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Mad man 100lb chair splift

Black Man Vs. White Man Carrying AR-15 Legally

ChaosEngine says...

Wow.... that is ridiculous.

There is literally one excuse for this: if by some random chance, someone exactly matching his description (and no, I don't mean "black", I mean corn rows, jeans, black tshirt) had just committed a serious crime with an ar-15.

Somehow, I doubt that's the case.

Girl Walks Around NYC With No Pants On!

Esoog says...

I completely agree. What did they expect to happen? Was someone supposed to stop and say, "Hey, did someone paint your jeans on?" No, some people will glance, and move on. This was pretty lame.

lantern53 said:

What would I do? I would stare, then feel guilty that I stared because that is so sexist!

but seriously, what's the point of this? that it is okay for people to walk around with painted clothes? what if it rains? What if you have unfortunate perspiration patterns on your ass?

it's rather pointless but props to them for not painting a fat broad

Girl Walks Around NYC With No Pants On!

Girl Walks Around NYC With No Pants On!

school of life-what comes after religion?

newtboy says...

Please read again...and write again, reading what you write before submitting. I can't follow your first paragraph. What little I can understand completely ignores what I wrote and makes stuff up to argue against.

I didn't say atheists have a monopoly on morality, I said morality doesn't come from religions, and atheists are more moral than religious people. I gave clear statistics about criminal behavior to prove my point.
EDIT:It seems you are saying if it's not religious in origin, the only thing left is political affiliation!? OMFG! That's so wrong I don't know where to start, I hope I just misunderstand you.
Reading/writing comprehension matters.
read my last paragraph in the post exhibit those symptoms.

The answer to all your demographic questions, the religious group.
Religious 'morality' allows for murder, rape, and slavery of the non devout, and so is more responsible for the decline, and for many of the schisms in society.
You watch too much fox news, liberals don't 'control all major media and schools'. "Conservatives" (which are not conservative, they want to be more 'progressive' than liberals by "going back" to a time that never existed) never shut up pushing their insane, debunked ideas day and night. Their morality supports slavery and rape and wage disparity so disastrous that it may lead to class warfare. (how you treat the least of your brethren...etc.)
(EDIT: also investigate the saying 'eat the rich'-Jean-Jacques Rousseau )

More abortions for Christians than atheists, they can't be seen haveing out of wedlock children and many can't use birth control.
Abstinence only sex-ed actually promotes pre-marital sex (if you look at the results).
Christians have more adulterous affairs... for entertainment, and more divorce too.
Religious 'morality' is all 'morality decided by self'. (You don't stone non Christians or people who work on Sunday, do you? If not, you absolutely don't take your morality from the bible.)
Religion totally enslaves the poor.

Any other fallacies you need me to destroy?

bobknight33 said:

Really, your hanging your morality hat on atheists. Ok lets buy you argument its not Christians or atheists ( 10% population and you hang you hat on it.) for this morality issue. Then what all is really left is ideology. at that point there are only real 2 types those who are conservatives and those who are liberals.

Which demographic is more at fault for this morality decline?
Which ideological group is more responsible for the decline.
The liberals control all major media,(news and entertainment) schools ,( local and universities). They push their liberal ideas day in and out.

Which group promotes abortions ( murder)?
Which group promotes pre marital sex?
Which group routinely promoted adulterous affairs as entertaining?
Which group promotes "morality decided by self"
Which group promotes enslaving the poor?


Uganda & Pakistan: Second hand clothes markets

eric3579 says...

I love second hand/thrift stores for clothes. Jeans for six bucks. T shirts for a buck or two. How can you not love that. Plus every once in awhile you just may find a pair of cool old school Pumas(size 9 1/2) from back in the day(forever looking ).

Greece's Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis on BBC's Newsnigh

radx says...


Selling assets and, to a certain degree, the reduction of public employment is an unreasonable demand. There's too much controversy about the effects it has, with me being clearly biased to one side.

Privatisation of essential services (healthcare, public transport, electricity, water) is being opposed or even undone in significant parts of Europe, since it generally came with worse service at much higher costs and no accountability whatsoever. Therefore I see it as very reasonable for Syriza to stop the privatisation of their electricity grid and their railroad. There are, of course, unessentials that might be handed over to the private sector, but like Varoufakis said, not in the shape of a fire sale within a crisis. That'll only profit the usual scavengers, not the people.

Similarly, public employment. There's good public employment (essential services, administration) and "bad" public employment. Troika demands included the firing of cleaning personnel, who were replaced by a significantly more expensive private service. And a Greek court decision ruled the firing as flat out illegal. For Syriza to not hire them back would not only have been unreasonable financially as well as socially, it would have been a violation of a court order. Same for thousands of others who were fired illegally, according to a ruling by the Greek Supreme Court.

Troika demands are all too often against Greek or even European law, and while the previous governments were fine with being criminals, Syriza might actually be inclined to uphold the law.

On the issue of reforms, I would argue that the previous governments did bugger all to establish working institutions. Famously, the posts of department heads of the tax collection agency were auctioned for money, even under the last government. Everything is in shambles, with no intent of changing anything that would have undermined the nepotic rules of the five families. Syriza's program has been very clear about the changes they plan to institute, so if it really was the intent of the troika to see meaningful reform the way it is being advocated to their folks at home, they would be in support of Syriza.

Interventions by the troika have crashed the health care system, the educational system and the pension system. Public pension funds were practically wiped out during the first haircut in 2012, creating a hole of about 20 billion Euros in the next five years.

I would like to address the issue of taxation specifically. Luxembourg adopted as a business model to be an enabler of tax evasion, even worse than Switzerland. In charge at that time was none other than Jean-Claude Juncker, who was just elected President of the European Commission. He's directly involved in tax evasion on a scale of hundreds of billions of Euros every year. How is the troika to have any credibility in this matter with him in charge?

Similarly, German politicians are particularly vocal about corruption and bribery in Greece. Well, who are the biggest sources of bribery in Greece? German corporations. Just last week there was another report of a major German arms manufacturer who paid outrageous bribes to officials in Greece. As much as I support the fight against corruption and bribery, some humility would suit them well.

As for the GDP growth in Greece: I think it's a fluke. The deflation skewers the numbers to a point where I can't take them seriously until the complete dataset is available. Might be growth, might not be. Definatly not enough to fight off a humanitarian crisis.

Surpluses. If everyone was a zealous as Germany, the deficit would in fact be considerably narrower, which is a good thing. Unfortunatly, it would have been a race to the bottom. Germany could only suppress wage growth, and subsequently domestic demand, so radically, because the other members of the Eurozone were eager to expand. They ran higher-than-average growth, which allowed Germany to undercut them without going into deflation. Nowadays, Germany still has below-target wage growth, so the only way for Greece, Spain, Portugal and Italy to gain competetiveness against Germany is to go into deflation. That's where we are in Europe: half a continent in deflation. With all its side effects of mass unemployment (11%+ in Europe, after lots of trickery), falling demand, falling investment, etc. Not good. Keynes' idea of an International Clearing Union might work better, especially since we already use similar concepts within nations to balance regions.

Bond yields of Germany could not have spiked at the same time as those of the rest of the Eurozone. The legal requirements for pension funds, insurance funds, etc demand a high percentage of safe bonds, and when the peripheral countries were declared unsafe, they had nowhere to go but Germany. Also, a bet against France is quite a risk, but a bet against Germany is downright foolish. Still, supply of safe bonds is tight right now, given the cuts all over the place. French yields are at historic lows, German yield is negative. Even Italian and Spanish yields were in the green as soon as Draghi said the ECB would do whatever it takes.

The current spike in Greek yields strikes me as a bet that there will be a face-off between the troika and Greece, with very few positive outcomes for the Greek economy in the short run.

QE: 100% agreement. Fistful of cash to citizens would not have solved any of the core issues of the Eurozone (highly unequal ULCs, systemic tax evasion, tax competition/undercutting, no European institutions, etc), but it would have been infinitely better than anything they did. If they were to put it on the table right now as a means to combat deflation, I'd say go for it. Take the helicopters airborne, as long as it's bottom-up and not trickle-down. Though to reliably increase inflation there would have to be widescale increases in wages. Not going to happen. Maybe if Podemos wins in Spain later his year.

Same for the last paragraph. The ECB could have stuffed the EIB to the brim, which in return could have funded highly beneficial and much needed projects, like a proper European electricity grid. Won't happen though. Debt is bad, even monetised debt during a deflation used purely for investments.

Hockey Fights now available pre-game! Full-teams included!

eric3579 says...

Come on *Canada get your shit together. Bunch of fuckin' savages

I am however interested in knowing what kicked off a pre game team wide brawl.

Key members of a Ligue Nord-Américaine de Hockey (LNAH) franchise have been suspended until the end of the 2016-17 playoffs following a hot-tempered brawl during the pre-game warmup on Sunday.

The Laval Predators, who play in the infamously fight-happy LNAH, were involved in a melee before the puck drop on a game against the St-Georges Cool-FM.

Predators co-owner Eric Lajeunesse, CEO Lucien Paquette and assistant coach Dannick Lessard all received two-season bans on Tuesday.

The eight-team, Quebec-based LNAH, which is considered a "low-level professional league", is known for its outrageous behaviour, with footage of a bizarre on-ice scene going viral seemingly every other month.

Other supplemental discipline, announced on Wednesday, include:

LAVAL: Maxime Bouchard and Clint Butler (suspended for remainder of season/playoffs); Steven Oligny (7 games); Joe Rullier and Chris Cloutier (6 games); Philippe Pepin (5 games); Jonathan Oligny (4 games)

ST-GEORGES: Yannick Dallaire (3 games); Alexandre Gauthier and Jean-Michel Biron (2 games)

Hockey player praises Nelson Mandela

newtboy (Member Profile)

enoch says...

thanks for reminding me i live in white trash central with a sprinkling of over-aged over-inflated egos who play golf all day.

my cat just had to talk me out of slitting my wrists....
good kitty.

sighs..i miss lauderdale.
got so much attention from the gay community.
makes a man feel sexy and desirable when another man thinks he looks great in guess jeans.

damn im depressed.
damn you newt!!
/shakes fists

10 Hours of Walking in NYC as a Woman

speechless says...

You might as well say her jeans are so tight it must take a team of Clydesdales to pull them off. But that's just blaming the victim.

criticalthud said:

and to play devil's advocate:

what's with the hair, jewelry and makeup? the end result of beauty routines is to make a person more attractive to the opposite sex and garner more attention.

attention received,....just from the wrong folk.

Road Burn At 60 MPH

SquidCap says...

Oh man, that moment when the board starts to wiggle.. Scary feeling and you can't stop that vibration once it starts, you know it's bail time.

I had to once bail from 50km/h back in the eighties, the moment my feet touched the ground on that speed, man... I took two strides and went over ten meters with each and they HURT, "BLAM, BLAM".. But staid upright, small scrapes from tunnel wall and very very sore soles. Didn't go for top speed after that one. Speed was measured as there were a very busy roadway parallel and the minimum speed is 50km/h in that point, usually more.. And we were passing cars... No helmets, no kneepads, just fingerless gloves, t-shirt and jeans. It is a small miracle i'm still alive.

Truck Does a Massive Jump into Mud

spawnflagger says...

plus a normal "horizontal" video would not have captured those cut-off-jean-shorts, which certify this as taking place during authentic redneck event.

It was an awesome jump though.

Payback said:

I'd say vertical video is ok here. Dude got some serious air.

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