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My Fusion Reactor's Making A Weird Noise - Tom Scott

Chairman_woo says...

Because the Sun doesn't have a convenient plug socket

There are some pesky logistical problems in harnessing even a fraction of the suns output.

It's not that it can't be done but.......we could instead just make our own fun sized suns like these people are trying to do.

Nothing else could really touch the output of a fusion reactor if (when) they finally nail it.

Not that solar cells wouldn't still have their niches, or a stopgap role in the mean time.

jimnms said:

Why are we building fusion reactors when there is a giant, natural one already there that gives us all the power we could ever need?

My Fusion Reactor's Making A Weird Noise - Tom Scott

Khufu says...

Can you build a solar powered long-distance spacecraft? Or would fusion be better?

jimnms said:

Why are we building fusion reactors when there is a giant, natural one already there that gives us all the power we could ever need?

Too Much Wind isn't Good: Wind turbine catches fire

newtboy says...

That is absolutely not true....all of it.
First, it's only close to true if you only count the direct costs of production, and ignore all the cost to mitigate the damages energy production causes.
Second, even then it's not true. I put in a solar system on my house around 10 years ago. It paid for itself in savings in under 8 years, and has a lifespan of over 20 years. That means, compared to coal, coal, and coal, it's incredibly more efficient and cheaper.

Geothermal is the MOST efficient and 'clean' form of energy out there. Where did you get your information, a BP flier?

So, if you should swap energy sources when they make (economic) sense, that would have been >10 years ago. If you count all the costs involved with other energy sources, not just basic energy production costs, it would have made sense to switch around 40+ years ago.

Winstonfield_Pennypacker said:

Wave and solar power are where the investments should be made

Oh for... SIGH. From the Energy Information Administration...

The most efficient forms of energy are Coal, Coal, Coal, Natural Gas, Natural Gas, Natural Gas, Natual Gas, Natural Gas, and Nuclear. In that order.

The LEAST efficient forms of energy are Hydro, Biomass, Geo, Solar, Wind, and Wind.

Anyone notice anything interesting about the list there? Anyone? Beueller? Bueller?

"Green" energy is an absolute joke. America has enough Coal, Gas, and Oil to last well into the next century. Sure - put R&D into Solar, Wind, and Tidal - but swapping over to these forms of energy "right now" just for the sake of it is the height of idiocy. You swap energy sources when they make sense - not because of some moronic hoax (I.E. AGW).

Dear Future Generations: Sorry

newtboy says...

Pretty much what @Mordhaus said.

There's no way to sustain the numbers we have today without changing 99% of people's habits, most effectively starting with breeding habits.
With the need for only 10% the power required today, you would never need to use nuclear power at all, or hydro. You could supply it on wind and solar with a small fossil fuel peak power generator system.
The planet MAY survive....but I don't count only extremophile bacteria as really 'alive'. Worst case scenario, we could be Venus 2.0, in my eyes, that's not alive.

diego said:

actually, its not at all like that. the planet has food and land in surplus for everyone, but there is huge waste. Some of it is the price of technology and the modern life style, some of it is avoidable, reckless waste, but its not only a matter of "if there were only less people". That wouldnt make trawling the ocean any less destructive, or nuclear waste any less toxic. The planet is going to survive no matter what, the question is in what form, reducing the number of people on the planet only changes the time it takes to ruin the planet if the people that remain are going to continue irresponsibly consuming and contaminating as before.

Pig vs Cookie

Mordhaus says...

Sure I can, I have two hands.

On a serious note, we are the most rational species that we know of to date. That will most likely change when we discover extra-solar lifeforms, but for now it is true. On the other hand, we are all slaves to our instincts and emotions. Some more than others, we tend to call these people addicts or emotionally unstable. But even if you are a so-called average person, you are going to struggle against these feelings every day.

I personally struggle with many issues, but I've made a personal choice to not struggle with what my body has been hard-coded to prefer as a food source. We are omnivores, plain and simple, and while some prefer to fight that, I prefer to accept it. I know that every day I live, something will have had to die or have lived on a farm as a production animal, for me to enjoy my food decisions. I do my best to make sure that the animals were compassionately treated and humanely slaughtered, the rest I choose to live with.

eoe said:

You can't simultaneously pat your species on the back for being the most rational amazing species in the universe and also say you're a slave to your emotions and instincts.

Decide on one or the other.

siftbot (Member Profile)

Going Interstellar - Photonic Propulsion

newtboy says...

I'm confused. They imply a 3 day trip to mars is possible, but is that at the maximum speed photonic propulsion can deliver, or do they include the acceleration and deceleration times? As I understood it, photonic propulsion can deliver extreme speeds, but only at a minimal acceleration. That means that maximum speed is much faster, but accelerating to that speed takes immensely longer, and the same goes for deceleration. Maybe they've invented a new method I've not heard of with much higher acceleration, but that's not really mentioned in the video.
They actually seem to imply they plan to use the same tech as cyclotrons, which means essentially a huge rail gun (and that's not photonic propulsion BTW, it's magnetic). Again, the amount of propulsion is miniscule, but the top speed is high with that method. Yes, you can expel matter at near speed of light, but only in tiny amounts and using huge amounts of energy.
Yes, it may take 10 minutes to achieve 30% the speed of light....with single molecules or atoms.
There are MANY reasons why we can't do this at macro sizes. Just look at the size of a cyclotron needed to accelerate an atom to those relativistic speeds. Now think about sizing that up to accelerate enough matter to move a spaceship instead of a single atom and it's likely near the size of the entire planet. We won't be building a cyclotron that size ever, nor will we likely ever shrink the accelerators to a size where they can fit inside a spaceship to shoot trillions of atoms out like a light speed gun. They are just too big and use too much power. Maybe once fusion is perfected and miniaturization also perfected it could work for interstellar travel, but never for local space travel, the acceleration levels are just too small.
Also, it seems solar sails give the same or better acceleration to the same top speeds without the impossible technology....but they don't work too well for stopping except at other stars.

We're Going to Europa!

newtboy says...

*promote exploring the solar system....but does this mean they scrapped the mission to retrieve Discover One?
It will certainly be interesting to find out if the red cracks are red from bacteria or something else.

Dr. Steven Brule predicts new planet years before Caltech

dannym3141 says...

I'm sure i've been hearing for years that it was likely there was a large planet far out in the solar system. Maybe i'm getting mixed up between guesswork and/or findings that were later disproved, but the media seem to find this a lot more of a revelation than the astronomers i know.

Dr. Steven Brule predicts new planet years before Caltech

artician says...

Well... I think that pretty much settles it then, doesn't it?

I propose that, henceforth, we refer to the newest member of our solar system as "Dorris"at every available opportunity, and let the viral nature of the internet do the rest.


eric3579 (Member Profile)

radx says...

Yap, wheat and rye, mostly. Some maize. It's been a week since the last snow fell, but it remained cold enough to maintain a thin layer on top of everything.

Those wind turbines on the second picture were in the process of going offline. There's hardly any wind at all. Solar panels are working splendidly though, cloudless sky all day and perfect working temperatures.

eric3579 said:

Snowy! Are those crop fields?

No one in the world is like Donald Trump? Don't Youbetcha!

newtboy says...

Sadly I'm right there with you.
When the international climate agreement was made public recently and I saw that what they were pleased and proud of was an agreement to somehow (they didn't say how) stop the rise in CO2 at almost exactly the level that's agreed on is the point of no return/the level that they think will start all the feedback loops making mitigation or survival impossible, which somehow no one seems to understand means they agreed to do NOTHING besides drive us directly over the cliff. If that's the best we can hope for, a non binding agreement to wait until it's too late to do anything that might save the species/planet, we might as well just say screw it and enjoy the little time we have left. How much comfort will driving a Prius give you when the clouds of Hydrogen Sulfide rise from the ocean?
This is from a guy with an expensive solar system who grows most of my own food.

'Too early to start drinking?' Never! I understand all those words, but not when you string them together like that....and I don't drink.

ChaosEngine said:

Part of me wants this to happen.

Seriously, the world is already pretty fucked with climate change etc. It's probably too late to steer around the iceberg, so fuck it, full steam ahead and let's sink the whole fucking thing and get it over with.

It's not even 9am here and I'm at work.... too early to start drinking?

newtboy (Member Profile)

enoch says...

thanks man.
that rabbit hole goes much further.with the mention of dee and kelly who are responsible for the enochian (or angelic) alphabet,and also enochian magicks.which leads to crowley and the thoth tarot deck.

there can be some correlation between lovecrafts "old ones" and angels.we are not talking the cherub,fairy godmother type angels of childrens stories,but angels who are messengers of god,where gabriel is mentioned as being the size of a solar system an to gaze upon his actual countenance would render the observer mad.

none of that warm and fuzzy from fairy tales but horrors.

i loved studying those esoteric books but they always creeped me out,probably why i love lovecraft.

newtboy said:

That is great. I so want one.
*quality weirdness

the enslavement of humanity

shagen454 says...

I've been pondering this a lot recently. Basically, I am the sole supervisor of a complex money making system - I've watched the Vice President manipulate the money in strange ways to make himself look efficient - another bullet-point on his LinkedIn page. All the while I'm not making anywhere close to what I should and they refuse to give me a raise - even though I single handedly bring in about $100k every week.

So - I just started coming to work super late EVERY DAY. And when I get called out for it, or threatened I just smile and say "definitely" in a real snarky way to anything they say because I know I have their fucking ballsacks in a cage and they can't do fucking shit about it.

So in the meantime, I bought 17 acres in the Santa Cruz mountains, it's completely off the grid, solar, grey water (still get good hotspot reception for sifting). Any day now, I'm just going to walk off the job and royally fuck the slave owner capitalist scum fucks and start living like a true patriot. Can't wait.

enoch (Member Profile)

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