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Obama's Hypnotism Techniques Revealed

shinyblurry says...

Well, I've seen people fall into hypnosis fairly easily just with NLP..but no its not the most effective technique there is..

You would think it would be obvious to the fanatics that Obama has failed on every level..America has rarely been in a worse position and its not getting any better..Christians figured it out when Obama was playing basketball instead of going to church the sunday after he was elected. Or when he tried to remove the manger display..or when he dissed the sermon on the mount..or a million other things.

>> ^quantumushroom:
Shiny, you're correct that His Earness uses NLP, and that savvier politicians all use similar techniques. NLP is effective, but not nearly as potent as its promoters claim.
By now Obama & Friends' disastrous performance on all fronts should have awakened all but the staunchest of his True Believers. $4 gasoline and 22% real unemployment aren't auditory illusions.
>> ^shinyblurry:
The AAPS is non partisan and quoting from the liberally biased wikipedia doesn't help your case. I really don't care about politics. The techniques described in this video are real..I noticed the brainwashing going on and I actually supported Obama initially. Don't attack my video because you creamed your pants and screamed yes we can. NLP is very real and politicians use it all the time.

Obama's Hypnotism Techniques Revealed

nanrod says...

Funny that you should tell KnivesOut to educate himself and refer him to a link to wikipedia when in a previous comment you said "quoting from the liberally biased wikipedia doesn't help your case.". So are you suggesting that a liberal bias only helps your case and not anybody else's? It's also funny that you should be telling people to educate themselves about NLP when in your comment on your video you call NLP " the mind control technique of NLP, which is nero logistical programming". Seriously, NERO LOGISTICAL???? I give up, for me that pretty much somes up your intellectual investment in this thread.

PS: To quote wikipedia "NLP has been largely ignored by conventional social science in part due to a lack of professional credibility and insufficient empirical evidence to substantiate its effectiveness,[14][15] and is characterized by its critics, mainly psychologists, as a fringe psychotherapy or as having pseudoscientific characteristics, disputing its title, concepts, and terminology".>> ^shinyblurry:

medicare is unconstitutional, humanists have conspired to replace creation with evolution (i have 100 quotes from secular humanists proving this), this world will end climate change or not, and all sin leads to death
in any case, NLP isnt something the AAPS came up with..why dont you read a little bit about it and educate yourself
a lot of famous "magicians" use it in their acts..for example, when they go up to someone and say a bunch of nonsense words and phrases in rapid succession and the subject collapses like a switch was flipped..thats NLP
>> ^KnivesOut:
Some of the other lies published by the Association of American Physicians:

  • that the Food and Drug Administration and Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services are unconstitutional

  • that "humanists" have conspired to replace the "creation religion of Jehovah" with evolution

  • that human activity has not contributed to climate change, and that global warming will be beneficial and thus not a cause for concern

  • that HIV does not cause AIDS

  • that the "gay male lifestyle" shortens life expectancy by 20 years.

Obama's Hypnotism Techniques Revealed

quantumushroom says...

Shiny, you're correct that His Earness uses NLP, and that savvier politicians all use similar techniques. NLP is effective, but not nearly as potent as its promoters claim.

By now Obama & Friends' disastrous performance on all fronts should have awakened all but the staunchest of his True Believers. $4 gasoline and 22% real unemployment aren't auditory illusions.

>> ^shinyblurry:

The AAPS is non partisan and quoting from the liberally biased wikipedia doesn't help your case. I really don't care about politics. The techniques described in this video are real..I noticed the brainwashing going on and I actually supported Obama initially. Don't attack my video because you creamed your pants and screamed yes we can. NLP is very real and politicians use it all the time.

Obama's Hypnotism Techniques Revealed

KnivesOut says...

>> ^shinyblurry:

medicare is unconstitutional, humanists have conspired to replace creation with evolution (i have 100 quotes from secular humanists proving this), this world will end climate change or not, and all sin leads to death
in any case, NLP isnt something the AAPS came up with..why dont you read a little bit about it and educate yourself
a lot of famous "magicians" use it in their acts..for example, when they go up to someone and say a bunch of nonsense words and phrases and the subject collapses like a switch was flipped..thats NLP

Obama's Hypnotism Techniques Revealed

shinyblurry says...

medicare is unconstitutional, humanists have conspired to replace creation with evolution (i have 100 quotes from secular humanists proving this), this world will end climate change or not, and all sin leads to death

in any case, NLP isnt something the AAPS came up with..why dont you read a little bit about it and educate yourself

a lot of famous "magicians" use it in their acts..for example, when they go up to someone and say a bunch of nonsense words and phrases in rapid succession and the subject collapses like a switch was flipped..thats NLP
>> ^KnivesOut:
Some of the other lies published by the Association of American Physicians:

  • that the Food and Drug Administration and Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services are unconstitutional

  • that "humanists" have conspired to replace the "creation religion of Jehovah" with evolution

  • that human activity has not contributed to climate change, and that global warming will be beneficial and thus not a cause for concern

  • that HIV does not cause AIDS

  • that the "gay male lifestyle" shortens life expectancy by 20 years.

Obama's Hypnotism Techniques Revealed

KnivesOut says...

"Creamed your pants"?

Was that in Leviticus?>> ^shinyblurry:

The AAPS is non partisan and quoting from the liberally biased wikipedia doesn't help your case. I really don't care about politics. The techniques described in this video are real..I noticed the brainwashing going on and I actually supported Obama initially. Don't attack my video because you creamed your pants and screamed yes we can. NLP is very real and politicians use it all the time.

>> ^burdturgler:
The AASP is a conservative political group with the Republican agenda of winning the 2012 campaign and removing Obama from office. This video is a total load of shit. lies

Obama's Hypnotism Techniques Revealed

shinyblurry says...

The AAPS is non partisan and quoting from the liberally biased wikipedia doesn't help your case. I really don't care about politics. The techniques described in this video are real..I noticed the brainwashing going on and I actually supported Obama initially. Don't attack my video because you creamed your pants and screamed yes we can. NLP is very real and politicians use it all the time.

>> ^burdturgler:
The AASP is a conservative political group with the Republican agenda of winning the 2012 campaign and removing Obama from office. This video is a total load of shit. lies

Google Wave: A Pissed Off Tutorial

Circumcision - Another Form of Child Abuse

hpqp says...

>> ^Ryjkyj:

>> ^hpqp:
@apologists: you have NO ethical nor medical arguments on your side

It seems your opinion was considered very popular back in 1971. I had no idea.

Did you read the part about cultural bias? The article you linked starts off promisingly:

"The American public remains resolute in its support of newborn circumcision despite negative recommendations from the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)." Oh, so if the majority wants it...

The writer of the article: Edgar Schoen, Jew, maintainer of and member of the "Hill of Foreskins" society (Gilgal society). Noooo bias whatsoever there.

As for the actual "medical benefits" of circumcision, give me a f*cking break. "Prevents phimosis"? That's exactly like saying removing your toes prevents ingrown toenails. Phimosis is not only rare, but usually easily cured, as are most cases of UTI (btw, all the other fancy names that follow phimosis in the article are variations of the same thing). No need for mutilating your baby.

The most horrible and aberrant argument is the one concerning STDs and HIV... seriously, wtf?

Kids should not be having sex before the age of consent*; argument null!

(*that includes not being sucked off by some herpes-infested mohel.)

After that, it comes down to three things: hygiene, condoms and choice. Personal choice, not parental or communal pressure.

If it's all about prevention (a big effing lie), why not take out their tonsils? Or appendix? Or cut off the earlobes? Why not sterilize anyone who already has HIV? See where this goes?

Advent Conspiracy

TED Talks - Johnny Lee's wii remote hacks

Empire Brokeback - Droid love

~ Paddle to the Sea ~ The National Film Board of Canada

MycroftHomlz (Member Profile)

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

1999 would have been too late for both of my kids.

In reply to this comment by MycroftHomlz:
In July 1999, following a review of mercury-containing food and drugs, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) asked vaccine makers to remove thiomersal from vaccines as quickly as possible, and it was rapidly phased out of most U.S. and European vaccines.

In reply to this comment by dag:
^ How about common sense - that injecting mercury directly into an infant's bloodstream - might not be the best idea. Regardless of whether it causes autism or not.

For me, the answer was pretty straight forward. It's selfish, and if we were living in an undeveloped nation, my answer might have been different.

Also, from things I've looked at, the fall-off in polio and other diseases in the US happened way before vaccines were common and had to do with better understanding of hygiene and sterilisation required to prevent the spread.

dag (Member Profile)

MycroftHomlz says...

In July 1999, following a review of mercury-containing food and drugs, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) asked vaccine makers to remove thiomersal from vaccines as quickly as possible, and it was rapidly phased out of most U.S. and European vaccines.

In reply to this comment by dag:
^ How about common sense - that injecting mercury directly into an infant's bloodstream - might not be the best idea. Regardless of whether it causes autism or not.

For me, the answer was pretty straight forward. It's selfish, and if we were living in an undeveloped nation, my answer might have been different.

Also, from things I've looked at, the fall-off in polio and other diseases in the US happened way before vaccines were common and had to do with better understanding of hygiene and sterilisation required to prevent the spread.

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