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Florida Police BLOW UP Stuffed Horse Toy Mistaken For Bomb

radx says...

How about they call it what it is. It's not an overreaction, it's not a bomb scare: it's the result of full-blown, fear-induced paranoia.

When you think the stuffed horses are out to get you, the psych ward should become your new home.

Call of Duty: Black Ops - Multiplayer Overview

sixshot says...

Sorry but I cannot upvote nor downvote for this. I've pretty much condemned any/every CoD game since MW2 due to the dedicated server and crippling gameplay forced on every player. Sure it'd be a good game for the console but I'm a PC gamer at heart. And the biggest issue is how games are played online. Yes, this game will have dedicated servers on the PC side. However, before every PC fanatics starts jumping ship and pre-ordering Black Ops, one has to stop and think about this for a minute.

The game is using the same engine that Infinity Ward made for MW2. So all the visual enhancements and little perky features that is seen in MW2 will be seen and noticed in Black Ops. However, because it is running on this very same engine, one has to take note that it is very likely, due to the MW2 engine track record, that the game will use the same anti-cheat system: VAC. Due to how integrated PC MW2 was with Steam, the whole game's anti-cheat system is based on VAC alone. And because of this, tons and tons of cheaters took advantage of this fact alone and raised hell everywhere they go. And it would take Valve months to ever issue any kind of bans on the numerous hackers and cheaters that plague the game. But even if those bans were issued out, there are still plenty that roam the game lobby looking for the next aimbot and wallhack victim to grief.

BO has many things that hold potential for success. Yet given how Treyarch is doing nothing more than simply taking the engine that Infinity Ward spewed forth and making visual changes, there's little to go on as far as something new and different. They are doing this twice now and they seem reluctant to really do anything to truly differentiate their CoD game from the rest. What good is a CoD game when every two years it looks the same? And what good is a CoD game when it's being churned out every year like a sports game?

And then you add to the fact that games are becoming more and more unfinished on purpose so that they can sell you add-ons disguised as purchasable DLC. That's not creating quality game. This is akin to scamming people into buying a car w/o a car seat or steering wheel.

Time Magazine: Heavy Drinkers Outlive Nondrinkers! (Fear Talk Post)

kronosposeidon says...

Heavy drinkers might be physically healthier than non-drinkers, but what other costs are associated with heavy drinking?

- More auto accidents (in the U.S., about a third of all motor vehicle fatalities involved alcohol)
- More absenteeism from work (heavy drinkers call in sick more often), which ain't good for the paycheck or the economy
- Heavy drinkers are obviously more likely to end up in a psych ward or rehab for alcoholism than non-drinkers (the psych ward and rehab ain't cheap)
- Heavy drinkers are more prone to depression. Depression itself is a costly disease (I hope I don't need citations for that statement.)

And don't forget the non-monetary costs of heavy drinking, like the joy kids have with a drunk mommy or daddy.

Having said all that, I don't like sin taxes. I'm a big proponent of progressive taxation, and sin taxes are one of the most regressive forms of taxation. Probably not the reason you were looking for to oppose sin taxes, but there it is anyway.

Drink free or die!

Fighter Pilot Plays In The Clouds

Truckchase says...

Best job on the planet my rear, I have just as much fun sitting in a 3x6 square, filling out paperwork, and warding off small talk with the guy who consistently doesn't smell very good.


Peter King And Anthony Weiner Get Into Shouting Match On Fox

GenjiKilpatrick says...

>> ^quantumushroom:

I'm a big fan of obstructing communism and undermining "Progressivism".
taxocrats should go to Europe if they wish to be wards of the nanny state.

So were you born with your head up your ass..
or did you stumble upon free audio book lessons whilst listening to "conservative" talk radio?

How is providing care for hundreds of September 11th Rescuers and victims communist?

Oh wait, it isn't. You're just an awful human.

p.s. - I seriously hope you get cancer. Painful, expensive, tediously protracted cancer.

Peter King And Anthony Weiner Get Into Shouting Match On Fox

AZ Governer Admin Makes Millions from Illegal Aliens

volumptuous says...

According to statistics from the FBI and Arizona police agencies, crime in Arizona border towns has been “essentially flat for the past decade.” For example, “In 2000, there were 23 rapes, robberies and murders in Nogales, Ariz. Last year, despite nearly a decade of population growth, there were 19 such crimes.” The Pima County sheriff reported that “the border has never been more secure.”

FBI statistics show violent crime rates in all of the border states are lower than they were a decade ago — yet Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) reports that the violence is “the worst I have ever seen.” President Obama justifiably asserted last week that “the southern border is more secure today than any time in the past 20 years,” yet Rush Limbaugh judged the president to be “fit for the psycho ward” on the basis of that remark.

Next, there’s Brewer’s claim that “the majority” of people immigrating illegally “are coming here and they’re bringing drugs, and they’re doing drop houses and they’re extorting people and they’re terrorizing the families. That is the truth.”

No, it isn’t. The Border Patrol’s Tucson Sector has apprehended more than 170,000 undocumented immigrants since Oct. 1, but only about 1,100 drug prosecutions have been filed in Arizona in that time.

The claim that illegal immigrants are behind most killings of law-enforcement personnel is also bunk. Arizona state Sen. Sylvia Allen claimed that “in the last few years 80 percent of our law enforcement that have been killed or wounded have been by an illegal.” A Phoenix police spokesman told the Arizona Republic’s E.J. Montini that the real figure for killings is less than 25 percent, and that there are no statistics on wounded officers.

So what is this “terrible border security crisis” that Brewer says has only “gotten worse”? She complained recently to Fox News’s Greta Van Susteren about the Obama administration’s handling of the border: “They haven’t did [sic] their job.”

[via Dana Millbank @ WaPo]

Penn & Teller Greatest Skeptical Achievement

Trancecoach says...

Teller paid his way through college doing magic.

Apparently, doing magic at frat parties with college kids is akin to warding off four-winged demons in the seventh circle of hell. So Teller soon learned that if he remained silent during the magic, he reduced and eventually eliminated the extent of heckling he received during his performance.

Ever since then, he's remained silent -- as a part of his 'schtick.'

(BTW, I met Penn & Teller back in 1988.. long before they became household names.)

UFC 116: Brock Lesnar vs Shane Carwin

highdileeho says...

>> ^GenjiKilpatrick:
>> ^highdileeho:
As a boxing fan, I can't enjoy heavyweight mma fights. It lacks the presicion and discipline that I'm used to. I'll watch a good boxing match over a the best mma fights any day. That's not to say i'm an mma hater, I just think that boxing has it's own place, and it's a shame that the younger generation has seemed to have forgoten how awesome a sport boxing is:

Great, this argument again.
Explain how being FORCED to stand directly in front of someone as you wing haymakers at each other takes anymore precision or discipline than what you see in mma.
Boxing is to MMA as Firing pin is to Gun.
It's less dynamic, the action is less aesthetically appealing, and it's just as brutal as mma.
No one forgot how awesome boxing was. We all just remember how boring it is.
Brock Lesnar is an awful fighter. That's why you can't stand to watch this fight.
Watch Anderson Silva. Urijah Faber.
If you still think boxing has something on mma you're no doubt a die hard fanboy.
Which is fine.
Just remember to tell your friends at the geriatric ward to refrain from using such a poor argument.

Look I still enjoy boxing as well as mma, but the argument that it's boring is pretty weak. How quickly you forgot about the last ufc in the spring, and this fight only looks marginaly more appealing. I remember hearing all the ufc fans bitching about wasting their money on those matches in the spring because it was a bunch of boring fights. The standup talent isn't anywhere near the level of boxing. Is all i'm going to say and if you can't see that then your not as smart as you would like people to believe, with your pompus arrogant attitude. And the reason they were throwing haymakers was because they had to fight A 10 round match, (something mma athletes are not physiclly capable of)they were completly exhausted but the match was too close for either fighter to sit back and wait for a desicion...if you weren't able to understand that about fighting/boxing then i really don't know why i'm wasting my time, because you don't even know what your talking about. mma is a good sport. I can appreciate all of the disciplines, my favorite fighter is emilionenko-- i'm not spell checking that name--, and my favorite style is sambo, it's far and away the best fighting discipline. My point is mma needs to step up it's standup game it's sloppy. the announcers were getting all excited about grazing uppercuts and slow sloppy jabs, and if kids start thinking that those punches are something to get excited about then were are going to see much more crappy, boring, amateur hour, fights. and lose all of our muhhamad ali's, tysons, aruro gattis, roberto durans, and all the rest of the truly great stand up artists. they will be replaced by 500 lb slabs of meat who can barely lift their arms to throw a punch, ask them to throw 200 punches and theyre fat, meaty heads will explode at the notion that it is possible.

UFC 116: Brock Lesnar vs Shane Carwin

NordlichReiter says...

Great this argument again. As a boxer you aren't forced to stand in front of your opponent, you endeavor to flank your opponent. The same way you would endeavor to flank your opponent in MMA.

There is a difference from Prize Fighting and Amateur Boxing. One is point based (like fencing) and one is more for show. Hay-makers in Amateur boxing score the same as jab punches; points are scored based on skill. Knockdowns are key in Prizefighting, and there's money involved.

Prize fighting usually is not a show of skill, more a show of balls out slugging. I'd rather watch two guys go at it with swords and nets. Instead of watching some guys roll around on the floor, or just hammer away at each other.

Every now and then there is someone who makes boxing interesting to watch. Most of them are counter punching defensive fighters. People who can bob, weave, slip, and catch; then counter.

Remember, they're fucking sports. So who gives a shit as long as you enjoy watching two flop-dicks pounding each other.

>> ^GenjiKilpatrick:

>> ^highdileeho:
As a boxing fan, I can't enjoy heavyweight mma fights. It lacks the presicion and discipline that I'm used to. I'll watch a good boxing match over a the best mma fights any day. That's not to say i'm an mma hater, I just think that boxing has it's own place, and it's a shame that the younger generation has seemed to have forgoten how awesome a sport boxing is:

Great, this argument again.
Explain how being FORCED to stand directly in front of someone as you wing haymakers at each other takes anymore precision or discipline than what you see in mma.
Boxing is to MMA as Firing pin is to Gun.
It's less dynamic, the action is less aesthetically appealing, and it's just as brutal as mma.
No one forgot how awesome boxing was. We all just remember how boring it is.
Brock Lesnar is an awful fighter. That's why you can't stand to watch this fight.
Watch Anderson Silva. Urijah Faber.
If you still think boxing has something on mma you're no doubt a die hard fanboy.
Which is fine.
Just remember to tell your friends at the geriatric ward to refrain from using such a poor argument.

GenjiKilpatrick (Member Profile)

triumphtigercub says...

Nice points. People should know the fight game.

In reply to this comment by GenjiKilpatrick:
>> ^highdileeho:

As a boxing fan, I can't enjoy heavyweight mma fights. It lacks the presicion and discipline that I'm used to. I'll watch a good boxing match over a the best mma fights any day. That's not to say i'm an mma hater, I just think that boxing has it's own place, and it's a shame that the younger generation has seemed to have forgoten how awesome a sport boxing is:

Great, this argument again.

Explain how being FORCED to stand directly in front of someone as you wing haymakers at each other takes anymore precision or discipline than what you see in mma.

Boxing is to MMA as Firing pin is to Gun.
It's less dynamic, the acion is less aesthetically appealing, and it's just as brutal as mma.

No one forgot how awesome boxing was. We all just remember how boring it is.

Brock Lesnar is an awful fighter. That's why you can't stand to watch this fight.

Watch Anderson Silva. Urijah Faber.
If you still think boxing has something on mma you're no doubt a die hard fanboy.

Which is fine.
Just remember to tell your friends at the geriatric ward to refrain from using such a poor argument.


UFC 116: Brock Lesnar vs Shane Carwin

GenjiKilpatrick says...

>> ^highdileeho:

As a boxing fan, I can't enjoy heavyweight mma fights. It lacks the presicion and discipline that I'm used to. I'll watch a good boxing match over a the best mma fights any day. That's not to say i'm an mma hater, I just think that boxing has it's own place, and it's a shame that the younger generation has seemed to have forgoten how awesome a sport boxing is:

Great, this argument again.

Explain how being FORCED to stand directly in front of someone as you wing haymakers at each other takes anymore precision or discipline than what you see in mma.

Boxing is to MMA as Firing pin is to Gun.
It's less dynamic, the action is less aesthetically appealing, and it's just as brutal as mma.

No one forgot how awesome boxing was. We all just remember how boring it is.

Brock Lesnar is an awful fighter. That's why you can't stand to watch this fight.

Watch Anderson Silva. Urijah Faber.
If you still think boxing has something on mma you're no doubt a die hard fanboy.

Which is fine.
Just remember to tell your friends at the geriatric ward to refrain from using such a poor argument.


Eminem - Not Afraid Music Video

Trauma Nurse Sings to Patients

westy says...

pritty good ,

this sort of thing should be more normal , persoaly it would realy piss me off.

hospitals need full internet access and alow people to play and listen to there own music and watch films.

i bet some moron in the NHS will think think its a bright idea to start having i pads in all the wards.

Sarah Palin - U.S. Law should be Bible, 10 Commandments

blankfist says...

Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my fucking god!

There are so many things wrong with this! I want to impale my face on some rocks! Trust me, this is how fascism will come to be in America. It will be a unified message between corporatists and fundamentalists, and just when the country is bankrupt from printing the money supply into hyperinflation, a pro-national message will unify us all to give up everything: rights, money, property. You will be a ward of the great nation. A god's nation.

In god we trust?! Did she just cite something that's been around for 60 years as proof positive that this is a Christian nation?! Fuck me running. Fuck my balls off. And the sheep will believe it. Soon revisionists will convince us all this is a non-secular society divinely appointed by statuesque gods named Washington and Jefferson, and a mighty cross upon their escutcheon.

These people need to crack a bio or two of the founding fathers before they spew their bile. They'd be very surprised how anti-fundamentalism a lot of them were. These were, for the most part, intellectuals who believed in the principles of the Age of Enlightenment, which is antithetical to her "down home" one-cross-size-fits-all government. Damn.

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