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Frankie Boyle Scotch Egg Sketch

Healthcare reform (Blog Entry by jwray)

imstellar28 says...

Okay..since my sarcasm didn't quite drive the point home, I'll explain why this is a misguided idea:

Tanning Salons
-Vitamin D is synthesized in the body after exposure to sunlight. Anyone living far enough from the equator is bound to be deficient in Vitamin D. In fact, go ahead and plot cancer incidence by latitude and you'll see what I mean. Vitamin D prevents cancer and heart disease.

- Read about Vilhjalmur_Stefansson. In the early 1900s he underwent a scientific study where he ate nothing but meat for a year...and came out healthier than when he went in. Also read about all-meat diets and ketosis. Prolonged ketosis is a cure for diabetes, heart disease and cancer - not to mention periodontal disease. In scientific studies, terminally ill patients who were so far gone they were beyond "medical science" had their tumors go into remission and even clear up completely on a ketosis diet. Cancer cells have a lot of insulin receptors - they respond to glucose, take away the glucose and the cancer starves. Read about it.

- Same as beef.

- In many countries, 1 in 3 people have some form of mental illness sometime in their lives. Alcohol helps a lot of people cope with society. How the hell do you think I cope with all the (50% of the population) sub-100 IQ zombies walking around?

Oil used for deep-frying
- Fat is not unhealthy. Cholesterol does not cause heart disease, nor is it a good predictor of those who will get heart disease. Only ~3% of arterial plague is cholesterol by composition - the vast majority is calcium. Vitamin D helps regulate calcium...this goes back to the tanning salons.

Gasoline -- especially because it gives people an incentive to WALK when they're going less than 2 miles to a store, instead of driving.
- I don't think the cost of gasoline has ever factored into a lazy persons decision of whether to walk. The burning of fossil fuels and the creation of air pollution is a national health hazard (akin to me walking up and dumping toxic waste on you) and so YES this should be taxed because pollution is a hidden cost of industry; but the funds shouldn't go to Medicare they should go to giant air-scrubbers which help de-pollute the air.

- Same as gas

Natural Gas
- Same as coal.

Sugar and High Fructose Corn Syrup, Junk Food in general, & Cigarettes
- Okay, maybe you have some kind of argument here because these are legitimately detrimental to your health, but only used in excess. So unless you find a way to tax "excess" or define "excess" I can't see an argument for taxing the stray cigarette or potatoe chip.

Uninsured Sick Student Begged For his Life (Blog Entry by JiggaJonson)

JiggaJonson says...

As if a hospital or agency would really turn someone like that down. Most people just aren't assholes and take responsibility and pay their bills, or else the whole system would come crashing down with a bunch of greedy fuckers who don't have insurance begging for charity.
The new health care plan, spend $100,000 on tuition but neglect to get $200 health insurance and then beg for free chemotherapy when your stupid ass gets cancer! Coming soon to all 300 million americans!
Did they leave a contact address for donations? I want to send him an email telling him I hope his cancer returns.

As the article explains in some detail, he didn't exactly come from a wealthy family. College students don't have cash to spare and he's not alone in this situation. People aged 18-25 make up the largest group of uninsured in the country because of their "Can't get sick" attitude.

It, of course, may not be the wisest choice but for many people it's a fiscal impossibility. I don't understand your callas attitude towards someone who is struggling with a low income family who is in a difficult situation. It's not really a gamble if you dont have a choice. OF COURSE the kid would have preferred to have health insurance.

I wonder would you say the same thing to someone who doesn't have renters insurance. Lets say my neighbor decides he's going to burn the place down. "Well it's a good thing JJ lost all of his worldly possessions, that's what you get when you gamble with your apartment. I wish i knew where he lived so I could kick him in the balls," or here's an even better one.

Say in a freak accident (hey cancer isn't all that common) my arm gets burned off because of a deep fried turkey burning (i said freak right?) and here's you: "Well that's what JJ gets for not having accidental dismemberment insurance, that's what he gets when he gambles with his arm. I wish i knew where he lived so i could burn the other arm until it was useless."

Baby Chicks dumped alive into a grinder (and other horrors)

Gibletses says...

This is the cost of maintaining almost 7 billion humans. It's the cost. Pay it or perish.

When the US incorporated (1776), there were only one tenth the number of people there are now. Eliminate the factory farms and destructive ag then watch five billion people eat YOU.

For the veganoids; destructive ag (deep-till, fertilize, gm seed, irrigate, harvest, repeat) -- the process used to produce your tasty soy curd -- kills more animals than all of the factory meat production combined. Mostly through destruction of habitat. Most species extinction results from loss of habitat to farming so that you have food that makes you smug and makes other people assume you're feeble minded. (Guess what...)

In order for you to be smug behind a steamy pile of curd, thousands of animals are killed outright or die from habitat loss. The great plains now produce wheat, soy, and corn (for now...until the topsoil is gone). Do you realize how many elk, bison, wolves, foxes, voles, skunks, etc. were killed to do this? Do you know what the run-off from those crops does to streams, rivers, and the ocean? Death on a massive scale, that's what. Vegans are the worst hypocrites of them all.

I'll trust a person who likes their chick pulp wrapped in bacon, deep fried, smothered in cheese, and served in a bowl of gravy before I'll waste spit on a hypocritical vegan retard.

I, as another poster here, grow my own food in a sustainable manner (no-till method) and raise my own livestock in a sustainable manner. Where does YOUR food come from?

How to vacuum seal food in a ziplock bag using a microwave

Golgi says...

moron alert. this is not vacuum sealing anything.

it's also not geek, cooking, or howto-anything besides poison yourself. it is science, but only in the way that accidentally deep frying a still-frozen turkey is science.

8-day old Bunnies

Watchmen - Rorshach: You're locked in here with me!

How to Make Bento (Japanese Boxed Lunch)

Oh the horror, the horror! Snakes and Fishies eaten alive!

Marijuana is not as evil as we have been told

HollywoodBob says...

>> ^HadouKen24:
>> ^burdturgler:
Alcohol is legal and it's responsible for countless deaths and suffering (and a lot of my stupid comments here) .. yet, I am not allowed to make my own whiskey. I bet if pot were ever legalized I would still not be allowed to grow my own.

You can, however, brew your own beer and make your own wine. Making whiskey is restricted not because of the intoxicating powers of the final product, but of the dangers involved in getting there. Not only is there a risk that, should you screw up, you'll end up unwittingly downing a bottle of wood alcohol (the stuff that makes you go blind, then kills you), but you might even screw up and blow up your still.

It's not a drug thing. It's a safety thing. Odds are that, if cannabis were legalized, it would be legal to grow for personal use as well as to buy and produce commercially.

Distilling whiskey is no more dangerous than deep frying a turkey, yet hundreds of people burn their houses down each year because it's allowed.

It's not a safety issue, it's a control issue, and that's the same reason that prevents the re-legalization of cannabis. The people that own the lawmakers want to control exactly how you and I enjoy ourselves, and we continue to allow them by electing the same kinds of shitheads that kiss the alcohol and tobacco lobbies' asses.

If we can assume that lawmakers were to end the prohibition on cannabis, you can almost guarantee that you'll have to purchase it from a dispensary, where you'll have to endure TSA level security checks to get a dime bag.

What's wrong with America: the fried twinky.

What's wrong with America: the fried twinky.

JiggaJonson says...

It's kind of hard to ignore the fact that when you eat Twinkies (of the non-deep-fried denomination) you don't need a fucking spoon!

And furthermore, I sincerely doubt this woman remembers what sex in the spoon position feels like.

Edit: Apparently sex on the spoon was a metaphor for high caloric intake, silly me.

Psychologic (Member Profile)

bleedingsnowman says...

LOL. Your comment was insightful. And almost made me throw up.

In reply to this comment by Psychologic:
This is why government-funded healthcare may be a bad idea. Imagine what their medical bills will be like in the not-too-distant future. Maybe we can tax junk food to pay for it. =)

There is still worse though. I went to a state fair and noticed vendors selling deep-fried cheeseburgers. They also had "fried Pepsi", which were funnel cakes where the water in the batter mixture had been replaced with Pepsi syrup.

What's wrong with America: the fried twinky.

Psychologic says...

This is why government-funded healthcare may be a bad idea. Imagine what their medical bills will be like in the not-too-distant future. Maybe we can tax junk food to pay for it. =)

There is still worse though. I went to a state fair and noticed vendors selling deep-fried cheeseburgers. They also had "fried Pepsi", which were funnel cakes where the water in the batter mixture had been replaced with Pepsi syrup.

Chicken Wings with Garlic and Ginger

spoco2 says...

They look damn tasty. And I expected them to be deep fried, so happy to seem them being healthier than that.

I'm sure some of the chefs on here will deride him for things he does... but to me, this looks like a damn tasty treat for a party... yum

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