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How to Not Fall Off A Ladder

luxintenebris jokingly says...

right on about kids & ladders. use bike locks to secure ladders to support braces to keep them from traveling.

also, discovered a phenomenon working retail. use a ladder to work merchandise, on upper selves, /lights/etc, and customers are drawn to it like "moths to the flame". end up going up & down while other workers in the area are within 10 yds. grrrrr!

learned to get fellow workers at the base to deal w/the "where're your..." moths, so could finish the high work. (that or do it after closing)

learned safety early as not a fan of heights. secure it so could focus on the climb. "...okay...doing more the ladder isn't shaking that's your pulse..."

Beto interrupts dog and pony show

newtboy says...

I heard “I can’t believe you’re a sick son of a bitch that would come to our political PR event to make a political stance on a political issue! “

Aren’t these the people who have made a mission out of standing up in school, town, and county board meetings and scream ranting at them, often in large numbers, often making threats, until the meetings are ended? Now the same snowflakes are outraged someone does the same to them in an effort to make a better suggestion to protect children than the Republican suggestion, which today is arm every adult and lock all the fire exits, because having armed guards worked out so well in Florida.

Edit: it now sounds like Uvaldi police waited quite some time (1:15) before entering the school, with videos of parents pleading with them to do something and dozens of armed police on scene, during which time the murderer shot down 19 children and two teachers. So much for armed security being the solution…that only works if they act, which is rare.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Such a dumb ass. That’s exactly what you said when it was at $1200. With Elon as the only leader, there’s no good time to buy, because tomorrow he might decide it’s a great time to put every dime in bitcoin (because it also lost half its value).
Biden had nothing to do with the stock tanking. Musk being an idiot has everything to do with it.

Um…what? A bit late to look at the company now, don’t you think? He might have done that before making a $45 billion offer that he’s locked into. Now he’s wasted between $1 billion and $20 billion, which comes out of Tesla.

Tesla is no longer a monopoly, Elon no longer looks like a business genius. That means the likelihood of Tesla stock going back to a PE ratio near 200 is pretty low, but further decline is highly likely. It’s still over 90 PE…anything over 25 is a horrible deal.

bobknight33 said:

It’s a fantastic time to buy Tesla stock. Truly this is a “thank Joe Biden”

WRT to twitter musk trying to get a true sense of fake accounts and bots

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

And another Republican has pleaded guilty to voter fraud for casting votes in two different states, New Hampshire and Massachusetts, Todd Krysiak. Another who admits he voted twice to elect Trump in 2016, so I guess Trump was never the legitimate president, right!? Only elected by fraudulent votes, see. Erase any law or policy he enacted, right!? Pull his secret service detail, and strike his name from the presidential records….then lock him up, lock him up, lock him up!
(Btw, when are those charges against Hillary coming?….it’s been 4 years since you said “soon”.)

When are we ever going to see some evidence of voter fraud that wasn’t on Trump or the Republicans behalf? Doesn’t it seem odd to you that every guilty party committing voter fraud is a Republican, from the top down to the bottom?

Shouldn’t we do something!?

Something like a total and complete shutdown of voting for anyone registered as a Republican (retroactive back through 2012) until our countries representatives can figure out what the hell is going on?
(Trump’s perfectly acceptable Muslim ban excuse, remember?). 🤦‍♂️

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

And…. Mark Meadows, Trump’s chief of staff, committed voter fraud.
He rented a shack in N Carolina and claimed it was his home. He registered to vote from that shack. He never visited the home, and no one stayed the night there while he rented it.

He lied about it being his residence, and voted illegally in N Carolina. Voter Fraud…by your guys.
Lock them up for years, and it’s definitely time to require any registered Republican to verify both their residence and identity by random physical checks and DNA testing at their expense. Voter ID is needed for your party, and a fake driver’s license is too easy to get to count.

You want secure elections, don’t you? Then you obviously want special requirements for the group that tried to commit massive election frauds….that’s Republicans.

Or can you admit you’re completely hypocritical and don’t care about all the voter fraud now that you know it was all Republicans perpetrating them?

I expect no answer, because there isn’t a good answer for you.

BTW, strong leader Biden just announced a ban on Russian energy products. Good for Tesla. Yes, it will hurt, gas prices will rise. Freedom isn’t free, and if you don’t chip in your buck 0 five, who will?

Phrasle - Daily Phrase Puzzle (Sift Talk Post)

BoneRemake says...

The first time I played this a couple weeks ago it confused the shit out of me and I didn't know what I was doing. So I got locked out of my first game pretty quick.

Second game I tried a couple days later I figured out the phrase and I was happy to have figured out the mechanics of the game, from what I recall there wasn't any instructions.

BSR (Member Profile)

Why I’m ALL-IN On Tesla Stock

StukaFox says...

Bob, please read this carefully. I know we fuck around a lot here, but I 100% honestly don't want to see you get hurt financially.

Obviously, if you believe in TSLA, I understand you putting your money where your mouth is (full disclosure: I'm holding POTX and CURLF, so I'm on the same page with what I'm saying on this) but PLEASE don't bet money you don't have on TSLA.

“At 10-times revenues, to give you a 10-year payback (P/E 10, my note), I must pay you 100% of revenues for 10-straight years in dividends. That assumes I can get that by my shareholders. It also assumes I have zero cost of goods sold, which is very hard for a computer company.

That assumes zero expenses, which is hard with 39,000 employees. That assumes I pay no taxes, which is very hard. And that expects you pay no taxes on your dividends, which is kind of illegal. And that assumes with zero R&D for the next 10-years, I can maintain the current revenue run rate.

Now, having done that, would any of you like to buy my stock at $64? Do you realize how ridiculous those underlying assumptions are? You don’t need any transparency. You don’t need any footnotes.

What were you thinking?”

-- Scott McNealy was the CEO of Sun Microsystems

At the peak of the Dot-Com, roughly 30 stocks in the NASDAQ 100 traded above 10 P/E. Today ALL stocks in the DAQ do: the average P/E is ~25.5.

TSLA is at a P/E of 175.

There is no American economy. There hasn't been since since October 3 of 2008. Things got catastrophically worse on September 17th of 2019 when the repo market came within hours of completely locking up in a catastrophe that would have made AIG look like a rounding error. The Fed was forced to firehose astronomical amounts of money into the system to keep this from happening and this was before Covid.

In Jan of 2021, there was $2.6 TRILLION in Zombie Debt out there. That's $2.6 TRILLION on the verge of default at 2021 interest rates. The Fed is now in a horrific position: raise rates and watch massive defaults explode like financial nukes, or keep rates steady and watch inflation implode the economy.

People don't understand how bad this is and how much worse it can get. If the Fed has to raise rates by 500 BP -- and Christ fucking help us if they do -- the first order defaults will be the worst in Capitalist history and the second and third order effects could very well be the nightmare scenario we came within 36 hours of in 2008.

Save your money, Bob. Cash is king. And fuck BTC.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy jokingly says...

Lock him up. Lock him up. Lock him up. Lock him up.

Hope you’re ready for a minimum of two years of hearings digging deep into anyone who ever spoke to Trump. Every employee. NDAs withdrawn or legally dissolved like the Whitehouse NDAs.

Lock him up. Lock him up. Lock him up. Lock him up.

Same crime, to an exponentially more serious degree.
He stole actual original Top secret classified documents, left them unguarded, unsecured, and illegally stolen….crimes he undeniably knew and knows was a serious crime, he made that a campaign feature, even if, as he now claims, “”someone” told him he was allowed to because of multiple rulings”. (He has no idea who or what rulings, because it’s more bullshit, or maybe he listened to Giuliani who’s completely insane.)

Lock him up. Lock him up. Lock him up. Lock him up.

See you tomorrow.

bcglorf (Member Profile)

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Holy fuck!
Remember Hillary?
Remember how she should be locked up for using a private server for digital copies of official government documents?

Uh oh….Trump not only also did exactly that, but he actually stole original (uncopied, with no digital copy) documents from the whitehouse, including but not limited to presidential records, personal notes, correspondence with foreign leaders, government records…. The national archive had to raid Maralago to retrieve what was left unincinerated (yes, he burned records that he stole from the whitehouse).
He allegedly actually ate some records in the Oval Office so they couldn’t be retrieved and put back together like so many were.
Another instance of Trump being ridiculously guilty of far more of the exact criminal activity that he asserted his opponent might commit and should definitely be executed for.

P.S. How about those jobs numbers!? Not the 300000 jobs lost Fox and co have been gleefully telegraphing for weeks, but nearly 500000 gained, and more people reentering the workforce thanks to a healthy economy! Thanks Biden!

On a personal note, Biden debt relief programs just erased $59k of student debt my mother in law has been paying off for nearly 50 years (she became severely ill and was out of work for years….twice, and all progress she had made paying it off was erased with penalties and interest). Thanks again Biden!

The simple tool that can open most US stores

spawnflagger says...

compare this to computer security flaws - typically the researchers that find the flaws disclose them to the public a few weeks after notifying the vendor.

but with the physical lock industry, this is a flaw that's been around for decades, that they refuse to fix because it would cost an extra $0.25 in metal for each door.

The simple tool that can open most US stores

spawnflagger says...

being that he's the lock picking lawyer, probably he's aware of the legalities of his side business.

that said, there are some countries where it's illegal to own or possess any lock picking tools. (don't know the details about how locksmiths operate? maybe special license or local police do that job)

The simple tool that can open most US stores

newtboy says...

Unless they have intent to use them, or have knowledge that that’s what they’re made for, no? That’s what it says in the law, isn’t it?

“ Every person having upon him or her in his or her possession a picklock, crow, keybit, crowbar, screwdriver, vise grip pliers, water-pump pliers, slidehammer, slim jim, tension bar, lock pick gun, tubular lock pick, bump key, floor-safe door puller, master key, ceramic or porcelain spark plug chips or pieces, or other instrument or tool with intent feloniously to break or enter into any building, railroad car, aircraft, or vessel, trailer coach, or vehicle as defined in the Vehicle Code, or who shall knowingly make or alter, or shall attempt to make or alter, any key or other instrument named above so that the same will fit or open the lock of a building, railroad car, aircraft, vessel, trailer coach, or vehicle as defined in the Vehicle Code, without being requested to do so by some person having the right to open the same, or who shall make, alter, or repair any instrument or thing, knowing or having reason to believe that it is intended to be used in committing a misdemeanor or felony, is guilty of a misdemeanor. ”

I have this opinion, (that police (and some prosecutors) will ascribe intent to anyone in possession of any tools, even those with other uses, so they wouldn’t hesitate to do the same for tools that are clearly purpose built breaking and entering tools having been advertised as such and with no other use,) because I watched a friend be arrested in the 80’s for having a screwdriver and pliers in their backpack that the police called “burglary tools”. He did not have a history of burglary. The case was dropped when they instead charged him with <.5 grams of marijuana for some crumbs found loose in the bottom in his backpack and sent him juvie for 6 months. (I think he was on probation, I know the police wanted to charge him with anything….and did.). I was accused of having lockpicks once because I had picked up a few metal brush bits from a street sweeper in a parking lot and police saw me pick them up, arrested, then released me on site when the supervisor showed up and heard their story.

I think the last sentence of that paragraph puts him in danger, since he clearly has reason to believe at least some of the burglary tools he sells to the public are going to be used criminally.

I don’t want to see you give someone advice that could get them in serious trouble, I know you would feel terrible. You might be correct, technically without intent to commit a crime they’re legal to own, but in reality police and prosecutors decide your intent and I don’t trust them one whit.

eric3579 said:

My understanding is that it is legal for anyone to purchase and possess lock picking tools. Seller does have to obtain info regarding purchaser, but just basic stuff.

Here are the California codes regarding such tools.

The simple tool that can open most US stores

eric3579 says...

My understanding is that it is legal for anyone to purchase and possess lock picking tools. Seller does have to obtain info regarding purchaser, but just basic stuff.

Here are the California codes regarding such tools.

BSR said:

I don't know for a fact but I suspect that you may have to show proof that you are legally allowed to purchase such items. After all "lawyer" is in his title.

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