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Different dogs have different ways of jumping the same road

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Yes, duh Bob.
Trump polling at 36% was worse, so you just claimed fake polls. He inherited a strong robust economy, a system to protect from epidemics, far less debt and deficit, and no pandemic…no crisis. I don’t argue Biden’s popular, like you do Trump despite reality, I only argue he’s a vast improvement, the best that could be hoped for under the disastrous circumstances one Trump term put the nation in.

The people coming, largely Haitians, almost all say they’re coming because they saw American politicians say the American borders are open and accepting everyone. Those are Republicans saying that, lying to get their base riled up, but the Haitians living in South America don’t know that, they think they are being invited by the Republicans. Look into it, you’ll see that’s true if you do. Biden sent many back to Haiti, Trump liked to dump them back in Guatemala to try again.
This energy independence myth, just quit. We were not. There was a world wide oil glut in 2020 because the pandemic lowered demand so much suppliers actually gave it away at one point….that was not some genius Trump energy plan bearing fruit, it was the economy and industry collapsing thanks to an avoidable pandemic. As the economy recovers, so does demand but not production. You seem to want to blame Biden for basic economics.
My gas is the same as 2019+-$.25….you want to compare to 2020 because gas was cheap thanks to Covid. Yours might be more for some political reasons, like your unprotected pipeline got hacked by Russians, but you need to prove it, then prove Biden’s failure caused it, not just say it, and not by cutting and pasting some talking head’s opinion. My assessment is he’s improved security on infrastructure but I’m open to evidence to the contrary.

Lowering corporate tax rates didn’t lower unemployment significantly, it raised upper management compensation and corporate profits. Investing in infrastructure will.

That’s good you don’t want to debate more Covid deaths, because there’s more than enough blame for both sides even if you don’t look at 2020 that was all Republican stoked (anti mask, anti social distance, anti contact tracing). Keep in mind, since Jan, >90% of all cases are in the intentionally unvaccinated population, almost 100% of deaths, and remember who they are and who they follow…not Biden. Covid deaths this year are nearly 100% caused by political division and misinformation created and spread by one political side. Guess which. That’s not to say Biden’s perfect, he should have implemented vaccine mandates Jan 21, no exemptions without permanent quarantine, what was needed to stop more deaths by stupidity, but he doesn’t have the balls for dictating. You should be so grateful for that.

Blaming the Chinese without proof, or even evidence they are to blame, just supposition, is outrageously dangerous and provocative. Accusing them of creating and releasing it on purpose….against themselves….is simply asinine and proof you aren’t thinking for yourself or at all.

Mid terms always go to those not in power, so yes, 2022 will likely return congress to partial Republican control, which you will call a massive mandate against Biden unlike when it happened in 2018 and you just whined that it’s unfair.

>26% of Americans are Republicans. The rest are what you call socialist communists because you don’t know what those words mean. Your party does not represent your (alleged) country….and is shrinking. Democrats aren’t even my party, they are just the only achievable adversaries to the madness of the right at this point in time. Given a better option, I would jump….you can’t say the same. You’re deep in the death cult of personality the Right has become…a true believer.

Biden got money no president in my lifetime has to invest in America. Bridges, Roads, Airports, New water systems, Digital communication improvements, Overall improvements and long deferred maintenance of rail, New funding to fight increasing wildfires (Brandon)…all the things absolutely necessary for the nation to function as a first world nation. He’s already a big winner, and if we aren’t speaking Mandarin in 3 years he still will be. The fruits of his legacy will be enjoyed for decades to come, Trump’s legacy is economic failure, failure to protect from a preventable epidemic, massive unemployment, an administration so corrupt that the convictions of people in his administration or campaign almost certainly outnumber the prosecutions of members of all previous administrations combined while the severity of their crimes outweighs the combined national injury caused by all previous political crimes, and a division so strong one party actually tried to destroy democracy and install a dictator.

History is the judge of any administration, not the midterm, and history will look kindly on Biden, no so for Trump, mired in constant criminal scandal and failures to this day. The only president in our history to not peacefully transfer power, to be impeached twice, who clearly put his own interests above those of the nation at every opportunity. Death and division are his legacy.

Merry Mithra’s season.

bobknight33 said:

Biden’s poll numbers are better than Trump’s despite the disaster he inherited from Trump. Duh.???????????

Polling at 39% is terrible. Yep 60% of Americans think Biden is not good.
disaster inherited ?> Things are worse today then the day Biden took office.

Border crossing was under better control.
American finally had energy independence.
Gas was at least a buck less.
Really spending extra 20$ a tank is "better"
Inflation running between 4 and 6 %.

These are all bad for Americans. Biden policies created these failures.

4.2% unemployment is awesome. This will still great until Democrats mess with cooperate tax rates then the ship will slow back down.

I'm not even going to blame Biden Admin for more covid deaths under his watch ( even with vaccine) than Trumps. Its a loose cannon with ebbs and flows.

Not blaming the Chineese for this death cannon is his and the UN fault. Just goes to show how paid off people are on a global scale.

2022 will be the judgement of this administration.

Around Cape Horn (1929)

newtboy says...

I thought that was maybe the best part, he had no experience as a sailor. So little idea of what it involved that he thought learning to fight was likely the most important skill and trained for the rigging by climbing old telephone poles, then quickly jumped into some of the most difficult sailing he could find.

BSR said:

Wow! That's something you gotta be born into….

Danny MacAskill Vs Wind Turbine | Climate Games

Car Hauler Vs Amtrak train

eric3579 says...

The guy trying to get the train to stop by jumping around and hollering is not something you generally see and hear in these type videos. The truck launching into the air is almost movie like.

Anti Masker Wears Zoro Mask

newtboy says...

They might not know it when it happens.

Apparently, OAN, Newsmax, and Fox hadn't reported the results of the California election as of last night (maybe not yet). They even reported on Elder conceding without reporting that the recall failed....miserably. >2/3 to <1/3.
The right has become so delusional and infantile that they cannot even accept that they're unpopular and lost in California, their favorite state to hate.

They blew their plan to claim election fraud by jumping the gun and insisting on a special session to investigate all the irregularities (without listing any) claiming fraud determined the outrageous outcome of the election days before the earliest results were early they had to retract their claims and remove their fraudulent election fraud website when, for one moment, it seemed they might stand a tiny chance.


surfingyt said:

enjoy the next election losers lol. gonna be landslide democrat victory.

So this float showed up at the Popcorn festival/ parade

noims says...

This comment is only for people with a dark sense of humour. I apologise in advance.

For a popcorn theme they could probably have put in a popcorn maker and holes in the sides of the buildings. That way as the corn pops, the little popcorn people jump out.

It took me an hour to click 'submit' on this.

Patriotic Comrade Cat

A rare view of the surface of a comet

elrondhubbard says...

I would love to have a sense of scale... How high are these 'cliffs'? Knee high?

Of course on a comet, gravity would be so light you easily might be able to bound from bottom to top even if they're as high as the Grand Canyon. You might even jump off altogether.

NYC's Anti-Vax Rally in 49 Seconds

newtboy says...

If we held these rallies in every major city and exterminated attendees, the average IQ in America would jump up 20 points overnight.
I just wish some infectious people would start showing up to these rallies, sneezing on the crowd that denies Covid is a hazard.

Afghanistan: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

luxintenebris says...

...and why is that necessary? are Democrats supposed to defend anything any party member does? right or wrong? it's too weird - acting as if this is some 'reality show'?

if anything, there is little connection between what americans, and what the Rs & Ds, wanted or signed up for.

it's a paradox that in the US we have wanted better systems for education, health, or elections that reflexed our true needs...and the government thought they could do it there...while we are STILL waiting to get it here?!!

dude, the truth is what matters. maybe alternative reality is your gig, but some of us rather deal in the IS and not blind faith.

If...and that is a huge 'if' want some real light on the subject...try this;

we were there to win hearts and minds, and we had a Republican administration to leave that charge?

see the example of a member of t͟h͟a͟t͟ glee and chess club above ˣ

signed up for rubbing out Bin Laden [and his pals], and after he was 'sleeping w/the fishes', our attention should have turned to the problems at home.

EX: again, see the comments above ˣ

didn't jump on the bandwagon for 'nation building' - especially when our nation is/was in need of repair at all most every level imaginable.

EX: like repeat, referred to the example of the commentator above ˣ

Finally, to quote the author of the article, "What happened last week was inevitable, and anyone saying differently is still lying to you."

[To the others, can anyone explain the 'beijing biden' thing? is it one of those off-right things? like covid not being dangerous? or masks are oppression? would ask him to explain but that's too much like asking a heavy one-legged gal to a slow dance.]

BTW: give some odds on the '22 and '24 races!

* crickets riding tumbleweeds *

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TangledThorns said:

Where are the Democrats to defend dear leader Beijing Biden?


That being said, the Democrats are doomed in 2022.

Oh, and in 2024 too!

NYPD Blue - This Is A Workin' Man, He's Not Stickin' Nobody

robdot says...

In the real world, 20 cops jump him. Stomp him. And arrest anyone recording it. Then say,they feared for their life. And republicans all across America shout, just comply !

Mekanikal (Member Profile)

siftbot says...

Congratulations! Your video, Car jumps overpass, has reached the #1 spot in the current Top 15 New Videos listing. This is a very difficult thing to accomplish but you managed to pull it off. For your contribution you have been awarded 2 Power Points.

This achievement has earned you your "Golden One" Level 61 Badge!

Mekanikal (Member Profile)

Running From The Police Fail

WmGn says...

No joke! It seems that the key is to jump at the right time. I hope (1) I never need to use that knowledge; and that (2) if I do, I remember it.

BSR said:

Looks to me like things went well. No death penalty here.

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Beggar's Canyon