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Russian Man Somersaults After Hit By Car on the Highway

chilaxe says...

He stepped back to the empty position between lanes, but the car behind the SUV that hit his friend stopped braking and hit him in between the lanes while merging left.

This is why we need Google cars that talk to each other.

Doesn't look fake. That's what can happen when a light object gets hit that fast.

'Americans Elect' Group Challenges U.S. Presidential Primary

criticalthud says...

>> ^GeeSussFreeK:

@criticalthud I find some marginal intellectual value in it, to be sure. But we aren't so different than 2000 years ago, it doesn't take much to loose all foundations of order as recent events all around the globe show. While the language we use to talk bout rights and such might have become more sophisticated, the man behind the language lingers on.
Comparing direct Democracy to cooperation is much like comparing your neighbor to your best friend. The former is cooperation by force of conditions (his relation to your own set of circumstances) and the later force of both your desires (your friend's and your own to be in a mutual relationship). The latter carries more weight when you make choices. The challenge I have to myself is how to make a system that harnesses this much stronger force of cooperation to a larger set of people. To be sure, most of the people you would elect don't actually care about you in a very real way. And conversely, neither do 1 million people in California. For me, both representative and direct democracy have a lack of care towards individual members.

thank you for a well thought out and articulate response. it is this kind of exchange that gives me hope. I would submit that we are quite a bit different from greek era consciousness, and that the age of reliance upon myth and superstition is at a close. This may or may not happen in our lifetime but we are and have been turning away from superstition to explain the world favoring and science instead. We are altering both our behaviors and our consciousness to become more rational human beings, and this change is happening at a very high rate, especially now that we are talking with each other.

are we on the brink of destruction...sucking the ecosphere dry? yeah, probably, and we're still too mired in the age of the ego to really give a fuck as a species. but i'm still finding you far more rational than michelle bachman, and I trust my neighbor far more than a politician in the pocket of big pharma.

I would submit that recent event around the globe are not indicative of a loss of order, rather a recognition by the general populace of their continued and growing irrelevancy. Despite the chaos, there is an increased sense of awareness that is developing on this planet.... and rapidly. And once it starts, it is potentially infinite.

people all around the world are quickly figuring out that they are getting fucked and they want to do something about it.
and we are quickly figuring out that we are not god's chosen and the world is not our domain to rule as we see fit. we're just another species, and we are fucking up the planet in a bad way.
and we are modifying their behavior to become more rational beings.
and rationality values cooperation

or who knows. maybe i'm just trippy dippy

Hitler the humanist? Hitchslapped!

(A) Daily Show: Louis CK v. Hasselbeck

smooman says...

omg could those birds talk over each other more?! jesus, theyre all just anxiously waiting for the other person to have a momentary break in dialogue so they can word vomit

except louis of course

Kevin O'Leary schooled regarding Canada metered internet

HaricotVert says...

Wow. A news spot in which the people being interviewed don't talk over each other (except for a very brief overlap near the end), no name calling, and barely even a raised voice.

I don't think we're in Kansas anymore, Toto.

Rewriting the NRA

NetRunner says...

@GeeSussFreeK we're kinda talking past each other. I'm asking you how far your conception of this moral absolute goes. If I have no right to tell you that you can't own a revolver to defend yourself from random snake attacks, do I also have no right to tell you that you can't own a solar-system destroying device, or a mere nuclear weapon?

Should the NRA be fighting for Iran, North Korea, and Al Qaeda's right to bear nuclear arms?


Kalle says...

>> ^spoco2:

Yeah, you know... I'm going to be a massive dick and killjoy here, but after watching just last week I'm going to have to say this is a shit video.
There's nothing wrong with nudity, nudity is great, natural, wonderful.
But treating women as purely objects, and showing forceful violence against them (holding foot during presumably sex, chloroforming a woman) is not cool.
As you were, and sorry for being a dick killjoy.

The cool thing about the internet is that people with different moral values from around the world actually talk to each other..

And they even apologise for beeing different... I like hat.

And I like boobs.

Irate Black Man Calls Himself

GeeSussFreeK says...

After playing with the soundboard, I have deduced that this is two sound boards talking to each other. Which is what the title says it is, but not exactly what your expecting it means. Connotative and denotative meanings are important!

Which Apocalypse Would be the Most Fun?

blankfist says...

Okay, this really irks me. They broke the line the entire clip. If you have four people in a scene, two sitting across from two, then why would you put the camera in the middle as an OTS?

Notice that in order for the two guys to look at Swaim, they both look left to right. When Swaim looks at them, he splits the camera: left to right to look at one of them and right to left to look at the other one. It's maddening to watch these videos. It messes with my brain when I see someone talking to each other yet both looking in the same direction! It's like, "Who are they talking to right now? Did a new character appear off screen they haven't shown us yet?"

Caller To Limbaugh: You Invaded My Country. Go Back!

Winstonfield_Pennypacker says...

I'm just wondering how this show does so well...

Probably a combination of market position and market demand. When the radio show began in the early 90s there was a total vaccuum of conservative commentary. The left wing dominated television commentary and the newspapers - and talk radio was a wasteland of local crap like "Cooking with Celeste", "Gardening with Bob" and similar blase' mediocrity.

So Rush comes on the scene as a conservative firebrand and it filled a huge market void. Most of the U.S. is conservative - not liberal. So conservative people were sick of hearing nothing but liberals talking at each other. Rush said the things they believed in and wanted to hear. Boom. Instant audience.

It established him as the first conservative talker in the market. That gives you brand awareness and top-of-mind. When people think 'conservative talk' they think "Rush Limbaugh".

Quake Done Quick 720p

sepatown says...

i start to feel sorry for the NPCs. i just imagine them talking to each other at the end:

Ogre: "Guys, what the fuck just happened?"
Shambler: "That was just embarassing, did anyone hit him?"
Death Knight: "I did!"
Shambler: "That was me you dick. Remember? That's why i started trying to claw your eyes out."
Death Knight: "Oh, yeah. In my defense he wasn't fighting fair like normal, he kept bouncing around like a fucking douche."
A voice comes in over the loud speakerphone: "Player1 has scored a new record!"
Ogre: "Shit, Chthon is gonna be pissed."
Death Knight: "Fuck Chthon! My wife is gonna kill me, im on a performance based contract."

Gohmert Melts Down on Anderson Cooper Over "Terror Babies"

Fletch says...

Part of the problem with them talking over each other all the time is the time lag. Wish he was there, live. Also... Gohmert's just a jackass whose Rethug scare blather got noticed and challenged. To act outraged at being attacked for such simple and fair questions he was given ample opportunity to answer... I wonder wtf he thought he was going to be asked. It's as if he believes saying something over and over and over makes it true. Amazing.

nach0s (Member Profile)

chtierna says...

I tried a bit of RadioLab ( that they mention on This American Life, but they keep talking over each other all the time and its just confusing. Pretty interesting stories though if you haven't checked it out already.

In reply to this comment by nach0s:
Yea, I love that show. Free itunes download each week. If you have an iPhone, they have a great app too--you get their entire back catalog. I'd also recommend the Moth podcast--it's true stories told to a live audience.

In reply to this comment by chtierna:
Just listened to "Pool Of Money" from "This American Life" and it was great! Thanks for the suggestion, I'm totally addicted to this radio show, can't believe how good they are at telling interesting stories.

In reply to this comment by nach0s:
The episodes they did on the financial meltdown are excellent.

Revoke BP's Corporate Charter

mgittle says...

Oh. I see the problem. You guys basically want the same thing but the sheer number of labels for things being used makes it so you can't even talk to each other meaningfully. That article cleared things up for me with regard to your opinions quite nicely. You'd both prefer to eliminate or modify corporations to limit their ability to externalize virtually all risk, correct?

The biggest problem I see is that even if you somehow remove the ability for businesses to incorporate and therefore socialize their liability, that still doesn't completely remove their ability to do ridiculous things. What it does accomplish, however, is the addition of personal consequence into a realm where it basically doesn't currently exist. I guess it's this motivator that blankfist is counting on to reform the system?

I've never looked at the phrase "free market" while including the concept that the existence of corporations is a form of regulation. INTERESTING. I think I see where a lot of people get their wires crossed when they argue this stuff.

Do you talk funny?

jimnms says...

The yank dropped the n-bomb! I though you northern folk weren't supposed to be no racists or anything up thar?

I was born, raised and have lived in the South my whole life. I speak proper (American) English, and I do have an accent. I don't hear it in myself when I speak, but when I hear my voice on a recording, I'm thinking, "who's that redneck talking?"

This also reminds me of a time I went out with some friends. We were waiting at a restaurant, it was cold or raining or something, so everyone was packed inside waiting for their table. We were just talking to each other, and some out of town couple next to us must have been eavesdropping because the woman leaned over her husband/boyfriend/whatever and said "did you hear that, they said y'all."

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