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Anti-Michael Brown Song By Retired Fed. Investigator

newtboy says...

There are other sources of information beyond the youtube descriptions. Did you read the link?
To me, investigator for the fed is close enough to cop, and on the TV show they went into more detail about his long past in law enforcement and I think they said he was once a "cop", but to be completely honest I actually mistook his record for the retired officer who asked him to perform and put the event on when I wrote the description, (he is definitely a retired LAPD officer).
How about "retired Federal Officer at an event put on by retired LAPD officer for retired and current LAPD"...would that placate you? I can't see why, but because it disturbs you so...fixed?

I think you're jumping on what you perceive might be a minor factual mistake (I don't see it that way, I see no meaningful distinction between a federal cop and a city or state cop), one that makes no difference to the outrageousness, to avoid the issue. It's a tactic I've seen you use before. If you held yourself to the same standard of perfection, that would be something.

What I found most telling was his statement...
"We asked why Fishell would sing this in a room full of cops, and the lawyer replied, "He thought the room would get a kick out of it." "
This guy was once law enforcement, and is still friends with current and retired law enforcement, and that's how he thinks you all would react...and he was right, no one objected in the room of cops, their friends, and their family. That's the part that was the most telling, and the worst, in case you misunderstand.
One person acting badly is just one person. His feeling that cops would enjoy that is disturbing. The rest of the room, 1/2 full of cops, enjoying the act, or even just giving that kind of disgraceful performance the respect of sitting there listening without anyone objecting or leaving, that's disgusting.

lantern53 said:

Show me some proof that it was a retired cop singing this song. Otherwise, Newtboy, you are just as skewed as Al Sharpton or any other race-baiting lowlife. Nowhere on the youtube description does it state that it is a retired cop, only that some retired cops may have been in the audience.

Man caught secretly enjoying the show

eric3579 says...

CLEARLY the person on the left (hands only) was still clapping, and it was CLEARLY apparent, being put on the spot(camera), IS what made him stop. The girl that stopped clapping was CLEARLY moving around as was another girl farther to the right as the music must have CLEARLY been playing still.

...but clearly it's just the way i see it.

jmd said:

The girl also stopped clapping... clearly it was tapped at a separate point in time where the audience stopped clapping. Perhaps during his introduction.

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Don't Visit Antarctica

newtboy says...

Wow, these people went a long way to see penguins...that's why we have zoos people!
I know there's international agreement that no nation will 'invade' and try to take control of Antarctica, but I often wonder why no private group has 'annexed' at least part of it and started a new country. There's plenty of 'free' land, and natural resources galore in both minerals and a large percentage of the worlds fresh water. There must be some reason I'm just not getting.

Zina Nicole Lahr made things

enoch says...

it appears to me you do not fully comprehend what it is to be an artist.

the argument you put forth would make sense in the context that being an artist can be quantified as a "career choice".

i assure is not.

artists live in the present.
they reveal new ways of seeing,thinking and feeling in a constant parade of melodies woven together by the very fabric of humanity.

sometimes beautiful..other times horrific.
the artist rips the veil back to reveal a deeper truth.

the artist is sometimes exhalted.
many times vilified.

but it is never simply by choice.
they cant help themselves.
it is who they are.

so they live their lives according to the truth they perceive around them.
the ones who DO make it a career choice are not artists.
they have sold a talent in exchange for comfort and security and we always are the lesser for it.


enoch (Member Profile)

shinyblurry says...

Thank you for your gracious words. Merry Christmas to you too! Today is the day the Lord has made so I try not to dredge up the past too often, and I can tell you that I appreciate what you've said either way. I am growing in grace, and only in grace. As you said, it is a prayer for wisdom and grace alone which allows me to interpret scripture. Certainly, when I first started to pursue God, I had no earthly idea of where I would end up or what I would have to go through to get there.

What I am doing is essentially, submitting myself to God and allowing Him to remake me into the image of His Son. This is a process that is initiated, executed and completed by the Spirit of God. It is not my whim but the very real intervention of the Almighty in my life, whereupon the old me is extricated and the new me is molded by the Potters hands and seasoned with fire.

If there was anything I objected to in your words it was the implication that Christianity is like spiritual training wheels for those who can't hack it in the real world. This was simply my flesh, objecting; a spiritual pride that ironically came from my journal into the occult. I don't have that notion anymore; I have no trouble admitting that I am nothing and can do nothing without God, and that there is nothing in me which is of any value unless God put it there, and that for His glory.

I have volumes of things I wrote on esoteric spirituality, abstract thoughts, poetry, philosophy, life the universe and everything. I churned this stuff out as if my mind was a computer spitting out lines of code, I excelled at it, Enoch; as it seemed to me I was ascending the very heights of being, a kind of godhood, tapping into the very beating heart of it all. But God brought me crashing back down to the ground and He offered me a choice:

either crawl back into your darkness and reconstitute your construct or give up everything and follow My Son into the Light.

I didn't want to do it. I preferred my reality. Yet, to go back would mean to purposefully delude myself and that was what I absolutely refused to do. I was interested not in what I preferred but the truth. That's why I am a Christian.

Either way, I see that you are pursuing God, and I respect that. There is a difference in personal revelation, and we both have our opinions of that. That's fine and I think the truth can and will speak for itself. Even Buddha said, there are three things which cannot be long hidden; the sun, the moon and truth. Yet, there is something he missed which is that we can supress the truth. I could have rejected Gods revelation and reconstructed my reality, but thankfully I chose not to do that. Not everyone makes that choice. I have spoken to an atheist on this very website who denies he has a soul even though he has had an out of body experience. Sometimes people will take that rejection to their grave, which is why Christians are so urgent about letting people know about Jesus Christ. I don't know what your view is on the afterlife, but, the bible says we only have one shot and then the judgment. This is why I preach the gospel here, and everywhere. Not for myself, but because God loves these people and He wants them to know it before it is too late to do anything about it.

Thanks again for everything and I am praying you have a wonderful day tomorrow with your friends and family. I pray the Lord will give you a deeper revelation of His love. God bless you and yours.

Wikileaks has released another bombshell

ForgedReality says...

I'm tired of everyone throwing around party names all the time because they don't want to be affiliated with whoever is responsible for this madness.

Wake the fuck up. This has nothing to do with Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians, Socialists, or any of that crap. It has to do with greedy fuckers getting their hands in things, and pieces of shit who have been a part of the corporate movement for years--sometimes decades, as a family business.

It's time to move past this party bullshit and wake the fuck up and recognize that our government is out of control, and we have to take it back. A second civil war is the only way I see it happening at this point. Too many sheep fed into all the lies throughout the years, and now the corporations have all the power.

Tipping Servers $200

shatterdrose says...

I see the smiley now, and I •suppose• I can see it as you mention . . . lol I guess I either didn't catch it, or just didn't take it the right way. But see, that's what :-p is for :-p

Krupo said:

@shatterdrose - note that @lucky760 did add a smiley, which should negate any implication of sarcasm. He can speak for himself, but I don't think he meant to take a shot at reservations, just assumed that perhaps federal laws don't apply there? I understand why you would interpret it differently, but lucky's one of the gentlest souls at the sift, so you should give him tons of benefit of the doubt in the future!

Regarding @schlub's comment, "yes, but..." -> I think the idea here is to inspire people to do other acts of kindness, and use *money as a tool for positive actions rather than to brag about the fact they can drop a bunch of Benjamins and be awesome for it. They weren't acting like they're "lording over" the servers, just happy to spread to the joy, which makes it a great *quality vid.

California Rehab Program Rife with Fraud

eric3579 says...

What i find a shame is that they can legally charge me $20,000 for 3 hrs in the hospital because i fell off my bike (which ill be in debt for forever probably), or 750 dollars a month they want to charge me at costco for one of the antidepressants I was taking (paid about 100 a month from Canada for the generic which they cant sell in the US). Also there is the $8500 my dentist wants to replace two of my front teeth which ill need in the next year or two. Personally ill take my chances with socialized medicine as I dont have the kind of money it takes to get better when i get sick or hurt. None of us should have to choose between medical attention/medication and the ability to eat or pay the bills. Thats just the way I see it. Thanks for letting me vent.

Charging a patient $15 for a Tylenol is an absolute legal healthcare fraud(imo), but thats just good American business.

and my apologies for going off topic @MrFisk

Trancecoach said:

I guarantee, as healthcare becomes more socialized, we're going to see a whole lot more of this.

Such a shame.

Car Wreck Fail - Guy Blasting Music Wrecks His Car

Porksandwich says...

Guy videoing turned into the red car is the way I see it. The road actually widened out there right before he hit the red car. It could have MAYBE got over onto the side of the road if he had hit his brakes and held course instead of turning into it.

But yeah, giving yourself nowhere to go while traveling the wrong way on a street is not a good idea.

deathcow (Member Profile)

Weather presenter drops her fake smile too soon

grinter says...

Fake smiles are odious, despicable, disgusting things that shit on the warmth of the human experience.

All day long we interact with flesh-mask wearing professional liars, who've killed the joy of intimacy and drape her skin over their practiced and putrefying selfish resentment.

..that's the way I see it anyway. Please don't smile at me because you think it makes you seem polite and friendly.

Fail mother leads her kids into oncoming traffic

VoodooV says...

I think it's equal blame personally. No excuse for driving the wrong way down a one way. I have to admit though, this is one of my biggest pet peeves. for some reason, it has become acceptable for pedestrians to walk right into the street without looking both ways.

I see it all the time, I'm in my car, wanting to turn, only to see some pedestrian nearing the intersection and just walk right into it without turning their heads or batting an eye.

It makes absolutely no sense. This is one case where I think might does make right. cars take a long time to come to a stop, whereas a human can stop almost instantly. A car hitting a human can be catastrophic as shown in the video...a human hitting a car? when does that happen?

Cars should be given the right of way

but yeah, when they're going the wrong way down a one way, it's harder to be forgiving.

Zen & the Art of Mowing with a Scythe

Police perform illegal house-to-house raids in Boston

Jerykk says...

There is no such thing as "human rights." Rights, by their very nature, are simply laws and laws are just words. These words only have meaning when people abide by them and there is nothing in nature that requires people to do so. The reality is that you are afforded rights by the government that rules over you. The government holds the position of authority and, as a citizen, you agree to this. If you do not like this, you should refuse government rule. To hate and distrust your ruler while accepting their rule is pointless. Leave the country, become an anarchist, start a revolution... arguing about semantics (i.e. laws) doesn't change the fact that people with power can exert that power in any way they see fit.

BANNED TED Talks Graham Hancock on Consciousness Emergence

shagen454 says...

I understand, man. The only way to see that is to do it yourself, obviously if you do not want a spiritual experience, then you are well aware to stay clear.

Here is another article on the science behind how it works:

BicycleRepairMan said:

Look, I'm NOT saying we shouldn't look into this drug to see how it affects the brain, all that is interesting stuff, sure. I'm just saying we should approach it with the appropriate context which involves scientifically indisputable knowledge about the brain's (and all other biological material's) origin.

Its like this: suppose you find a cave somewhere on earth and it seems to be really deep: by all means, explore the cave, but if your theory is that the cave exits on mars on the other end, you aren't thinking straight, and your not taking into consideration what we already know. That's not how planets work.

I'm all with you on investigating the drug, I'm just calling bullshit on all the supernatural/spiritual hogwash being disguised as science.

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