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Ventura VS. Piers Morgan on 2nd Amendment & Gun Control

bmacs27 says...

And who exactly is piloting those aircraft against their own citizenry? Is it the "guvment"? You realize that isn't like a thing right? You aren't really painting a picture of a realistic rise of tyrannical regime. More likely they'd start it off by collecting everyone's weapons. Then they'd park ARs on every street corner. Most of these guys that are armed, or "prepping" are former servicemen themselves. Methinks you overestimate our military's willingness to fire on their own people.

Further, the issue more has to do with corrupt local enforcement, or fear of economic collapse (in which case, who knows who's piloting the death from the sky). Do you think the black panthers were completely unjustified in their show of force? Should they have allowed racist policing of their neighborhoods?

Kofi said:

Buy all the guns you want, the government has the A-10 Warhog and the AH-64 Apache Helicopter. Your pea shooter ins't going to do shit.

The 2nd amendment is a lingering anachronism.

dystopianfuturetoday (Member Profile)

chingalera says...

Answering the call and acknowledged. I'm gonna doooit, twist it, slap it like a newborn baby and see how it taysse! Yer the 1st real taker I'm guessin'?-Entries must be in before the end of the world accnd. to Mayan tradition. I like prep. It's what makes the place.

Shelley Lubben On Abuse In The Porn Industry - (Very NSFW)

dystopianfuturetoday says...

Easy. I could extend my list to a hundred for a sentence this long. I was prepping for the shortest sentence in the english language: Go.

1.You are clearly biased towards the English language. I guess people who don't speak English are shit out of luck, right Shepppard?

2. You are clearly biased towards standard contemporary western sentence structure. E.E. Cummings need not apply.

3.You are clearly biased towards whimsy, completely excluding seriousness from the debate. When you are ready to take the lampshade off your head, let me know.

4. You are biased towards making yourself the subject of the sentence. ME. ME. ME. WHAT ABOUT THE CHILDREN?

5. You are biased in favor of commas and periods I see. You've relegated poor Mr. exclamation point to just a parenthetical afterthought, while poor Mr. Question mark is nowhere to be seen.

6. You are biased in favor of writing about animals. SPECIES TRAITOR!

7. Your are biased in favor of using the word fuzzy as an adjective to describe said animals, when furry, fluffy, frizzy, nappy, wooly, hairy or hirsute would have sufficed.

8. You are biased in favor of using the words 'not fuzzy' to describe said animals, when not furry,not fluffy,not frizzy,not nappy,not wooly,not hairy or unhirsute would have sufficed.

9. You are biased in favor of using compound sentences when a simple sentence would have worked just as well, which would have saved us all a lot of time, which we could have used to do important things like cure cancer and sift videos, but now that time is gone thanks to your overly, overly, overly, overly, overly, overly long compound sentence.

10. Lastly, you are biased in favor of writing sentences in response to absurd challenges from strange persons on the internet trying to make the point that every action you take is subtle prejudice against all of the other actions you didn't take. Every word you chose to use in your sentence shows bias against the words you didn't choose to use. The precise moment that you hit submit on your comment was an inadvertent disenfranchisement of the many other moments that might have appreciated the honor of time stamping your achievement.

It's biases all the way down.

Shepppard said:

I like fuzzy animals, but I like not fuzzy ones just as much.

(Your move, DFT! )

QI- Would Sir like to wear a cravat on the cross-country run

QI- Would Sir like to wear a cravat on the cross-country run

Missing related videos? (Sift Talk Post)

The Worst Craft Idea Ever

MaxWilder says...

Sometimes I look at a video like this and think, would still I be outraged if I hadn't been prepped for outrage by the title and description? I don't know. I like to think so. I've loved books since grade school. But would it have occurred to me to treat every copy as if it was sacred? Or would I have just thought, "What a waste of time" like I think of most DIY projects?

Popping a Mercury Filled Balloon in Slow Motion

spoco2 says...

@MilkmanDan When it comes to mercury I'm of the opinion that the educational benefit of playing with it is fairly slim compared to the danger, so why risk it.

On the other hand, my kids are doing awesome things in science now that I never did at their age in school (grade 2/3/prep). They've had dry ice to see what it does (of course, I've done that with my kids a number of times too, too much fun), they've had balloons filled with hydrogen exploded in class, and a few other things I've forgotten. The main thing is that I thought that they may well be limited in what cool science they get to do at school, but at least at our kid's one they seem to be doing plenty of awesome stuff.

Guy Jumps From Fifth Floor Into A Pile Of Cardboard Boxes.

What do you do for work ? (Talks Talk Post)

Shepppard says...

Monday, Thursday and Sunday, I wake up whenever I want, and leave for work at about 4:30 to start my shift at 5:30 as a line cook. Those three days I'm "Pre-close", so for about 3 hours I stay in my section and cook food in an oven (Things like Quesadillas, Nacho platters, etc.) Then around 8ish, we start getting rid of the other cooks and I take over two more sections, fryers (cook things like chicken wings / fingers / coconut shrimp, etc.) and Pantry (Mostly salads and deserts) until around 10:30, when I have to start cleaning my half of the line (the three sections I mentioned) and then I'll be done anywhere between 11-1AM depending on how busy the night was.

On Friday and Saturday, I work splits. I'll have to wake up at 11 AM, shower etc. And leave by about 11:30, it takes me about 8 minutes to get to the restaurant and once there, I start clearing out the dish pit, once that's under control I'll either head on line and help out cooking with the lunch rush or go back and help out our prep department. If I'm helping prep, I'll either prepare food for later use in the night, or portion something that's already been made. That'll last anywhere between 1-4 PM, giving me a break before the second half of my split starts at 5, where I'll come back and work until it's less busy, and will be cut anywhere between 7-10 PM.

Diane Tran - Honor Student Jailed for Missing School

Porksandwich says...

And the really stupid thing about this. There is the work programs high school offer where people take half the day and go to a job at least 3 days a week and often 5. Or the career tech centers who replace the last two years of high school with job prep courses and what not instead of the classical classes. And there's nothing wrong with this, legally or otherwise, but it won't help you get into a top tier college like taking college level courses would.

So these guys are dropping a major portion of their class load to go work, and this girl is carrying a full class load, working TWO jobs, and gets punished.

They should be finding some way to alleviate her need for at least one of her jobs through student loans for her brother or whatever.

It'd be different if they caught her out tagging her name all over town. Really her parents need their asses kicked, not her.

"What More Do We Want This Man To Do For Us"

heropsycho says...

I am aware. Did you notice I responded to some of your points in it like accusing me of not watching the right wing hitjob video?

The rest I didn't bother responding to. But after second thought, I'll respond to the question of whether Obama is extreme to the left or not. And this is a really easy one...

Name a single thing Obama has done that's honestly extreme to the left. An actual policy. I'm not talking a moderate-left policy. Raising taxes on the top income earners from 35-38% wouldn't be an extreme left idea. It's moving the dial a notch or two to the left. If he proposed raising it to 50%, that would be a hard left move.

See, I don't really care if *some* of Obama's appointments are far to the left. I care about policies proposed or enacted.

Yet another thing I get irritated about - characterizing someone you don't like as a political caricature to the extreme side of that political direction. Don't like George W. Bush? Paint him as a Nazi because he's more to the right than you. Don't like Obama? Paint him as a godless communist because he's to the left of you. Of course the extremes in the parties complain their own guys aren't conservative/liberal enough. This way, nobody is happy, and everyone complains about how crappy our gov't is!

>> ^shinyblurry:

>> ^heropsycho:
For the record, I AM NOT thin-skinned about Obama. I get pissed off when people criticize Romney for firing people when he worked at Bain, when that was his FREAKING JOB! If he didn't do that, and Bain was unsuccessful, then the left would have attacked him for being a crappy businessman like George W. Bush was with a baseball team. You can't have it both ways.
Or that his dog was tied to the top of the roof on a family vacation...
Or he, along with friends, picked on someone they thought was gay decades ago in prep school, ignoring the fact everybody did stupid things in high school. It has no bearing on them decades later.
It's totally ridiculous, unproductive, divisive, and doesn't do anybody any good whatsoever. But most importantly, it detracts from honest debate about issues that actually matter.
I don't have any problems with people criticizing Obama for real issues. Him being impolite?! I watched your idiotic right-wing bent hit job video. That's impolite for a leader?! They slammed Obama for making comments where he respectfully disagreed with the Supreme Court. What should he have said instead? Did he scream at them? You know, like the dude who screamed "YOU LIED!"? NO! Him being impolite wasn't the issue. Conservatives are really just upset that he voiced his disagreement with their view, and it's spun to accuse him of being rude and disrespectful. It's ridiculous. He took Eric Cantor to task in a political discussion. Did he scream at him? Cuss at him? NO!
Here's the difference:
If you want to criticize Obama for perhaps overstepping his bounds and the ideal of separation of powers when he criticized the Supreme Court decision? Fine, I disagree, but that's an honest debate. I wouldn't be chewing you out for that.
I watched the video. I didn't see a single instance of him being overly impolite as a leader. If that's the case, every single damn president we ever had is an asshole. And where was your outrage then?!
I'm tired of this shit from both sides. I get pissed off at partisan hackery and absurd distortions of the truth. You, sir, are doing that with this drivel about Obama. I don't care if you dislike him as a President. I'm not a big fan, either. But if you're gonna trope this idiotic crap out, expect to get reamed for it by reasonable people.
>> ^shinyblurry:
>> ^messenger:
Yeah, I'm gonna vote Romney because he has promised not to put his feet on the coffee table. WTF? This is your criteria for a good President? Until he walks with people, he's a bad President? Get off it.>> ^shinyblurry:
I'd like him to be more polite {video}

Why is everyone so thin skinned about Obama? That's my question. I was being somewhat facetious, although I think the video, while humorous, shows a definite pattern of behavior. In any case, I'm not voting for Romney. Although I share some of his views on social issues, that isn't enough to get me past our theological differences, which are great. My prediction is that Romney will actually be far worse for this country, spiritually, than Obama. That is the reason I won't vote for anyone who doesn't worship God in spirit and in truth.

You responded to the wrong post. You can find the one where I replied to you here:

"What More Do We Want This Man To Do For Us"

shinyblurry says...

>> ^heropsycho:

For the record, I AM NOT thin-skinned about Obama. I get pissed off when people criticize Romney for firing people when he worked at Bain, when that was his FREAKING JOB! If he didn't do that, and Bain was unsuccessful, then the left would have attacked him for being a crappy businessman like George W. Bush was with a baseball team. You can't have it both ways.
Or that his dog was tied to the top of the roof on a family vacation...
Or he, along with friends, picked on someone they thought was gay decades ago in prep school, ignoring the fact everybody did stupid things in high school. It has no bearing on them decades later.
It's totally ridiculous, unproductive, divisive, and doesn't do anybody any good whatsoever. But most importantly, it detracts from honest debate about issues that actually matter.
I don't have any problems with people criticizing Obama for real issues. Him being impolite?! I watched your idiotic right-wing bent hit job video. That's impolite for a leader?! They slammed Obama for making comments where he respectfully disagreed with the Supreme Court. What should he have said instead? Did he scream at them? You know, like the dude who screamed "YOU LIED!"? NO! Him being impolite wasn't the issue. Conservatives are really just upset that he voiced his disagreement with their view, and it's spun to accuse him of being rude and disrespectful. It's ridiculous. He took Eric Cantor to task in a political discussion. Did he scream at him? Cuss at him? NO!
Here's the difference:
If you want to criticize Obama for perhaps overstepping his bounds and the ideal of separation of powers when he criticized the Supreme Court decision? Fine, I disagree, but that's an honest debate. I wouldn't be chewing you out for that.
I watched the video. I didn't see a single instance of him being overly impolite as a leader. If that's the case, every single damn president we ever had is an asshole. And where was your outrage then?!
I'm tired of this shit from both sides. I get pissed off at partisan hackery and absurd distortions of the truth. You, sir, are doing that with this drivel about Obama. I don't care if you dislike him as a President. I'm not a big fan, either. But if you're gonna trope this idiotic crap out, expect to get reamed for it by reasonable people.
>> ^shinyblurry:
>> ^messenger:
Yeah, I'm gonna vote Romney because he has promised not to put his feet on the coffee table. WTF? This is your criteria for a good President? Until he walks with people, he's a bad President? Get off it.>> ^shinyblurry:
I'd like him to be more polite {video}

Why is everyone so thin skinned about Obama? That's my question. I was being somewhat facetious, although I think the video, while humorous, shows a definite pattern of behavior. In any case, I'm not voting for Romney. Although I share some of his views on social issues, that isn't enough to get me past our theological differences, which are great. My prediction is that Romney will actually be far worse for this country, spiritually, than Obama. That is the reason I won't vote for anyone who doesn't worship God in spirit and in truth.

You responded to the wrong post. You can find the one where I replied to you here:

"What More Do We Want This Man To Do For Us"

heropsycho says...

For the record, I AM NOT thin-skinned about Obama. I get pissed off when people criticize Romney for firing people when he worked at Bain, when that was his FREAKING JOB! If he didn't do that, and Bain was unsuccessful, then the left would have attacked him for being a crappy businessman like George W. Bush was with a baseball team. You can't have it both ways.

Or that his dog was tied to the top of the roof on a family vacation...

Or he, along with friends, picked on someone they thought was gay decades ago in prep school, ignoring the fact everybody did stupid things in high school. It has no bearing on them decades later.

It's totally ridiculous, unproductive, divisive, and doesn't do anybody any good whatsoever. But most importantly, it detracts from honest debate about issues that actually matter.

I don't have any problems with people criticizing Obama for real issues. Him being impolite?! I watched your idiotic right-wing bent hit job video. That's impolite for a leader?! They slammed Obama for making comments where he respectfully disagreed with the Supreme Court. What should he have said instead? Did he scream at them? You know, like the dude who screamed "YOU LIED!"? NO! Him being impolite wasn't the issue. Conservatives are really just upset that he voiced his disagreement with their view, and it's spun to accuse him of being rude and disrespectful. It's ridiculous. He took Eric Cantor to task in a political discussion. Did he scream at him? Cuss at him? NO!

Here's the difference:

If you want to criticize Obama for perhaps overstepping his bounds and the ideal of separation of powers when he criticized the Supreme Court decision? Fine, I disagree, but that's an honest debate. I wouldn't be chewing you out for that.

I watched the video. I didn't see a single instance of him being overly impolite as a leader. If that's the case, every single damn president we ever had is an asshole. And where was your outrage then?!

I'm tired of this shit from both sides. I get pissed off at partisan hackery and absurd distortions of the truth. You, sir, are doing that with this drivel about Obama. I don't care if you dislike him as a President. I'm not a big fan, either. But if you're gonna trope this idiotic crap out, expect to get reamed for it by reasonable people.

>> ^shinyblurry:

>> ^messenger:
Yeah, I'm gonna vote Romney because he has promised not to put his feet on the coffee table. WTF? This is your criteria for a good President? Until he walks with people, he's a bad President? Get off it.>> ^shinyblurry:
I'd like him to be more polite {video}

Why is everyone so thin skinned about Obama? That's my question. I was being somewhat facetious, although I think the video, while humorous, shows a definite pattern of behavior. In any case, I'm not voting for Romney. Although I share some of his views on social issues, that isn't enough to get me past our theological differences, which are great. My prediction is that Romney will actually be far worse for this country, spiritually, than Obama. That is the reason I won't vote for anyone who doesn't worship God in spirit and in truth.

Did Mitt Romney Bully Gay Classmate? -- TYT

heropsycho says...

Why are we focusing on this? How about focusing on something that actually matters? I don't care about this nor the stupid dog thing. Anything the media can do to avoid doing actual reporting on real issues. Instead, let's focus on things that happened decades ago while the guy was in college that has 0 relevance to how good a president he would be, like this and how he transported his dog on family vacations.

Ridiculous, and I'm not even a Romney fan.

Edit: Just watched this video, and Mitt Romney sounds like a jerk while in prep school. How many people where jerks in high school, and are now good people? How many people are jerks now, but nice in high school? I wouldn't want anyone to judge me from when I was in high school, and I think I was a pretty decent person back then.

Oh, and gay kids were bullied back then in school? COLOR ME SHOCKED! Doesn't mean anything.

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