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Pretty girl takes photo of herself every day for 4.5 years

mas8705 (Member Profile)

Halo- The Ninja Hunter

Steve Jobs introduces "Halo" to the world for the first time

Steve Jobs introduces "Halo" to the world for the first time

xxovercastxx says...

>> ^griefer_queafer:

Wow, this just angers me all over again about the whole MS stealing Halo from the REST of the world (not just Apple) who didn't want to play it on a big green bugar machine.

Halo was released on Xbox, Windows, Mac OSX, and Xbox 360. If you didn't play it on the platform of your choice, that's your fault.

Steve Jobs introduces "Halo" to the world for the first time

ponceleon says...

>> ^griefer_queafer:

Wow, this just angers me all over again about the whole MS stealing Halo from the REST of the world (not just Apple) who didn't want to play it on a big green bugar machine.

Well, to be honest, I feel like Halo was a bit of a letdown. The story is crap and really the game is just run, shoot, run, shoot without much else going on. Half-life, which came out around the same time as the original Halo was a LOT more interesting in my opinion. As far as I am concerned, the racist 15 year olds on Xbox live can have their Halo and Gears of War franchises.

Steve Jobs introduces "Halo" to the world for the first time

Steve Jobs introduces "Halo" to the world for the first time

AnimalsForCrackers says...

Couldn't the appearance of a low framerate be possibly attributable to the poor framerate of the video recording itself?

There's gotta be a higher quality capture somewhere...I seem to remember watching this Macworld originally on Apple's Quicktime site in much higher quality (though it may have been just the keynote speech).

Exciting times, they were. This was the video that convinced me (at the time) that Halo was going to be the next step in emergent, open-worldy type shooters. It really looked like you could drive for miles and miles and really explore the space. I was huge into Starsiege Tribes at the time so seeing those huge open spaces in a more single-player, exploratory context really blew me away. Still sorta impressive.

Steve Jobs introduces "Halo" to the world for the first time

ponceleon says...

a)Wow this makes me feel old
b)Wow those framerates suck (even for games at that time, Open GL was known for boosting framerates to great levels; 30-60fps)
c)Wow Jobbs must have blown a gasket when MS stole Halo from them

Steve Jobs introduces "Halo" to the world for the first time

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'steve jobs, halo, apple, bungie, mac, game, spartan, graphics, trailer' to 'steve jobs, halo, apple, bungie, mac, game, spartan, graphics, trailer, open gl' - edited by ponceleon

Some guy engineers his own 9/11 experiments

shagen454 says...

I've tried my best to put the causes of 9/11 out of my mind. Thermite is just as probable as the buildings failing from a weakened structure, maybe.

What I haven't forgotten about is that I do not trust our government. They ARE evil. Huge corporations are inherently evil, they're pathological - they can't help it. You think our financial meltdown was just a random circumstance, ha ha ha?

If you don't think your government is totally evil in a post-modern twisted way with a halo hovering over it's head, a million dollar set of teeth and a fake hand extended outward then you just aren't paying attention.

Don't believe their stories - because their stories = profit.

Battlefield 3: In-game, gameplay footage

My_design says...

All the fps games are boring, same old stuff with different graphics, just another COD clone, bad voice acting, too many scripted elements, blah, blah, blah

The gameplay in Battlefield 3 is dynamic, squad based and pure awesome. With the addition on multiple vehicle types from quads, to Humvee, to tanks, to helicopters, to JETS(!) it allows the multiplayer game to be fluid with varying strategies to master so that you can deal with a huge array of possible situations and threats. If you want to be really successful in the game you have to communicate with your squad and learn to play as a squad. That alone puts it leagues beyond any COD game. Don't get me wrong I appreciate COD for the frantic action it delivers, but I prefer more of a thinking game than twitch response. Which is also why I dislike Halo games, plus having to hear a Mom yelling for her kid to go to bed or finish his homework.

This game is taking the whole multiplayer aspects of FPS games to a whole new level with massive maps, 64 player games and a focus on team mechanics. No lone gunner running off and getting 500+ kills like in other games.

@ghark - It says it takes place in 2014, so unless you've got a Tardis in your house I think your diatribe is either a little off target, an attempt at trolling, or you were pandering to the liberal sift community. Either way you get a "wag of the finger".

Battlefield 3: In-game, gameplay footage

kceaton1 says...

Even though it's gimmicky, I'll keep playing my Bulletstorm and maybe Crysis 2 (you know, a real engine). These games also don't need to suck the U.S. Military Industrial Complex's Dick at every turn.

I'm so tired of military shooters and even sci-fi shooters (and that includes Crysis, but Crysis saved itself with an amazing engine and sandbox gameplay, "an Oblivion FPS") that have to have their military command and objective structure, copying each other, not too mention they all come out from basically the same three companies...

I still think the engine to beat is the Crysis or Crytek's engine. To me it would be great for everything from RPGs to puzzlers, but they don't have the toolset like Unreal does. You can look at the top FPS games across the board and all of them but Bulletstorm have a military oriented gameplay or mechanic driving it. To an old-school gamer it's incredibly frustrating to have such a bland choice of games.

They are ALL the same except for textures, voice work, animation, and what comes out the tip of the big pointy thing. Exciting... I'd rather play Crysis I over again and again, or Portal, or Half-Life 2... Sorry, but Halo goes in with the ad nauseum group.

The real cost of faith - Matt crushes poor caller.

Winstonfield_Pennypacker says...

I will never be happy knowing that others are lost or being punished FOREVER while I enjoy my "heaven". This is the same for ANY God or "heaven". I would tell that God this, "Go **** yourself".

Many people are using archaic concepts to discuss heaven & hell that are so various in use among different sects that it is almost futile to even try seriously talking about them. Some pick an extreme and blast ‘religion’ for saying an unprincipled wastrel who ‘converts’ is given eternal bliss, while a decent man who never heard of God is condemned to everlasting torment. Any fair-minded person would balk at such a stilted portrayal of judgment.

I’d suggest that condemnation of “religion” (or specifically Judeo-Christianity) based on these flawed positions is not fair or accurate. People are talking about God’s justice literally with pitchfork devils and halo angels as their framework. Most serious-minded persons talk about heaven & hell more properly in terms of the peace that comes with being aligned with God or the failed potential that comes with distance from God.

Put yourself in God’s shoes and say you are trying to maintain a realm of harmony and understanding. Someone comes along who stridently disagrees with how you’re doing things to the point where they basically are in open rebellion. In such a circumstance, would it not be reasonable to offer them a place where they could be happier since they are unhappy with things as they are? Would not such a place by necessity involve some degree of separation?

Ultimately, a person chooses their own degree of judgment based on their alignment with God. Both heaven (alignment with God) and hell (distance from God) are places where a person can reach the highest degree of happiness they can. Obviously (from a religious viewpoint) a person aligned with God has a much higher capacity for increasing happiness. Likewise, a person not aligned with God would only drift further and further away. On an eternal timescale, one side offers an ever-increasing degree of limitless happiness while the other offers only the literal damnation of halted progress.

I’m not saying all religions ascribe to this exact explanation, but it is a far more accurate discussion of the concept of ‘heaven and hell’ than what was offered by either the goombah who called into the radio show, or the caricature so lambasted by the hosts.

Dead Island Trailer - VERY well done

Deano says...

>> ^LordOderus:

The trailer is very well done and very emotional and interesting, which is what you want when advertising a movie. However when you advertise a game, it is usually nice to show a little bit of gameplay footage so I have some idea what the game is like.
Is this a FPS? RPG? Strategy game? 3rd person action/adventure? Point and click adventure? Survival horror in the vein of Resident evil and Silent hill? Give me SOMETHING.
The trailer is certainly well done, but until I see something about the game, I'm not getting all excited.

It's the first trailer for the game. Many games do this, the first you hear of them is some utterly oblique and vague sequence. Latter trailers will eventually reveal gameplay. It's simply standard practice and in this case the marketing has worked perfectly.

The most recent example I can give you is that of Halo: Reach. The first teaser for that was simply a shot of the planet with radio chatter as the soundtrack and no gameplay.

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