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Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Ashenkase (Member Profile)

The Dingo Fence

New Rule: Distinction Deniers

ChaosEngine says...

Maybe you should actually read the article before commenting on this?

Warning: it's a terribly written article that spends a lot of time on completely irrelevant details, also very NSFW, but to summarise (quoting from article):

When Ansari told her he was going to grab a condom within minutes of their first kiss, Grace voiced her hesitation explicitly. “I said something like, ‘Whoa, let’s relax for a sec, let’s chill.’”
She says Ansari began making a move on her that he repeated during their encounter. “The move he kept doing was taking his two fingers in a V-shape and putting them in my mouth, in my throat to wet his fingers, because the moment he’d stick his fingers in my throat he’d go straight for my vagina and try to finger me.” Grace called the move “the claw.”

Ansari also physically pulled her hand towards his penis multiple times throughout the night, from the time he first kissed her on the countertop onward. “He probably moved my hand to his dick five to seven times,” she said. “He really kept doing it after I moved it away.”

But the main thing was that he wouldn’t let her move away from him. She compared the path they cut across his apartment to a football play. “It was 30 minutes of me getting up and moving and him following and sticking his fingers down my throat again. It was really repetitive. It felt like a fucking game.”

Ansari wanted to have sex. She said she remembers him asking again and again, “Where do you want me to fuck you?” while she was still seated on the countertop. She says she found the question tough to answer because she says she didn’t want to fuck him at all.

End quoting.

I find it difficult to believe Ansari is "inexperienced". He's 34, famous, good-looking and funny. Hell, he wrote a damn book on the subject.

Now, even though I've lost count of the number of times I've said this, to be perfectly clear: I DO NOT THINK ANSARI IS GUILTY OF A CRIME.

But I also don't think that behaviour is acceptable. He acted like a total asshole.

But since we're talking about degrees of harm, you can still be an asshole and do actual harm without committing a crime.

Should his accuser have just left? Probably. Does that excuse his behaviour? Nope.

newtboy said:

From what I've heard he's accused of, I've had far worse from girlfriends who didn't know what men liked. He was handsy in bed and bad at sex. Have you heard otherwise?

What's more unacceptable is the movement to deny gradients of evil so he IS guilty of sex crimes by their estimation for being inexperienced with sex.

I have yet to hear a single thing he did with bad intent or in any way criminal or even ungentlemanly, just inexperienced or plain bad in bed.

Maybe there's stuff I don't know about this case? It sure sounds like a failure to communicate, which I place on her shoulders.

Who is Grace again? His accuser?

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Bill Maher - Punching Nazis

ChaosEngine says...

"I referred to the modern nazi who supports them"

Fair enough.

"It's not just a belief, it's a desire to exterminate, alienate and persecute an ethnic group. "
Agreed. That desire should not be considered an acceptable point of view. But there's a big gap between saying expressing a desire and carrying out an action.

"This implies that you think being 'nicer to Hitler' (i.e. not solved it with violence) would have gotten rid of them yet you contradict this later on."
No, I don't believe that. Hitler was in power, he had an army and he was already committing genocide. At that point, violence is your only recourse to stop the atrocities.

But yes, ultimately, if someone had been able to take Hitler aside BEFORE all the horrors of WW2 and been able to convince him to lay off the genocide, wouldn't that have been a better solution?

There are absolutely times when violence is the best course of action, but it ALWAYS represents a failure to resolve differences.

"I'm just saying if a nazi happens to get punched, on balance, it's probably ok."

I'm certainly not going to shed any tears over it and being completely honest, part of me relishes it. But intellectually, I know it's a) not a sustainable solution and b) it's a juvenile response.

"It's a bit like trying to 'defeat' religion. If you stamped out any sign of all religions in the world, all the imagery and documents and let's say memories too. Before long, religions would form because the human brain is drawn to those ideologies"

Completely agree. Put enough humans together and they form tribes and ascribe bad things to "the others". What saves us is the ability to learn from past mistakes as a civilisation, and even then we're REALLY slow learners.

But we have made progress.
Going from right to left, I would bet that even most Nazis think women should be able to vote; the vast majority of conservatives view racism as abhorrent (at least, consciously) and "Middle America" has mostly come around to gay rights.

"Defeated" might be the wrong word here. I want Nazism to become as laughable a philosophy as flat earthers. Espousing it should be met with the same response as someone who claims thunder is the gods playing football.

" TL;DR sorry for the wall of text, ignore me"

Don't apologise... it's an interesting discussion.

dannym3141 said:



RFlagg says...

They aren't displaying Anti-American values... for that to be so, you'd have to say then that Rosa Parks was displaying anit-American values, so were the black people who refused to give up their lunch counter... all anti-american by your definition.

Again, how are blacks protesting peacefully more disrespectful of America than fucking Nazis marching in the streets shouting "hail Trump" and running over protesters?

You people are fine with football players kneeling and praying for making a touchdown, but kneeling for equality...

The fact that you, as a Christian, think that Christ would stand with a Nazi wanting more white power, over a black man wanting equality just shows how fucked up Christianity is. That there is no conviction in your heart, or the hearts of the vast majority of Christians in this nation over their treatment of blacks, gays, and whomever else they seem opposed to, just goes to show how low God is, or proves Him false and unable to match His word.

bobknight33 said:

This is a disgrace... NFL playing politics displaying anti American values.

They are dissing the Flag and the national anthem by not standing or linking arms. Shameful.

Are you on your head?

Orville: Ed & Kelly Argue About Their Past Marriage To Krill

newtboy says...

Heads up. If you're recording ST:D now, east coast broadcast, football went over and it started 18 minutes late. Better set ncis to record too.

ant said:

Same here. ST:D might not even be good for me not to bother watching it. I'd rather watch videos on VS! Ha! We'll see...

This is what a coward looks like

vil says...

Cvjetanovic is more likely southern-slavic-last-name (Serb or Croat) - making him also historically more likely to have a fascist streak as opposed to anyone even remotely Polish.

Back to the video - these people are a pain to listen to. I totally appreciate Dags comment because you really have to keep reminding yourself this could be your neighbour, your childs friends parent, co-worker, someone on your football team or whatever... What a contrast with that adorable grandma insisting on toasting Hitler.

eric3579 (Member Profile)

oritteropo says...

The English language articles came through just after.

Dortmund attack: man arrested on suspicion of share-dealing plot

radx said:

Only articles from the day of the event, with lots of the usual speculation:

Haven't seen any pieces in English about today's development yet.

eric3579 (Member Profile)

Epic Anti-texting rant

Rex Murphy | Free speech on campus

enoch says...

@Asmo @Phreezdryd

i get his arguments using historical precedent,and i actually agree,but i dont see how c-160 in its current form can be used as a bull whip.there would have to be heavy complicity from the judiciary to abuse which in essence is simply an addendum to an existing human rights statute.

and as i stated,or thought i did,i really enjoy his arguments for free speech and the usage of language in cultural and societal dynamics.

if you take away the more rabid of protesters who rallied against peterson,without really even listening to his lectures.a.k.a muglypuff.those people are true believers,and their minds will never be changed,because they refuse to even allow a discourse to even transpire.

the only actual abuse i saw was by his his own employer:university of toronto.

many of the protest i saw against him were fairly tame in comparison to other supposed "anti=sjw",because if you listen to peterson he is nowhere near an anti-sjw.

in my opinion,it was the decisions of the university of toronto that created this false image in regards to peterson,and for those who are unfamiliar with dr petersons take on free speech,and the misuse and abuse of the current trend of pronoun-political-footballing you really should give him a listen.

he certainly has a libertarian lean to his lectures,but his arguments are sound.

thanks you two for clearing some things up for me.
much appreciated.

The Great Unchecked Legislative Fuckfest of 2017

dannym3141 says...

Samantha Bee
stands tight at the knee,
squeezed close like she
needs an urgent wee.

It should concern people that sometime in the last 30 odd years of neocon rule, they gave themselves the ability to unilaterally cancel things they'd previously promised to do.

People need to put aside whether or not they think the policy being cancelled is good or bad and wonder whether it is good or bad that things may be cancelled so easily. They won't though - politics right now seems to be like going to a football match "HAHAHA YOU LOST, ENJOY NOT HAVING HEALTHCARE! ONE NIIIIIL, ONE NIIIIIIIIL!"

The fuck is going on? This IS an idiocracy right now - people care about how something sounds or what team they're on rather than what will improve the quality of life for people in future.. Surely that is the goal of society?!

Denmark has a lesson for us all

vil says...

Its an ad, scripted, written jokes, those are actors, nothing is "legit".

Not thrashing anything - I really think football fans are a good metaphor for a religious sect and I agree with the basic premise of this skit.

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