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billpayer (Member Profile)

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Prison (HBO)

Januari says...

When your country starts incarcerating its citizens at an enormous rate, unprecedented in the world, dwarfing that of a country like China, yeah i can't imagine where those comparisons would come from.

I want a number... You feel so strongly about this give me a god damn number... how many innocent people should be executed to sate your desire for rapid executions?... How many each yer?... 5? 10? 20?... Of course we'll never really know will we.

Maybe you should actually watch the video... or i don't know spend 10 minutes on google... If your concerned about prisoners getting free health care or *gasp* free food!!!! Well your in fucking luck!... because increasingly they aren't getting any of either... Shelter???? don't count on it...

WTF am i wasting my time discussing this with a guy advocating a police state and as far as i can tell medieval era punishments...

Do you actually work for Geo Group?... be honest you do don't ya.

Jerykk said:

What's really terrifying is how often people make silly Nazi analogies on the internet.

Our prison system is broken but not because of how it treats prisoners. It's broken because it's not acting as an effective deterrent. The whole point of prison (or any other punishment) is to deter people from committing crimes. Our current prison system isn't accomplishing that.

If we replaced prison with immediate execution (no more sitting on death row for years), crime rates would probably go down. If we increased surveillance and enforcement, crime rates would probably go down. If we made prison nicer and tried to rehabilitate instead of punish criminals, would crime rates go down? Good question. If I knew that prison would be a safe and comfortable experience, I'd definitely be more inclined to break the law. If my current living conditions were bad enough, I might even be inclined to break the law just to gain the benefits of such a prison. Free food, free shelter, free healthcare. Not a bad deal if you don't have to worry about being beaten, raped or killed. I'd love to see what would happen if all the prisons in the U.S. were as posh as the Halden Prison in Norway.

Henry Rollins Rant - Freedom & the Internet Are Under Attack

chingalera says...

Streaming and teeming, and rampant with pranksters
Meaning and dreaming, hijacked by gangsters

The internet, just a way for them to find you
The safest bet, check yer six (yo, that's behind you)

(y'all feel-free to add to the free-style in keeping with the thematic impetus..)

Coulthard on team orders

chingalera says...

I for my, have no transferable or proven or legitimate strategy whatsoever with regard to any game, life, or fundamental existence in a world virtual or otherwise.... Experiential stamina however, affords her luxury when tinctured with a sheer will and a general joyfulness about having to put up with bullshit. WHEN said bullshit comes in the form of some anonymous individual saaaaay, who pops-in via an internet portal disguised as a welcome mat at yer mum's cousin's house because they "knows" you better than you know yourself, reads a few rules then proceeds to try and hand me my ass and feed it to me and tell me how it should taste?? Yeah, that's the kind of damaged cunt that needs a time fucking out.

Enjoyed your time-out so far ya fuckin' cunts?? Good. Now y'all can continue to fuck the FUCK off!

Love you gorillaman, and thank you for the sage wisdom that only a solid wanker like yourself can serve iced-cold

gorillaman said:

Strategy is what makes F1 more interesting to watch than other sports, which are typically just a bunch of sweaty morons running around on a lawn.

Team orders have always been a good thing and people who don't like them are intellectually and morally subhuman.

The World's Smallest Nation Is For Sale - Sealand

chingalera says...

Hmmm...Seen this user before somewhere and he was spot-off and as sincere as a holiday invented by Hallmark. You got some real issues son, I ain't yer fuckin' buddy either, nor will I be a whipping-bitch to someone's dysfunction when another's observations, delivery, or banter doesn't suck a dick and tenderly caress freshly-shorn balls.

Leave a rabid dog alone for a few weeks, it may spread its disease, it may die or foam at the mouth until it bites, may have to be put-down.

The avatar you got looks feral, might wanna get her some shots....

newtboy said:

I'm not your son, little one.

...and I ain't your buddy, pal
....nor am I your pal, friend
...and I'm not your friend, buddy.
Keep spouting angry drunken spittle laced vitriol, it's a helpful reminder of your incessantly insipid mannerism.
your tired, scripted labels son, an insipid sack of programmed faux-newspeak designed for one simple purpose: to garner any attention for the unpopular ineffectual and powerless attention whores that can't get positive attention for their ideas or comments so they troll for negative attention, the only kind they can get.
And the thing you (as per your MO) misquoted was "Teabagger wannabe ex-patriots", which are the idiots that whine about how awful America is 'now' and that they're going to leave the country because a socialist Kenyan is president and he's ruining the country (but they never follow through, to my chagrin)...not 'Teabagger wannabes', who just want to suck my balls....again, your comprehension has proven to be low.

What Happens When You Drink 25-Year-Old Beer

chingalera says...

It's all about yeast-survival vs. alcohol content, right?. Porters would stand a greater test of in-bottle time than a lager for example, but yer best bet is to drink good beer at it's peak.

This guys no hipster babymech (and I never had a chance to sit in a round with a 90s-00's hipster, I'd prob'ly wanna turn his chair over backwards) but this guys no where near hipster and he's definitely not a douchebag according to how I'd define douche...

How Many Sunburns Can Cause Skin Cancer?

Rock Around The Adhan Clock

High School Talent Show - Billy Jean

chingalera says...

Yeah no shit huh, go figure...just another TV-programmed-pop-culture-distracted-zombie-town-BUt yer better, you don't buy-into programming.....Personally dug the punk band wearing mixed garb and the front-man on guitar with the Gibson SG (drummer in sombrero) they're goin'

RadHazG said:

Nothing brings pride quite like being from a small town and having it produce an NFL QB (for my fav team no less) and a viral video star that ends up on my fav site.

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Climate Change Debate

chingalera says...

What in the FUCK are ya going off about??! Then ya spam my fucking profile again with yer bullshit??Some serious thick-skulled hate in ya boy, pretty much sullied on ya and your gross exaggeration and continual misinterpretation of meaning in the words I care to type....Wanna discuss your issues with me?! I didn't hijack this thread,YOU DID. Fuck with me some more and let's take this shit to the public forum how about it? I'm not singling you out for hate billy,on the fucking contrary... I'd like to get some feedback from others who have to read your bullshit because the threads' not about global warming anymore..

newtboy said:

Check the chronology, that came AFTER the claim that he made the ad hom, as an effort to explain what ad hom is.
A clue to the personality behind any passionate, ego-driven enemy of reasonable discourse? Beware of anyone who names themselves 'annoying little f*cking thing', as you can be sure they are only trying their hardest to be annoying, not informative or understanding.

THIS SITE IS A JOKE (Comedy Talk Post)

chingalera says...

Simple observations based on available data-That rabbits' fat enough for a stew pot or breading...Rodents or livestock in the house are for food, shooin',or garments, projects for youngsters or research science...Y'know, shavin' prior to implants or what not??

"Baxter: The new, bold fragrance for red eyes."

I'm kiddin', kiss yer best friend on the nose,may he reward you with tiny pellets behind the furniture

My logic fallible and my reasoning skills cumbersome?? Read more.

You'd cook him if you had to and you know it.
I could make him taste better though...

BoneRemake said:


Your logic is flawed and your words stink of poisonous vomit !

lets keep this fight going ! <--- as in that is all this turned into is one big pissy man boy match Edit - not even that, just one person in particular who was side tracking and making personal attacks in comments again, see how you can enjoy the double standard like everyone else choggie ? You' re here still after your little freak out in the sift talk, or the stuff you wrote above or the other day, you can enjoy it like everyone else, but you sure like to flip the coin and berate it at the same time, although we all have learned you lack logic and reasoning skills. But that is just my opinion, I guess this is what comments this post are for hey ? pretty well the reason I am writing this now. write what you want time.

So to answer your only sensible question fuckinglittlethingoverthere - as you described it the first time I asked you what it meant. Baxter the bunny weights in at 2.76 pounds.. and just jumped on my lap. I have learned this is not for pets though, this is for treats. so I do not try and pet him because he just swats lightly very very quickly at my finger tips and actually kinda growls a little, which makes me laugh.

He is fully grown and if I were to cook him like a psycho would cook their pet, as you suggested he would be like eating a quarter of a small frying chicken ( NOte to self *do not put palm plant fronds near top of chair - rabbit climbs chair and eats palm leaf* )

Also I do not think video sift is what that orignal poster said it is.

Biz tired of drunks peeing on it installs security SHOWER

chingalera says...

Yeah, right up your pigeon-holed alley. Hey lucky? While yer at it, how about check this users's spamming of my profile with his bullshit?....Please??

All you have to do is take a look at chicchorea's profile-Littered with ad hom.

chicchorea said:

excuse me...*discuss...when, how, why, what banned?

@lucky760, has this garnered votes...and comments after user account banned? That would be hilarious...a new genre again so soon.

nanrod (Member Profile)

THIS SITE IS A JOKE (Comedy Talk Post)

mintbbb (Member Profile)

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