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It has been almost 2 years since VS v5.0 release. (Art Talk Post)

lucky760 says...

Has it really been almost 2 years? Whoa.

We've had discussions and I even started development on a radical new version of VS that I used extensively as my primary version of the site for a long time and think will be fan-freaking-tastic once it's complete. It will even include very easy simple "new user help" on every page.

Alas, real life (family, school, day job, freelance jobs) have been killing me, so I haven't had time to complete it. I really can't wait to get it finished at some point. It's just hard because once we get past all the major elements, the nitty-gritty details are so extensive, it seems like an impossible task to re-implement it all.

But we will! ...eventually

Now That's A Fantastic Video Game Ad

Jinx says...

I can only imagine trailers such as these are attempting to entice old players back into the game. The vast open world they have created is great, but as a new player you will be waiting a very long time before you have any sort of agency in it. I was very much looking forward to their "World of Darkness" project (partly because World of Darkness is a great setting and I've wanted more of it ever since Masquerade Bloodlines) because it would be nice to get into a CCP MMO on an even footing to the rest. Alas, twas not to be.

So I will content myself with admiring Eve as an observer. Rooks and Kings do some nice videos with narration that comes dangerously close to taking itself a wee bit too seriously (but I love it anyway).

"Stupidity of American Voter," critical to passing Obamacare

Trancecoach says...

If you feel strongly enough to capitalize (i.e., "shout"), then I suggest you take up the point with Gruber, himself, who obviously believes otherwise.

You may find it tough to get a dialogue with him, though, since he sems to think that most Americans are uneducated idiots, so why would he lower himself to argue his point with the likes of you?

Alas, you'll just have to settle with trying (in vain) to convince your fellow sifters by shouting.

EDIT: Are you implying that public opinion has no sway over what Congress does?

newtboy said:

This idea that anything in ACA was 'hidden' is insane. Do people really not remember that far back? Do they not recall the GOP saying all these things then? I certainly do, along with tons of other insanity like 'death panels will be killing grandma'.
Also...WHAT THE HELL ARE THEY TALKING ABOUT? ACA WAS NOT VOTED ON BY THE CITIZENS, it was voted on by CONGRESS, so 'tricking' or 'fooling' the public about it could have no impact at all on the vote for it, which was totally along party lines and not based on a 'popular vote' as I recall.
Total red herring here. Not a smoking gun.

Elite: Dangerous - Beta 3

RFlagg says...

ED is certainly one of the best games of the year. I got a HOTAS for it myself. Would love to have a Rift or even head tracking to support it.

Got to disagree with @shagen454 a bit on Shadow of Mordor which I liked a great deal. Wildstar was okay, but it and ESO both need to be F2P or B2P (ala GW2). AA, I dumped $150 on, and that is disappointing, though it was great at the time, I just burned myself out on it. Not as disappointing as Evil Within, my biggest regret of the video games I got this year. I agree Alien Isolation, was great, and I haven't spent enough time with Divinity to really evaluate it much. Hearthstone I can't even make it past the AI missions... lord I suck at video games.... probably shouldn't have got Lords of the Fallen given that I'm so bad at games as that game is brutal.

For others we have Gauntlet as a fun diversion, Hand of Fate, Nosgoth (been in since early beta), Road Redemption is a decent homage to Road Rash, South Park: Stick of Truth, Starbound, Zombies Monsters Robots is a fairly good F2P shooter... I can't remember if Kerbal Space Program came out this year or last... The Endless series (Dungeon of the Endless and Endless Legend)... The Evolve alphas (well, one alpha down so far, which was great and one coming this weekend, and more a next year game anyhow)... Titanfall was a great deal of fun.

At or at least near the top though is ED (I personally didn't stream it or make as many videos about it as I did others, it's still a great game). I'm glad I went with ED over Star Citizen, at least as they stand now. I seriously looked into head tracking, but it's just too pricey for me at the moment. I got a Thurstmaster X Flight HOTAS though off Craigslist for a decent price and that helped the game. I haven't updated it to Beta 3 yet, I'm sure I'll need to rebind stuff on the HOTAS and in Voice Attack... and this weekend is the Evolve alpha, so I'll probably be busy with that, especially as there is no NDA this time.

Parade of Progressive Causes at the People's Climate March

Trancecoach says...

@ChaosEngine @newtboy
Well, if Climate Change is now "irreversible," does that mean that the Climate Change believers will stop trying to use the government to try to reverse it? (I say it's one less thing to worry about! Alas, there will always be contrarians to this malarkey, as the U.N. pouts "Quit thinking about Climate Change, and act to empower us even further than we already are! What wealth still exists is shrinking, so we need to scramble harder for your last dollars!" You boys should donate if you care so much.)

Instant Karma

sillma says...

Oh yes, I fully agree with you there, no need to escalate the situation as far as they let it go, and indeed impossible to tell what started the whole debacle in the first place.

My guess is bit of unjustified holier than thou attitude, which seems to be the curse of the current day and age, from the unimpaired audience. There's no justification for belligerent drunken behaviour, but neither is there for not doing anything about it until it is too late when there seems to be time and chance to de-escalate the situation by more peaceful means.

But, alas, it's all just guesses with the information available.

Magicpants said:

There's a serious lack of information on both sides. I don't believe in damning someone until I know all the facts, and I think the situation as presented by the vloggers is disingenuous because they present the attack as being unprovoked, when it looks like it has something to do with a man being unwilling filmed. Yes, violence is wrong, but it looks like the attackee had a chance to deescalate the situation and instead choose to "poke the bear".

Authorities Seize Family Home Over $40-Worth of Drugs

Trancecoach says...

"Gun control" applies to those who abide by the law, not for those who enforce it. It never means disarming the state and its agents, or even the criminals who don't care about the law. "Gun control" simply means disarming law-abiding citizens, or minorities. In this way, "gun control" would be about as successful as the "war on drugs" (i.e., a poorly disguised anti-minority law). Alas, gun control advocates remain in the overwhelming minority in the U.S. and, if by some fluke, it were to pass at the Federal level, it would be the first regulation nullified by states, counties, and even local law enforcement agencies. Such is the futility of most legislative efforts of this kind.

artician said:


Moore Says Obama Remembered Solely as First Black President

Trancecoach says...

Obamacare is certainly not a "good" thing he did. It's a disaster, as is already evident to many.

As for accelerating the U.S.' insolvency, well that's both good and bad.
Alas, nothing will ever make up for his droning of innocent people, continuing most of what Bush started.

As with all Presidents, there is a devastating disappointment that they didn't do less.

While people are desperately trying to find something "good" about his presidency ("OMG! He saved GM!"), they will have to willfully overlook the fact that Obama is the most crony-friendly President in U.S. history.

I agree with Moore that Obama will be remembered as the country's first (half) black President. And with any luck, as a warning to Americans not to believe in such promises of "hope" and "change" coming from any politicians ever again... or believe anything from any politician ever.

Doctor Disobeys Gun Free Zone -- Saves Lives Because of It

Trancecoach says...

However in the United States, the exact opposite is true, because, as I said above, the effect of a law is defined by the reaction of those who are subject to it. Not all people respond the same to laws everywhere around the world and, as we see, time and time and time again, in the United States, legislation does effect the amount of guns in circulation nor does it effect people's use of them.

Comparing gun control in other countries to gun control in the United States is about as fruitful as comparing comparing drug policies in Colombia with drug policies in the U.S.

But alas, this common sense notion continues to evade most people. Which is why this and every other debate on the subject has had and will continue to have exactly zero effect on gun control policies in the United States.

But, you can waste your time... nobody's trying to pass a law to stop you from doing that (yet)!

modulous said:

Having established that a large amount of spree killings (seemingly most) are with legally acquired weapons, it stands to reason that reducing the availability of legally ownable weapons would reduce the frequency of spree killings. As well as this reasoning it also seems to be empirically supported.
Contrary to exactly your point, the legal status of guns does seem to have an impact on certain uses. For instance, few people in the UK use guns for self-defence, because its rarely legal to carry guns for that purpose, even most criminals avoid them.

Doctor Disobeys Gun Free Zone -- Saves Lives Because of It

Trancecoach says...

Cross posted from my other video: "If the majority of Americans were anti-gun ownership, then the 2nd amendment would have already been disposed of (as has happened with most of the other amendments on the Bill of Rights).

So folks here can complain all they want, but there's never going to be any progress on the (out-of-touch) anti-gun effort in the United States. That's where most Americans seem to draw the line: "The state can do whatever (e.g., surveil its people, drone foreigners indiscriminately, devastate the dollar, etc.), but don't touch the guns." In this, it's the anti-gun contingency that remains in the minority in the U.S. Even Joe Biden campaigned on his gun ownership.

Alas, most of the (conservative, rural state and Southern state liberals, inner city minorities, or NRA-supporting, and anti-NRA) gun-owners are not among the "progressive" (pseudo-)intellectuals on Videosift."

gwiz665 said:


Anti-Gun PSA Makes the Case for Women With Guns

Trancecoach says...

If the majority of Americans were anti-gun ownership, then the 2nd amendment would have already been disposed of (as has happened with most of the other amendments on the Bill of Rights).

So folks here can complain all they want, but there's never going to be any progress on the (out-of-touch) anti-gun effort in the United States. That's where most Americans seem to draw the line: "The state can do whatever (e.g., surveil its people, drone foreigners indiscriminately, devastate the dollar, etc.), but don't touch the guns." In this, it's the anti-gun contingency that remains in the minority in the U.S. Even Joe Biden campaigned on his gun ownership.

Alas, most of the (conservative, rural state and Southern state liberals, inner city minorities, or NRA-supporting, and anti-NRA) gun-owners are not among the "progressive" (pseudo-)intellectuals on Videosift.

Lil Kim

Making cocaine in Colombia

mxxcon says...

"use drugs" and "use cocaine" are extremely different things. I'm sure in your statement you intentionally and covertly implied cannabis.
However, having said that, for every "highly intelligent" person that you'd show me who encourages the use of cocaine, I'll show you 1000 more that had their lifes and families destroyed by it. For every 1 "highly intelligent" person you show me that did not get addicted to cocaine, I'll show you 1000 more that did.

Alas, I'm ignored, so have a good cocaine-filled day, crackhead.

Trancecoach said:

Oh, I see. You think people use drugs out of a deficient cognitive ability. Wow, that's some bigoted thinking! Do you have any research to support this assumption or do you just think that people become addicts because of "low IQ" (or some other prejudiced stereotype)? By the way, NEWSFLASH: many highly intelligent (non cognitively deficient) people use drugs and, furthermore, they don't get addicted and are able to function just fine. How do you propose to "educate" them (outside of passing laws) to get them to do what you want them to do, rather than allowing them to live their lives however they see fit?

reactions to the mountain viper fight GoT - spoilers

lv_hunter says...

And also the be fair for the fight, Björnsson wasn't trained on fighting with a sword either. In the book, Gregor is quite skilled with his sword. Sadly, Björnsson mostly swung it around, not a bash against him, but I'm sure with plenty of training and lots of choreography the fight could have been even more exciting.

And yes, the fight plays out nearly how it is in the book, his thirst for justice and vengeance over takes his caution to finish the mountain, hoping he would yield and confess. And ultimately get the confession that Tywin ordered it. Thus to get grounds to possibly get tywin. But alas, the mountain was able to kill him, and even survived the fight... kinda.

But the best is yet to come. "Where do whores go?"

Bilderberg Member "Double-Speaks" to Protestors

Trancecoach says...

A TV show is not science (regardless of what Neil deGrasse Tyson would have you believe).

"Cosmos" is not a scientific study or proof of anything (nor is The Daily Show). Now, Tyson or Stewart can, if they care to, write papers on climate change and show their proofs of whatever claims they want, but their papers would be subjected to peer review if they're to have any scientific validity whatsoever.

Alas, television is strictly entertainment for the serfs. (Next, you're going to tell me that Michael Moore has "proven" how great the Cuban health care system is... Oh, that happened already. Issue settled.)

dannym3141 said:

The only climate change "debate" going on is between those who are not capable of understanding the science.

People have come to respect television and talking heads way too much. If you want a scientific opinion, why don't people ask a scientist? If you asked one at random you're 99.5% sure to get a "yup, the evidence says it's true." -- that's the approximate ratio of scientific opinion.

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