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gwiz665 (Member Profile)

Chick wih Most Amazing Tongue/Mouth Mods

legacy0100 says...

Disgusting... Feminine body is beautiful, why fuck it up like that.

I understand it is your body and you can do whatever you want to it. But fuck, why ruin a beautiful thing, seriously.

I find it self-unappreciative. You look beautiful as you are, don't experiment on it.

Creed Shreds All You HATERS - listen and see

Hey Siftie... (Wtf Talk Post)

Dog trapped in a force-field

Women and VideoSift: Why I'm a feminist. Guys, I quoted you. (Terrible Talk Post)

10444 says...

First of all, I'm female.

I believe in equality between men and women just as much as you do. As I see it, equality isn't just about being able to do the same exact things. People are unique. Broadly, men and women, function differently emotionally as well as physically. It's something that I find absolutely fascinating and it always makes me sad when someone can't understand that while men and women can be equal, the complexities of that equality reach far deeper than a list of who what when where why. Both genders are unappreciated by each other. Even more sadly, people are unappreciated for things they do that are either subtle or against gender roles.

Our society might make women objects, but men aren't anything more. A man has to be strong, tall, rugged, handsome, has to support his family with acceptable work, can't be gay - and has to prove his heterosexuality, has to succeed in subjects such as math and science, be caring - despite all the emotional repression, etc etc. Why does this sound so old, so traditional and behind the times? Unfortunately, it isn't.

On the net it's easy to see men as nothing more than the comments they say. 'Oh, he's such a shallow bastard!' How is that, in any way, fair to a man? Women, having had their fight to equality, don't realize that they can stop fighting now. It's gone too far. A man can't bitch at a woman for commenting on the hotness of another man, it'd make him horrible and repressing. A woman can tell a man he's disgusting and shallow for looking at porn, and it makes her strong and independent. Feminism is about equality, not about women. Why should women get more rights than men just because they're supposedly suppressed? If someone is human, then they hurt. They feel pain. Imagine not being able to express your pain, having to be strong, being misunderstood and unloved for your anger that's there because you aren't allowed to express yourself. Can you imagine that? Have you ever had a really bad day where you tore everyone apart, people you cared about, because you were upset but didn't feel it was in your place? Did you know while it was happening, what it was that you were doing - hurting others, but not being able to get passed it? Imagine feeling like that every single time you get upset. Even worse, imagine not being able to express yourself when it comes to beauty. Men are fascinated by women, attracted to them in ways that are far more than sexual. Women are mysterious and beautiful to them. But they get punished for saying such, they're shallow for it.

What can you expect from a guy if he gets the anonymity he needs to be able to say whatever he wants? I bet it's a thrill for them to be able to joke about how hot a chick is, in public and not having to be careful around the women that they'd hurt with such a comment. What can you expect from a man that isn't allowed to cry, is pressured to make the money and keep the woman that doesn't bother to understand him satisfied? I've been around so many little boys that were just.. true gems of humanity, that were punished by their parents for liking things they shouldn't. 'No, don't go picking the flowers. Yes they're pretty, but that's what girls do. Your sister can pick them for mommy. You have to be a big boy now, go play with your trucks.' Little girls get the same treatment, but not to as harsh of a degree. A girl that can count in her head and run just as fast as the boys is rewarded for her behavior. A boy can't be interested in certain colors, but girls can like all of them. Women can have pretty much any job and be considered a strong, working woman. A man can't sew, or make certain types of music, work as a florist. He's seen as gay generally, or in some way less of a man, if he does. Is this right?

When it comes to porn.. I used to have a lot of trouble with my guy watching that. I saw it as him not wanting me, that I wasn't satisfying sexually. But as you said, women in porn are nothing but objects. That's what porn is for. There is nothing in mainstream porn that tries to make a viewer love the people within the video. It's about the raw, instinctual response to sex. There aren't supposed to be any emotions around it. It doesn't make the man want you any less, or see you as an object, unless there are other, REAL problems in the relationship. Porn makes us time between me and my guy more special, and there's nothing keeping me from sharing it with him. We can enjoy our sexuality

I find a lot of beauty in the female body. Added to the unique qualities of every single woman, emotionally and physically, and you've got billions of masterpieces all over the world. While some might be more famous, or more symmetrical and therefore aesthetically attractive, every single woman on the world supports and wields more power than she or anyone, really, will be aware of. When the power is realized it's used for negative things a lot of the time ( seducing to get what she wants, like money, for example ) but it can be used for good just as much. But while women have a lot of power, men have just as much in ways that they won't reach because of their required roles in society.

If you've ever had a problem with a guy over porn, then it's a misunderstanding. If you don't want to be open about a guy's feelings regarding porn, if you're that strongly against it, then it'd be best if you added that to the first date convo. 'I don't accept porn.' Eventually you'll get a guy that agrees with you - yes there are guys out there that don't enjoy porn. Stereotypes are nothing more than a generalization.. Men can be wonderful and women can be horrible and disgusting.

Men and women are equal. Equally surpressed. The best way to get around that is to just love yourself, appreciate you for who YOU are. Not for what you're supposed to be because you're a chick. If you can really and truly do that to yourself, then you should be able to see the true beauty in others, and leave these stereotypes behind. Guys are just as repressed.. And worse yet they're not allowed to talk about it.

I hope something I've said has reached you.. I'm sorry that you have to feel all this anger and that these posts are probably just upsetting you more. Like Obsidianfire said, monkey sphere.

Beyond Good & Evil 2 Teaser Trailer

Ask an Iraqi (how Americans see Iraq and its people)

deedub81 says...

Imagine you have a leaky roof, a broken toilet, and old doorknobs. I walk into your house with $2000.00 and buy you orange paint and blue furniture. You didn't let me in, I broke in. What do I care what it looks like? I don't have to live here forever. How do you feel about me? But I helped you, you unappreciative twat! Now let's say I knock on your door with half as much money and ask you how I can help. You're obviously going to ask me to fix the things you know are broken. Now what's your opinion of me? Now you think I'm awesome. I didn't have to help but I wanted to, and now your better off and we're really good friends. You're welcome, Iraq. You're welcome.

Highbrow Antics of a Cat! (3 seconds)

ElessarJD says...

I'm mainly just a consumer of this site, I've posted a few movies, but I typically come for viewing. That said, I read comments mostly because people have something informative, witty or funny to say. Not sure who Choggie is, but his/her behavior in this thread is unappreciated. They come across as rude, excessively vulgar and childish. I don't see how Choggie is contributing to the community here at all. In fact it's counter-productive.

I don't mean to add to the drama here... I just don't think any of this was necessary at all. What can I say? ...I'm just not a fan of offensive people. Be cool.

Women on Pick Up Lines

Thylan says...

It can be hard to have something real to say to a person you know nothing about. In the context of a bar, a guy might try to use the shared environment as inspiration (commenting on the place/music/chosen drink etc) or might try to explain why, as a complete stranger, he has just approached her (e.g be honest about his appreciation of her looks).

It sounds like a few of the women were against/offended by the idea of being "picked up" itself. Of someone approaching them with interest to a sexual encounter. If thats not what they would like/value then it's not surprising that a place that has become culturally associated with that has led to many unappreciated advances. As dag notes, men may be expected to break the ice, but as in the example choggie gave, allowing them to feel comfortable with approaching you gets past all this.If they approach then its on their terms, and so will be something they feel comfortable about, and free of the "distasteful predatorialness of a guy approaching for a pickup". No double standards there atall.

That all said, I've never desired casual pickup sex (just dosent appeal at all), and so have never tried such lines successfully or otherwise, and I dont tend to hang out in bars as I also dont drink, so if im there its because im with friends, and not "cruising". As persephone noted, bars are not ideal if you want a conversation/emotional connection, so I'd be much more inclined to go to places other than bars to meet people in a real way.

Not sure where though. Maybe when i move I'll find some.

Blind Willie Johnson - 'Dark was the Night , '

World Class Musician Goes Ignored in Subway

Deano says...

@acl123 - Gene Weingarten wrote it. My understanding is that Gene is a male name. Other than that "Emily Shroder, Rachel Manteuffel, John W. Poole and Magazine Editor Tom Shroder contributed to this report".

Sounds like YouTube is your bag given your willingness to start trolling. Gene's not averse to dolling out the insults and curt replies so I'm sure he/she can cope with being called an arse.

Going back to the clip there are a million and one reasons why people might not stop and they don't mean the end of Western civilisation. And getting to work on time might help one cobble together the money to see the likes of Joshua Bell.

The problem is certain people are willing to see the worst in this when the reality is just far more mundane. Indeed Weingarten mentions it as well - context. We don't expect to see things out of context - and certainly not world-class violin playing in some dingy metro. As another commenter on the article suggested, there are ALOT of other factors in this situation that are competing for people's attention. This isn't about beauty and art being unappreciated - for me it's an experiment that tells us about psychology, group behaviour and the fact that life is tough for buskers.

Finally as much as I love classical music and opera, I do accept that not everyone else does. Let's not forget that before we start admonishing others.

[edit] It's worth noting that the article's publication was held over til two days before Bell was up for an award - as requested by his publicist.

Philipp Geist: Winterzauber video and light installation

yoghurt says...

Winterzauber, "Winter Magic"

More info from the artist's website:

Multimedia art in Zurich: A restaurant is turned into a work of art

english version (translation Julie Draper)
Zurich, 11.27.2005

Beginning at sundown from 11.27 through 12.31.2005, the historically protected building housing the Lake Side Restaurant in Zurich will be transformed into a 450 sqm. three-dimensional video art installation.

It is the work of Berlin-based multimedia artist Philipp Geist, a rising star in the young art scene. Together with the symphony orchestra OBC Barcelona and the Finnish sound ensemble Pan Sonic, Philipp Geist appeared as a video artist at the opening of the Sonar Festival in Barcelona in 2004. He was represented at the Dissonanze Festival in Rome, at Clubtransmediale in Berlin and at the Mutek Festival in Montreal which is renowned for new media. His video works have been exhibited at important international art institutions including the Central House of Artists (CHA) in Moscow, the Institute of Contemporary Art (ICA) in London, the National Gallery in Warsaw (Zacheta), at the opening of the Pinakothek der Moderne in Munich – and now for the first time in switzerland.

For his work in Zurich, the 29 year-old Berlin-based artist deliberately avoids the use of canvases and instead projects directly onto the concrete building façades and windows which have been prepared with a special projection foil. Every evening, visitors can expect to see a selection of images alternating between purist, dreamlike and intangibly fragile compositions. The starting foundation for all of Philipp Geist’s work is video material solely filmed and produced by himself. Geist finds the subjects for his work in everyday things like hairbrushes, leaves, raindrops and curtains. He releases these objects from their usual setting and places them in new visual and correlated contexts by employing special camera and video techniques using motion blur and superimposition.

Especially for Winterzauber (Winter Magic) in Lake Side, Philipp Geist went in search of wintry, Christmasy motifs which attempt to break the link to consumption and indulgence, and instead direct visitors’ attention toward the pure aesthetic component that is all too often obscured by the kitschy madness of Christmas.

It is in this way that a ride along the highly commercialized Oxford Street in London takes on a completely new appearance as it is seen through a window pane. Distorted by the raindrops at night, it allows viewers only a vague impression of the twinkling Christmas lights. Microscopic close-ups give sparklers, burned down candles and snowflakes an element of diversity that would have remained unappreciated by the human eye without the aid of technology.

By opting to use the three-dimensional, defined structure contours as projection surfaces instead of canvases, Geist increases the motifs’ abstraction while simultaneously regaining depth and diversity. In this way, Geist initiates a dialogue between the historically protected architecture, his artistic work and the people going in and out of the structure: The visitor himself becomes part of the projected image on the threshold between the inside and outside of the building.

Geist allows a wintry world to emerge in front of visitors’ eyes. The subject matter and motifs, although familiar, astonish with their size and unusual presentation while altering the observer’s perception and challenging conventional viewing habits.

Given that the opening of Geist’s work will coincide with the first day of Advent, it will be intriguing to see how he uses his playful, artistic interpretation to approach winter and Christmas themes. One thing is for certain: Visitors will be able to immerse themselves in a tranquil, wintry, dreamlike world of lights.

"Winterzauber" 2005 at Lake Side
Videoart installation by Philipp Geist
open daily from 11.27 - 12.30.05, 6:00 pm – 12 am
12.31.05, 6:00 pm – 5:00 am

The Self-linking Thread (Sift Talk Post)

benjee says...

It seems my comments have been mis-construed into some kind of Witch Hunt, which I never intended...And I know only too well what one is; as a relative was burnt as a witch (possibly why my mums side of the family is full of martyrs!) Plus, I've been on the receiving end of incorrect 'trigger-happy' discards myself in the past (but I certainly don't blame anyone, as the rules are vague). Anyway: I'm a person of principle - if somethings against my ethics then I'll have no conscious part of it in a very vocal way (what hasn't helped me gain friends or votes here!) This is certainly one of those occasions, so let me explain why:

A. Like I've said previously, I think the change would create a two-tiered level of users - those who've earned the right to bend the rules and the new/unappreciated users. I'd find that a little hypocritical and certainly a confusing rule - this would have put me off when joining a few months ago (and repulses me even more with my 'in' status).

B. Instead of searching the web video portals, the bit-torrent network would be more reliable source of videos to submit. Thereby adding another barrier to those who won't look into the darkside of the internet or don't know how to edit/convert video, which leads to:

C. Allowing self-links maybe seen as encouraging copyright infringement - at the moment we're finding links posted by others, if Sifters are adding content (such as the multitude of BBC/C4 docs I've sifted) it will reflect badly on the site itself. For instance, if I worked for major media looking for copyright web-videos to take down, the Sift would be my favourite site (we do all the work they don't want to!)
Example scenarios where the proposed rule change fails:
1. A corporate marketing employee/self-employed agency registers on the Sift and publishes 50 good videos/SiftTalks, easily done as a full-time job spent astro-turfing. After getting a foot in the Gold door (possibly using the same corporations sub-companies virals etc) - the marketer can get down to work.

2. I could make a video directly promoting my work or that of my employer, even submitted to my own host account and add everything except an email address. Basicly, anything I wanted to Sift-Off could be easily submitted at will and commented as such - I'd prefer it's return as a separate section with the top 3 prize of being allowed.

3. In protest of the rule change; I sell my profile to the highest bidder on e-Bay...Thereby earning a nice profit on the cost of the (then) 6 months upgrade and time spent. The buyer is then well within the rules (of the proposed and current ones) to post whatever they want, from whatever source they like.
I have no doubt the Sifters commenting here only want to share good videos with this great community. But using the same community to host or submit the video is an addition to the social bindings that I feel are the biggest attraction on the Sift. Personally, I would be disappointed to see sanctioned self-links being added to the rules for anyone of any status - I could only possibly envisage two allowances: (I've run out of listings, so I'm using smileys!)

Self-link replacements to dead Sifts could possibly be an exception, but difficult due to explanation C (dead for a reason?)

The Gold, Silver & Bronze Sift-Off winners (or more from channels?) get their video legitimately published to the Sift's front with a trophy - as the prizes for a more frequent event (weekly/fortnightly/monthly)

P.S: Sorry Ren, my comment wasn't directed at yourself (I also positively voted and commented for both, I believe) - but a good example of why something needs to change.

Who the #$!#@! is Banksy?

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