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9/11 Ad Campaign To Investigate Collapse Of WTC-7 Building

CaBhaal says...

Amazing. Islamic Terrorists orchestrate the worst attack on American soil in history, and the American people are up in arms against our government over it? Our government has things it needs to be held accountable for, but this is not one of them. The deficit, ongoing struggle in the middle east and economy are all topics worthy of government accountability. This is a waste of time.

WikiLeaks founder arrested in London

Asmo says...

>> ^quantumushroom:

For fencing stolen information and releasing classified documents which harmed the US military and diplomatic relations, Assange should be considered another foreign enemy, just like bin laden.

Giving away something free now equals fencing? Lol.

Assange is not a US citizen, so he could give a fuck about 'classified'...

As for the bin Laden comment, your government has been incapable of catching the guy that orchestrated the biggest mass murder on US soil. It's understandable why they'd go after a softball like a journalist instead. Gotta make sure the right wing racist morons have someone to cheer for... ; )

9/11 Rare view of the south tower hit.

GeeSussFreeK says...

>> ^Jinx:

I mean no offence to the OP, but if you don't know anything about the way the Towers were built and the reason for their eventual collapse then why do you think your opinion holds any weight? The official line, which is backed up by god knows how many engineers and demo experts seems plausible to me. Even if it did seem counterintuitive to me, I'd still just assume its because I am basically ignorant of how massive structures fall. Those towers aren't built out of Jenga blocks...
As for the whole conspiracy theory thing...Occam's Razer bro. I don't doubt the US govt has hid much from the public regarding 9/11, but I don't believe anybody could orchestrate the destruction of the twin towers to conveniently pin it on the Saudis, especially since the US did their damndest to swing the blame on Iraq. I can't see a motive, and I sure as hell can't see a means and I don't see any evidence. All I see is such a deep destrust of government. Simplest explanation wins.

From reading the thread, it apeared that he was unfamiliar with the details of the NIST report. It is counter intuitive that a building struck on the side would fall in its own footprint ( as any Jinga players would know), if one wasn't familiar with the finders in the report. I, too, didn't take the story on face value until I learned of the unique conditions of the towers. Wisdom comes from asking questions.

9/11 Rare view of the south tower hit.

Jinx says...

I mean no offence to the OP, but if you don't know anything about the way the Towers were built and the reason for their eventual collapse then why do you think your opinion holds any weight? The official line, which is backed up by god knows how many engineers and demo experts seems plausible to me. Even if it did seem counterintuitive to me, I'd still just assume its because I am basically ignorant of how massive structures fall. Those towers aren't built out of Jenga blocks...

As for the whole conspiracy theory thing...Occam's Razer bro. I don't doubt the US govt has hid much from the public regarding 9/11, but I don't believe anybody could orchestrate the destruction of the twin towers to conveniently pin it on the Saudis, especially since the US did their damndest to swing the blame on Iraq. I can't see a motive, and I sure as hell can't see a means and I don't see any evidence. All I see is such a deep destrust of government. Simplest explanation wins.

9/11 Rare view of the south tower hit.

BicycleRepairMan says...

My laymans guess as to why it didn't tip is that the building is divided into floors, if more than one half of one floor collapsed, the entire floor will collapse almost instantly,(it would already have been weakened and possibly bent by the extra weight and the heat and explosion) and then you basically have 2/5ths of a WTC tower smacking into the floor below, causing instant collapse of that, and the next, and the next..

As for the conspiracy, I'll leave that to mister Occam and his razor. Most so-called truthers cant even mount a possible alternative,let alone a plausible one. If it wasnt terrorists in planes, then who? why? how? it all quickly becomes half-assed speculations leading nowhere, and the proof is only in the negative ie" The official story doesnt explain [insert random video/story/picture]" We desperately lack the actual evidence from the truthers, some actual thing that would implicate specific people, organizations, agencies, foreign governments, contractors or others. Apparantly, US officials cant even comment on Berlusconis partystyle without getting it leaked eventually, then how the fuck could they have orchestrated this massive, messy, live-on-TV shit that 9/11 was?

Fanatical islamists blow themselves up every fucking day in Baghdad and Kabul, and they've been at it for 9 years straight, before that they did it in Israel regularly, and on various embassies, ships, WTC. Why would 9/11 suddenly require some massive conspiracy?

Wiki Leaks founder walks out from interview with CNN

jwray says...

>> ^entr0py:

Chilaxe, I haven't been following this very closely. I know Assange has claimed that the rape allegation was a smear campaign orchestrated by some 3rd party. Implying either it was a honey trap or his former lovers had been bribed or coerced after the fact. Why do you say he's knowingly lied about that?

Because anonymous tips from a "close friend" reported by some douche on Gawker can't possibly be made up bullshit.

Wiki Leaks founder walks out from interview with CNN

entr0py says...

Chilaxe, I haven't been following this very closely. I know Assange has claimed that the rape allegation was a smear campaign orchestrated by some 3rd party. Implying either it was a honey trap or his former lovers had been bribed or coerced after the fact. Why do you say he's knowingly lied about that?

And to respond to other comments. Of course his personal life has no bearing at all on the authenticity of the documents published by Wikileaks, or on the debate about the impact of such leaks. That should go without saying. But, I've got to disagree with kranzfakfa that allegations of rape are somehow comparable to infidelity scandals. One is a very serious and devastating crime, the other is not a crime at all and merely embarrassing. Either the people accusing him have done something horrible, or he has done something horrible. But since he hasn't been legally accused or any evidence offered, for the time being you have to presume he's innocent.

Richard Dawkins at Protest the Pope Rally in London

bmacs27 says...

>> ^quantumushroom:

Catholics are an easy PC-approved target for these folks and the left in general. Boys were being buggered by criminally mental defectives, not "in the name of the Catholic Church."
Remember the hypocrisy: a "small" group of jihadists continue their worldwide assaults and we're told they are not a part of islam while a small group of criminal priests = blanket condemnation of the world's one billion Catholics.
Meanwhile... Revealed: UK’s first official sharia courts

I think the concern here is more the orchestrated coverup extending to the highest levels of the catholic hierarchy. I don't think anyone has a problem with practitioners of catholicism. Further, Islam has by no means escaped atheists' censure.

Cheating Death - Missed by Inches

jmd says...

Upvoted for lack of taste from commentors. I thought the intro was a good setup, shit tons better then the blue wall of text youtube videos have been going with for the past 6 years. I was actually impressed at the quality of the costume, not exactly something you can buy at target. As for the music, it was also up my ally. I belive a more accurate term is gothic rock. Either way I am a total sucker when you combine female vocals with orchestral rock.

As for the content, a mixed bag for the most part. Some of these clips are quite anchient, and I would have prefered slow motion out takes to have been spliced in tigher and shorter, as to quickly get to the next clip. also I had pretty much seen all the videos in the front of the video that got slow motion replays as they have been in animated gif form for years, but many of the videos near the end were new to me and didn't get replays. The jack knife and speeding van head shot was insane. Oh yea and I am still trying to figure out that one with the baby.

9/11 Anniversary-9 Years of Collective Unconciousness

Bloocut says...

Who orchestrated it? Bin Laden. Ok. CIA created him. This is a fact, right? So some elements within the U.S. machine used him as a tool. Patsy Bin Laden? Possibility.

" But you jackals have to understand"

Loaded language-not unlike the news media we have been groomed not only to parrot, but to trust as a source of information.
Lippman said of journalism's duty in a republic that she should "act as a mediator or translator between the public and policy making elites"

Dewey (had a hand as well in shaping what we now know as "public education in the U.S.), on the other hand, had another opinion-He believed "the public was not only capable of understanding the issues created or responded to by the elite, it was in the public forum that decisions should be made after discussion and debate."

Using his criteria for a sound journalistic ethic as watchdogs on government, businesses etc., enabling people to make informed decisions, would you not agree that the public has been robbed in the last 9 years?

Maddow: Fox News Fabrication Works Again

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

I agree with you and Glenn Beck.

I just thought it was funny that he was making essentially the same point. Of course he thought it was all an orchestrated conspiracy by space Nazis to distract people from the financial reform bill.

>> ^NetRunner:

>> ^dag:
I just saw Glenn Beck make the same point about this being a distraction from the financial reform bill. You guys are kindred spirits. Still though, Vilsack taking the fall for this and claiming no White House involvement smells like rich bullshit.

Geeze, everyone's going nuts lately. Ok, so I'm Glenn Beck for saying that the media isn't focusing on what's important.
Also, Obama is both prone to making rash decisions without all the facts, and a coward who'd hang out a member of his cabinet to keep from having to take his lumps in front of the American people. Not to mention, his political team is naive enough to think that throwing us a scapegoat will insulate him from the political fallout.
If I had a blackboard I'd draw an org chart of the US government, and try to guess at how many reporting levels separate Shirley Sherrod from Barack Obama (I'm thinking ten would be a safe minimum number), and point out that Vilsack is only the next rung down from Obama...and then I'd just slap a Hitler moustache on them all, and say "they're just purging the racists, the way the Nazis purged the Jews!"

Afghanistan: We're f*#!ing losing this thing

volumptuous says...

Which is why advocating for the wholesale slaughter and destruction of a country A, because 19 people from countries B, C, D and E, flew an airplane into a skyscraper is an appalling, disgraceful, revolting thing.

Fifteen of the hijackers were from Saudi Arabia, two from the United Arab Emirates, one from Egypt, and one from Lebanon. Orchestrated by someone who's family has long-standing ties to the Bush family and the CIA. (lest we forget to mention Bush calling off a full-scale attack at Tora Bora).

"In 1978, George W. Bush and Osama bin Laden's brother, Salem bin Laden, founded Arbusto Energy, an oil company based in Texas.

Several bin Laden family members invested millions in The Carlyle Group, a private global equity firm based in Washington, DC. The company's senior advisor was Bush's father, former President George H.W. Bush. After news of the bin Laden-Bush connection became public, the elder Bush stepped down from Carlyle.

Interestingly, on Sept. 11, 2001, members of the Carlyle Group - including Bush senior, and his former secretary of state, James Baker - were meeting at the Ritz Carlton Hotel in Washington, D.C., along with Shafiq bin Laden, another one of Osama bin Laden's brothers.

While all flights were halted following the terrorist attacks, there was one exception made: The White House authorized planes to pick up 140 Saudi nationals, including 24 members of the bin Laden family, living in various cities in the U.S. to bring them back to Saudi Arabia, where they would be safe. They were never interrogated."

>> ^xxovercastxx:

Like it or not, this is fairly true. Not that you have to intentionally target civilians, but you have to be willing to accept massive civilian casualties to hit important targets.

Monkey Island theme over the years

ForgedReality says...

>> ^videosiftbannedme:

Eeesh. They could have used a better example for the Redbook audio. The orchestration they used for The Curse of Monkey Island is far superior. I've got that one on my iPod.

Then it wouldn't be the music of The Secret of Monkey Island. May as well just use different tunes for each example then. >_>

Monkey Island theme over the years

Zero Punctuation: Just Cause 2

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