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Guitar Hero YYZ guy plays real guitar

President Carter on Trump, Russia, and the Election

BSR says...


The blacksmith and the artist
Reflect it in their art
They forge their creativity
Closer to the heart
Yes closer to the heart

Philosophers and plowmen
Each must know his part
To sow a new mentality
Closer to the heart
Yes closer to the heart, yeah, oh -Rush


All this machinery
Making modern music
Can still be open-hearted
Not so coldly charted
It's really just a question
Of your honesty, yeah your honesty

One likes to believe
In the freedom of music
But glittering prizes
And endless compromises
Shatter the illusion
Of integrity, yeah -Rush

You are as selfish with your love as Trump is with his money.
The difference is, you create love on demand. Trump can only lie, cheat and steal for his money. Trump doesn't love his followers. He loves their vote. Imagine how many votes he could get if he just changed his mind. His heart.


What we don’t understand, we fear. What we fear, we judge as evil. What we judge as evil, we attempt to control. And what we cannot control…we attack. -source is proving elusive.

The bleeding hearts and artists make their stand. -Pink Floyd

EPILOGUE: Trump is outnumbered. We have his Trump card and he's pissed.

The Spirit Of Radio

newtboy said:

1) What about me? I do all those things and more. I didn't just change my own brakes, I swapped my own motor. I don't just plow my field, I sow, weed, and harvest that field. I've not only repaired a roof, I've built a few. I know hard work, I was a one man desert racing crew. Now that's hard work, being mechanic, transporter, driver, and pit crew....all at 112 degrees.

2) So, why don't I love Trump? Because I'm a real conservative....ecologically conservative, fiscally conservative, fact based, socially liberal (the government has no place in my bedroom or my body), and insistent on honesty.

Republicans abandoned conservatism before I could vote.

3) THEY fear us now like one fears the 100lb ranting sore ridden meth head at the bus stop, not for our strength and resolve, but our dangerous unpredictability and diseases.

The Documented Truth About Trump Collusion and Obstruction

BSR says...

I took the liberty of removing misleading statements in your comment so as to leave the truth you speak about Hollywood.

It doesn't matter, none of it matters. Treason, fraud, sexual assault, ...

The political brain-washing of the masses began a long time ago to consolidate the interests of the ones who are already in power and already possess the wealth.

They learned that we're all susceptible to confirmation bias

But what was revealed behind the facade is not surprising. Just the same power hungry, wealth elite manipulating the uneducated to vote against their own interests...same as it ever was.


Nothing really matters -Freddie Mercury
Nothing else matters -Metallica
...same as it ever was -Talking Heads

And the men who hold high places
Must be the ones who start
To mold a new reality
Closer to the heart
Closer to the heart -Rush

More cowbell -Christopher Walken

Meet the new boss
Same as the old boss -The Who

All alone, or in two's
The ones who really love you
Walk up and down outside the wall
Some hand in hand
And some gathered together in bands
The bleeding hearts and the artists
Make their stand -Pink Floyd

This is now a "As seen on TV kind of country." -Bill Maher

-So many people have never really heard the Beatles.-

Nothing you can say, but you can learn how to play the game
It's easy.

You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope some day you'll join us
And the world will be as one

Writer/s: John Lennon, Yoko Ono

TheFreak said:

It doesn't matter, none of it matters. Treason, fraud, sexual assault, ...

The political brain-washing of the masses began a long time ago to consolidate the interests of the ones who are already in power and already possess the wealth.

They learned that we're all susceptible to confirmation bias

But what was revealed behind the facade is not surprising. Just the same power hungry, wealth elite manipulating the uneducated to vote against their own interests...same as it ever was.

The 7 Biggest Failures of Trumponomics

BSR says...

Can you back that up with facts and logic?

Tom Sawyer

A modern day warrior
Mean, mean stride
Today's Tom Sawyer
Mean, mean pride
Though his mind is not for rent
Don't put him down as arrogant
He reserves the quiet defense
Riding out the day's events
The river
What you say about his company
Is what you say about society
Catch the mist, catch the myth
Catch the mystery, catch the drift
The world is, the world is
Love and life are deep
Maybe as his skies are wide
Today's Tom Sawyer
He gets by on you
And the space he invades
He gets by on you
No, his mind is not for rent
To any God or government
Always hopeful yet discontent
He knows changes aren't permanent
But change is
What you say about his company
Is what you say about society
Catch the witness, catch the wit
Catch the spirit, catch the spit
The world is, the world is
Love and life are deep
Maybe as his eyes are wide
Exit the warrior
Today's Tom Sawyer
He gets by on you
And the energy you trade
He gets right on to the friction of the day -RUSH

newtboy said:

Sadly, they are scumbag racist morons, but most are too dumb to realize it.

Why People Get Rage Against the Machine Wrong

BSR says...

The 2 most powerful governments in the US. One on the East and on the West.

Take your pick.

And the men who hold high places
Must be the ones who start
To mold a new reality
Closer to the heart
Closer to the heart -RUSH

There's a feeling I get
When I look to the west
And my spirit is crying for leaving -Led Zeppelin

newtboy (Member Profile)

BSR says...

No one is offering you money yet because you don't know what your power is.
Why do you think I've been asking you for your pen? I know you know I wasn't expecting you to mail it to me! lol

If you are a horrific salesman, you've been trying to sell the wrong product. You need to believe in your product.

For the words of the profits
Were written on the studio wall
Concert hall
And echoes with the sounds, of salesmen, of salesmen, of salesmen -Rush

newtboy said:

Perhaps, and that's nice of you to say, but no one's offering me money yet, nor is anyone asking me to write for them. I'm a horrific salesman, so trying to sell myself is just not going to work. I tend to point out the faults in the product I'm supposed to be selling.

I agree, those who write for the money rather than to spread ideas are far less effective or honest than those who write to illuminate. It would be nice if the latter was rewarded more than the former, but that's not the world I live in.

Judges will find me?! Like Dredd?! Oh shit....I better hide in the deep dark behind the sewer roaches.

Grown Man Pooping Wrong His Entire Life

BSR says...

I was wrong once.

1) You only need to be correct about ONE thing 100% of the time.

2) When you lose the one you love and suffer their loss, you will feel you did the wrong thing. Feeling tricked. You will feel VERY ALONE. This is not where love was supposed to take you. You will be left with one decision. Do you continue to love knowing you will be sending the people you've loved and who love you, into the same hell you are stuck in or do you take the chance that those you love can band together with all those who chose to love you and them?

3) You will only need to make one decision to get beyond the hell and grief that love delivered you into.

The bleeding hearts and artists are waiting for you.

Love is all you need. -Beatles

The blacksmith and the artist
Reflect it in their art
They forge their creativity
Closer to the heart
Yeah, it's closer to the heart -Rush


Thank you for breaking my heart
Thank you for tearing me apart
Now I've a strong, strong heart
Thank you for breaking my heart -John Charles Reynolds / Sinead O'connor

As far as the guy with the poop, yeah, I think you're right.

moonsammy said:

There's this idea I've tried to incorporate into my life.

1) Nobody on earth is correct about everything 100% of the time.

2) No one can really know what they're wrong about (as one wouldn't maintain a belief they know is wrong)

3) I'm a person on earth, so I'm wrong about things and don't know what they are.

I hope the things I'm wrong about are minor. This guy here? He ended up with a pretty damned big wrong.

ant (Member Profile)

Hidden Camera: Jim Jefferies exposed for deceptive editing

newtboy says...

....he says devisively.

Since Faux and Murdoch invented the current partisan fake news industry, and other bastions of right wing media are Glen Beck, Rush Limbaugh, and Alex Jones, all three bat shit crazy or insanely hard core drug addicts....or really sound silly whining about leftist media, especially since what you're complaining about and seem to be comparing to right wing 'news' is actually leftist comedy.

Edit: That said, I never liked J.J., and I do think this is a chicken shit move by him.

NaMeCaF said:

Not surprised in the least. Leftest TV always does this.

The left and mainstream media do more to divide us than anyone else.

Racist Australian Senator egged by hero kid

ChaosEngine says...

"go to western sydney, blah blah whatabout whatabout whatabout waaaahhhh" yawn..... been there, done that.

Are there some Muslims who aren't great people? Sure. Same way as there are some awful white people. But if I tarred them all with the same brush, I'd be as ignorant as senator wankstain.

And he's racist as fuck.

So if you want to learn how a left wing politician speaks with compassion, empathy and eloquence, I suggest you read NZ PM Jacinda Ardern's speech.

"We cannot know your grief, but we can walk with you at every stage. We can. And we will, surround you with aroha (love), manaakitanga(support) and all that makes us, us. Our hearts are heavy but our spirit is strong."

"Naeem Rashid, originally from Pakistan, died after rushing at the terrorist and trying to wrestle the gun from him. He lost his life trying to save those who were worshipping alongside him.

Abdul Aziz, originally from Afghanistan, confronted and faced down the armed terrorist after grabbing the nearest thing to hand – a simple eftpos machine. He risked his life and no doubt saved many with his selfless bravery."

And if you want to read how she speaks with resolve...

"A 28-year-old man – an Australian citizen – has been charged with one count of murder. Other charges will follow. He will face the full force of the law in New Zealand. The families of the fallen will have justice.

He sought many things from his act of terror, but one was notoriety.

And that is why you will never hear me mention his name.

He is a terrorist. He is a criminal. He is an extremist.

But he will, when I speak, be nameless."

I will waste no more time on your pathetic racist arse.

transmorpher said:

You've just proved exactly what I'm talking about.

You can't prove anything he said was racist, so we go straight to the lefty thing of calling me "low" because you've mistaken moral outrage for an actual argument.

You live close to Western Sydney if you are from NZ. Go there dressed with the slightest hint of being homosexual, Jewish, or if you are female show a little bit of leg. You'll see the real bigotry and intolerance very quickly.

Racist Australian Senator egged by hero kid

newtboy says...

He was explaining why, when peaceful law abiding Muslim refugees are violently attacked by right wing terrorists, unprovoked, it's the Muslims' fault.

That's paraphrasing his other speeches, I don't think he finished this one, making it hard to quote him....and I hope he never finishes another.

From his official Twitter post-: “As always, left-wing politicians and the media will rush to claim that the causes of today’s shootings lie with gun laws or those who hold nationalist views but this is all cliched nonsense.
The real cause of bloodshed on New Zealand streets today is the immigration programme which allowed Muslim fanatics to migrate to New Zealand in the first place.
Let's be clear, while Muslims were the victims today, usually they are the perpetrators."

I'm actually pleased at how difficult it has proven to find his hate speech quoted. It's nice that news outlets have finally understood that, by repeating it ad nauseam, they are spreading it.

lucky760 said:

What was the guy actually saying?

Kind of lacking that it's just being reported the kind of garbage he was saying, but not his actual words.

Unprecedented Partnership between Fox News and Trump

newtboy says...

A few points....
1) PBS

2)slant and outright zealous bias are different, if related. The level of falsehoods, the number of falsehoods, the importance of those falsehoods, the influence gained by those falsehoods, the destruction done to the U.S. by those falsehoods, by every measure Fox outpaces it's competition by > a factor of 10.

3)Fox is the leader in biased, hyper partisan opinion presented as news, always has been. They aren't playing catch up or follow the leader, they are the undeniable and clear leaders of propaganda as news, and have been since inception. The left leaning outlets are decades behind and still have this silly notion that outright lies are crossing the line, not so at Faux.

So yes, it exists on both sides, and the left is getting worse, but Fox/Rush/Beck/Jones and the right are driving this bus and have been in that seat for decades, please don't try to imply it's anywhere near equal, it simply isn't.

MSNBC viewers still gain actual factual information by watching, Fox viewers lose it....that's a verified and continuing fact.

shinyblurry said:

I want to preface this comment by saying that I am a political independent, and exhibit A of that fact is that I did not vote for Donald Trump. The reason I didn't vote for him is because I had serious reservations about him considering what I knew about his character.

I know a lot of Christians voted for Donald Trump because they knew he would side with them in the culture wars. And he has, to a large part. But that isn't the issue with me. I do not fight the culture wars even though I find abortion abhorrent and I lament the deepening darkness that pervades our culture. It is moral and spiritual darkness which will eventually lead to the one world government of the Antichrist.

My issue has to do with the church waking up, and stop thinking the solution is in fixing the culture because the culture is influencing the church more than the church is the culture. The solution is to get right with God and show the love of Christ to a lost and dying world.

So, here is the comment:

It's obvious that the entirety of news media is corrupt; if 2016 didn't make that obvious I don't know what would. They pick winners and losers, as supporters of Bernie Sanders realized. They all have a political agenda and will write either negative or positive coverage based on that agenda. They will present a certain slant to every issue which is favorable to their political aspirations. It is patently obvious and I think most of the country realizes this.

So, this outrage over Fox doing what every other news media company has done in the past, is pretty lame. Maybe Fox is better at it than MSNBC but the point is, the both function as the arm of their respective parties, and manipulate their media coverage to brainwash people into believing their worldview.

Why Everyone is Going to Iceland Lately

newtboy says...

We went 2016 because tickets were <$200 roundtrip from the West coast on wow air.....air bnb was everywhere and great, most attractions were free and amazing, zero crowds, we drove the entire island in a week without rushing, everyone speaks English well, and because Formula Offroad, which I finally saw in person after years of disbelief. I would suggest a summer trip there to anyone who loves nature, beauty, friendly people, and interesting mythology.

Edit: book your day at blue lagoon first, they can be booked solid for months.

White House revokes CNN reporters press pass

My_design says...

New low? This is now the status quo. There is a constant attempt to silence the press and whitewash the news to promote a positive image of this shit show.
I'm fairly conservative , especially fiscally. I want immigration reform to happen. I do believe that international trade needs/needed to be renegotiated. But what this administration has caused me to realize is that the misogynistic, racist, fear mongering, anti-science, anti-free speech administration that we have in place isn't worth having; despite whatever gains we may make from it.
But the rush of democrats to make themselves the polar opposites of the republicans isn't doing them any favors either.

Oroville Spillways Phase 2 Update Final Dentate Placement

BSR says...

Sounds like someone didn't do their homework the first time.

Also in January, an independent team of experts who reviewed the spillway failure concluded in a report that Department of Water Resources officials were “overconfident and complacent” and gave “inadequate priority for dam safety” for decades at Oroville.

They noted that main concrete spillway at the 770-foot tall dam north of Sacramento, in Butte County, was built in the late 1960s on poor quality rock. The spillway, only seven inches thick in some areas and not adequately anchored, cracked in multiple places in the following years, allowing water to flow underneath. On Feb. 7, 2017, water from powerful winter storms rushed under the massive spillway, which forced up its giant slabs and ripped a huge hole in the structure causing one of the most serious dam emergencies in California history.

SFOGuy said:

OK, I'll be that guy; the last overflow ripped away the last spillway like it was made of tissue paper; what's different about this one?

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