly stereotype all non-white [excluding asians] as lazy moochers feeding off the tit of NObama's Socialist Welfare State.

Fer shit sake, you even used the term "societal decay". Which I've already revealed as another talking point for bigots who subscribe to the ideology of forums like i.e. YOU.

Not that it would matter if you're part of a non-white ethnic group. Every comment you make on the sift about society and races is utterly hateful and presumptuous about scenarios [being a low income single black mother living in Oakland] you have NO CLUE about.

At the very least you're hypocritical and ignorant by choice.

Either way, you're a troll.

The Cyclist's Revenge

kevingrr says...

I commute by bike over 100 days per year in Chicago and ride in the city (to the gym, grocer, etc) another 50 to 75 days.

That cyclist is completely out of line.

I was yelled at for opening my car door one night by a cyclist in all black, no light, riding down the street. F me? No F him.

I am tired as a cyclist and driver of seeing cyclist basically ride WITHOUT rules of any kind. Cell phones while riding? Yes. No lights at night? Yes. Weaving dangerously through traffic? Yes.

Shit Republicans Say About Black People

honkeytonk73 jokingly says...

"Ah. So all black people aren't very good swimmers? Thanks for telling me. I will now take that as fact and use it going forward in all my interactions with black people. I will make sure to never invite them to pool parties.

Now.. if you have a house party with lots of fried chicken and watermelon. Well. You go on ahead and invite all the blacks you want. Also make sure you get a few dozen cases of 40oz malt liquor. Blacks like that too."

F'ing ignorant fools.

Bill Maher ~ New Rules (January 20 2012)

Lawdeedaw says...

Does it strike anyone that Newt insulted black people, yet in his insult to Newt so did Bill? Of course implying all black people are uncivil, violent smoos is just fine from a liberal...

"Run Newt, the blacks are a comin!"

The Color of Welfare (Politics Talk Post)

longde says...

@quantumushroom So get rid of welfare and food stamps, despite the fact that it helps a shitload of unemployed white people maintain the semblance of "middle class" living. Talk about cutting off your nose to spite your face. Every program that helps blacks that white people hate, helps whites many times more; that includes affirmative action. That's why the politicians who have been railing against these programs for your votes will never get rid of them; the backlash would be overwhelming.

QM, please answer this: Can you point to the gains that black Americans made as a result of the policy prescriptions put in place by the republicans when they had power, since the Newt House and the Bush administration? Even if they were race neutral policies. What has compassionate conservatism and the Contract with America yielded for African Americans? Newt's pretty silent about it, given his famous loquacity.

Hell, can you point the gains that white americans made, for that matter (1% excepted of course)?
>> ^eric3579:

Dont you think maybe these results may be more closely tied to money (poverty) and or education then your statistics which seem to infer that it has something to do with the color of your skin. ...or maybe I just don't understand what you are trying to say.
>> ^quantumushroom:
68.7% of Blacks are born out of wedlock
62% of ALL black births are paid for by the US government [archived]
Though only 12% of the population, Blacks take 38.3% of the total of all welfare payments. Whites are 72% of the population, and take 30.5% of the total.
Though only 12% of the population, Blacks take 38% of taxpayer-subsidized housing

What percentage of these stats are the direct result of the welfare state acting as a morality-free surrogate for Black fathers and husbands? A near-70% illegitimacy rate is unsustainable, and Whites are 'catching up' with a present illegitimacy rate of 40%.
How has being loyal Democrats "helped" Black Americans?

The Color of Welfare (Politics Talk Post)

eric3579 says...

Dont you think maybe these results may be more closely tied to money (poverty) and or education then your statistics which seem to infer that it has something to do with the color of your skin. ...or maybe I just don't understand what you are trying to say.
>> ^quantumushroom:

68.7% of Blacks are born out of wedlock
62% of ALL black births are paid for by the US government [archived]
Though only 12% of the population, Blacks take 38.3% of the total of all welfare payments. Whites are 72% of the population, and take 30.5% of the total.
Though only 12% of the population, Blacks take 38% of taxpayer-subsidized housing

What percentage of these stats are the direct result of the welfare state acting as a morality-free surrogate for Black fathers and husbands? A near-70% illegitimacy rate is unsustainable, and Whites are 'catching up' with a present illegitimacy rate of 40%.
How has being loyal Democrats "helped" Black Americans?

The Color of Welfare (Politics Talk Post)

quantumushroom says...

68.7% of Blacks are born out of wedlock

62% of ALL black births are paid for by the US government [archived]

Though only 12% of the population, Blacks take 38.3% of the total of all welfare payments. Whites are 72% of the population, and take 30.5% of the total.

Though only 12% of the population, Blacks take 38% of taxpayer-subsidized housing

What percentage of these stats are the direct result of the welfare state acting as a morality-free surrogate for Black fathers and husbands? A near-70% illegitimacy rate is unsustainable, and Whites are 'catching up' with a present illegitimacy rate of 40%.

How has being loyal Democrats "helped" Black Americans?

Some People Hate TYT -- TYT

Lawdeedaw says...

I dont like TYT because Cyncky dink is an arrogant, pompous fool. I love how he generalizes. Yes, many Ron Paul supporters think he can't do wrong or that his policies will be miracle balm. But many, like me, just like the fact that he states some obvious truths--that he reaches both the liberal and conservative side. That he is electable and hated proves such.

This is Cyncky dink. "All Ron Paul supporters are crazy. All Muslims support Jihad. All blacks eat watermelon..."

Its funny, the reason he does this is transparent. He wants to make a mockery of those he puts down--by doing so he derails them and their legitimacy.

Red Tails - Official Trailer 3

Alex Jones: Thousands of Astronauts Died 4 Fake Moon Landing

Duckman33 says...


right. Touché. you win. take the cake.

Look. What you said is paramount to saying all Mexicans are lazy, or all black guys have big dicks. It's ignorant to make such broad sweeping statements. Not that I subscribe to Alex Jones or what he's saying in this video. I also agree he's a nutcase. But I'm certainly no idiot because I don't believe everything I am told by our government or media outlets. If you do, then more power to you.

marbles (Member Profile)

bareboards2 says...

Given that a black man read bk33 comment and instabanned him because he was so enraged, I would venture to say that I am right and you are wrong.

I can tell that this conversation has already devolved into an ugliness that I don't enjoy. So I'm done here.

In reply to this comment by marbles:
In reply to this comment by bareboards2:
@marbles, you asked why it was a racist comment. Did you read this? Come ask me questions on my profile page if this isn't clear?
Here's the racist's mindset -- I know this, because I recently spent an appalling three days with my racist uncle in Oklahoma:
If a black person does something bad, then all black people are presumed to be bad. If a white person does something bad, then it is just a white person doing something bad.
When bobk made his comment, he was looking at a group of law breakers and extrapolated their behavior onto an entire population, based on the color of their skin, using a word that has been employed by whites to dehumanize and denigrate.
What bobk said was probably the most deeply offensive racist comment I have read here on the Sift. The fact that this is being discussed as an intellectual word problem really bothers me, smooman. The fact that he didn't get banned for a week or two really bothers me, dag.

"he was looking at a group of law breakers and extrapolated their behavior onto an entire population, based on the color of their skin" = racial stereotype

Does that make it racist? (ignore the fact that for a ban the post is suppose to be "blatantly racist")

Or is it "a word that has been employed by whites to dehumanize and denigrate" that makes it racist? A word he didn't even use btw.

What if he said:
"And you wonder why blacks are still called a word that has been employed by whites to dehumanize and denigrate."

Is that racist???

Your flimsy definition of what racism is an insult to those who really were dehumanized and denigrated because of their skin color.

We're ban happy on the Sift and it sucks (Blog Entry by blankfist)

bareboards2 says...

@marbles, you asked why it was a racist comment. Did you read this? Come ask me questions on my profile page if this isn't clear?

>> ^bareboards2:

Here's the racist's mindset -- I know this, because I recently spent an appalling three days with my racist uncle in Oklahoma:
If a black person does something bad, then all black people are presumed to be bad. If a white person does something bad, then it is just a white person doing something bad.
When bobk made his comment, he was looking at a group of law breakers and extrapolated their behavior onto an entire population, based on the color of their skin, using a word that has been employed by whites to dehumanize and denigrate.
What bobk said was probably the most deeply offensive racist comment I have read here on the Sift. The fact that this is being discussed as an intellectual word problem really bothers me, <a rel="nofollow" href="" title="member since October 28th, 2008" class="profilelink">smooman. The fact that he didn't get banned for a week or two really bothers me, dag.

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