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pierrekrahn (Member Profile)

The Way Games Work: NES Zapper

lucky760 says...

Fascinating, especially because since 1985 I have ALWAYS wondered how the light gun worked, but I just never looked into it.

I bought some USB NES controllers and got an emulator and lots of old games so my kids can play when they're big enough, but I wish I could have an actual NES console for them, like one that looks like the original but maybe is just all software-based or something.


Xbox One Kinect Calls Foul on Bad Language

Lawdeedaw says...

Because people want them "real" as possible. I am fine with the old games on NES because I don't care. But if you bought the Xbox one well then you obviously need it as close to life to feel complete as possible. His desire, not mine.

Also, didn't know a player was a commentator? Was he just spectating the game and not involved in "playing?" If so I can understand. John Madden used to do this all the time...

newtboy said:

Ahhh, but if we're going to use the 'would it happen in real life?' postulate, I would point out that he was commenting as if he were a commentator, not as a player, so why was one player/team penalized?
I don't know why that would be a decent reason for this kind of thing either, most games are NOT like real life in most ways, even this game has many elements in it that are completely unrealistic in order to make it a fun, playable game. If the Xbox1 is going for this kind of unrealistic realism across the board, I think I'll stick with my ps3. I play games for fun, not to allow the speech police in my home. (That said, I don't play online or use the microphone/speech feature, so this likely wouldn't ever happen to me).
I'm just guessing, but is this a feature of multiplayer meant to keep people from spouting obscenities in quasi-public arenas in order to limit customer exposure to unwanted cursing? That would actually be reasonable, especially if it can be turned off with the agreement of both players in an online game.

Robot Handjobs Are Here

Rocket Launch Failure Compilation (31:51)

13 facts about Space that will make your head explode

ant (Member Profile)

Five/5/ε/Ù¥/101/V/âš„ Awesome NES Facts! -- Fact Surgery

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from '5 Awesome NES Facts, Fact Surgery, Nintendo Entertainment System, NES, internals, fun' to 'vsauce3, Fact Surgery, Nintendo Entertainment System, NES, internals, fun' - edited by xxovercastxx

James Hansen on Nuclear power and Climate Change

GeeSussFreeK says...

I think that you will find reactors don't produce weapons grade plutonium, rather, they produce a grade of plutonium known as reactor grade. Weapons grade plutonium is upwards of 95% Pu239. Reactor grade plutonium is what is known as weapons usable, not weapons ready. This is because of the high contamination factor of Pu240, Pu241, and Pu242. These heavier breads of Pu have both high spontaneous fission rates (bad for your fission weapon), and considerable heat, enough so to make weapons fabrication a problem (is it bad when your closed weapons device needs ventilation to not melt itself). While these problems are addressable in advanced weapons platforms, outside of well established nuclear weapons programs, making weapons from them is very challenging.

The main trouble, however, I think is economics, and nuclear is forced to internalize many of their impacts where as other solutions, mainly fossil fuels, do not. That is a pretty key competitive disadvantage.

Also note that electricity is only a fraction of total power, total power includes many non-electrical uses, most notably motor vehicles via liquid fuels. When you look at solar in this light, it represents a sub-fraction of a percent. So 5% of annual solar electrical generation is only a small part of a larger energy picture, and picture which also needs to be weighted against the rest of the world for which solar provides very little power. This isn't an attack on solar, it is a bringing to light of how vast the gulf is to address climate issues with any one technology.

So I think you will find that he isn't off by orders of magnitude, rather, he was being pretty generous to the total amount of energy produced by solar and wind world wide, and climate issues and emissions are world issues.

Key World Energy STATISTICS IEA:

(I trust the IEA's numbers)

But I share the sentiment that we need to reduce coal and gas to address climate concerns. The fact that German emissions have risen for 2 years in a row is troubling to say the least. I consider France and Sweden to be better models, lower CO2 per capita and electrical prices in both cases compared to Germany, and both heavy nuclear users...with Sweden using a fair deal more hydro power than France. Nuclear and hydro are the proven heavy lifters in the area of CO2 reductions, which is why I think his criticism of environmental groups in addressing climate issues is justified as they generally oppose both.


ghark said:

Hrm, interesting talk, but a lot of his arguments seem to be pretty misguided or just plain wrong.

He spends most of the video blaming environmentalists for the various energy problems, however it's a lot more complicated than that. The primary reason Govt's like those in America won't stop using current nuclear tech is because it generates weapons grade materials that can be used by the military-industrial (etc) complex. The lobbyists for these industries have way too much money to throw around for any other pressure to be meaningful. This means that pushing through cleaner nuclear power solutions will be next to impossible despite whatever pressure is applied by environmentalist groups for or against the various solutions.

Also, the fact that he states wind/solar etc only contribute 1% of supply and can't contribute enough to satisfy consumer needs is extremely misguided. That may be the case where he's from (currently), but if you look at the latest EU statistics, wind, by itself is already accounting for 5% of all energy demand, and the contribution is much higher in some countries, i.e. Germany=10%, Denmark=25% (just from wind).

Solar also contributes a significant amount, supplying 5% of all needs in Germany for example (50% of midday demands), and the technology is only improving.

Despite him being completely (by orders of magnitude) wrong in this respect, his statement probably does makes sense if you only apply it to America, because their political system is completely fucked, but he should be honest about that in his discussion if he's really done his research.

He does make some very valid points however, and I certainly hope the realisation of better nuclear power does come true in our lifetimes so we can continue to accelerate the move away off coal/gas.

8-Bit Inhabitants of Planet 9

AT&T and the DEA Use Drug War to Spy on Americans

What Is Money?

PSA for the Poor Bullied Christian Homophobes

Who Knew These Guys Were In So Many Movies

ctrlaltbleach says...

Here are the Lyrics in French

Mon pote I think translates to my hommie or my buddy or dude.

Mon pote c'est mon suisse même s'il a pas d'oseille
C'est ma ganache, ma gueule mais il me ressemble pas
C'est mon frère mais on a pas été porté par les mêmes bras
C'est mon srab, c'est sûrement pas lui qui me dénoncera
Mon pote c'est mon gros mais c'est pas Pierre Ménès
Il ne casse pas de sucre sur mon dos
Il peut supporter l'OM et si ça l'aide je mentirais à sa femme sans problème
Si mon pote vient d'loin, lui ou bien ses darons
Noir, blanc, jaune ou marron, ça fait d'moi un ignorant d'moins
J'attends pas d'toi que tu me cires les pompes
Ce sera pas à cause de ta franchise si je coupe les ponts
J'te mettrais pas dans mes embrouilles et si je faisais l'con
J'te demanderais pas de rappliquer avec une pelle en pleine nuit sans poser d'questions
Mais s'il le faut ramène-moi à la maison
Si je pars en vrille please ramène-moi à la raison
On peut être en désaccord, on peut se prendre la tête
Pourtant y'aura toujours une part pour toi dans mon assiette
Mon pote n'hurle pas avec les loups
On ne lave pas le linge sale en public mais entre nous
C'est pas toujours le bon vent qui amène mon pote
J'cautionne pas toujours la façon dont il se comporte
J'aimerais pas apprendre qu'il m'a trahi ou qu'il complote
Ça enterrerait nos relations même si elles sont fortes
J'ai pas scellé mon sort au sien, pour moi les choses sont claires
Mon pote c'est mon vieux mais c'est pas mon père
J'aimerais qu'il le reste longtemps alors j'évite d'immiscer
Entre lui et moi l'argent, les femmes et tout c'qui pourrait nous diviser

Mon pote a pas toujours été là
Trop longtemps mon meilleur pote c'était moi
Mon pote squatte à la maison, on passe des nuits blanches
On refait l'monde, on s'entend même dans les silences
Mon pote répond toujours à mes coups d'fil
Qu'on s'appelle toutes les heures ou toutes les douze piges
J'peux tout lui faire comprendre avec un sourcil
Au bord de l'explosion mon pote c'est la goupille
Où j'suis beaucoup d'gens mélangent potes et groupies
Mais j'ai compris la trahison depuis Rox et Rouky
Mon pote essaie pas d'plaire à tout prix
Fait pas semblant d'bouger la tête quand j'fais des couplets pourris
Fin d'soirée, toujours un coin d'canapé
Ma caisse est pas dans l'fossé parce qu'il garde la clef
Rien nous sépare même les grosses sommes
On élève pas les cochons mais on a soulevé quelques cochonnes
Mon pote rabaisse personne pour se mettre en valeur
C'est mon reflet, nous briser c'est risqué 7 ans d'malheur
Mon pote n'est pas une bête en chaleur
Et j'peux dormir tranquille le soir où j'lui présente ma soeur
Fidèle en amitié
Si j'ai plus les pieds sur terre mon pote me rappelle les lois d'la gravité
Toujours prêt, toujours le premier à rappliquer
En cas d'coup dur où pour une partie d'Play
C'est mon antidépresseur, mon lexo, mes amis n'sont pas tous des héros
En pratique on a tous nos défauts
Si un jour dans ma vie j'oubliais d'être réglo
J'réécouterais ce morceau comme une sorte de mémo

[Flynt & Orelsan]
C'est pour mon pote de 20 ans
Pour mon pote de maintenant
C'est mon pote dégueulasse et mon pote pimpant
Pour mon pote le plus vilain
Pour mon pote le plus con
Pour mon pote terre à terre
Pour mon pote sur Pluton
C'est pour mon pote tchatcheur et mon pote dyslexique
Mon pote à qui ma pote a dit non mais qui persiste
Pour mon pote chômeur, mon pote qui travaille
Pour mon pote kickeur, mon pote qui rappe mal
Mon pote boxeur, mon pote pianiste
Mon pote manutentionnaire, mon pote artiste
Mon pote crochet, mon pote Roger
Mon pote qui squatte chez un pote et qui a pas d'projet
Mon pote en costume, mon pote en coste-la
Mon pote qui vit à la campagne

"Next Gen Technology"

spawnflagger says...

That's a great idea! you'd have to hold the controller upside down though (easier for NES than newer ergonomically designed controllers)

lucky760 said:

I think it'd be more like if playing Mike Tyson's Punch Out if your perspective is from Bald Bull and you're looking at and controlling your own character. That'd be infinitely confusing/difficult.

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