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the world is a bit less brighter today (Death Talk Post)

Sarzy says...

Arrrrgh, brutal news. He always seemed like such a good guy. I loved the way he'd pick a theme of videos to submit and change his avatar to match. Really felt like the videos he sifted reflected his own personality, rather than just submitting whatever's popular on digg or something.

Honest Trailers: Mad Max: Fury Road

Xaielao says...

The spectacle of it was awesome, but a good modern action film still pales in comparison to a good 80's one. Were was the blood? Besides the good guys, so you'd feelz for them and the main bad guy so you'd be like 'fuck yea! DIE MOFO!' Besides those instances there was a lot of violence and gunplay but so little carnage. Guys being shot and flying 30 feet through the air without blood splatter or wound to be seen. This movie was so hyped for its practical fx but all I saw was a lot of CG that was cleverly hidden and violence without any actual violence in it. It had an R rating not because it was gory and violent but because some random extra flashed her tit for 5 seconds. Fucking american puritanism. Calling the plot thin is an understatement.. it was literally consisted of half a page of writing.

Over-all fun movie with some cool spectacle. But still pale imitation of the original.

Stephen Colberts Heartfelt Thank You To Jon Stewart

Instant Karma-MMA Champion Stops Thieves

artician says...

I understand the "justification", though I don't agree with it, I would have done even worse if I were there.

My reaction is more critical of the tone of the media than the subjects in the footage. Newscasters who will warn sensitive viewers when they might show raw meat or a dead bird onscreen, but almost applaud the violence as it's happening here. It sends a terrible and wrong message that brutality is okay if you're "the good guy".

newtboy said:

The rules are different for a citizen arrest from arrests by trained, well equipped officers. When an untrained citizen puts themselves in danger to effect an arrest of a violent subject, as I understand it they may use any force they deem necessary to keep the subject controlled, up to and including deadly force. Since the guy kept moving, MMA did have the right (but agreed, not the need) to keep my eyes anyway.
The guy also wasn't in submission, he was trying to get up (until the last 2 kicks at least).
A few 'extra' kicks to the head is the chance you take when you violently attack another person. It is only unwarranted when the suspect/perp is in complete submission or control, which he was not as long as he was still moving or trying to get up...or when his accomplice is advancing towards him with the obvious intent to 'rescue' him.
The attendant didn't have any weapons, but there's no telling what the robbers had. That makes the robbers a deadly threat until they are spread eagle on the ground with hands out.
Now if he (and his friends/co-workers) had shot this guy 47 times because he moved, that would certainly be excessive.

police officer body slams teen in cuffs

Asmo says...

The fucking sad thing is, I love seeing the videos where cops are doing the right thing. That cop that was dancing in the gay pride march, the guys that help out the cyclists when the motorist does the wrong thing, the cop that defended the people handing out flyers in the airport etc.

These people are good guys and girls, honest people doing a fucking hard job.

But if they speak out when they see the sort of shit that get's put up every other day around here, they get harassed etc. If they stay silent, they become complicit. Having worked in a public service job for a long time, I intimately understand the awful drag of complacency and apathy where you see shit happening for so long and nothing you do seems to make a difference, but it still becomes a choice of letting it happen, or continuing to fight.

Hanover_Phist said:

Exactly. If you're not going to stand up to the bad cops, if you're not going to stand up for what's right, quit. Because you're only making the problem worse by doing nothing. Those cops that protect the bad ones are just as guilty.

Also, can we have a "Police Brutality" channel? or maybe have two "Good Cops" and "Bad Cops".

Anti Gun Liberal News Anchor gets destroyed repeatedly durin

GenjiKilpatrick says...

No, because prohibition doesn't work.

Not for Alcohol.
Not for Cannabis.
Not for Guns either.

Should there be way fewer guns in general? Of course.

Should the process to obtain a gun legally be difficult? Of course.

Should LEOs be issued sidearms? FUCK NO.

Wanna hunt? Wanna shoot for recreation? Fine.

Just do it in a safe place.
Be properly trained.

"The only thing that stops a GOOD GUY with a gun"..

Is literally anyone else who wants a gun because they are ridiculous easy to get a hold of.

bobknight33 said:

But seriously, Do you think that guns should be banned?

police detaining a person for no reason

Asmo says...

You can't understand why he feels that way?

You take umbrage to peoples perception of police officers, yes? You think it's grossly unfair that people classify all of you by the actions of the notable few?

Well here's a little news flash. You get to take off your uniform at the end of the shift. You can go to a restaurant or a shopping center and be perfectly fine with no one sitting around thinking you're a fascist police state tool because of what you wear rather than who you are.

The guy in the video? He doesn't get to take off his skin. He doesn't get to stop being viewed with suspicion, doesn't stop getting harassed by idiots who don't care for the truth and are purely in it to pick on people and raise revenue. He lives with people making assumptions about him 24/7 because of who he is, not because of what he does.

Dig deep down and find that empathy that seems to be lurking in there somewhere. Assuming your one of the good guys (and apologies but your posting history doesn't really support that), don't you feel a deep abiding embarrassment when you see these yahoos make every cop look worse because of their actions?

Yes, it's not fair that people will ascribe the actions of a few bad eggs to an entire population. Not fair for anyone that is victimised by it.

lantern53 said:

I don't understand why they trespassed this guy from UTA property however. I just don't see how that's legal.

The whole interaction is quite irritating because I have to agree with the hoodie guy, nothing makes sense.

Just your everyday harassment, courtesy of the NYPD

JustSaying says...

Ok, seriously now, you do actually do have a point here. If the system works and the cop actually does his job the way he's supposed to, you're right.
The problem is that all those asshole cops undermine the believability of the good ones. I want to believe that that the US police forces are the good guys, it's just that too many of you guys (and I do adress you as a cop here) end up displaying despicable behaviour. Maybe those of you who are correct, fair and by the book need to stand up against those who aren't in a more visible fashion. Fraternity among groups like yours is necessary to a certain degree but you need to gain believability as a whole.
You just don't have that.
It's not just people like me, living at the other end of the world, watching YouTube videos. If you watch mainstream media outlets in my country, you will easily get the narrative that something is wrong with US police. It's not just bias.
Your personal opinions aside, many of them we both will never agree on, I think we both would like society to value police officers as a force of good. Right now, that is not the case. This video is just evidence of it.

lantern53 said:

yes, if you ever get on a jury, always believe the defendant
don't believe the judge, either, he's just a lawyer, and we all know that a lawyer will say anything if he's paid to do so
also, don't believe the subpoena to appear, that's just some document put out by the court
and don't believe the sign that says if you part illegally your car will be towed

but seriously, newtboy, cops are trained to tell the truth in court...on the street, there is a lot of bluff going on and the courts have said that is legal
I've been through police academy and we were not taught to lie. What is your experience from when you attended police academy?

Sen. Bernie Sanders - U.S. Should Look More Like Scandinavia

Real Time with Bill Maher: What Happened to Rand Paul?

Lawdeedaw says...

Maher is a smug prick all the way. He bashed Ron Paul over and over for the man staying true to his convictions and then has the audacity to bash his son for not? By this I mean he never complimented the father at all for telling special interests to fuck off, fix what a lot of Republicans broke or just being an honorable man. Yeah Maher, you could hate Ron's policies, but you made the attacks personal and petty.

Maher is the type of piece of shit that causes this stuff to happen. Yeah, this bashing is on both political isles but to wonder how a party makes their candidates their bitches, he needs to look at his cum guzzling asshole first. He would complain about Rand if Rand was full blown to his convictions...

Sorry, Maher is a piece of shit at best here. Kind of like the woman who goes home with the asshole over the good guy, then wonders why she has herpes on her face the next day.

eoe said:

I usually find Bill Maher to be a smug prick (he's still laughing at his own jokes with that smug look? Still? That's a thing? [hat tip to John Oliver]), but this whole bit is spot on.

Seriously? Keep an eye for the New World Order and our OWN MILITARY. That's beyond fucking crazy. That's like outright -you-should-definitely-not-be-president-because-people-like-you-should-never-have-power-over-the-decision-to-hit-the-'red button' crazy. You shouldn't even be allowed into the same state as the button.

Holy crap.

Cop Smashes Cell Phone For Recording Him

robbersdog49 says...

To add to what arghness has said, regardless of the job if one of my employees did this did this to anyone at work at work I'd sure as hell fire them.

This guy's job is to make life and death decisions with that weapon he's got. If he can be riled to the extent he obviously was by some random woman on the sidewalk then he needs to be taken out of that situation.

As for all the 'one bad apple' claims, I've seen plenty of videos of these one bad apples, but I've never seen a single one where any of the other, apparently 'good' cops steps in to stop the bad one. If it's just the guy doing the smashing who's the bad one and every other cop there is a good guy, why does the bad guy feel so comfortable doing what he did? Why do the other cops cheer in support?

If it's a few bad cops then all of these cases would be acted upon and prosecuted. The fact that they aren't shows that all the other guys are implicit in the act. They allow it to continue. There are clearly enough bad apples that they're running the show and the good apples don't get the support they need if/when they show their colours.

arghness said:

If my job was to pick up litter and instead I dropped litter everywhere while on the job, I'd expect to be fired.

If my job was to protect the public and stop crimes and instead I attacked the public and committed crimes, I'd expect to be fired.

Comparing it to someone else with another job that broke a phone is incorrect. If I broke the phone of one of the people I was doing work for, then yes, I would totally expect to lose my job. If I broke a random persons phone in my spare time, then I would just expect to face normal charges like anyone else.

TIE Fighter - Epic Anime short - Go Empire!!

ChaosEngine says...

Isn't that the same thin, angular "I'm a total douchebag" face that you see on anime good guys too?

Besides look at the poster... we have
-the officer with smarmy slicked back hair (universal sign of someone who tortures small animals)
but then
- impressively moustached man (presumably the leader)
- pensive guy looking to the left
- hot chick with cool scar.

Ignoring Blando McGeneric in the middle there, it's clear that Moustachio and Hot Scar Chick are the heroes here... defending the peace moon from the terrorist scum.

00Scud00 said:

I don't know about that, most of the TIE pilots had the same thin, angular "I'm a total douchebag" face that you often see on anime bad guys. But I guess even I can feel some sympathy for someone who has to fight X-Wings in what amounts to a garbage can with a couple of ion engines and blasters strapped to it.

Porn Actress Mercedes Carrera LOSES IT With Modern Feminists

newtboy says...

Try reading. Your entire post makes no sense except as a trolling attempt.

I don't "see how my arguments don't hold water", I never said anything of the sort, and you can't explain how they don't, still. In fact, you can't seem to even comprehend my argument. You certainly haven't replied to it.

What I did day is I was incorrect about one minor point because apparently she canceled the one event NOT on the advice of the police (even though at the time that's what was reported)....but because the police in this case didn't take safety or death threats seriously at all and refused to limit firearms at the event in any way or offer her/the audience any protection, so canceling this one event was intelligent and proper.

You have not shown her to be a 'full of shit con artist'. For your proof of her evilness and hatred and derision of sex workers, you pointed me to 2 vitriolic commentaries about a single innocuous phrase she said with no context to show her intent/meaning, and a third completely unrelated article about Westborough Church, and now you say that proves something? Still better than your first try which turned out to be by a guy who begins by clearly explaining how his organization cuts and re-edits videos to show what he wants rather than what actually happened. Who's full of shit now?

I never said "But if". Please stop making shit up to get angry about, it's the third time in this thread alone that you've attributed things I never said to me, twice in this single post. That's a useless infantile trolling argument style right there.

And so now you make up your own ridiculous, statistically impossible "What if" scenario to prove....? I guess to prove that you'll make up and believe any crazy thing rather than concede there was a specific danger she attempted to avoid (and I will note she didn't cancel other events where firearms would NOT be allowed inside, even after the threats, so what's your point in the first place?)

I made the point quite clearly above, I'll repeat it for your convenience. If this was an airplane flight with a bomb threat, it would have been canceled. It's statistically far more likely that the shooting threat is credible than any airplane bombing threat, so if it's reasonable to cancel the threatened flight (and they do), it's more reasonable to cancel the event.

You're just trolling here now, you're not making any salient point and you're just blatantly making things up to argue about. I think you're just pushing to be ignored now.

EDIT: and damn, I totally missed the racist bit the first time through your post. " ..What if that "good guy with gun vs. black bad guy with a gun" bullshit actually worked out." I'm thinking it's a mistake to continue engaging someone I would avoid in real life like the plague, so buh bye.

GenjiKilpatrick said:


..What if that "good guy with gun vs. black bad guy with a gun" bullshit actually worked out.

Porn Actress Mercedes Carrera LOSES IT With Modern Feminists

GenjiKilpatrick says...

You see how your arguments don't hold water.

Yet you still refuse to concede that Anita is full of shit and a con-artist.

"But if?!"

What if Jesus came back. What if a meteor hit.

..What if that "good guy with gun vs. black bad guy with a gun" bullshit actually worked out.

Breaking News: 45 concealed carried Utah State students stopped an alleged gunmen who made childish threats during Sarkeesian lecture this afternoon.

Again, 4chan trolls are trolling you with a mind virus.

newtboy said:

HOLY CRAP!!! I would have canceled under those conditions too.
So while I was wrong to say she did it because of police advice, I do think it was the smart decision.

Imagine if she had gone ahead with her event after the threats and someone shot 45 people, starting with her.

At that point, "I told you so" seems pretty hollow.

Honest Trailers - Cinderella (1950)

Drachen_Jager says...

Always wondered about that fairy tale.

Prince doesn't know what she looks like, what her name is, what she's like, what her voice sounds like, but he's prepared to marry her knowing literally zero about her.

Why would she want to marry a guy who spent a whole evening with her but is so stupid he can only recognize her by her shoe?

And don't get me started on Rumpelstiltskin. Psycho greedy father, psycho evil king, but they're the good guys, the guy who offers to help (sure with a price tag, but hey, capitalism, right?) is the bad guy? What?

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