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Best Shirt Ever

Rick and Morty - Rick gave Morty a Lightsaber for Christmas.

newtboy says...

Holy crap….Roiland has been fired from Rick and Morty, and will be replaced for season 7-10!
This comes shortly after pre trial hearings over a 2020 domestic violence incident.

Antlions - amazing insect predators

ant (Member Profile)

Air show crash of F-16, pilot safely ejects

Air show crash of F-16, pilot safely ejects

Let's talk about Hannity not believing it for a second....

luxintenebris jokingly says...

w/his head in the sand? & after being up an orifice for years?

having a spiritual connection to the American version of the Reichstage Fire while supporting a thug as a demi-god & being Right yet not right for s o o o long?

cognitive dissonance can be brutal.

help us get him the help he needs...

newtboy said:

Does this mean you’re ready to answer the question about Ashley Babbitt?
You know you don’t get to ask any more questions (the answers to which you’ll ignore anyway) until you can answer at least ONE yourself.

Students Call Teachers By First Name!

cloudballoon says...

Ultimately the teacher's pen it's the mightest revenge of all. Fs all around, boys & girls! Right? But wait until the parents revolt and fire you for a thankless job.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

I love how you proved me right again by just going silent when, for the 7396th time I proved my statements correct and proved yours to be lies with direct unadulterated, non biased information direct from the source, in this case the courts, the DA’s filings, and the publicly available portions of transcripts of the MAGA terrorist’s confession.
You have never once returned that favor in all the years you’ve been here. Not once….because you can’t prove lies with facts. You come up with stupidity like “it was Pelosi’s gay lover, he’s not MAGA” because you don’t care a bit about truth, honesty, civility, facts, or honor, you just need to be the biggest rancid uncleaned douche bag possible at all times in every situation. How’s that working out for you? ROTFLMFAHS!!!

Treasonous Trump’s traitorous lawyer Stefan Passantino being prosecuted for, as a Trump White House lawyer, instructing administration employees to lie to the Jan 6 committee about nearly everything.
The lawyer informed them to claim they don’t recall when they absolutely did recall information, saying “they don’t know if you know, so it’s fine.”
Ba-da-dum dum dum….another one bites the dust.
He was fired for intimidating his “clients” who were testifying against Trump on behalf of Trump. He’s also charged with making lucrative employment offers to witnesses if they testified right, offers that were all withdrawn when they testified honestly.

He also took private privileged attorney client information and told opposing council (Trump’s other lawyers) in direct contradiction of his client’s stated wishes AND THE LAW.

Every move by Trump’s team is a crime, every statement a lie, every accusation an admission. You sure picked one hell of a losing team….you all must have gotten real tired of winning, because you really stopped doing it long ago.

More Making Attorneys Get Attorneys. The real MAGA….because MAGA is a criminal terrorist enterprise….and you’re part of it.

Bonus, Trump’s DOJ hid the reports on the privately built sections of border fence because they showed complete failure to follow any environmental laws and horrific construction techniques so bad portions were falling down before the assessment could be done. He had the reports hidden in order to give the “construction company” (fraud) a $1.7 billion contract to “build” more. All of what they built is so sub par it may need another $2-3 billion to remove it as trash before it falls into the Rio Grande and becomes a major river hazard and environmental disaster.
Just another in the never ending stream of grift and theft from Trump….this one alone cost well over $2 billion. Go on, whine about how much the Jan 6 committee cost and beg for Hunter to be investigated. Such a mindless braying moron you are.

Can’t wait for those taxes…I bet you any amount Trump’s worth exponentially less than he claims. Trump had the IRS break the law and not audit him, in direct contradiction of his claims and the law.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

You simply deny any source that isn’t far right propaganda lies, so why should I bother. Even straight up .gov statistics have been discarded by you if you don’t like them.
I linked a source. You can type “google” too, right? Or is it banned in Russia, comrade? How about the DA? Police? Court records? All agree, all say the same thing, so must all be fake hit pieces.
You utter moron. I think your IQ is well below my dogs. They at least learn quickly that I’m always protecting them, always steering them in the right direction, even when it’s uncomfortable for them. You would be left to burn in the barn, insisting it’s fake fire and trying to bite.

Yes, you earn an “S” for stupid…as usual. The best grade you’ve earned in your life. (Includes links to charges and affidavit) - Look at Page 5 paragraph a.

Prove me right and go silent or discount all 4. I know you have no choice as they prove my position conclusively and prove you 100% wrong.

bobknight33 said:

LA Times isn't a neutral paper -- Just a liberal rag.
I read the story but where is his actual post.

Just fake news unless its source is linked.
Just another fake news hit piece.

A for effort S for Stupid
GullibleBoy is you new name

JiggaJonson (Member Profile)

bobknight33 says...

150 and falling just like everything else. Fud not helping but a great time to buy... I still expect it to go lower. Im sitting in cash.. If I were to buy today I would pick up an extra 1500 shares. FYI TESLA firing on all cylinders 50% growth YoY expected. These opportunities only come around every decade or so. The 2020 Covid dip was also a great time to take advantage of . Did you? I did.

The globe is in a recession not just Tesla -- Compare to Amazon and see.
Average recession lasts 18 months. Q1/Q2 2023 will be worse.

Jan 6 hearings was 1 sided -- a circle jerk committee . I would be surprised id the "didn't" find anything to refusal......... Just BS

No biker gear-- that's newt and his Antifa buddies.

JiggaJonson said:

How's that tesla stock?

Criminal charges incoming for the disgraced trumps- now to find my comment where I predicted he'd be Nixon 2.0

Good luck with your nazi biker hockey gear (armor) friends.

Last Christmas I Gave You My Heart

newtboy says...

*doublepromote classic Xmas songs
Last Christmas
I gave you my heart
But the very next day you gave it away
This year
To save me from tears
I'll give it to someone special

Last Christmas
I gave you my heart
But the very next day you gave it away
This year
To save me from tears
I'll give it to someone special

Once bitten and twice shy
I keep my distance
But you still catch my eye
Tell me, baby
Do you recognize me?
Well, it's been a year
It doesn't surprise me

Happy Christmas

I wrapped it up and sent it
With a note saying "I love you"
I meant it
Now I know what a fool I've been
But if you kissed me now
I know you'd fool me again

Last Christmas
I gave you my heart
But the very next day you gave it away
This year
To save me from tears
I'll give it to someone special

Last Christmas
I gave you my heart
But the very next day you gave it away
This year
To save me from tears
I'll give it to someone special

Oh, oh, baby

A crowded room
Friends with tired eyes
I'm hiding from you
And your soul of ice
My god, I thought you were someone to rely on
Me? I guess I was a shoulder to cry on

A face on a lover with a fire in his heart
A man under cover, but you tore me apart
Now I've found a real love. You'll never fool me again

Last Christmas
I gave you my heart
But the very next day you gave it away
This year
To save me from tears
I'll give it to someone special

Last Christmas
I gave you my heart
But the very next day you gave it away
This year
To save me from tears
I'll give it to someone special

A face on a lover with a fire in his heart
I gave you my heart
A man under cover, but you tore him apart
Maybe next year I'll give it to someone—
I'll give it to someone special

I'll give it to someone—
I'll give it to someone special

Who give me something in return
I'll give it to someone—
Hold my heart and watch it burn
I'll give it to someone—

I'll give it to someone—
I'll give it to someone special

I thought you were here to stay
How could you love me for a day
I thought you were someone special

Gave you my heart

I'll give it to someone—
I'll give it to someone—

Last Christmas
I gave you my heart
You gave it away

I'll give it to someone—
I'll give it to someone—

Adorable Baby Girl Convinces "Wolves" To Howl! ...

Flagler County Sheriff welcomes would-be criminals

newtboy says...

When police act like police and not a sadistic criminal gang that murders and steals and rapes more than any other.

When police act like “to protect and serve” describes their obligations, not the obligations of the citizens they abuse.

When it becomes normal and safe for “good” cops to turn in bad cops, with the full support of the force instead of today’s MO where they get fired, ostracized, slandered, and often outright murdered by fellow police with out fear of prosecution.

(like the cop in LA killed “training” by the same group of police he was investigating for a group rape, set up by his superiors to be “trained” by them, in private, and not stopped when they put him in the hospital with broken ribs and multiple staples in his head 2 days before they killed him by breaking his neck (with his entire body covered in bruises, cuts, and severe lacerations)….being protected by the entire force today. This was in October. No charges pending, called a “training accident”, no investigation. This is not out of the ordinary one bit.)

When every neo Nazi, proud boy, boogaloo boy, and other actual terrorists are purged from the force, along with anyone ever fired from any police force for cause.

In short, when they return to being police, I will give them the respect they will have earned, that’s when …but they have turned from that and only earned scorn and hatred in the last 35+ years. There are no good cops today, just unending barrels of bad apples rotten to the core. Every good cop has been removed or turned into an accomplice. Every force a gang. Every chief a gang leader.

This is not news to you. If you could read, you would have read this response to the same question quite a few times. That you ask again only proves you simply don’t read answers, you just post dumb questions you think are insulting or dismissive. No wonder you know nothing.

bobknight33 said:

When will you take that chip off your shoulder?

Flagler County Sheriff welcomes would-be criminals

newtboy says...

Screw this rotten potato.
Should absolutely be fired.
Keep in mind, most people in jail have not been convicted of anything, and more often than not never are. Being arrested doesn’t make you a criminal or subhuman, despite his contentions to the contrary.

Prison isn’t for punishment, it’s for rehabilitation. He clearly thinks it’s for long term torture, which he clearly enjoys dishing out.

He better not EVER ask for more funding since he has enough to put together a $1200+ sign for his joke on taxpayer dollars. Cut his department’s funding by 25% now, and see if they still have too much and waste it on jokes only they find funny.

This guy needs to be sent to Maricopa jail and have his file lost, forced to eat green expired lunch meat while in a cell with 14 others designed to hold 4. If he doesn’t understand that he’s creating criminals then, send him to me, I’ll give him the treatment he deserves.

What a fuckwitted asshole. Someone shoot this sadistic fuck or frame his wife and children and put them in his torture chamber. No, on second thought just shoot him, he would probably enjoy torturing his family.

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