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Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Mordhaus says...

OK, today is flight prep and tomorrow is the flight to GRR airport in MI. I'm taking an old notebook computer so I'll probably be posting again sometime next week after the funeral. Don't know how much because I'll likely be tied up in paperwork and lawyers but we'll see.

Choate Rosemary Hall School Spirit - Fidelitas et Integritas

newtboy says...

Proof that money can't buy rhythm.

More diversity than the prep schools I went to by far....those prices though, ouch! My parents paid $5k(day school) -$15k (boarding school) in the 70-80's and thought it was high.

18 Teachers In Oklahoma Calling It Quits

newtboy says...

In Houston in the 70's, my parents paid vast (for then) sums of money to send me to private prep schools. They never complained about also paying taxes for public schools until they sent me to public school in 4-5th grade and saw what their money was buying....low quality daycare with no education. Sadly, like many, their reaction was not to think they needed to pay more taxes to achieve better results, it was to think they should pay less because the results were so bad.
Public school in California was slightly better, but here I went to schools in Los Altos Hills and Palo Alto, incredibly rich school districts that got millions from alumni yearly. Other nearby public schools offered much lower quality education (if any).

C-note said:

There are people who spend vast sums of money sending their children to private schools in america. To some from their perspective they feel as if they are having to pay the cost multiple times over. Once when they write the check for their child's tuition and a second time when they pay taxes on their properties. But most don't even know how much the tuition cost because their accountants handle the disbursement.

bcglorf (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

So you get where I'm coming from, I went to 3 "good" prep schools k-12 for a total of 7 years. In that time there were a total of 3 black kids at the same schools, one of which dropped out because of harassment. I also went to 5 years of public schools with up to 70% black kids, those schools taught me absolutely nothing. That's a large part of why I'm convinced just using SAT scores (or similar) only rate ones opportunities, not abilities. That was thousands upon thousands of white kids well prepared for years to take that test and two black kids....hardly equal opportunities. It's hard to ignore that personal experience.

bcglorf said:

"Discrimination by itself is not bad, it's discriminating against someone (especially based on racial assumptions) that's considered wrong."

And there we can agree. I would count assumptions of white privilege as racial assumptions that are wrong to be used as a basis for discriminating against people. I get that you disagree vehemently.

Brake Cleaner Fluid Vs Monster Energy Drink

Why Should You Read James Joyce's "Ulysses"

ulysses1904 says...

He definitely put years into it. I first tried reading it cold, with no prep. I read the first 3 pages over and over and gave up, it made no sense. A few years later I read a book about it which was a huge help. Then I found an entire section at the Connecticut College library dedicated to it.

I'm still finding "hidden tracks" in it after reading it and reading about it for 25 years. Like how the first 3 chapters parallel the last 3 chapters. How Bloom's path at a certain point in the city resembles a question mark. The barmaid Sirens, the drunken lout Cyclops character, and all the other Odyssey parallels.

I visited the Martello tower from Chapter one when i went to Dublin, that was so cool to be there. I never did find Nelson's Pillar though. ;-)

Fairbs said:

I think this may be the book that Joyce said took him a lifetime to write so it would take a reader a lifetime to read (comprehend)

The Real Reason Taxes Suck

entr0py says...

This one was all about a ready made and proven solution, it's return-free filing.

We just need to spread the word about what people are missing out on, and try to convince congress that the good will this could generate among constituents is more valuable than the bribes the tax prep industry can offer.

My_design said:

How about instead of ruining everything, Adam gets off his ass and starts offering some solutions. All his show is doing is leaving me depressed and angry, with no direction to aim my frustration...

FizzBuzz : A simple test when hiring programmers/coders

ulysses1904 says...

I read about this on and used it to prep for SQL interviews. Of course they didn't ask it, they were too busy asking dumb questions like "describe an instance where you needed to convince a manager they were wrong and what was the result".

Adam Ruins Everything - Real Reason Hospitals Are So Costly

HugeJerk says...

That's what I was saying... sorry if it wasn't clear. Because the insurance companies wanted a single billing for each test, the labs had to set their rates for each test to include the prep... even when a sample had already been prepared for another test that had been ordered.

They could have billed separately for prep, and for the test. But they hadn't been doing that before, so they didn't change it.

Stormsinger said:

I find that claim a bit hard to swallow. Changing the way tests are -billed- doesn't require any change in way samples are prepped. What I suspect really happened was that the lab saw an opportunity to charge multiple times for work that was only done once.

Adam Ruins Everything - Real Reason Hospitals Are So Costly

Stormsinger says...

I find that claim a bit hard to swallow. Changing the way tests are -billed- doesn't require any change in way samples are prepped. What I suspect really happened was that the lab saw an opportunity to charge multiple times for work that was only done once.

HugeJerk said:

I worked in a doctors office for awhile... and I asked one of the doctors about the costs. He told me pretty much what they say in this video, but there was another thing. Labs used to run a panel of tests for one set price. But insurance companies wanted each test separated out into their own billing. It made a single test cost something like a dollar less than the panel of tests.

The problem being the majority of the work was in prepping the sample for the tests. Separating it out made it so the labs had to add that prep work cost to each test. Since most doctors usually order several tests, it drove the cost way up.

Adam Ruins Everything - Real Reason Hospitals Are So Costly

HugeJerk says...

I worked in a doctors office for awhile... and I asked one of the doctors about the costs. He told me pretty much what they say in this video, but there was another thing. Labs used to run a panel of tests for one set price. But insurance companies wanted each test separated out into their own billing. It made a single test cost something like a dollar less than the panel of tests.

The problem being the majority of the work was in prepping the sample for the tests. Separating it out made it so the labs had to add that prep work cost to each test. Since most doctors usually order several tests, it drove the cost way up.

Ricky Gervais And Colbert Go Head-To-Head On Religion

newtboy says...

Technically no but partially yes, my degree is in general science, but I gotta ask, what difference does it make to my statements what level of degree I have in which science? Can a person not know or study a topic without having a masters degree in it, IYO?

And just to explain, I went to college for nearly 12 years after numerous advanced college prep schools with no specific degree in mind, just because I like to learn and had the opportunities, and one day asked the counselor if I qualified for a degree, and I did. Most of what I studied was science...all fields of science available for study from astronomy to advanced molecular biology. Also some comparative religion, math, Latin (to help with science), and basic requirements (I get bored with English, for instance, and never excelled in it, but still had to take it), but science was always my focus.

harlequinn said:

I gotta ask. Are you a physicist? As in "I graduated with a degree in physics from university" at the minimum.

Natto - Fermented Soy Beans - Whatcha Eating? #86

How little sis tells rest of family about leukemia diagnosis

noims says...

Not sure how to put this in the context of the video, but...

My gf was diagnosed with breast cancer a few months back and has just finished chemo... now prepping for surgery, radio, and hormone therapy. I know that's a world apart from chronic leukemia - like flu and aids are both viruses - but her attitude was/is:
"Ok, I'm sick, I've got to go through some crap and I'll be better than I am now, even if I'm not fully cured. There's no point raging out about the big fight, or raging inwardly about how unfair it is. I've just got to do some stuff.

"Sick or not, going to work is annoying but necessary. When I need to take care of my child or bf it can be annoying, but necessary. There's no promise that life is easy, but you just do what you can."

I think it's great that people have the strength of character to rage against the disease and not give in to depression, but I will forever be astounded and impressed by my gf's incredibly practical "meh" attitude.

She's Russian. They're a strange people with the weirdest and most practical dark sense of humour, but it's amazing how practical that whole side is.

Making the Matrix Footage

SFOGuy says...

What do you think the ratio was? 1 minute of film required 2 weeks of actor prep and a 2 weeks of set construction? so 12 hours a day, 6 days week---or 17,280 minutes to 1 film minute?

eric3579 said:

Didn't think i could appreciate the Matrix more than i did. I was wrong

That's how you make an action film. *quality real world effects.

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