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the myth of choice:how junk food marketers target kids

Phooz says...

While I know that parents have an enormous influence to empower their children to be able to think for themselves I always think of this, from Mr. Philip K. Dick, when I think about advertisement and the such:

"The power of spurious realities battering at us today—these deliberately manufactured fakes never penetrate to the heart of true human beings. I watch the children watching TV and at first I am afraid of what they are being taught, and then I realize, They can't be corrupted or destroyed. They watch, they listen, they understand, and, then, where and when it is necessary, they reject. There is something enormously powerful in a child's ability to withstand the fraudulent. A child has the clearest eye, the steadiest hand. The hucksters, the promoters, are appealing for the allegiance of these small people in vain. True, the cereal companies may be able to market huge quantities of junk breakfasts; the hamburger and hot dog chains may sell endless numbers of unreal fast-food items to the children, but the deep heart beats firmly, unreached and unreasoned with. A child of today can detect a lie quicker than the wisest adult of two decades ago. When I want to know what is true, I ask my children. They do not ask me; I turn to them. "

from 'How to Build a Universe That Doesn't Fall Apart In Two Days'

Who let the cow in? [moo, moo, moo]

Libertarian Atheist vs. Statist Atheist

newtboy says...

Is English a second language, or are you just being disingenuous? Me thinks the latter. No...publicly owned roads are NOT toll roads because they are paid for with taxes. Taxes and tolls are different things, that's why they are spelled and pronounced differently. I live on a private I'm certain they must exist.
It is absolutely NOT illegal to create a private toll road on private property with private funds. That's just asinine. It is nearly impossible to build one without using public services, such as the public roads and ports needed to deliver materials, but certainly not illegal.

It's leaching off me if you don't pay your fair share, and you have made it clear you don't think you should have to pay any, so I must assume you do all you can to minimize what you put into the yes, I would make an educated guess that you are leaching off me. I don't even itemize deductions, because I feel grateful to live in what I feel is a great country, and feel it's unpatriotic to try to shirk my duty to pay for my portion of government, even if I disagree with how they spend most of it. That's the cost of living in a 'representative democracy'.

As to mail, yes, you may not use mail boxes set up for/by the USPS for a private mail you can't do 'first class mail'. You can, however, deliver letters for a fee to your OWN style of 'letter box', so your claim they have a 'monopoly' is ridiculous, they would be so happy to have it taken over, it's a big money loser and a huge pain in the ass to keep going. I'm personally grateful mail hasn't yet been privatized, as I know full well the service would suffer badly to make it profitable, for me especially since I live in the boonies and would never be profitable as a customer. To deliver my letters by FedEx would cost 10 times what USPS charges. (by the way, FedEx and UPS are proof that you already CAN deliver 'mail' privately, just not into a USPS 'mail box')
EDIT: What you said was akin to me saying 'Instead of just complaining about the quality of available burgers, you could open your own hamburger stand' and you answering 'I can''s illegal for me to sell "Big Mac's" because...government'.

AND, I would add, you have still never addressed my original point, that if business could/would 'self regulate', they would be doing so now. Self regulation is total fantasy, it simply doesn't happen. How exactly, I wonder, are 'the people' supposed to gain the knowledge about a companie's violations of public trust and health if there's no regulatory agency inspecting and reporting on what the company is actually doing, and they can do all their evil in secret?

blankfist said:

You don't think the roads we have now aren't toll roads? Every gallon of gas you buy has an excise tax on it that pays into the highway trust fund.

Also, the reason why we don't have roads without government is because it's illegal.

And is it leaching off YOU if I'm forced to pay for those services. Hmmm. That's not very sound logic.

Kelly delivers a heartfelt speakout about her little girl

Things you're doing wrong every day: everything

NBC Censors Snowden's Critical 9/11 Comments from Interview

chingalera says...

I'd suggest this true as the result of an insidious editing process which is well-honed over to the National Broadcasting Company, sieg heil. Not 13 years has passed and there's a fucking 'memorial' on the site that charges a $24 admission over a mass grave selling souvenirs and serving hamburgers.

"It was them tuurrrisst that demolished those buildings with airplanes, that's why the country is' a police state now (and forever)."

I'm surprised Mac Donald's doesn't have a goddamn twin-towers fries to go with your Freedom burger and Shanksville (pop. 245, no one will know) shake at that one...Sick, twisted, shit.

Trancecoach said:

One point Snowden missed the opportunity of making (or just made too poorly for it to be noticeable) is the one about the paradox implicit in the "surveillance which aims to protect our freedom" *becomes* "surveillance that strips us of our freedom."

Yup, Plants Move...And It's Amazing!

If this is American teacher education, we're all doomed...

shatterdrose says...

(Because I know you won't really read any links: Texas VOTED to REMOVE Capitalism from their textbooks. Yes, you read that correctly. Texas, REMOVED the word Capitalism from their textbooks because of negative connotations. Instead, you should use the term Free-Market Enterprise. So yeah, good thing those pesky liberals didn't vote to keep the word capitalism in the textbooks . . . )

You do know we have an education BECAUSE of liberalism. Much like everything else conservatives hold sacred . . .

You WILL mind dumb kids when they can't pay their taxes to support your liberal/socialist social security checks later in life, or the roads you have to drive on.

You WILL mind dumb kids when statistically speaking, less educated men are more likely to commit violent crimes and less educated women will have more children, which means more food stamps. You know, the things conservatives hate spending .5% of our annual government budget on.

So while us "liberals" have been petitioning for more teacher freedom, higher pay to attract better teachers, been against standardized tests and against for-profit schools, you conservatives can keep trying to hawk your proven to fail for-profit "capitalist" schools.

Oh, and I hate to tell you, but public schools don't teach kids to hate capitalism. Neither does the Lego Movie either. Turn off Fox News once in a while and step outside. Maybe talk to a total stranger (which means putting the gun down for a minute and not Standing Your Ground). Which coincidently, would diminish greatly with a robust liberal education. (In case you didn't get the play on words, as in teaching kids more than how to recite words and flip hamburgers. It's called A Mile Wide, An Inch Deep.

But hey, you would know all this if the Texas School Board wasn't eliminating pieces of history because they don't fit their current political agenda. (They wanted to prevent evolution from being taught despite the piles of evidence supporting it.) You want to talk about "bias"? Yeah, conservatives are trying really hard to rewrite history in their favor by making sure no experts ever have a say in the selection of textbook material, but people who "feel" like there is a bias. You know, because truth has a well known liberal bias.

Yeah, I'm sorry, but the facts don't bear out in your case. Except, that our system is going downhill, but it's not because of their "liberal" education, that's for sure.

bobknight33 said:

The American Government education system is an anti education system.
Kids today get a less quality education than before.

I don't mind these dumb kids today because it means added job security. You are too dumb to know better. Someone needs to serve me lunch and sweep my floors.

You must be one of them. You were taught and firmly believe that Liberalism is good and capitalism is evil and must be destroyed. The fact of the matter is the exact opposite, Liberalism is evil.

And yes educators do want this dumbing down of students. They have been doing this for years. Finally the education is controlled by union controlled liberals. They have been in control for decades. We are not #1 or 8th, we are down in the middle of the pack down at 20. For all the money we spend per child and to be in 20th place.

flirting with german girls, in german

Giraffe Copenhagen Zoo chief: 'I like animals'

shatterdrose says...

People are upset an animal was killed before it's natural death? And yet, they're probably munching away on a hamburger and wings.

But what got my up vote: "children shouldn't be protected from real life."

How chicken McNuggets are made... in Canada

Drachen_Jager says...

They put a foaming agent used in Yoga mats and running shoes in the hamburger buns (same stuff Subway was busted for BTW). The stuff is so nasty it carries a mandatory prison sentence in some countries if you feed it to people.

Does anyone actually believe anything they have to say about their food?

How chicken McNuggets are made... in Canada

Magicpants says...

The pink goop was in hamburgers. The allegations on the McNuggets was that they are primarily made of chicken skin. This video admits they add skin but doesn't say how much. They also turn delicious looking whole chicken breast meat into a sponge like form which they "mold" into shapes. My take away is that this was done primarily for show and chicken McNuggets are primarily made from chicken skin. Yum Yum

Polish Excavator Fail of Epic Proportions

chingalera says...

I dunno man, the non-linear antics of monkeys seems to be on the rise in both frequency and absurdity-Some folks are just dying to get off-planet by any means evidenced in the amazingly lame-brained practice of eating a hamburger with one hand while driving and texting with the help of their other opposable digit with no concern for just how close they are to getting consciously rammed by some shitty car from behind

PalmliX said:

Maybe it's just proof that more of us have cameras to capture these dumb moments that have always existed.

Science teacher got surprising results from McDonald's diet.

Sarzy says...

Just FYI:

A) McDonald's long ago modified their menu to remove trans-fats.

B) The notion that McDonald's hamburgers don't get moldy because of the excessive use of preservatives has been debunked.

RedSky said:

Trans-fats act as an insanely effective preservatives that keeps their produce looking like it'd been cryogenically frozen even years on. They're also have a reputation for clogging arteries causing heart attacks, strokes and the like.

Taliban detonate large truck bomb

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