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It’s A Bird! It’s A Plane!

A Few Key Moments From The Jan 6 Committee

luxintenebris jokingly says...

that's cute. adorable. 'his own dime' - tee hee!

any 'dime' he made - on his own - he spent on breath mints or chicken-laced fat.

what a rube.

'tho if'n U R B N serious about getting rid of big money, Citizen United has to be overturned - or better - nix by an amendment.

BTW: it was a conservative court that believed non-existing entities were/are people - so w/coathanger amy, biff, & the ice man* - it's only gotten worse.

for it to work - gotta give up the 'us vs them' mentality. it's keeping your people in bull rings, on shooting ranges & viral videos at school board meetings. (hair hilter ain't the way)


bobknight33 said:

The treasonous Traitors are our Government leaders. They are bought by those with big $. Those are the traitors. They bow to the highest bidder.

Trump came to office on his own dime. Think about that. He is not bought. What good is a politician if he is not controllable .

The Surprising History of the Mullet

Transgender Rights II: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver

JiggaJonson says...

Just, the audacity. fuck.

let me be as clear and direct as I can be: I have no interest in the personal sexual lives or private decisions of people i'm not married to.

@bobknight33 Do you want the United States of America to make decisions about what gender an individual can be or has to be?

Let us say that a human being has XX Male Syndrome where the person would present as male although have XX chromosomes, have a penis and testicals that are non functional sexually, and will NOT grow facial hair but WILL grow breasts.

Which bathroom should the person use? You want to answer don't you? See? that's the difference between you and me. I don't fucking care where this person takes a shit just as long as it's not on my front porch.

YOU, meanwhile, for someone tossing around accusations of "groomer" (grooming is defined how again? ohhh right you do things so that the child does what YOU want kind of like training a dog i imagine)
YOU seem to have a lot to say about what they do and dont do sexually. What they do or don't do with their genitals. What in the fuck kind of person spends their time dictating what children can do with their genitals or not and wants to tell them where to shit and what drinking fountain to use "HEYYY that's a water fountain for non-queers only!"


is your problem?

HOW in your mind can YOU be the one strongly opinionated on what these kids do or dont do and you go out of your way to advocate for that and support politicians who think alike

How can THAT be,, AND you are accusing the people who are disinterested in the insanely personal and private decisions of gender and sexuality, the people who don't care about that stuff and want to leave it to the individuals, but you

YOUUUU want to tell them what bathroom to use and which sports teams they cna play on and which hospitals they can get care at and if they can receive care as a person who is transgendered YOU (the one wanting to make decisions about kids genitals via your elected officials, YOU) YOU are calling someone else a groomer.


You groom animals because you want X behavior to happen, and you don't want Y behavior to happen.

YOU, are doing the thing, where you're doing stuff... that leads to the modification of behavior. Do you understand that?

kir_mokum said:

bobknight has repeatedly shown he has no problem groomers, sexual predators, or pedophiles so long as their nihilistic politics seem useful to him.

Beto O’Rourke “It May Be Funny To You, Mother F*#ker”

Color video of Albert Einstein actually explaining E=mc2

Amazing New Japanese Hanabi Fireworks

newtboy says...

Not everyone is in the industry. CGI is used as a layman’s term, although the professional definition still fits.

Um…”they” who? what sales pitch? WTF are you talking about? I used it as a tag. WHAT!?! Are you on crack, sir?

If it’s an image of reality altered digitally, it’s not purely cg, it’s cgi…

SFX is the overall category, not a sub genre of CGI.

Yes, their three examples of well known blockbuster CGI films were pure CG images…they were not an all inclusive list, they weren’t even varied examples of all different types of CGI, they were three of the best known examples of pure CGI in main stream cinema.

OMG, that WAS your argument. LMFAHS!!! Feel shame. So incredibly stupid. That means absolutely nothing beyond those were the three movies they chose as well known examples. It in no way argues that the rest of the definition they gave is in any way incorrect. Derp!

Like saying the article on dogs had a pictures of a poodle, so all dogs must have curly hair. Just silly.

kir_mokum said:

they're using "CGI" as a substitute for "CG" which, in the industry, specifically refers to 3D generated assets, as i stated a while ago. NO ONE in the industry uses the term "CGI" for all the reasons i also stated above. they are using "CGI" in this sales pitch because they're aware laypeople know that term and don't know the distinction between CG, FX, comp, previs, and all those department's sub categories. all their examples, including the one you quoted, are referring to CG generated images, which are explicitly NOT 2D processing, filters, compositing, editing, or DI.

Little Big - Everybody (Little Big Are Back)

BSR says...

I remember when my dad thought the Beatles were ridiculous with their long hair.

He must be rolling over in his urn now.

JiggaJonson said:

Good lord. Okay millennial.

I guess it's a parody, but it feels like one cringe ontop of another over and over.

upon further inspection, some of their work is less shite

Edit 2
I'd give up watching any other videos they make ever again if i just never have to see that weird person with the black lips that knows it looks weird so he like makes that face over and over where he bears his teeth like my dog.

Teachers Sabotage Don’t Say Gay Law By Following It

JiggaJonson says...

Teacher here. It's made-up-nonsense. I don't give a shit what gender or sexual orientation a kid is and im CERTAINLY not going to try to convince anyone to change anything about themselves.

That said, I'm going to acknowledge that gay/trans people exist in authorship and literature as it arises. You can't read someone like Whitman (Leaves of Grass, arguably America's greatest poet) and not come across references to sexuality either implicit or explicit.

It becomes relevant in passages like this:

This is the female form,
A divine nimbus exhales from it from head to foot,
It attracts with fierce undeniable attraction,
I am drawn by its breath as if I were no more than a helpless vapor, all falls aside but myself and it,
Books, art, religion, time, the visible and solid earth, and what was expected of heaven or fear’d of hell, are now consumed,
Mad filaments, ungovernable shoots play out of it, the response likewise ungovernable,
Hair, bosom, hips, bend of legs, negligent falling hands all diffused, mine too diffused,
Ebb stung by the flow and flow stung by the ebb, love-flesh swelling and deliciously aching,
Limitless limpid jets of love hot and enormous, quivering jelly of love, white-blow and delirious juice,
Bridegroom night of love working surely and softly into the prostrate dawn,
Undulating into the willing and yielding day,
Lost in the cleave of the clasping and sweet-flesh’d day.

Maybe a conversation like:

"'Love flesh swelling' like he's in love with some woman and they...he...?"

"Probably not, he didn't have any serious female relationships as far as I am aware."

"But the title is 'The female form'"

"Well, it's possible, but it's not likely the case that he was talking about himself being in love with a woman. This poem is in the text but he wrote many other pieces about he-himself falling into and out of love with various men and we have letters documenting those relationships with his male significant others. Although, I'm not sure what to call them because gay marriage would have been illegal at the time. He's likely writing the poem in a way where he appreciates the female form and sees men who are drawn to it like the way I appreciate watching bees act obsessively driven to the middle of flowers. I like watching Bees in action, but that doesn't mean I'm going all pollen crazy, still I appreciate it for what it is."

This is an example of how discussion of sexuality would come up in my classroom as I imagine it. Note how I'm not trying to convince the kid I'm talking to to turn gay like it's a big game of rainbow-red-rover or something. Nevertheless, knowing the author's sexual preference in this instance informs our understanding of the piece.

My own personal theory?
The people railing against things like this are the same shitheads that can't be bothered to read ANYTHING and instead giggle and guffaw at "hurhurhurhur he hadd'a boner" where I get to live an early stage of Idocracy.

Also, I agree that the "funky stuff" shouldn't be just avoided altogether. For goodness sake, just let teachers have the difficult conversation that everyone is avoiding. Reminds me of when Peggy Hill was struggling to say "Penis" when she was assigned sex ed.

luxintenebris said:

first, how prevalent are these gay symposiums?

been through several flights of kids and yet to hear of one elementary teacher leading a colloquy on homosexuality. very unlikely it's ever been a thing or was so mild or explained deftly it never became a thing.

and no doubt if there was, would have heard about it. case in point:

was asked, "what does 'funky stuff' in the song mean?"

"don't know sweetie. probably slang for 'love'. I'll look it up on the internet."

they listen and ask about EVERYTHING! no more Rick James on the ride home.

***come to think of it, probably wouldn't mind the help.***

Demi Moore Does One Armed Push-Ups!

newtboy says...

I also had no idea about her alopecia, and don’t care. She has the resources to buy wigs indistinguishable from her real hair if it mattered, but I don’t see why it should. She looks fine bald, why get upset over nothing?!

I had hair below my ass in my 20’s, then cut it to 1/4 inch long one day when my hairline started retreating, now I shave it. I’m lucky my head looks ok bald, because I have little choice these days.

Nothing wrong with being weird, lots wrong with being normal or average. Let your freak flag fly!

cloudballoon said:

I though so too. Watching the red carpet segment just before the Oscars, both my wife & I were talking about how great Jada looks bald (we don't pay attention to celebrity news, and we had no idea she got Alopecia before the slapping scandal).

I went bald once (accidentally) and due to the shape of my head, bald just doesn't look good on me, so I kind of envious of people like Jada, the Rock, etc. I'm weird I know.

Will Smith Making Bald Jokes Doesn’t Age Well

luxintenebris says...

probably a small segment of the viewing populace understood 'g.i. jane' reference. even smaller knowing the hair loss issue. being hollywood - the joke was mild by ricky jarvis' standards - and having come out w/her problem, was it any worst than...
- richard pryor addressing his first audience after he blazed himself, "y'all did some nasty ass jokes on my ass - oh yeah y'all didn't think i saw some of these mfers..." then did the lit match joke.
- paul reubens' "Heard any good jokes lately?"
- and the numerous running jokes about letterman's marriage/relationship after the extortion revelation
...they humbled themselves and rode it out.

but whada i know about it? wouldn't likely to be hired on as a variety reporter but thought jim carrey's take was the best

Will Smith smacks Chris Rock on stage at Oscars Uncensored

vil says...

When I was like 20 something I had a moustache which I mistakenly considered manly. I was in a theater when one of the actors chose me as the member of the audience to mess with. He leaned over a couple of rows of seats and grabbed my prized facial hair and shouted "take that off I know its fake. stop resisting". I normally dont like to be the center of attention but in the context of the show this was hilarious (even for me).

If something similar happened to my wife or kids it would be much harder to process and my first concern would be are they OK with this? If not, how do I stop this from happening?

BSR (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

I’m waiting.
Bring it! My Halloween costumes have included Mr Clean, Blue Man Group, and Homer Simpson (had to add hairs). I can take it.

BSR said:

Now... if you don't mind, I'm going to Google Bald Jokes.

Everlong - Last Foo Fighters concert with Taylor Hawkins

Woman Gets Revenge On Her Man

newtboy says...

Revenge for what?
He sure seems complicit here.
There’s no way he feels nothing until they’re done, then is instantly totally awake. His reactions are so over the top…And it didn’t take all that much hair.

Sorry, but it looks staged to me, and badly acted.

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