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Mother of Four Cures PTSD With MDMA

chingalera says...

....and to interject here for clarity and general edification and enlightenment, that the OVERUSE of the words 'just', 'actually', and my personally-peevish pet-polemic, 'CLEEEARLY' -(God, I fucking detest the abuse of this particular word esp. when used to begin a sentence/statement with a view to arguing some complete and utter bullshit with very telling emotionally-fueled, idiotic prattle), should sound as a warning to all that what you are about to read is a load of self-delusional horseshit.

Please smarty-pants, argue and defend MORE bullshit and reveal to all your lifetime extant of dysfunctional programming with these flaccid idioms designed to abuse logic, reason, and common-sense and experience the warm sensation of having your fuck-shit-stack of words inserted gently into and up your own ass.

Ahem. That said, any psychoactive drugs (some are better than others) combined with proper navigation through a qualified proctor, set, and setting can be utilized to re-write or substantially inhibit or reverse the ill-effects of traumatic imprinting and programming.

Norwegian Cops Arrest Angry Drunk Demon

Bird Dancing across Road to Daft Punk’s Something About Us

AnimalsForCrackers says...

Looks like an American Woodcock (snicker).

These well-camouflaged little guys spend most of their life tentatively creeping through the underbrush, effectively off-setting the sound of their own movements by moving "in-tune" with the rhythms of the forest and appearing as leaf-litter gently swaying in the wind.

I don't know, maybe a misfiring of that instinctual behavior when confronted with our own artificial rhythms might be what we're seeing here?

THIS SITE IS A JOKE (Comedy Talk Post)

chingalera says...

The sites a joke for reasons other than this user has chimed-in without understanding the jyst of 'reading anything before purchasing:' Here's a short list:

Hypocrisy/Double standards: Popularity fuels status through brown-nosing and robotic insincerity garners votes rather than content quality prompting the same.

Most people are afraid to cast a down-vote for content rather, they do it when they don't 'like' someone. Petty, pussified, and worthlessly dishonest.

Others, users with nothing better to do than to single out another for divisive abuse when his/her opinion or message doesn't jibe with their cloistered or developmentally-disabled world view, push the envelope with sophomoric rambling or graffiti in the form of retarded commentary on profiles or blatant rule-breaking while admins turn a lazy blind,or otherwise complicate eye....Seek professional help or leave the house every once in a while....Works wonders, kids.

Cocksuckers-by-choice, continue to bring the overall quality of the site down with inane ink-well-dipping and hair-pulling or other wise goading for example, Christians, those with conservative-leaning sensibilities, or constructive-critics, enough so that they stop contributing altogether, lurk, or disappear.

From time-to-time, it has been the job of the strongest-willed and long-suffering,to gently guide these users up the pathway upwards and into their own asses rather than enjoy the place and make whoopee with great content....

Yeah mygamesarefun, don't care if you joined by mistake or were simply dull, there is indeed an air of douche here that's entrenched which continually befouls the collective spirit of community.

Won't name names on my list, cocksuckers-by-choice have mirrors on walls in their funk-caves, down the hall from their game-controllers and pizza-stained and blistered microwaves, as well as the lavatories at their shit jobs or in their fucking mother's basement....Any doubts? Just look at the banter above and save your fucking money.

Oh and.....Have a NICE day.

(cue comment down-votes, and fuck-off.)

Some of the most egregious of violators are sure to chime-in on this thread, stay tuned for more guano, coming-up next.

Clown Panties

chingalera says...

I care because it's blatantly obvious and her lame comedy is out-shined only by her agenda and the strained laughter from her audiences as she made her stellar rise in stand-up with one lame joke after another while being given free reign and backing to do so by the very cunts who wish to promote the castration of males in society through indoctro-entertainment...

Her scripts lean towards comedy before swaying back towards her ultimate goal. Laugh yourself dick-less ladies and gentle-men.

Thank you Trancecoach.

Fuck another, in a long line of un-funny, man-hating bitches.

Ralgha said:

Who cares dude, she's totally hot!

Aussie builders shock public with loud empowering statements

lucky760 says...

"Hahaha. It's so funny that these guys are making enlightened, meaningful statements that appeal to a greater society and make other people feel encouraged, because it's all bullshit because they're hungry, and really they're a bunch of sexist misogynist pigs."

That's definitely how it's most easily interpreted and how I interpreted it, but @harlequinn is probably right that Snickers intended the message to be:

"Normally these kind, broad-minded, gentle fellows are considerate and thoughtful like this, but you don't want to know how they are when they haven't had a Snickers."

If that's really their message, they need to make it a fuck of a lot more obvious.

Or maybe they meant for it to be ambiguous so they can appeal to both kinds of people. Quite the politicians you are, Snickers.

Tiny Puppy Protects Food Bowl from Big Dog

MichaelL says...

One scrappy little dog you got there...
Reminds me of my bigger dog... he never knows how to play with smaller dogs so he winds up sort of gently stepping on them like this big guy.

Health Care: U.S. vs. Canada

bremnet says...

Lived in Ontario (28 years), Brisbane, Australia (5 years), Alberta (7 years), and now Texas (14 years).

Agree with pretty much with Boneremake on Alberta, gets more points than Ontario. My Australian experience was good, in both the city and rural (blew an eardrum due to infection in Longreach QLD at Xmas... the doctor was drunk when they wheeled him into emerg, but he was a gentle, caring drunk).

Small things in Ontario are manageable - anything requiring stuff beyond typical emergency room patching up in more rural locations (my definition - anywhere far enough from Toronto that you can't see the nighttime glow, so north of Newfenmarket sort of) is quite lacking (v. long wait times for things like weekly dialysis, MRI, even open MRI, GI tract scoping, ultrasounds, contrast X-rays etc). Parental unit #1 with diabetes requiring 3 times a week dialysis almost snuffed it as there were only 4 chairs in the unit 14 miles from home, got on the list and had to wait for someone to die before getting on the team. Finally snuffed it when they shut down these 4 chairs and the new unit was now a 90 mile round trip 3 times a week for man who could barely walk or see. Died from exhaustion, not diabetes. 2nd parental unit needs an MRI for some serious GI issues, can't keep food down, losing weight rapidly. Wait 4.5 months and we'll see if we can get you in. I'm having her measured for the box.

Having said that, the situation is easier to describe in Texas, the land of excess (excessive wealth and excessive poverty).

Good health insurance plan, preferably through employer with lots of employees = wait times for advanced procedures measured usually in minutes or hours, sometimes days, but not weeks or months. You get taken care of, and your birthing room at the local maternity ward looks like the Marriott (just Couryard though, so no mini-bar or microwave).

Mediocre or no health insurance plan = pray you never get sick enough to require more than what you can buy at the CVS or splint up by watching do-it-yourself first aid videos on youtube, because an unplanned night in the hospital or a trip to emerg in the short bus with swirly lights followed by admission can, for many, wipe them out or sure eat up Bobby's college fund. No exaggeration. I have insurance, but for a reference point, one night in hospital (elective) for a turbinectomy (google it people) including jello and ice cream came in at $14,635. Yes, one night. 24 hours. Do the math. An emergency room visit for a forearm cut requiring 13 stitches (and I didn't even bleed on their white sheets - just cut through the skin to the fat tissue) was billed at $2,300 bucks. Our new baby tried to exit the meatbag as a footling breach, so emergency C-sectioned him out, and one extra night in hospital (2 in total) - all up, billed at just shy of $24K. We now have 3 full service hospitals within 5 miles of our house, and a full service children's hospital in the same radius. And they just started building another. Somebody's making money. If you don't have insurance, or your insurance is shitty (huge deductibles, huge copays) you will eat much of these types of costs. Rule: cheaper to die than get sick.

Ontario and AB might have longer wait times, but even an 83 year old woman in a rural Ontario village with no pension, insurance, income or large stacks of cash can (eventually) get the health care she needs without spending unjustifiable amounts of money. Happy birthday mom.

My 2¢

Squirrel Steals RC Airplane

Anyone Else? No Option to Repair Embeds (Wtf Talk Post)

chingalera says...

Fair enough Dag now I can't deliver p-ponts to alla y'all that are either used to the stroke, or never expecting the surprise...My advice to all y'all lazy motherfuckers that just sit on yer power-points and never do anything with em?? Make someone happy today and worry about whether or not some dumb-ass bullshit belongs up on the front page just because you wanna pop-spit or promote your OWN videos (which I think is completely retarded, unless it's to promote some hella good shit, which most of you self-promoting motherfuckers's shit, ISN'T!?? DUH??)

Oh and Dag?? Fuck a buncha blaming the time zone or not copping to the real-deal timing IS after all, everythhing...I'm no fucking idiot. I KNOW there's a buncha whiny mother fucks, crawling up the sift's ass to burn me, all you poser fucks can fuck the fuck the fuck off and go back to sleep.

You know who you are....Suck my balls and gently carress the taint, rimjobs after I've had some schwarma and spanakopita and sag panneer, motherfuckers. You ACTUAL haters know exactly who and what you are and can't see yourself for the douche in your veins.

Ok. Got all that out. Back to shitting-on-bullshit when it screams, to the consternation of all haters everywhere.

Too bad for all those dead Kronospissant videos I can never fix to help alleviate the carbon-fucking-footprint that coal-burner left behind....because the arbitrary rules here suck donkey-dick!!

(It's no great mystery as to why this site was never able to make any fucking money...self-destructive, narcissistic circle-jerk of doom)

Anyone Else? No Option to Repair Embeds (Wtf Talk Post)

chingalera says...

Well thanks kinna dag. You pm'd me AFTER the fact and after I posted this to the sift-talk....THANKS, for the fucking heads-up.

If it's "sort of" a one time thing deal, Not fine. The only way anyone knows if the embed is not spot on is if another user (either the original submitter or someone else that sees and remembers it different, alerts someone.) WHY then, would not the person who cried foul contact the person who raised it from the dead and TELL THEM, rather than (and this is what i suspect) tattle to the admins (because they have a particular hate-stick lodged in their assess towards another user, or were never taught manners by their abusive mothers and fathers) who then unilaterally FUCKS MY POWERS AWAY) to the giggles and squeaks of the internet DOUCHEBAG who brought it to your attention? Which is what I KNOW has transpired, the cowardly little fucks whoever you are, suck it.

Cowardly. infantile, sophomoric douchebag bullshit thuggery.

Now, how do I get these powers back, and now codify these arbitrary "sort of" rules??

By bringing this mishap to the sift's attention, and perhaps *cough, put it to vote??

Voting only works for those who use it for evil apparently, just look at the state of the planet.

I would appreciate again, the ability to clean-up dead videos. I regularly fix dead embeds and then immediately give other videos a chance by *promoting them to the front foster a spirit of courtesy and joy and good will in the hearts of the original submitter.....GOOD THING

I even deaded all of Kronosposidens dead shit since he's AWOL, and am bringing his back tto life slowly but surely, even though that charlatan gentle-man was the biggest prick in the universe to me, and set-out on a similar quest, to burn me at ever turn...

(like copper-dan the resident ban-hammer obsessive-compulsive) regularly peruses the sift for violators, to satisfy his badge-point quest to be head NARC of the site). GOOD THING?? I consider it not, but I suppose everyone needs their little jobs.

Can you...People who don;t recognize the hatred in your hearts, act as civilly as you accuse me of acting the opposite of?? Look in the fucking mirrors and stop lying to yourselves, it's getting really fucking old..

Or how bout this.

Let's take a fucking vvote, or pole (like the one in so many assess) and vote whether or not to let love rule...Just tell me to fucking leave and I will....Don't keep playing the the punk-ass bitch card about it why doncha??....Bare your true natures and use small words if you have to. please. A single sentence will do.

atara (Member Profile)

Stampeding rabbits chase after woman

Stampeding rabbits chase after woman

SFOGuy (Member Profile)

SFOGuy says...

I must shamedfacedly admit I had no idea I couldn't promote someone else's very cool video. Thank you for the gentle tutorial!
I thought siftbot was knocking me down because my "powerpoints" needed recharging--now, I am enlightened.

Thank you!

eric3579 said:

I assume you are well aware that you can't invoke *promote for another sifters video although I've seen you do this quite a bit. I assume you have seen the response by siftbot to your invocation.
I also assume you are doing this to show support for the videos(which is great) but I find it odd that you don't vote for these videos. A much better way to show you like the video imo.
Anyway the only reason i bring it up is it seems to me to be clutter in a comment thread as siftbot will always respond to your invocation which you can't invocate anyway. If you really feel the need to use promote in the comment thread you dont need to use the asterisk that will invoke a response from siftbot or you can first say promote then after you submit the comment, edit the comment and add the asterisk. This way you will not get siftbot to respond.
Just my two cents and thanks for all your contributions to the sift they are appreciated.

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