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Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Roger Goodell (Extended)

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'john oliver, rogel goodell, nfl, reporter' to 'john oliver, roger goodell, nfl, reporter' - edited by bareboards2

Jon Stewart Goes After NFL over Ray Rice

Jon Stewart Goes After NFL over Ray Rice

MilkmanDan says...

I haven't followed this too closely, but I at least partially disagree with Stewart here:

1) The original video from outside the elevator didn't really provide conclusive proof about what happened. Her being knocked unconscious as a result of physical violence was the most likely explanation for what we saw there, but I think there was room for reasonable doubt at the time. She could have been passed out drunk or otherwise intoxicated, or knocked out by somebody else.

That original video was certainly enough to have police look into the event further. I assume that happened, but I don't know the results. I can only assume that no charges were pressed. Beyond that, I didn't / don't think it was necessary for the NFL to get involved at all. Especially since the first video didn't really prove that he did anything wrong.

2) If the NFL wanted to get involved, sure they could try to get their hands on more evidence (like the 2nd video). But, it isn't really their business -- let the police worry about that. And taking any actions against a player that is a suspect of any crime would be risky too... For example, a policy of suspending a player that has an active investigation against them before it has been concluded could easily be abused.

3) Maybe the NFL saw the 2nd video a long time ago, and maybe they didn't. Their actions now definitely seem like spin / damage control, but I don't think it is particularly fair to get all ticked off at the NFL even if you assume that they are lying and that they had seen the 2nd video a long time ago.

If the police and prosecutors want to send Rice to jail for his actions, by all means do so -- it would be well deserved. But criminal justice isn't in the purview of the NFL. Let the police take care of it, and if they fail to punish him adequately it is their fault, not the NFL's.

Now that the NFL has (and is forced to acknowledge) the definitive evidence about what happened from the 2nd video, it is fine (and GOOD) that they suspended him. But, I'm not too upset at them for taking their time to decide to do that. The slaps on the wrist from the criminal justice system are a much bigger concern, at least from my point of view.

But, I haven't been following this story too closely, so maybe I missed some stuff that would sway my opinion.

Ray Rice Elevator Knock Out of his Fiance

Yogi says...

Yeah but in a really stupid way I feel. As far as I've heard he got off with a slap on the wrist when it comes to the law. This business with the NFL and his team had to be basically forced to occur. Everyone was pissed and even then they were going to do anything until the whole movie came out.

However the actual Law, that which should've handled this much much better let him off with practically nothing. He was going to go back to work 3 weeks into the season, how does that make any sense.

I normally don't like a sports organization acting as judge jury and executioner especially when the Court decides nothing happened, innocent until proven guilty. In this case though I'm dead wrong, our courts are only for the rich.

Trancecoach said:

his life is over.

Ray Rice Elevator Knock Out of his Fiance

eric3579 says...

Subsequently Ray Rice has been cut by the Baltimore Ravens, and indefinably suspended by the NFL. Much more appropriate punishment then the two game suspension the NFL had given him originally. Crazy thing is they end up getting married.

New Jersey basically gave him a free pass in this case. Felony third degree aggravated assault and he received no jail time.

The legal fallout

and a timeline of events

Keith Olbermann Tackles Sexism in Sports

Januari says...

I agree with his assessment towards women in sports and society in general. But, where i'm not sure i follow is the NFL punishing someone for something that is outside its purview. I understand they regularly do this with any number of things, but in this case what crime is that video showing?

Do i think Ray Rice knocked out his wife, Yes! But the video doesn't show that... and as i understand it (i'm sorry i'm not looking up the details of this story so if i'm wrong... ) his wife isn't pressing charges and the DA isn't prosecuting because of a weak case.

I don't know... The NFL's list of would be convicts if they'd of had any other job is EXTREMELY long...

Not sure Ray Rice is particularly special because his alleged victim was a woman and his wife.

Kacy Catanzaro 1st Woman to Complete American Ninja Warrior

Stu says...

I never sent in a tape. No exciting video for them to show. I walked up, like I said. Were there cameras? Of course. Am I attractive? Of course. Was I broadcast? Of course, it's a tv show. Did I finish and win the money? No I didn't and I'm a DI college athlete.

Your point as usual is useless. There is very specific types of people who can do this. NFL players tried again this year and failed. But I guess they aren't some of the greatest athletes are they? Crossfit? Crossfit is absolute shit especially to use as a standing point for people who you think can do this course.

Your point is anyone can do this. No. They can't and thats why no one has. Why do you go give a try? Maybe you can bore it to death by talking to it.

Yogi said:

Whatever you say, but my point still stands. She's not the greatest athlete that can do this, there are many many women that can do this.

Wait...did they have cameras on you? Were you broadcast? Are you attractive? There are several can get in line for American Idol, that doesn't mean anything for the actual SHOW.

Like I said, she's there for a reason.

Proud To Be -- The Best Super Bowl Ad you'll never see

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: FIFA and the World Cup

Ickster says...

This is remarkably similar to the shit the NFL is pulling here in Minneapolis where we were "awarded" the Super Bowl in 2018. From the local newspaper:

"Free police escorts for team owners, and 35,000 free parking spaces. Presidential suites at no cost in high-end hotels. Free billboards across the Twin Cities. Guarantees to receive all revenue from the game’s ticket sales — even a requirement for NFL-preferred ATMs at the stadium."

The NFL's secret (secret!) list of specifications runs to 153 pages.

Fuck pro sports and everyone involved.

The Secret to a Perfect Body - Genetics

Yogi says...

The best argument against Genetics vs Perseverance that I've seen is Randy Moss vs Jerry Rice. Moss is taller, faster, and just has greater natural gifts than Jerry Rice. Why don't we call Randy Moss the GOAT (Greatest of all Time)?

Perseverance. Rice had that over any natural athlete that came to every NFL camp he went to. Rice was there before everyone, weeks before, and left later. He'd win a superbowl, wait a week and then right back to training. He's the best there was because Genetics doesn't do everything, just watch GATTACA.

But why don't I shut up. Calvin Coolidge said it better than I can.

High School Talent Show - Billy Jean

chingalera says...

As a side-note, MY hometown has produced plenty of NFL players and I could give a fiddlers-fuck about any of 'em or any kind non-participative football, OR sports, or television-Pop culture and programming: "It's What's For Dinner!"....for slaves

High School Talent Show - Billy Jean

RadHazG says...

Nothing brings pride quite like being from a small town and having it produce an NFL QB (for my fav team no less) and a viral video star that ends up on my fav site.

Michael Sam Gets Drafted Into NFL - Reaction

Payback says...

You completely missed the point I was attempting to make.

Any player who makes it into the NFL has succeeded. It would actually HARM future GLBT players if he is merely remembered for being gay. Being a footnote in history rather than a milestone.

For example, Obama will be remembered for being the first black president. What else?

non_sequitur_per_se said:

LOL, as opposed to straight players that don't "kick ass" and are not remembered AT ALL?

Michael Sam Gets Drafted Into NFL - Reaction

Payback says...

As matter of fact, my first thought was, "Yeah... that's going to go over well with the NFL's target demographic."

I hope he kicks ass. Unfortunately, he really needs to. Otherwise he'll only be remembered for being openly gay. It'd be really cool if he has a long, distinguished career. People could then forget he was gay. Which would be perfect.

Chaucer said:

Good for Sam. Now show us that you dont suck. Well... poorly worded as he probably does suck, literally. Show us that you can play football in the NFL.

PS. I'd have to say that I did puke in my mouth a bit when they kissed. Not judging, that was just my first reaction.

Michael Sam Gets Drafted Into NFL - Reaction

Chaucer says...

Good for Sam. Now show us that you dont suck. Well... poorly worded as he probably does suck, literally. Show us that you can play football in the NFL.

PS. I'd have to say that I did puke in my mouth a bit when they kissed. Not judging, that was just my first reaction.

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