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5000 Firework Mortars

Student Moms For Liberty Founder Attacked Gets Last Laugh

newtboy says...

That’s a random non sequitur. What does that have to do with the blatant disgusting “not as I do” hypocrisy and total incompetence of Ziegler or the rape committed by her husband? Nothing.

Wanna finish your thought?
Or was that it…an incomplete thought/brain fart you just needed to get out? 🤦‍♂️

To be clear, your party absolutely believes being fired for being gay IS NOT WRONG. They fought hard and long to try to keep it legal to discriminate against citizens based on sexual orientation, and have not stopped trying since they lost that fight in the 80’s. You still fight constantly for the right to deny service based on sexual orientation. You yourself have equated homosexuality with active pedophilia and clearly it’s ok to fire someone for being a child sex abuser. Your logic and consistency are completely absent, because you don’t believe anything you say, you just need to spout nonsensical accusations constantly to feel better about yourself. 😂

I’m guessing you meant to say “being fired for having sex at work ISN’T.”? Do you think there’s anyone disagreeing? He was fired immediately without objections once discovered, what are you saying? More fighting paper tigers and windmills. Go Don Quixote!

bobknight33 said:

Being fired for being gay is wrong
Being fired for having sex while at work is.

Student Moms For Liberty Founder Attacked Gets Last Laugh

Israel-Hamas War: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

newtboy says...

Yesterday IDF forces murdered 3 hostages who were shirtless with hands up (so obviously unarmed) waiving white flags and begging for help in Hebrew. 2 shot to death immediately, the third shot to death after cease fire was called by the commander.
This is conclusive evidence that the IDF is targeting any living person including surrendering unarmed civilians, not Hamas. In fact, over half the 30000 bombs they have dropped are dumb bombs, and the smart bombs target hospitals, refugee camps, and caravans of refugees (anywhere civilians can be found in groups) 100% intentionally.

The world needs to wake up and eliminate expansionist Israel and the terrorist Zionists, every single one is a fascist murderer just like the Nazis and they deserve the same treatment.

Sadly, a huge percentage of the terroristic murderous “settlers” are American Jews, so don’t let anyone claim America isn’t to blame here, we not only cause the conflict, we fund it and arm the murderous side.

We deserve any blowback we get, no matter how big.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

More exposing highly classified documents by Trump…this time the entire multinational investigation into the massive election interference in 2016 by Russia (for his benefit and the nations detriment), including the highly classified methods and personnel we and our allies used to get information out of Russia …that was the highest level of classification, (so sensitive even the notes of agents who viewed it were kept in a secure safe in a secure area of the CIA) that Trump ordered copies of in the last days of his presidency and THOSE COPIES WENT MISSING AND ARE STILL UNACCOUNTED FOR (he obviously sold them to Putin so he could clear house just like the Saudis did, executing hundreds after paying Jared $2 billion).

This is ANOTHER top secret classified document scandal separate from the Maralago scandal of exposing classified documents to our enemies like China and Russia, another outright theft of our nations secrets that does major damage to our national security and our relationship with international allies who have more evidence Trump can’t be trusted with sensitive intelligence, more treason, and one more reason why Trump and his entire treasonous MAGA administration should be in front of a firing squad and not a teleprompter looking for votes and donations.

But I know, no amount of blatant undeniable treason could penetrate your blinders to convince you of Trump’s overwhelming guilt on at least 91 charges of treasonous activities, just as no amount of proof Joe never sold influence to anyone would ever convince you he’s not guilty of something. Facts simply don’t penetrate your thick skull…ever.

BSR (Member Profile)

Palestinian UN Ambassador At UN

newtboy says...

Hint- Not being 100% free of fear is no excuse for becoming the invading Nazis themselves. The Nazis used fear of the other as an excuse for expansionist inhumanity too….it’s not one.
Having lived through fascist oppression one would think they would be vehemently opposed to it, but they are instead relishing it.
Look at Netanyahu’s face when he talks about crushing and eradicating Palestinians, he’s really enjoying it.

If your group is suddenly being lambasted from all sides, you might consider why, not just whine that it’s unfair and scary. There’s good reason for rising anti Zionist sentiment today…and many on both sides aren’t bright enough to distinguish that from anti Jewish sentiment.

In some places, the six pointed star is the most prevalent symbol of murderous fascist hatred. Guaranteed it’s freshly painted on hundreds of flattened buildings today, many with dead children still inside. That’s a bit worse than a kid’s provocative tag under an overpass. Other recent instances include mosques burnt down and tagged with star of Davids. Don’t get it twisted, don’t excuse violence over fear.

bcglorf said:

If a hint is needed for why the 1940s immigration happened, folks all over western cities are spray painting logos right now to remind us all.

Link below is to my tiny province's capital, but it's hard to find cities that aren't seeing it swastika's popping up all over. The left is suddenly all soft though now on the punch a nazi policy...

BSR (Member Profile)

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Oof…even Republicans are so disgusted by her that Hoe-bert is being primaried by Republicans…even they are so sick of hypocritical MAGA they would prefer a Democrat, but are trying another Republican.
Luckily he is also failing, bringing in less than half her fundraising.
Her Democratic opponent is out fundraising her by a factor of 4.

Bonus - disgraced Trump “judge” Cannon has been smacked down hard in the records case by the 11th circuit stating there never was “equitable jurisdiction” for her to insert herself in the case, it didn’t pass the “Richey Test”, the standard to assert “equitable jurisdiction”. This ends the special master overseeing the documents, and likely ends the building a multi million dollar special SCIF at tax payer expense just for Trump so he doesn’t have to go a few miles to Miami where one already exists to view the documents HE STOLE.

Without her running interference, Trump’s treason case for theft of classified military secrets is going to loose bigly. Firing squad time! 😂

😂 Second bonus- Ivanka’s lawyers forgot to submit her sworn statements so now she is going to be forced to testify in open court against daddy in his $250000000 civil fraud case he already lost and is in the damages phase! 😂 couldn’t happen to a more deserving crime family! 😂

Off Duty Pilot Attempts To Crash Alaskan Airlines Plane

newtboy says...

The news said he took mushrooms days before the incident, trying to tie them together….nonsense. Mushroom trips last hours, not days.

They said he stood up and tried to pull the fire handles, which would have automatically shut down the engines, wrestled with the pilots until he was removed from the cockpit forcefully, then tried to open the emergency exit door and had to be restrained.
I have yet to hear his explanation, but in my estimation he tried twice to bring the plane down. He’s charged with over 180 attempted murder charges!

eric3579 said:

Sounds like the dude momentarily lost his shit. Doesn't sound like he tried to "crash the plane". As of now, I haven't heard that that anywhere.

Child dragged by school bus in Kentucky

newtboy jokingly says...

$5 MIL!!! I’m going back to school! I got nothing for being kicked down the bus stairs, or intentionally dumped at the wrong stop, or after driving through a flood to the flooded school after a hurricane with water all the way up the bus steps, or that time the driver was drunk and got fired. Things sure are different than in the 70’s.

Seatbelts? We don’t have no seatbelts. We don’t need no seatbelts! WE DON’T HAVE TO SHOW YOU ANY STINKING SEATBELTS!

BSR said:

If the bus driver had to slam on the brakes the guy standing in the aisle would probably go through windshield. To hell with seatbelts!

Also, Family of girl dragged by JCPS school bus gets nearly $5M in settlement. Bazinga!

DragonForce - Power of the Triforce (Official Video)

DragonForce - Power of the Triforce (Official Video)

DragonForce - Power of the Triforce (Official Video)

1/10 Americans lack access 2 adequate food eating challenges

BSR says...

So in the title they used a "2" in place of "to". That sure saved time, space and energy. This is the kind of stuff that makes me want to rip my hair out and set myself on fire!

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