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How Movie Trailers Manipulate You

viewer_999 says...

Maybe I'm just a bitter old prick, but a lot about trailers today frankly annoy the hell out of me. This video goes a long way to explain the "why" -- because there are these formulas, these companies that all copy each other's methods, etc., it just leads to so much... sameness. They need some new ideas, creativity, something more than the same rehash. No, the "nut punch" doesn't always work -- it pisses me off, because it's so trite, so unoriginal, so typical, so predictable, so done-to-death. Trailer makers: get a new idea and use it.

How Norway Reinvented Prison

Drachen_Jager says...

Frankly, it was insane to go down that road in the first place, but Americans have had it drilled into their heads millions of times that the free market is always more efficient than government.

That statement is 100% true, while being completely misleading.

Incandescent light bulbs are extremely efficient... at producing heat instead of light.

Private enterprise is very efficient at creating short-term profits for their shareholders.

Yet Americans seem to think it'll somehow save tons of money so they don't have to pay their precious taxes and everyone can go out and individually buy services for 10x the price they'd pay through the government.

Classic example is GM buying up public transit in the 30s-50s and bulldozing the facilities so everyone has to buy a car. Great for GM, terrible for everyone and everything else (including, ironically, GM in the long run).

newtboy said:

Step one, eradicating for profit prisons.

This single idea was the worst thing that ever happened to our legal system, imo. It created billion dollar companies who's product is incarceration. Like any for profit company, they minimize their costs by warehousing people in illegally crowded cells as cheaply as possible with little or no treatments or support during or afterwards and maximize their business by lobbying for ever more incarceration. The prison guard union is the best funded lobbying group in Washington, and created minimum sentencing so every convict becomes a customer.

Make prison a government function again, who's goal is turning out functional citizens, not warehousing as many bodies as they can get paid for, and we might turn a corner.....but that won't ever happen, there's no multi billion dollar prison reform lobbying group to bribe senators into doing the right thing.

Who Is America? (2018) | First Look | Sacha Baron Cohen SHOW

ChaosEngine says...

I don't doubt it. But frankly, watching elected representatives in the US bend over and take it from the gun lobby is nothing new.

I 100% agree with his message, I just don't find the execution that funny.

Spacedog79 said:

Maybe watch to the end, elected congressmen advocating for toddlers to be armed is something to behold.

Of Course I'm Trying To Indoctrinate You In My Beliefs

shinyblurry says...

That being said, I don't think Christians should mix politics with their faith. It mostly breeds hate and the gospel of Jesus Christ is never mentioned. I have moral objections to some things which are legal in the United States, but that isn't my focus. The Israelites when they were taken captive by Babylon were told by God to pray for the prosperity of the nation so they would live peaceful lives there. Babylon was a pagan nation, much worse morally than the United States. I think Christians should do more praying and less talking about the political situation.

I love America, and God has blessed it from its founding. I don't love the moral direction it has been heading and frankly I think it is in big trouble. God will eventually turn America over to its enemies if it continues down this path with no repentance.

As far as left and right, I am independent politically. I agree with some things on both sides, and disagree with much on both sides. The democrat party has become more and more secular so I don't agree with them as much anymore but the republican party worships God with their lips and not with their heart. I don't care for the cutthroat politics of either party, or the goading of their supporters, working them into a constant state of outrage and fervor and hatred of the other. Politics are poisoning this country and choking out civilized discourse. A Christian should never drink from that well but share the living water of Christ and speak the truth with love, sincerely caring about the other person regardless of their political affiliation.

No Flying Lessons

jmd says...

When it comes to flying, if you get it wrong it mostly leads to death. This is not something you learn by just doing. Even the wright brothers had a fair grasp of aerodynamic, thermal dynamics, and if they took to the sky how they would get down before attempting their first flights.

Frankly getting into the air is the easy part, the landing is the hard part. Thankfully the plane was small light but rigged enough that it didn't crumple on a hard landing.

CelebrateApathy said:

Some people just learn better by doing.

Officer pulls over daughter's boyfriend

Jinx says...

In other words, he doesn't know how to care for his daughter's well-being. The road to hell is paved with good intentions etc

And frankly I'm not sure the thing he cares more about isn't control.

As a life rule, if you threaten somebody when they say they want to call the cops... you might have done a fuckup.

Esoog said:

It is a shame that he abused his power and position as a police officer, because I really believe he cares for his daughter's well being. He probably doesn't know how to show it, and that's unfortunate for both of them.

Bill Maher - Sen. Bernie Sanders

ChaosEngine says...

I’m not really sure that’s fair. Hillary went through a pretty bruising campaign where she was accused of everything from conspiring to kill American diplomats to running a child porn ring.

After all that, she got more votes than dickbag and STILL lost.

At which point the right (including some of the poorest people who are suffering worst under cheeto-face) laughed in her face, and the left turned on her.

Quite frankly, if I was Hillary, I’ve have told the whole of America to get fucked.

That’s not to say she didn’t have her faults, but she was an order of magnitude better than Trump.

notarobot said:

One difference between Bernie and Hillary is exposed by appearances like this. Bernie lost the election but never stopped fighting for more just society. He's still fighting. Hillary lost and disappeared. She just wanted the position of power.

Liberal Redneck - Nuclear Dealbreaker

vil says...

I understand that you (Bob) and Donald agree that what Obama did was wrong. And so it was doubly wrong of "Liberals" to have supported him so blindly. That is a legitimate though biased point of view which I would be foolish to argue against for it is your belief.

In that case please enligten us about what are you two aiming to achieve by throwing excrement in the general direction of a fan?

What is the plan? What can the US propose that Iran IS going to ratify? Will Iran (and North Korea and China and, come to think of it, any country) have any interest to make a new deal with the USofA, if they either brag and throw insults or sulk and walk away?

Complying (for the most part) voluntarily was a resonable step in the right direction for both Iran and the US, how does trashing this agreement help? I mean how does it help anyone except Donald in the short term by pleasing fanboys?

Donald usually avoids stating aims (or makes multiple confusing proclamations) and then claims any outcome as a victory. What is a victory in your scenario - regime overthrow? change of Iranian public attitudes towards "America"? a more friendly "supreme leader"? a different ruling moslem faction? or maybe fluctuating oil prices? restructuring of oil field ownership?

Obama limited this to nuclear weapons, seems like a good idea in retrospect, frankly.

Bill Maher - Ronan Farrow: War on Peace

PlayhousePals says...

I'm pretty sure his dad was Frank Sinatra [judging by looks alone].

ChaosEngine said:

I like this guy too. Didn't realise he was Woody Allen's kid and I thought it was pretty crass of Maher to bring it up (though totally unsurprising).

He was articulate and thoughtful and didn't fall for any of Maher's "Awww, poor Ansari and Franken" bullshit.

New Rule: Dear Roseanne | Real Time with Bill Maher

Stormsinger says...

Frankly, if someone hasn't yet managed to figure out what has been obvious for decades, "listening" to them isn't going to change their minds. Nothing will.

Unfortunately for them, Mother Nature tends to impose a capital penalty against extreme stupidity.

bcglorf said:


There are enough things wrong with Trump that shooting down everything about him in a one sided monologue looks the same as what Fox did with strawman arguments against Obama.

It's not enough to point out Trumps problems to people. You needed to have one of his prominent supporters on air to demonstrated that Trump is OBJECTIVELY worse than any other president. The other upside is actually getting a chance to have the voice of a Trump supporter like Roseanne out there so that maybe, just maybe, left leaning folks can hear the other side and find common ground. Until the democrats steal back people that voted Trump, the train is just gonna keep on rolling in the wrong direction.

Example, talking about rolling back Obamacare as though it should be obvious to poorer Trump supporters that they were screwed by this. You can't just change their opinion by calling them too stupid to know what their daily lives are like. You have to listen to the details of why they think their healthcare under Obamacare was, or would become worse than before it. I know my aunt and uncle in Alabama, although middle class, both swear that after Obamacare their costs went up and benefits went down. You have to listen to people a bit if you care about figuring out how to change their vote next term,

Michelle Wolf at 2018 White House Correspondents' Dinner

Trying to explain bitcoin

ChaosEngine says...

Disagree. Gold (or more specifically currency) has a huge number of advantages over barter, as shown with the second guy.

Barter has problems of divisibility, relative worth, storage, transport, etc... all of which are solved by a common currency.

Crypto has some advantages over traditional currency, but right now they're outweighed by the disadvantages such as instability (as mentioned by @notarobot), lack of trust, slow transaction speeds and frankly appalling levels of energy usage.

Blockchain might eventually become the future, but Bitcoin is basically dead because of these problems.


testlump said:

Video is pretty much a spot on summary of Bitcoin / crypto


Oprah For America! Really?

ChaosEngine says...

100%. As I mentioned in the golden globes thread, promoting Dr Oz is actually a social harm.

That said, gotta give Oprah at least some credit. She is not the one pushing this idea.

Frankly, it's a measure of how fucked up everything is under Trump that this is even taken seriously.

nanrod said:

And let's not forget that Oprah is in many ways anti-science. Not as much as Trump by a long shot but a cabinet with Dr. Oz and Deepak Chopra?

The Truth About The Tesla Semi-Truck

MilkmanDan says...

The video is right that pretty much the number one most important question is the weight of the truck (basically tare weight, which is actually the tractor plus empty trailer). When I watched the announcement, I thought Musk was slightly cagey about that, but I thought that he said that it would be in the ballpark of a normal ICE semi. Guess I should watch again.

I think Musk made some semi-optimistic predictions about battery tech improvement and economy of scale. Frankly, I think he's earned the right to be semi-bold with his predictions, given his and Tesla's track record (paying off govt. loan very early, single handedly pushing forward battery tech and production, etc. etc.). His optimistic predictions have a tendency of panning out.

The average American is never going to switch to an electric car purely or even largely for "green conscious" reasons. The switch will happen when the electric car is better than the ICE alternatives in concrete metrics like performance, reliability, and operating cost. Musk is pushing that date forward at an incredible pace. Arguably it is already true for many use-cases at the high price-point range of the Model S, but that price point limits the scope of the impact quite a bit. He knows that to really shake things up, he's got to get that price point down, and he knows that to do that he's got to improve the economy of scale on battery tech. Which he's doing by expanding it into adjacent markets like home batteries, etc.

I think he deserves a lot of credit for "walking the walk" when it comes to working hard to protect/improve the environment, as opposed to Al Gore et al. "talking the talk".

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