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Amanda Palmer: Ukulele Anthem (Live @ Sydney Opera House)

Two Excellent Examples Of How Gun Control Can And Does Work

shveddy says...

I really wouldn't be able to pick Piers Morgan out of a line up. I wrote that first comment over a year ago in the immediate aftermath of the Newtown shooting and it was largely a response to the rhetoric pro-gun advocates were displaying all over my Facebook feed.

What I wrote is not at all an over-reaction to what I saw during that time.

Totally normal and sane friends of mine applauded a ten year old girl who shot and killed a home invader, enthusing that this is how America should be.

Totally normal and sane friends of mine waxed romantic about how concealing and carrying a weapon transforms a vanilla suburban dining experience into a potential battlefield. Whereas most people get lost in one of the many flat screen TVs at an Applebees, they spend their time sizing up potential adversaries and keep close tabs on every exit as they feel the reassuring bulge of their Glock at their side.

I totally agree that most of these guys will never end up needing to use their weapons in an adversarial situation, and I totally agree that these guys are responsible gun owners if responsible gun ownership is defined by a safe stewardship of the guns you acquire, but that is not the point that I'm trying to make.

The problem is that these sorts of people and the gun culture they have created has an enormous impact on the type of gun laws we pass. This wouldn't be a problem if they were coming from a place that wasn't obsessive and wasn't paranoid and wasn't delusional, but they are and this is unfortunate because it enables and accentuates much of the violence you lament in inner city culture.

lantern53 said:

shveddy, dude I think you're over-reacting. Perhaps you've been watching too many Piers Morgan shows.

Yes, the US has a gun culture. The problem with guns is not that people are hoarding them, the problem is that too many people who own them have no respect for other people's lives...that's the black youth culture, which is born out by the number of them who lose their lives every day.

Gun collectors keep their firearms locked up 99% of the time. But to a black youth, a gun is a great equalizer to defend his machismo. It's in their music but there are too many cowards who refuse to address it.

Questions for Statists

chingalera says...


First of all, Mr. and Mrs. VooDooV, please, do this little experiment for the entire group and speak aloud the way you responded to my last block of text...

The same Gastroesophageal reflex is encountered when proposing an argument to someone who refuses to engage in argument:

How many times have you heard the following statement by someone so eloquently clueless about what it is that's being discussed? "Well if you don't like it here, then why don't you move to Russia!?!

Or with a born-again Christian, OR rabid Atheist when their storehouse of personal illusion is dashed against the rock-hard crags when they wander too near an unfamiliar shoreline? Sounds something like this:

"Well, I believe I the way I do because with your way of thinking, you could go to hell but I can be sure this way that I am going to heaven!" -(quickly followed by ego-driven denial, then ostracization)

I refuse to engage quite simply, because you have like I have so many times before in my frustration with idiots and imbeciles, punks and thugs (and government insects employed by the state), showed the world your ass-card.

I'll admit everything I've been accused of when in the initial heat and frustration of being misunderstood I go off half-coked and wax mean-But here, and recently as I've conducted the experiment with vehement far-left liberal shit-thinkers, those who accuse e of foul-play remain solid in their own denial THAT THEIR SHIT STINKS!

Get it? All shit stinks mate, that the shitter doesn't realize it is not the concern of another shitter.

Real Actors Read Christian Forums : Monkey People

ChaosEngine says...

@enoch, just for the record, let's be clear about the timeline in this thread. There were a few posts then ching made a post complaining about the video, and making an irrelevant ad hom on Darwin. Some people down voted him for it, and that seems fair to me in that it wasn't a useful or interesting comment. Personally, I didn't, because I know that's what he wanted.

He then got all defensive, and posted more pseudo-philosophical persecution complex bollocks, which I then called him on. It wasn't even a very harsh comment, but then he decided to respond and just kept digging.

Unsurprisingly, other people took umbrage at this.

my problem with @chingalera is not his use of flowery language, but just that he's so bad at it. I can wax eloquent with the best of them and if the situation warrants, I have a positively egregious vocabulary of verbose verbiage in my arsenal of debating devices, argumentative arms and combative communications, but frankly, it's just not needed most of time, and invariably simple language communicates better.

The main issue I have is it's just so pointless. His language is always vague, and I'm increasingly convinced this is deliberate, merely so he can pick and choose how to be offended.

So mission accomplished, another thread derailed, and chingaleras narcissism quotient for the day is filled.

Wing Chun Techniques - how to destroy the boxer

Laser Graffiti on the tracks

Worst Twerk Fail EVER - Girl Catches Fire!

Red says...

Molten wax can take fire pretty dramatically in certain conditions, see here. Though I'd put my guest on the bottle of rhum on this one (for the fire and all that happens for that matter).

Laptops of the Ancient World

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'Wax tablets, stylus, ancient world, note taking' to 'Wax tablets, stylus, ancient world, note taking, lindybeige, nikolas lloyd' - edited by xxovercastxx

Bank of America Employees Were Told to Lie to Home Owners

JiggaJonson says...

Well, just ask @blankfist , if banks ever did this, people would just go to another bank. No government intervention needed here.

Oh wait:

"'We are doing more business with our customers and clients, and gaining momentum across every customer group we serve,' said Chief Executive Officer Brian Moynihan."

It must be that people like being taken advantage of. I know that's why I personally own a rubber bondage set, because I'd rather get taken advantage of via hot candle wax and use a credit bureau. Different strokes for different folks.

Creepy Porn star Interview

Outstanding skateboarding in India

Is your earwax wet or dry? (User Poll by lucky760)

Amazing New Hair Removal Technique

Handcrafting a Remake of Conan's Father's Sword

deathcow says...

> soon to be replaced by 3D printed lost wax casting

In 2026, the first molten metal inkjet with > 500 dpi spatial resolution is created. Metals are transported as tiny balls and then fused with high power photonics. No matter what is created, it ends up as a single crystal of metal.

Who Knew These Guys Were In So Many Movies

ruak says...

Liked the clip, thought I'd help out with the translation, as some expression Google translate totally misses Tried to keep it as literal as possible, here you go

My friend is my buddy even though he has no money
He’s my appearance, my face but doesn’t look like me
He’s my brother, but we weren’t carried by the same arms
He’s my s’rab (= friend), he surely won’t be the one to denounce me
My friend is my big but he’s not Pierre Menes
He doesn’t break sugar on my back (literal translation of French expression, it means he doesn’t talk about him behind his back)
He can support OM (French soccer team Olympique Marseille) and if it helps him I’d lie to his wife without a problem
And If my friend comes from far away, he or his parents
Black, white, yellow or brown, it makes me one ignorant less
I do not expect you to wax my shoes (again French expression, it means he doesn’t expect him to kiss his ass)
It will not be because of you being straightforward if I burn the bridges
I wouldn’t put you in my mess if I did something stupid
I wouldn’t ask you to come down with a shovel at night without asking any questions
But if it is needed, bring me back home
If I go crazy bring me back to reason
We can disagree, we can take our heads (French expression, it means We can argue, fight)
But there will always be a piece for you on my plate
My buddy does not scream with wolves
We do not wash our dirty laundry in public (to take care of your personal business) but between us
It is not always the good wind that brings my buddy (It means it is not always a happy reason why his friend is coming to him)
I’m not always OK with how he behaves
I wouldn’t like to learn that he has betrayed me or that he’s plotting
It would bury our relationship even if it’s strong
I have not sealed my fate to his, for me things are clear
My friend is my friend but he’s not my father
I want to keep him a long time so I avoid interfering
Between him and me, money, women and all that could divide us

My friend has always been there
Too long, my best friend was me
My buddy stays at my home, we spend sleepless nights
We remake the world, we hear each other even in the silences
My friend always answers my phone calls
That we every hour or every twelve years
I can make him understand everything with a blink
At the edge of the explosion buddy is the pin (goupille is the metal pin of a grenade)
Where I am many people mix friends and groupies
But I’ve understood treason since Fox and the Hound
My buddy isn’t trying to please me at all costs
Doesn’t pretend to look away when my verses are bad
Late evening, always a corner of a sofa
My car is not in the ditch because he keeps the key
Nothing separates us even large sums (of money)
We don’t raise pigs but have raised some sluts
My buddy lowers no one to bring himself in the spotlight
He’s my reflection, breaking us apart is risking seven years of bad luck
My buddy is not a beast in heat
And I can sleep peacefully at night when I introduce him to my sister
Loyal in friendship
If I am not down to earth anymore my dude reminds me of the laws of gravity
Always ready, always the first to come down
in case of a dip or for a game of Play(station)

He’s my antidepressant, my lexo(mil), my friends aren’t all heroes

In practice we all have our faults
If one day in my life I forget to be legit

I’ll listen to this piece again as a kind of memo

[Flynt & Orelsan]
This is for my friend of 20 years
For my buddy of now
He’s my disgusting friend and my dapper dude
For my ugliest friend
For my dumbest pal
For m most down to earth friendy friend
For my friend on Pluto

This is for my easy-talking friend and my dyslexic friend

My buddy that my friend (girl) said no to but persists
For my unemployed buddy, my buddy who works

For my kickeur buddy, my buddy who raps poorly
(kickeur apparently means good rapper: it does)

Boxer buddy, my pianist friend
Performing buddy, buddy artist
Buddy hook, buddy Roger
My friend who crashes at a mate’s house and has no projects

Dude in a suit, buddy in Coste-la (Coste-la is actually ‘verlan’ for Lacoste, the brand)
My friend who lives in the countryside

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