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LOST In 3 Minutes, Explained on Post-Its.

dannym3141 says...

The way lost ended was a huge distraction to try and stop people realising it was a cop-out of everything they'd built up.

I actually think that they had a plot originally which worked and was concise, even if it wasn't mind blowing it made sense and wasn't a disappointment. Then it became popular, so they extended it and so they had to add a lot of things in. People enjoyed the mysteries so they threw a lot of mysterious stuff in.

Entire internet communities sprung up of people fascinated by attempting to solve these mysteries. Many theories came and went and people got so into it you'd barely believe some of the theories. The creators kept getting asked about these theories and they kept saying "Nope! That's not right either!"

They assured people it would be scientifically sound (which people still believed even though it was obviously a lie) and they assured people there would be no time travel (which there was).

All these die-hard people kept insisting they'd come true on their word - they invested hours of their time into arguing that they WOULD NOT BE LET DOWN!!!!

So the end comes, and big surprise the creators were unable to link everything. They left hundreds (literally) of loose ends. Mysteries that people had tried for weeks to solve that they ignored and swept under the carpet, or gave an answer which wasn't an answer (ie. This mysterious magical chair that cures baldness, how did it come to be!?!?!?! This magical elf built it with his magical hammer. And so you wonder where the hammer/elf came from, and so on.)

To distract the die-harders who had invested so much time into solving the mysteries and insisting there would be an answer and a fulfilling ending to the show, they threw in some stuff about them all moving on together in order to give everyone a feel-good factor which distracts them from the fact that 90% of the stuff you were told or shown throughout the entire thing was superfluous and irrelevant to the plot.

The shows defenders are now involved in a bitter forum battle. Every time someone expresses their displeasure at the show or its ending, they post saying "It was all about the characters, it's a character driven story, you enjoyed the ride and that's the point!" We may as well have been issued with their CV's then, if character development is the only important thing in any given story.

But it is of course the ultimate excuse. I'd ask them "Well, why don't you just finish it arbitrarily in the middle of a season? Why bother with ANY ending if the characters are all that matter?" But i don't think they'd get my point.

Grandpa Jones - The Banjo Am The Instrument For Me

Puppet fun on the Late Late Show starring Lauren Graham

Weed? At a concert??

Abel_Prisc says...

I recommend going to a White Stripes concert to anyone who enjoys their music, because their audience is the strangest blend of people I've ever seen, all of whom are stoned out of their minds by the end of the show.

You've got old-time cowboys who enjoy their twangy country angle, hipsters, soccer moms and children who enjoy the fact that they're on MTV, potheads, etc etc, the list goes on and on. Pretty much any type of person at any age can be found there. All stoned.

Plus, they put on an amazing show. But that's besides the point.

Hubble's Successor: The James Webb Space Telescope

shole says...

>> ^MaxWilder:
I love the end where they show off its specs like an unlockable weapon or vehicle in a video game.

they even used some of the same sounds as in terminator: future shock

i wonder if they'll shoot it straight to it's destination or park it on orbit for assembly first
being such a complicated and precise instrument, and knowing all the trouble we went through with hubble, i would think it dumb to launch it and just trust that it will work

Hubble's Successor: The James Webb Space Telescope

David Letterman- Dave's Advice To NBC

Lodurr says...

It's not Leno that wants the old timeslot back; the NBC execs are moving him because his 10pm show was getting complaints from affiliates that there wasn't enough of a lead-in audience for their crappy local news. I think part of the reason is that when there's crappy crime drama before the crappy local news, people watch until the very end to see the conclusion to the crappy plot, and then might continue watching that station when the news comes on. Whereas Leno's show, like most talk shows, gets all the good material out in the first half and the second half is skippable. They tried to take care of that problem before it started by moving Jay's better segments to the end of the show--Headlines, Jaywalking--but that resulted in low ratings overall for the show and so they moved it back to the beginning.

I think the problem here is the local news programs. The whole situation is like a stadium changing their game schedule because the hot dog vendors weren't happy. The local news needs to make a better product and trim the fat on their budget to make it through some lean times. Right now they're addicted to a free ride.

Food Ad Tricks - Making A Commercial Burger

Winstonfield_Pennypacker says...

That may be true, but they're selling exactly what you see. They sell the unrealistic experience.

TV invites you to be a vicarious, passive participant in fiction. The viewer exchanges their time to escape into the experience. In the end, the TV show provides them nothing in return except a temporary cessation of reality. A TV commercial is a 30 second TV show. Like a TV show or movie, you are temporarily supplied with an artificial reality. In this fake reality, everyone is smiling and happy - the setting is perfect - and the food all looks fantastic. Commercials are escapism that do not reflect real life. Everyone knows that.

The only difference here is that in an ad, there is an actual real-world product out there. When a vendor invites you to go visit the local francise and buy a burger there is no implication that you'll be getting the same experience you had in the artificial reality of their ad. I don't expect Ronald McDonald to appear out of nowhere and do tricks. I don't expect hilarious shenanigans to bust my gut when I buy a soft drink. I don't expect a supermodel behind the counter at the car dealership. All they're doing is telling you that you can exchange a few real-life dollars for a real-life product. The artificial reality of the ad accomplishes nothing more except a temporary escape, and then after that you are simply 'aware' that the product exists if you want to buy it. I see nothing wrong with that.

Why Star Trek: Enterprise failed (Blog Entry by jwray)

Sarzy says...

Yeah, T'Pol's whole presence there was pretty blatantly for sex-appeal, though towards the end of the show her character started to get a lot more interesting (unlike the other Star Trek sex-appeal character, Seven of Nine, who was a shitty character from her first episode to her last). If I had to rank the Star Trek shows, it would look something like this:

1. TNG
2. DS9
3. TOS
4. Enterprise
5. Voyager

Reality TV Show to Convert Atheists

potchi79 says...

Not sure about the popular attitudes in Turkey, but I'm afraid if something like this ever aired in the US it would feature faux Atheists who "saw the light" at the end of most shows. A real atheist could not be convinced because they're familiar with the common arguments and circular logic used by religious types.

It naturally follows that someone who is atheist is extremely familiar with logic and reasoning, and has considered all the arguments for the existence of god and found them lacking. Atheism is the conclusion of reasoning, not some random thing people decide they are one day.

Do the Mario!

Driver takes a chance

British vs American News Anchors

So Battlestar Galactica is Over. Thoughts? (Scifi Talk Post)

swampgirl says...

That made me LOL. HATERS heheh...I love raw venting

>> ^alien_concept:
"And gwiz, what the frak is that, equating Lost and BSG?... You are dead to me"
How is hoping an ending of one show isn't as crap as this one equating it??
Fuck off EDD Lost will surely surpass this bullshit! Fuck off alllll you haters! I hate you!

Lost better have a great finale

So Battlestar Galactica is Over. Thoughts? (Scifi Talk Post)

alien_concept says...

"And gwiz, what the frak is that, equating Lost and BSG?... You are dead to me"

How is hoping an ending of one show isn't as crap as this one equating it??

Fuck off EDD Lost will surely surpass this bullshit! Fuck off alllll you haters! I hate you!

Lost better have a great finale

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