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ant (Member Profile)

Dr Drew's Horrific Coronavirus Advice Compilation

Mystic95Z says...

You have no clue just like your simpleton savior Trump. He has miserably failed at his duty to this country.... Covid-19 is not the fucking flu get it thru your stupid fucking head.

bobknight33 said:

Trump was right from the beginning, Assembling a team , stopping china flights and starting preparations for this. The media countered with racist against China, Fool this is just another flu type event.

Now its 24hrs a day panic panic fear mongering from media and Trump should have prepared.

China lied and knew person to person spread back in mid December. The WHO carried the lies of China.

Finally a Doctor on the News Talking Fucking Sense

newtboy says...

Yes, but my understanding is that the point isn't to starve the virus for hosts until it's dead, it's to slow the spread enough that hospitals aren't overrun. When they are, death rates explode, logically from 3-3.5% up to 15-20%. Of course, this plan relies on the hope that immunity is relatively full and permanent, something we don't know yet.

If people weren't morons, I would agree about parks and beaches....but they are. Even those smart enough to try and social distance in public often forget and hug goodbye, and most aren't being that smart.

The problem with sending people back is we don't have a single study on immunity. We don't know if you have full immunity after recovering from being infected, or if so how long it might last. Many other coronaviruses mutate enough that immunity is for one season at best. We need to study the virus in detail before making assumptions on life and death issues, and it's smart to err on one side of caution with stakes this high until we know. Opening up before we know is a pure gamble....the odds might be good, but the stakes are sky high.

In a near worst case scenario, it's possible that Covid19 is going to remain as dangerous as it is today for some time with reinfection possible, and that any future vaccines will need yearly changes and booster shots to be effective, like the flu shot but hopefully more effective. In that case, the best we can really do is be prepared for a constant flow of large numbers of patients and deaths. That's going to require a complete retooling and expansion of the medical system, but silver lining, it's hundreds of thousands of good paying jobs that robots can't do...yet.

greatgooglymoogly said:

If everyone somehow isolates and we get down to only only 10 new cases a day, and we let everyone out, that only resets the clock to February with the addition of a million or so people already infected and immune. Everything goes back to shit in another couple months. People's behavior changing will help slow the spread, but will not prevent it. There's plenty you can do outside the home a safe distance from other people with minimal risk, certainly less than just going to shop for food. It's ridiculous they are shutting down beaches where it's simple to walk 20' away from anybody else. To limit crowds just close down parking spaces.

Antibody tests should allow recovered people back into regular life, but the only way we get a lot of recovered people is to have a lot of sick people first. Keep the elderly and high risk people confined, and let everyone else out with reasonable precautions(no gatherings over 20, etc). The only other alternative is a 6-12 month lockdown and 100% testing, which is simply never going to happen. You would still have to lock down the borders until the rest of the world has it under control too.

Dr Drew's Horrific Coronavirus Advice Compilation

newtboy says...

Trump denied there was any danger from the beginning, no significant or hazardous infection in America, and insisted it would miraculously disappear by April. Last week he suggested ending stay at home orders next weekend! Batshit crazy and criminally ignorant at best, intentional attempted mass homicide at worst.

Trump didn't stop flights from China, airlines did. Trump restricted travel for non citizens (except family of citizens) coming from China Jan 31, well after most flights were cancelled, and only when faced with the uniform recommendation of the career public health officials at HHS.

What preparations? They seemed to start those last week, not in February, and certainly not before. Most temporary hospitals are still in the planning stage, not built or stocked, and completely unstaffed. Stockpiles were not full or being filled. It seems they weren't even making plans, just denials.

The racist part was Trump and his subordinates calling it the Chinese flu and Kung Flu.

The loudest and latest one saying it was like any flu and not a problem was Trump, here's a clip of that from less than one month ago, try again.

Trump should not have dismantled the systems in place that made us more prepared, nor should he have underfunded and defunded the health programs and organizations so vital right now, nor should he have ignored the impacts other countries were suffering and, instead of preparing, downplayed the unfolding crisis while dragging his feet on any responses, or refused WHO tests that worked in S Korea in favor of nonexistent American tests that at first didn't work at all, couldn't be mass produced so are STILL in short supply, and now seem to give false negatives 1/3 of the time because the manufacturer donated $1.5 million, but he did.

China lied and minimized (sounds familiar) until mid January, yes, but Trump dismantled the CDC Pandemic Preparedness program that was designed to protect us from exactly that likelihood...that is their M. O.. Remember, the whistle blower went public in mid December, but Trump and co. ignored it, accepting China's obvious lies. The CDCPPP could not only have verified his claims, but could have sounded the alarm earlier. (Think Brad Pitt in WWZ)

Trump calls the Chinese liars and thieves, then bases his policies on what they tell him with no method or effort to confirm it, then denies any responsibility?! Trump STILL called it the flu less than 1 month ago. Who is he blaming for hiding the truth from him until then?

bobknight33 said:

Trump was right from the beginning, Assembling a team , stopping china flights and starting preparations for this. The media countered with racist against China, Fool this is just another flu type event.

Now its 24hrs a day panic panic fear mongering from media and Trump should have prepared.

China lied and knew person to person spread back in mid December. The WHO carried the lies of China.

Dr Drew's Horrific Coronavirus Advice Compilation

bobknight33 says...

Trump was right from the beginning, Assembling a team , stopping china flights and starting preparations for this. The media countered with racist against China, Fool this is just another flu type event.

Now its 24hrs a day panic panic fear mongering from media and Trump should have prepared.

China lied and knew person to person spread back in mid December. The WHO carried the lies of China.

simonm (Member Profile)

Trump Just NUKED Democrats From Orbit With Hilarious Letter

newtboy says...

Best to investigate Trump and his cronies in real time, it minimizes the damage he can do. The investigations have already exposed numerous senator's insider trading attempts to profit from the pandemic. It's also revealed the reason Trump refused WHO tests and put us months behind S Korea...the company that makes the American test donated over $1.5 million to political campaigns this year. That must be why it was worth waiting months to get them at all and still be in short supply. They paid for the contract.

So, Democrats work hard to try to save the lives of their constituents, Trump, because he has nothing better to do besides play more golf, wrote a nasty political smear filled with ignorance and self congratulatory lies. Keep in mind, he's admitted he's so incompetent that his impeachment, which he claimed was a nothing burger, distracted him from having time to properly deal with Coronavirus....but he had plenty of time to golf.

Trump was pushed to enact a travel ban from China a month after the danger was clear to everyone with a brain, it was not him dragging the CDC like he claims, but he had dragged his feet so long that most airlines had cancelled those flights well before he acted....but not before numerous infected were here. January first he should have acted. That would have made a difference.

Trump called this a flu until it was too late, telling the nation there's no need to prepare through February. This led to panic when reality hit us hard.

Trump publicly said that if Democrats aren't nice enough to him his Whitehouse won't respond to their state. That's politics being played with millions of lives by Trump.

Trump has publicly told governors to go find supplies on their own, don't look to the Fed to procure and distribute necessary medical devices, then ordered the Fed to bid against those states for that same equipment. That's playing politics with citizens lives.

Trump STILL refuses to order a nation wide shelter in place order because he doesn't want any responsibility for one. That's playing politics.

Trump inexplicably didn't use the defense production act until last Friday, but he's used it reportedly hundreds of thousands of times to procure materials for the military....chemicals for missiles, materials for aircraft carriers, using the law to put the military orders first in line repeatedly. That's playing politics.

Trump reluctantly had ventilators sent to a few hard hit states, <5% of the numbers needed, but shipped broken units to Democratic states and told them they need to be appreciative (translation, kiss his ass on TV) or he won't send more. Again, playing politics with citizens lives.

Also don't forget Trump ended the CDC international pandemic detection program last September, months before the outbreak in China. This program was designed to detect and protect from New viral outbreaks, and would have given America a fighting chance to avoid any infections at all had it not been killed by Trump.

This kind of ignorant propaganda is exactly what I expect from @bobknight33. Using Trump's statements as if they're fact is incredibly dumb, Bobby. Even you admit the man doesn't tell the truth, you just prefer his divisive lies to the truth.

Hilarious you tag this philosophy, it's, it's not.....*lies , that's a proper tag. *facepalm
I would downvote, but this drivel isn't worth watching through. I was at my lie limit under one minute in.

BTW, someone should remind him, nuking them from orbit didn't stop the didn't even stop that outbreak of xenomorphs, it only exposed the ignorance of the Space Marines for thinking "nuke em" answers all problems. So dumb Bobby.

Trump Pretends He Never Compared Coronavirus to the Flu

newtboy says...

TL:DW- but Pence is now claiming all the "don't worry, everything's fine, it will just go away, it's not as bad as the average flu and flu shots are protection" talk from Trump was merely hundreds of thousands - millions of Americans will die because Trump was optimistic, and based his administration's actions on his optimistic and ignorant pie in the sky high hopes, not the reality he was being told from all sides back in 2019.
Odd, when Clinton based her actions/inactions on an optimistic estimate of the safety of our embassy based on actual intelligence reports, 99% of Republicans wanted her in prison until her public execution because her decisions cost American lives.

Who's optimism cost more American lives? To date, it's Clinton 4-Trump 5500 (expected to rise to a minimum of 100000-250000 in the coming weeks). Trump's optimism is going to be more deadly to America than 9-11, the Iraq war, and the Afghanistan war combined...10-25 times more dead by the most optimistic predictions based on 100% compliance with social distancing and no surprises.
Trump's incompetence has now risen to the level of being the deadliest man in America ever by far. If he's a wartime president like he's labeled himself, these are war crimes. String him up, string him up, string him up......

ant (Member Profile)

Anatomy of a Viral Lie, COVID-19

newtboy says...

Anyone handling it would be an improvement....even Trump. Biden or Bernie might have avoided it altogether, they certainly wouldn't have insisted there's nothing wrong and it will go away on it's own, just go back to work. *facepalm

Trump hasn't handed it yet, and he continues to contradict himself and his advisors constantly because he really believes he knows more than anyone about everything even though he honestly knows almost nothing, and while he continues to pat himself on the back for his amazing proactive actions in reality he's barely begun to react and continues to drag his feet on any action while claiming he's speeding ahead like Usain Bolt, and all far too late to avoid hundreds to tens of thousands of dead Americans.

Trump absolutely denied there was an issue until way too late, after being warned by all professionals that he was being reckless and ignorant (like assuming the flu vaccine would work against Coronavirus). Now he claims he was ahead of the curve as if video doesn't exist of his total lack of concern last week.

If the failures in Benghazi were a crime deserving of being locked up, the unquestionable failures here that will lead to thousands of civilians dead are worthy of an eradication of an entire blood line.

bobknight33 said:

This is nothing,except out of context biased video. Trump way on top of this.

Who would you rather be tackling his? Biden Bernie or Trump?

How Fox News has shifted its coronavirus rhetoric

luxintenebris says...

yeah. it's a blast when it's just talk and no consequences. it was just fun for them, now it's not. how sad for them.

there are predictions that this virus could last into the spring of next year. combine it w/the next flu season this fall and Fox just might have to carry on this tone for over a year.

from anger, venom, and spittle to careful, thoughtful, and measured words? geez. what a loss.

Infectious Disease Expert on the seriousness of Coronavirus

newtboy says...

Compared to the flu at 1.3, that's bad. I'll just have to hope it's on the low end of those estimates, only one order of magnitude worse than a bad flu at spreading, but it's looking worse already.

If a predicted up to (+-)114000000 dead worldwide (3% mortality if only 50% are infected) is the bright side, that's pretty horrific.

If you're right about hospitals being unprepared, and I think you are, the mortality rate will climb. The military should be building temporary medical/quarantine facilities now....and maybe cremation facilities. That was an issue in China.

bobknight33 said:

The rate of spread (Ro) is said to be between 2.5 and 4.

That is the same as saying X to power of 2.5 or 4.

Would be best to shut down any County that is infected. Nip it in the bud.

The infected guy in NC last week got it from Washington state old folks home, Now we have7 official cases and nest week we should be 20+

If we can slow down the rate of spread then the Hospitals can deal with this more effectively. I think this wont happen and facilities will be over burden is short order.

On the bright side this burn through the world in few months.
Hope we all are stand standing then.

Infectious Disease Expert on the seriousness of Coronavirus

newtboy says...

Today the WHO upgraded Coronavirus to "pandemic". (Only about a month after it matched the definition)
New numbers show it's actual mortality rate is likely around 3.4% , average flu mortality is as low as .05%. (Way more testing is needed to verify that 3.4% number)

What we don't know is the rate of transmission, but it appears to be exceptionally high.
What we also don't know is that infection leads to permanent immunity. There are numerous reported cases of people being released after treatment, testing negative, then getting infected again. It's rare, and may be due to poor testing, but just assuming you can only get it once is rolling the dice with life or death stakes. I had chicken pox twice...the common misconception is that's impossible.

Trump Keeps Lying About the Coronavirus Outbreak

Medicare for All: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

JiggaJonson says...

It's cheaper and works better than private insurance right now. That's good enough for me.

Let me put it to you this way, I brought my 77 year old grandma and my 90 year old aunt in for a flu shot and a checkup.

My aunt has Blue Cross and a supplemental insurance plan through her retirement but does not use medicare. Cost to her out of pocket for the visit $40 co-pay.

My grandma uses medicare. Cost to her out of pocket for the visit $0. No co-pay, nothing. Didn't open her purse.

One of those plans cost $200 a month to maintain. Guess which.

Mordhaus said:

I've seen how good medicare is. It really isn't good at all.

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