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K-Solo - Fugitive

MrFisk says...

I ran like a rebel, in '85
Cops tried to catch me, cause all of 'em said I
Beat up these other men who were bigger than me
Was it because I was black and they were W-H-I-T-E
Here I was walking down the block
I seen these two big bikers standing by the biker's shop
They seen it was me so to make theyself feel bigger
One got bad bold, pointed and called me a "nigger"
I suck my finger up, I said "His mother" and kept stepping
His friend told his other friend "Hey Cauky let's get him"
I looked to my back, to my suprise, one had a chain
In his hand and the devil in his eye
I said "I'm in trouble, let me think real quick"
I looked down at the ground and got this big fat brick
With no time to waste I put the brick in my hand
And then the biker took the chain fell out of his hand
Then his friend Crotty said "Cauky are you alright?"
But what he didn't know was he was in for a fight
The right his his jaw, he fell on the floor
The kid I hit with the brick before said "Don't hit him anymore"
I put my brick down, left him on the ground
Everything was cool til the cops came around
They said "You're under arrest for assault 2 and 3"
I laughed at the copper and said "Explain this to me"
He said "You hit the man with a brick and punched another in the jaw
And left the scene like nothing happened and then they called the law"
I laughed in his face, I said "This don't make sense"
It was two against my black ass, this makes this an offense?
He tried to grab me, so I pushed him on the floor
And ran my black ass home and locked the living room door
I did what any black kid would have did
But to the coppers of the county, I'm known as a fugitive

I had to go to school, I couldn't be late
If I miss another day Mrs. Cann said I wouldn't graduate
I didn't go a lot, that didn't mean I didn't care
I had to come to school more often to try again next year
Fuck that, I went to school and I tried
You know to hide from the cops to June of '85
I get my diploma and things would be straight
Find out my graduation cops came and tried to put me on the gate
I ran though, with the diploma that I owned
With cops chasing me all the way til I got home
I got away gain, why, you know what I did?
I ran my black ass home and to them I'm still a fugitive

Two years went by, me running from the cops
My mom looked at my dad, my dad said "Son, this has gotta stop"
Dad gave me money, he said, "Son, this is for ya"
I went to Garden City to go get me a lawyer
I went to jail, Monday I was in jail through Friday
When you're black and you're in trouble man does your lawyer get paid
Then my moms told the judge "My son's a good child"
Then he laughed at my mother and said "Then take us to trial"
I told my mom and dad I felt within
If we took Suffux County to court or trial, I know I wouldn't win
So without a doubt, like any black kid in Suffux county
K-S-O-L-O had to cop out
To sixteen months in Riverhead
Instead of fighting and wilding, I wrote my records instead
Comisarry was ???, inmates owed me
CO's would beat me up on shakedowns, but now those suckers know me
And I laugh at those cops who arrest me for what I did
Cause I'm hooked and no longer am I a fugitive

Supersonic joystick will make you rap like a white man!

Nat King Cole Impersonates Sammy Davis Jr. Impersonating Him

silvercord says...

I love both of those men. My mom and dad introduced me to Cole through their record collection and Sammy Davis, Jr. through the television shows they watched. Marvelous!

Creepy New Ovaltine Ad

Creepy New Ovaltine Ad

Wal*Mart Employee Indoctrination Video

Flood says...

>> ^skhisma:
>> Let me guess - you've never had to work to survive before? Mom and dad pay the way?

After high school, I got grants and lots of loans and went to college. Worked my butt off and got a job I am passionate about after graduation. I'm one of those salaried people that draak13 mentioned.

And why would you think that about me when I explicitly said in the text that you quoted that I think everyone deserves enough money to survive without even having to work?

Wal*Mart Employee Indoctrination Video

skhisma says...

>> ^Flood:
The pay for a job follows simple supply and demand. If the job is a low skill job, then there is a very high supply, which drives the pay for the job down. The minimum wage laws causes economic inefficiencies because it sets an artificial floor on what an employer can pay for a job.
That said, I understand that everyone deserves to have enough money to live. My radical idea (in summary) is that we set welfare to be barely enough to get by, and then we give it to everyone, even the employed. Next, eliminate minimum wage. Finally, set a flat income tax. If you work out the math, the net result is effectively a progressive income tax. Everyone gets enough to live, and working becomes a means of improving your life style, status, and luxuries. I call it the "Welfare for Everyone Flat Tax Plan".

Let me guess - you've never had to work to survive before? Mom and dad pay the way?

25 Random things about me... (Blog Entry by youdiejoe)

Enzoblue says...

1. My mom and dad met at a Denny's, he was a fry cook and she was a waitress.

2. I have a deep love for diners.

3. My military records show me as 5'10" 98lbs when I entered boot camp.

4. My first dog was named Breezer because of his long hair in the breeze.

5. I once saw the northern lights from a helicopter off the coast of Norway.

6. My youngest brother's favorite memory of me is when I beat up a bully for him at an HS football game.

7. My favorite memory of my younger brother is when he confronted a guy in a bar who wanted to hit me and poked him in the chest until he left.

8. My first car was a Rover 2000.

9. I lived on the streets in Orange County CA for 3 years.

10. I bought a bike while in Shanghai China, rode it for a week then gave it to a poor bicycle repairman.

11. My worst job ever was cleaning the bottoms of boats.

12. I bought a hooker in Den Helder Netherlands when I was 19.

13. I once dated the daughter of the guy who invented Astroturf.

14. I'm not a huge music fan and despise people who can't function without it.

15. I've been to the desert and feel that the silence has changed me.

16. I had a professor once call me a melodrama junkie.

17. I am the only member of my family that likes both lima beans and liver.

18. My dad died as a hermit living in a tool shed in Alabama.

19. I've been truly in love twice.

20. I once shared a beer with Kathy Valentine of the Go Go's.

21. My sister blames me for 2 of my 4 nephews being atheists.

22. I had a military trainer once tell me I had great flexibility and no balance.

the Official Videosift Catcount (Pets Talk Post)

rougy says...

No cats, but they are fun critters once you get to know them.

Nothing like dogs. Not good, not bad, just how it is.

I had a friend who, when he was a kid, used to think that cats were the females and dogs were the males of the same species.

Both my mom and dad, who used to hate cats, now have cats of their own. They love and dote over them, telling me the funny cat stories that we all have.

I had three cats once in my life: Sophie, Otto, and Hoss, but I had to get rid of them after a love affair went awry. Regret it to this day, losing the cats, not the affair.

Obama Slams McCain for Calling him a Socialist

imstellar28 says...

>> ^Necrodancer:
In defense of Collectivism: A family is a collective. The collective finances of a family are often put towards items that will benefit the family more than any individual within the family, and manual labour, such as chores, benefit the family as a whole. For instance, I buy plates for the family and when it comes to cleaning them I clean more than I personally sullied.
The members of a family are also interdependent, even parents come to depend on their children once they reach old age. All these aspects of family life are inherently collectivist.
To eliminate all collectivist elements from a family dynamic would likely result in an early death for any child born into such a household.
There, I have now formed a defense for the basis of socialism off the top of my head. Feel free to describe how I am evil now.

first you didn't even mention what the basis for that scenario was, so you aren't even talking about the basis (means) of collectivism (read my post again) you are talking about the goals of collectivism. very. big. difference. you aren't defending the basis of collectivism. nobody ever has in the history of mankind. you are merely defending the purported goals of collectivism which I myself will support. millions of people have done that--its nothing new. thats the problem with socialism, its easy to subscribe to it because the ends (goals) seem so noble and many people support them. nobody, however, considers the means (basis) of such a philosophy. nobody has and nobody ever will, lest they be branded the most evil person alive and likely lynched (in democratic fashion) by their peers. clearly you have succumbed to this common error by confusing "means" with "ends".

what if the mom and dad decide that it benefits the family to have the father rape their daughter, who is 5 years old. are you defending the rape of 5 year olds? explain what in collectivism (democracy, socialism) forbids the rape of the daughter. if the mother and father can make the daughter do chores and manual labor, why can't the mother and father make her have sex with the father? is there some fine print I am missing here about what is off limits with regard to collectivist decisions? if so, are you not invoking another system of morality? without invoking another system of morality, you are forced to support rape if you are a collectivist.

do you still want to defend the rape of 5 year old girls? now imagine that you were the creator of this idea. you didn't think it through and now millions of people are raping 5 year olds (figuratively and in some cases literally). all of that blood is now on your hands. maybe you should consider all outcomes of your philosophy before publicly advocating it. without even knowing, you have publicly attempted (to attempt) to defend a philosophy which encourages rape.

do you want to retract your statements (made out of naivety)?

Porcupine Tree - Fear Of A Blank Planet

itsmissmia says...

All I can say is, WOW! What an important topic. There are so many of these kids living like this and most people look at them and just think they're deviants. Never mind that their parents and doctors are the dope pushers. Parents are told to teach their kids about "illicit" drugs but who's teaching the parents about the REAL effects PRESCRIPTION DRUGS have on their kids? A doctor tells them to give their kids a pill and parents think it's the cure-all. WAKE UP MOM AND DAD! Kids need more than a pill...they need PARENTS!!!

RNC in a Minute

Little Johnny Jet

Nicole Malachowski, first woman USAF Thunderbird pilot

Memorare says...

nope nothing to do with mom and pop at all, because anyone who studies hard and gets top grades and is in peak physical shape and whose parents can get a US Senator or US Congressman to write a letter of recommendation for them... oops.

i went to HS with a guy who got into West Point because mom and dad had the wealth and social and political influence (state republican committee chair) to pull it off, it sure wasn't becasue of his stellar academics or high moral values. Dunno if he ever graduated, he was such a doper.

The sons and daughters of Joe 6-Pack need not apply.

Zifnab (Member Profile)

kronosposeidon says...

And thank you for liberating one of my PQ videos, Dark Lord. See, I KNEW there was some good in you.

In reply to this comment by Zifnab:
lol Don't worry, I'm not jealous your majesty

I try to look through the PQ when-ever I get time as well. A lot of good stuff ends up there.

In reply to this comment by kronosposeidon:
No prob. I try to look through at least one PQ a day, and today was your lucky day. I don't know why that College Humor video about the mom and dad sex talk didn't do better, considering the raunchy stuff that I've successfully sifted. Maybe it's because my name has become synonymous with filth. Please, don't be jealous.

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