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Sarah Palin's "You-Bettcha" attitude SHUT DOWN by Alaskan

budzos says...

>> ^peggedbea:

please show me where in this thread someone else discussed how "fuckable" she is (or isn't), excluding of course dft's hypothetical question meant to invalidate qm's own opinion.
i "single" you out because you are the only one who made such a comment.
if you feel "singled" out by "whatever" is "stuck up" my "ass", you should read my comment history and you will realize that i make the same bitchface comments to all the thoughtless, unwise, latently sexist, white, middle class, male, proto facist comments i've ever had the displeasure of reading on this site.
if this is causing some butt hurt on your end, my prescription would be a quiet period of introspection and to reread your comments and wonder how on earth someone could up come with the aforementioned category to fit them into it.
if you can't find the answer, it's hopeless. unclench and the pain will subside.

What horseshit.

The question he was responding to was "Is it just that you want to fuck her?"

Take two more pills.

Louis CK on Bill Maher - Sarah Palin

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'Louis, CK, Bill Maher, Sarah Palin, tweet, airplane, drunk, chinese family, cunt' to 'Louis CK, Bill Maher, Sarah Palin, tweet, airplane, drunk, chinese family, cunt' - edited by xxovercastxx

How to exit a car in a boss

MikesHL13 (Member Profile)

Sarah Palin Swimsuit Competition

Local News Explains Anwar Al-Awlaki and the Constitution

Taint says...

Did you miss the part where I said I'm against assassination by presidential fiat?

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you must have.

"ring of hate and evil"? Seriously?

You insinuated that partisanship is affecting my ability to reason, then link to a video that has jack shit to do with anything I said about the hypocrisy in news coverage. I point out how way off you are, and you call me a shithead.

You're the one who down voted me, douche, and clearly without even reading what I wrote.

"I guarantee you watch more Fox News than I do"

"so stop being a judgmental douche"

Jesus Christ, do you even read what you write?

Everything you accuse me of is exactly what you're doing. You're going to guarantee how much Fox News I watch?

I don't need the fucking Nielsen ratings to your house to see what you're typing.

"Also, this is a local affiliate which has no real connection to the bullshit politics of the network"

Hey, one last defense of the hard hitting local news team!

Your side of this conversation is a parody of itself.

>> ^blankfist:

>> ^Taint:
Who are you referring to with "we"?
Since you didn't comment on the video you linked, nor did you post it, I assume by "we" you mean Arlen Spector and the republican party?
Is that the "we" you're a part of?
Since that would mean you're identifying yourself with the Republican party while accusing me of partisanship?
Is that the "we" you were referring to? You and Arlen? Or you and your fellow republicans? Or perhaps you and the organization of News Corp who you seem intent on defending for some reason.
I pointed out the obvious selective outrage of Fox News and its affiliates because it's relevant to this video in particular, and is beyond evident to anyone not under a rock during the Bush Administration.
You respond with a link from C-Span.
So you either think that my comment was directed toward you and your buddy Arlen Spector, or you have your head so far up Rupert Murdoch's ass that you don't even realize that you're defending Fox News, declaring yourself a Republican, and missing the point entirely.

>> ^blankfist:
>> ^Taint:
Smell the hypocrisy.
Don't even fool yourself and think that Fox news and its local affiliates would have said a word if this guy was assassinated by a President Bush or Romney...
Nor would they raise their voice with even a hint of protest at any previous presidential assassinations, or the lack of due process in confining any one of the prisoners at Guantanamo Bay like José Padilla, another American citizen.
But now that President Obama is in charge, this douche bag Anwar Al-Awlaki becomes one of Sarah Palin's "real Americans" deserving his day in a civilian court defended by Gregory fuckin Peck.
I don't like that our president can assassinate at will either, but this selective outrage is so phony it's retarded.
The president assassinated someone and violated the constitution? Oh my god, welcome to fifty fucking years ago!

That's what you think this is about? Partisanship? Man, I'm so sick of this two party system. It's a cancer to reason. I wish both of them would rot on the vine of tyranny.
We complained about this under Bush too.

No need to be a shithead. I'm anti anyone being assassinated. If you can't agree with that, then fine, go on being someone in favor of murder and assassinations, and stop looping the rest of us into your ring of hate and evil. I guarantee you watch more Fox News than I do. I watch zero of it unless it comes across the occasional internet video here and there, so stop being a judgmental douche, thanks.
Also, this is a local affiliate which has no real connection to the bullshit politics of the network.

Boise_Lib (Member Profile)

Local News Explains Anwar Al-Awlaki and the Constitution

blankfist says...

>> ^Taint:

Who are you referring to with "we"?
Since you didn't comment on the video you linked, nor did you post it, I assume by "we" you mean Arlen Spector and the republican party?
Is that the "we" you're a part of?
Since that would mean you're identifying yourself with the Republican party while accusing me of partisanship?
Is that the "we" you were referring to? You and Arlen? Or you and your fellow republicans? Or perhaps you and the organization of News Corp who you seem intent on defending for some reason.
I pointed out the obvious selective outrage of Fox News and its affiliates because it's relevant to this video in particular, and is beyond evident to anyone not under a rock during the Bush Administration.
You respond with a link from C-Span.
So you either think that my comment was directed toward you and your buddy Arlen Spector, or you have your head so far up Rupert Murdoch's ass that you don't even realize that you're defending Fox News, declaring yourself a Republican, and missing the point entirely.

>> ^blankfist:
>> ^Taint:
Smell the hypocrisy.
Don't even fool yourself and think that Fox news and its local affiliates would have said a word if this guy was assassinated by a President Bush or Romney...
Nor would they raise their voice with even a hint of protest at any previous presidential assassinations, or the lack of due process in confining any one of the prisoners at Guantanamo Bay like José Padilla, another American citizen.
But now that President Obama is in charge, this douche bag Anwar Al-Awlaki becomes one of Sarah Palin's "real Americans" deserving his day in a civilian court defended by Gregory fuckin Peck.
I don't like that our president can assassinate at will either, but this selective outrage is so phony it's retarded.
The president assassinated someone and violated the constitution? Oh my god, welcome to fifty fucking years ago!

That's what you think this is about? Partisanship? Man, I'm so sick of this two party system. It's a cancer to reason. I wish both of them would rot on the vine of tyranny.
We complained about this under Bush too.

No need to be a shithead. I'm anti anyone being assassinated. If you can't agree with that, then fine, go on being someone in favor of murder and assassinations, and stop looping the rest of us into your ring of hate and evil. I guarantee you watch more Fox News than I do. I watch zero of it unless it comes across the occasional internet video here and there, so stop being a judgmental douche, thanks.

Also, this is a local affiliate which has no real connection to the bullshit politics of the network.

Local News Explains Anwar Al-Awlaki and the Constitution

Taint says...

Who are you referring to with "we"?

Since you didn't comment on the video you linked, nor did you post it, I assume by "we" you mean Arlen Spector and the republican party?

Is that the "we" you're a part of?

Since that would mean you're identifying yourself with the Republican party while accusing me of partisanship?

Is that the "we" you were referring to? You and Arlen? Or you and your fellow republicans? Or perhaps you and the organization of News Corp who you seem intent on defending for some reason.

I pointed out the obvious selective outrage of Fox News and its affiliates because it's relevant to this video in particular, and is beyond evident to anyone not under a rock during the Bush Administration.

You respond with a link from C-Span.

So you either think that my comment was directed toward you and your buddy Arlen Spector, or you've ironically managed to not even realize that you're defending Fox News, declaring yourself a Republican, and missing the point entirely.

>> ^blankfist:

>> ^Taint:
Smell the hypocrisy.
Don't even fool yourself and think that Fox news and its local affiliates would have said a word if this guy was assassinated by a President Bush or Romney...
Nor would they raise their voice with even a hint of protest at any previous presidential assassinations, or the lack of due process in confining any one of the prisoners at Guantanamo Bay like José Padilla, another American citizen.
But now that President Obama is in charge, this douche bag Anwar Al-Awlaki becomes one of Sarah Palin's "real Americans" deserving his day in a civilian court defended by Gregory fuckin Peck.
I don't like that our president can assassinate at will either, but this selective outrage is so phony it's retarded.
The president assassinated someone and violated the constitution? Oh my god, welcome to fifty fucking years ago!

That's what you think this is about? Partisanship? Man, I'm so sick of this two party system. It's a cancer to reason. I wish both of them would rot on the vine of tyranny.
We complained about this under Bush too.

Local News Explains Anwar Al-Awlaki and the Constitution

blankfist says...

>> ^Taint:

Smell the hypocrisy.
Don't even fool yourself and think that Fox news and its local affiliates would have said a word if this guy was assassinated by a President Bush or Romney...
Nor would they raise their voice with even a hint of protest at any previous presidential assassinations, or the lack of due process in confining any one of the prisoners at Guantanamo Bay like José Padilla, another American citizen.
But now that President Obama is in charge, this douche bag Anwar Al-Awlaki becomes one of Sarah Palin's "real Americans" deserving his day in a civilian court defended by Gregory fuckin Peck.
I don't like that our president can assassinate at will either, but this selective outrage is so phony it's retarded.
The president assassinated someone and violated the constitution? Oh my god, welcome to fifty fucking years ago!

That's what you think this is about? Partisanship? Man, I'm so sick of this two party system. It's a cancer to reason. I wish both of them would rot on the vine of tyranny.

We complained about this under Bush too.

Local News Explains Anwar Al-Awlaki and the Constitution

Taint says...

Smell the hypocrisy.

Don't even fool yourself and think that Fox news and its local affiliates would have said a word if this guy was assassinated by a President Bush or Romney...

Nor would they raise their voice with even a hint of protest at any previous presidential assassinations, or the lack of due process in confining any one of the prisoners at Guantanamo Bay like José Padilla, another American citizen.

But now that President Obama is in charge, this douche bag Anwar Al-Awlaki becomes one of Sarah Palin's "real Americans" deserving his day in a civilian court defended by Gregory fuckin Peck.

I don't like that our president can assassinate at will either, but this selective outrage is so phony it's retarded.

The president assassinated someone and violated the constitution? Oh my god, welcome to fifty fucking years ago!

Buh bye Sarah Palin!

Buh bye Sarah Palin!

BicycleRepairMan says...

She's not running:

>> ^quantumushroom:

Sarah Palin is the only potential candidate with the same "rockstar" power as The Kenyawaiian. Cain is smart and would make a fine candidate, but people are not logical or overly using their reasoning abilities; they are emotionally-driven from the reptilian brain, with only a thin veneer of reason. Palin = Rockstar. Obama = Rockstar. No other candidates anywhere have this power at this time.
Palin is far smarter than the meager credit given by her critics. You don't become governor of Alaska by being a dummy. Nobody kicks a dead dog, and the disgraceful way Palin and her family have been treated by the libmedia since Day Uno should give anyone who 'trusts' any kind of media pause. I can't think of anyone else on the entire political spectrum who has been the target of such outright vitriol, personal and political, including Obama.
We can discuss Palin's verbal gaffes or 'hypocrisy' on issues; it does not matter. Palin loves America; I have never gotten that vibe from Barack. Ever. He seems a disdainful tea-sipping Eurointellectual, which would be forgivable if he ever did anything of note.
Palin = Rockstar. Obama = Rockstar. That's really it. It would be no shame for her to run and lose, but if she didn't run at all, that would be cheating herself. If she doesn't run NOW, she'll be a ghost for 2016 and beyond.

Re: executions. Sorry, I did not see this question before now. Correct me at will, but I think the question you're really asking is, given the risk of accidentally putting an innocent person to death, do you still condone executions?
My answer is Yes. Liberals have not been able to prove an innocent man or woman anywhere in America has been executed, since at least 1950. Even were it so, it's a risk I'm happy to take.
The System needs to be fixed. This endless appeals bullshite needs to stop. No one sentenced to death should live longer than 10 days more.

The only way I would support ending the death penalty is if life in prison w/o any chance of parole was actual punishment. Federal crimes should be served in a federal gulag somewhere cold in the middle of nowhere, with few amenities. Every day should be hard labor until natural death. Once a month we can offer all the inmates a suicide pill. I'm sure you won't agree with much of this and that's fine. Most people in prison belong there. They are not nice people.

>> ^bareboards2:
Even my uber conservative father is somewhat embarrassed by her now. Started out a big fan.
So really? You really think this person is a viable political candidate for anything?
She does make a great Fox pundit. PS. That is not a compliment.
PPS Still waiting to hear from you about whether you are okay with the state executing innocent people. Yes or no. (Hint -- If you can't say it, you probably shouldn't be doing it.)

>> ^quantumushroom:
Palin out of the picture?
Wishful thinking from the libmedia assassins.

Buh bye Sarah Palin!

quantumushroom says...

Sarah Palin is the only potential candidate with the same "rockstar" power as The Kenyawaiian. Cain is smart and would make a fine candidate, but people are not logical or overly using their reasoning abilities; they are emotionally-driven from the reptilian brain, with only a thin veneer of reason. Palin = Rockstar. Obama = Rockstar. No other candidates anywhere have this power at this time.

Palin is far smarter than the meager credit given by her critics. You don't become governor of Alaska by being a dummy. Nobody kicks a dead dog, and the disgraceful way Palin and her family have been treated by the libmedia since Day Uno should give anyone who 'trusts' any kind of media pause. I can't think of anyone else on the entire political spectrum who has been the target of such outright vitriol, personal and political, including Obama.

We can discuss Palin's verbal gaffes or 'hypocrisy' on issues; it does not matter. Palin loves America; I have never gotten that vibe from Barack. Ever. He seems a disdainful tea-sipping Eurointellectual, which would be forgivable if he ever did anything of note.

Palin = Rockstar. Obama = Rockstar. That's really it. It would be no shame for her to run and lose, but if she didn't run at all, that would be cheating herself. If she doesn't run NOW, she'll be a ghost for 2016 and beyond.

Re: executions. Sorry, I did not see this question before now. Correct me at will, but I think the question you're really asking is, given the risk of accidentally putting an innocent person to death, do you still condone executions?

My answer is Yes. Liberals have not been able to prove an innocent man or woman anywhere in America has been executed, since at least 1950. Even were it so, it's a risk I'm happy to take.

The System needs to be fixed. This endless appeals bullshite needs to stop. No one sentenced to death should live longer than 10 days more.

The only way I would support ending the death penalty is if life in prison w/o any chance of parole was actual punishment. Federal crimes should be served in a federal gulag somewhere cold in the middle of nowhere, with few amenities. Every day should be hard labor until natural death. Once a month we can offer all the inmates a suicide pill. I'm sure you won't agree with much of this and that's fine. Most people in prison belong there. They are not nice people.

>> ^bareboards2:

Even my uber conservative father is somewhat embarrassed by her now. Started out a big fan.
So really? You really think this person is a viable political candidate for anything?
She does make a great Fox pundit. PS. That is not a compliment.
PPS Still waiting to hear from you about whether you are okay with the state executing innocent people. Yes or no. (Hint -- If you can't say it, you probably shouldn't be doing it.)

>> ^quantumushroom:
Palin out of the picture?
Wishful thinking from the libmedia assassins.

Buh bye Sarah Palin!

bareboards2 says...

Even my uber conservative father is somewhat embarrassed by her now. Started out a big fan.

So really? You really think this person is a viable political candidate for anything?

She does make a great Fox pundit. PS. That is not a compliment.

PPS Still waiting to hear from you about whether you are okay with the state executing innocent people. Yes or no. (Hint -- If you can't say it, you probably shouldn't be doing it.)

>> ^quantumushroom:

Palin out of the picture?
Wishful thinking from the libmedia assassins.

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