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Maddow: Fox News Fabrication Works Again

TangledThorns says...

They fired her without any kind of investigation. Even though Sherrod is a die hard liberal Obama supporter she should still sue.

The Obama WH is has shown nothing but failure this past Summer. From a out of control oil spill, firing a general during war time, and now firing a woman who shouldn't of been. Just shows that America elected a very inexperienced person for the job.

UFC 116: Brock Lesnar vs Shane Carwin

highdileeho says...

>> ^GenjiKilpatrick:
>> ^highdileeho:
As a boxing fan, I can't enjoy heavyweight mma fights. It lacks the presicion and discipline that I'm used to. I'll watch a good boxing match over a the best mma fights any day. That's not to say i'm an mma hater, I just think that boxing has it's own place, and it's a shame that the younger generation has seemed to have forgoten how awesome a sport boxing is:

Great, this argument again.
Explain how being FORCED to stand directly in front of someone as you wing haymakers at each other takes anymore precision or discipline than what you see in mma.
Boxing is to MMA as Firing pin is to Gun.
It's less dynamic, the action is less aesthetically appealing, and it's just as brutal as mma.
No one forgot how awesome boxing was. We all just remember how boring it is.
Brock Lesnar is an awful fighter. That's why you can't stand to watch this fight.
Watch Anderson Silva. Urijah Faber.
If you still think boxing has something on mma you're no doubt a die hard fanboy.
Which is fine.
Just remember to tell your friends at the geriatric ward to refrain from using such a poor argument.

Look I still enjoy boxing as well as mma, but the argument that it's boring is pretty weak. How quickly you forgot about the last ufc in the spring, and this fight only looks marginaly more appealing. I remember hearing all the ufc fans bitching about wasting their money on those matches in the spring because it was a bunch of boring fights. The standup talent isn't anywhere near the level of boxing. Is all i'm going to say and if you can't see that then your not as smart as you would like people to believe, with your pompus arrogant attitude. And the reason they were throwing haymakers was because they had to fight A 10 round match, (something mma athletes are not physiclly capable of)they were completly exhausted but the match was too close for either fighter to sit back and wait for a desicion...if you weren't able to understand that about fighting/boxing then i really don't know why i'm wasting my time, because you don't even know what your talking about. mma is a good sport. I can appreciate all of the disciplines, my favorite fighter is emilionenko-- i'm not spell checking that name--, and my favorite style is sambo, it's far and away the best fighting discipline. My point is mma needs to step up it's standup game it's sloppy. the announcers were getting all excited about grazing uppercuts and slow sloppy jabs, and if kids start thinking that those punches are something to get excited about then were are going to see much more crappy, boring, amateur hour, fights. and lose all of our muhhamad ali's, tysons, aruro gattis, roberto durans, and all the rest of the truly great stand up artists. they will be replaced by 500 lb slabs of meat who can barely lift their arms to throw a punch, ask them to throw 200 punches and theyre fat, meaty heads will explode at the notion that it is possible.

UFC 116: Brock Lesnar vs Shane Carwin

NordlichReiter says...

Great this argument again. As a boxer you aren't forced to stand in front of your opponent, you endeavor to flank your opponent. The same way you would endeavor to flank your opponent in MMA.

There is a difference from Prize Fighting and Amateur Boxing. One is point based (like fencing) and one is more for show. Hay-makers in Amateur boxing score the same as jab punches; points are scored based on skill. Knockdowns are key in Prizefighting, and there's money involved.

Prize fighting usually is not a show of skill, more a show of balls out slugging. I'd rather watch two guys go at it with swords and nets. Instead of watching some guys roll around on the floor, or just hammer away at each other.

Every now and then there is someone who makes boxing interesting to watch. Most of them are counter punching defensive fighters. People who can bob, weave, slip, and catch; then counter.

Remember, they're fucking sports. So who gives a shit as long as you enjoy watching two flop-dicks pounding each other.

>> ^GenjiKilpatrick:

>> ^highdileeho:
As a boxing fan, I can't enjoy heavyweight mma fights. It lacks the presicion and discipline that I'm used to. I'll watch a good boxing match over a the best mma fights any day. That's not to say i'm an mma hater, I just think that boxing has it's own place, and it's a shame that the younger generation has seemed to have forgoten how awesome a sport boxing is:

Great, this argument again.
Explain how being FORCED to stand directly in front of someone as you wing haymakers at each other takes anymore precision or discipline than what you see in mma.
Boxing is to MMA as Firing pin is to Gun.
It's less dynamic, the action is less aesthetically appealing, and it's just as brutal as mma.
No one forgot how awesome boxing was. We all just remember how boring it is.
Brock Lesnar is an awful fighter. That's why you can't stand to watch this fight.
Watch Anderson Silva. Urijah Faber.
If you still think boxing has something on mma you're no doubt a die hard fanboy.
Which is fine.
Just remember to tell your friends at the geriatric ward to refrain from using such a poor argument.

GenjiKilpatrick (Member Profile)

triumphtigercub says...

Nice points. People should know the fight game.

In reply to this comment by GenjiKilpatrick:
>> ^highdileeho:

As a boxing fan, I can't enjoy heavyweight mma fights. It lacks the presicion and discipline that I'm used to. I'll watch a good boxing match over a the best mma fights any day. That's not to say i'm an mma hater, I just think that boxing has it's own place, and it's a shame that the younger generation has seemed to have forgoten how awesome a sport boxing is:

Great, this argument again.

Explain how being FORCED to stand directly in front of someone as you wing haymakers at each other takes anymore precision or discipline than what you see in mma.

Boxing is to MMA as Firing pin is to Gun.
It's less dynamic, the acion is less aesthetically appealing, and it's just as brutal as mma.

No one forgot how awesome boxing was. We all just remember how boring it is.

Brock Lesnar is an awful fighter. That's why you can't stand to watch this fight.

Watch Anderson Silva. Urijah Faber.
If you still think boxing has something on mma you're no doubt a die hard fanboy.

Which is fine.
Just remember to tell your friends at the geriatric ward to refrain from using such a poor argument.


UFC 116: Brock Lesnar vs Shane Carwin

GenjiKilpatrick says...

>> ^highdileeho:

As a boxing fan, I can't enjoy heavyweight mma fights. It lacks the presicion and discipline that I'm used to. I'll watch a good boxing match over a the best mma fights any day. That's not to say i'm an mma hater, I just think that boxing has it's own place, and it's a shame that the younger generation has seemed to have forgoten how awesome a sport boxing is:

Great, this argument again.

Explain how being FORCED to stand directly in front of someone as you wing haymakers at each other takes anymore precision or discipline than what you see in mma.

Boxing is to MMA as Firing pin is to Gun.
It's less dynamic, the action is less aesthetically appealing, and it's just as brutal as mma.

No one forgot how awesome boxing was. We all just remember how boring it is.

Brock Lesnar is an awful fighter. That's why you can't stand to watch this fight.

Watch Anderson Silva. Urijah Faber.
If you still think boxing has something on mma you're no doubt a die hard fanboy.

Which is fine.
Just remember to tell your friends at the geriatric ward to refrain from using such a poor argument.


Seattle officer punches girl in face during jaywalking stop

NordlichReiter says...

I was always told if you have to put your hands someone at the hard physical force level (force continuum) you are probably arresting them at that point. Cop should turned her around and cuffed the woman and tossed her into the back of the car.

Here's what I think happened. Officer went to ticket woman for jay walking, woman was pissed about it. Got loud, or threatening, which can be interpreted as simple assault. The rest is on camera.

Police Humor, which you can see Bruce Willis do on Live Free Die Hard, he says something to the fake dispatch about 587s, which means for that movie, naked people. The best code you want to hear is "Uh, Dispatch we got a boatload of 314s. Going to need backup, copy?" Which means, generally, there's a boat load of naked people. 314 is the California penal code for when someone exposes themselves in public, or for public view, generally someone naked in a place they should not be naked at.

LOST In 3 Minutes, Explained on Post-Its.

dannym3141 says...

The way lost ended was a huge distraction to try and stop people realising it was a cop-out of everything they'd built up.

I actually think that they had a plot originally which worked and was concise, even if it wasn't mind blowing it made sense and wasn't a disappointment. Then it became popular, so they extended it and so they had to add a lot of things in. People enjoyed the mysteries so they threw a lot of mysterious stuff in.

Entire internet communities sprung up of people fascinated by attempting to solve these mysteries. Many theories came and went and people got so into it you'd barely believe some of the theories. The creators kept getting asked about these theories and they kept saying "Nope! That's not right either!"

They assured people it would be scientifically sound (which people still believed even though it was obviously a lie) and they assured people there would be no time travel (which there was).

All these die-hard people kept insisting they'd come true on their word - they invested hours of their time into arguing that they WOULD NOT BE LET DOWN!!!!

So the end comes, and big surprise the creators were unable to link everything. They left hundreds (literally) of loose ends. Mysteries that people had tried for weeks to solve that they ignored and swept under the carpet, or gave an answer which wasn't an answer (ie. This mysterious magical chair that cures baldness, how did it come to be!?!?!?! This magical elf built it with his magical hammer. And so you wonder where the hammer/elf came from, and so on.)

To distract the die-harders who had invested so much time into solving the mysteries and insisting there would be an answer and a fulfilling ending to the show, they threw in some stuff about them all moving on together in order to give everyone a feel-good factor which distracts them from the fact that 90% of the stuff you were told or shown throughout the entire thing was superfluous and irrelevant to the plot.

The shows defenders are now involved in a bitter forum battle. Every time someone expresses their displeasure at the show or its ending, they post saying "It was all about the characters, it's a character driven story, you enjoyed the ride and that's the point!" We may as well have been issued with their CV's then, if character development is the only important thing in any given story.

But it is of course the ultimate excuse. I'd ask them "Well, why don't you just finish it arbitrarily in the middle of a season? Why bother with ANY ending if the characters are all that matter?" But i don't think they'd get my point.

So, last night's Lost... (Blog Entry by Sarzy)

dystopianfuturetoday says...

^I bumped into some pretty angry Lost fans at my gig today. The writers should open up a Q&A forum online and answer all the unanswered questions. They owe it to the die-hard fans. Maybe they could even make some kind of video addendum to tack on to the series. I'm sure people would tune in.

Freedom of speech should only go so far? (Philosophy Talk Post)

gwiz665 says...

Freedom of Speech and Expression is only meant to protect you from censorship from the government. It is not absolute, as much as people would like to think that. It does not mean that I can say anything I want in any venue and not expect repercussions. For instance, if I walk through the bronx with a "I hate niggers" sign like in Die Hard 3 - the government has no right to tell me not to do it, but I can be damn sure to get my ass beaten up or worse for doing it. So in a way, it's a bit about moderation too - use your freedom of speech reasonably. Ultimately, freedom of speech always trumps the "freedom to not be offended" - we don't have that.

Fundamentally, freedom of speech one of the basic rights that make a good, prosperous and fair society.

To not be hypocrites, we have to let people have their opinions and express them, even if we don't agree with them. That means, the Nazis, the Stalins, the Muslims, the Atheists, the Workers, the Evangelicals and so on all have the right to say what they want, but that we also have the right to criticize what they say. Agreeing that someone has a right to say something, does not mean agreeing with what they say.

The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Use Their Weapons

Page boy faints at a wedding, takes the steps down to floor

Mercury passing in front of the Sun - Scene from "Sunshine"

Drax says...

For the record... SE7EN, The Game, Fight Club and Die Hard are all movies I've watched all the way through with commentary on. Yes.. I consider Die Hard one of the best movies ever made : p especially at the time.

...and David Fincher is a badass.

Brittany Murphy just died - Here's why I will miss her

aspartam says...

Wow, that's a *quality burn if I ever heard one. No matter how often she said she was kidding, she could never take that back. I'm sure that put a smile on Mr. Die Hard's face as well. ZING

Unreported World: The Battle for Israel's Soul

shimfish says...

>> ^demon_ix:
>> ^shimfish:
Which Israel is this exactly? It must be a different Israel from the one where the "ultra-orthodox" parties have only 16 out of 120 seats in the parliament.

Oh, the Ultra-Orthodox parties (Shas and Yahadut Ha'tora) "only" have 16 seats, but they're still the fifth and sixth largest parties. Add Mafdal (Habayit Hayehudi they're called now) and parties that define themselves by their religion first and their political agenda second have 19 seats, which make up %16 of the Knesset.
Other interesting stats: Of the last 10 governments (as listed in the official Knesset website), Shas has been a member of 8, Mafdal (National Religious Party) has been a member of 6, and the only government that had no religious parties at all was the 26th, which was only that way because Shas left. It lasted for 8 long months.
This is the Israel I'm talking about.

So "huge portion" == 16% and the *fifth* largest party. And that includes a non-chareidi party.

And a country that, at least according to this massively accurate documentary, has 56% "religious" (which to clarify, means everyone who isn't a die-hard athiest) population almost always has a religious party making up its proportional representation government?

Where's this cool, calculated, secular level-headedness that I've heard so much about?

I guess there's only one way to fight fear and hatred. And that's with fear and hatred.

Atheism commercial

gwiz665 says...

>> ^peggedbea:
^ no.
money, power, territory, control (and the backlash of those oppressed by power and control) are the CAUSES of war. religion is simply the motivator. and the means used to manipulate underlings into fighting the wars.
religion= a means for control. power is the ends, money is power and territory is money.

So? Religion is as much an instigator as anything else. You can make steps back and find a cause for most things as something more basic. Two opposed religions can easily be the sole reason for a war, but there are often many factors as you yourself point out: power, territory, money. My point was that religion is one of the causes for war, "a cause" instead of "the cause". And what point are you really trying to make? That religion should be left alone because it's just caught in the middle? That's stupid.

Usually the people in power are not stupid enough to be die-hard believers and indeed are after power instead of "doing the will of God", but wars are not only fought by those people, they are fought by all the uninformed masses who march on believing the have god on their side, "fighting the good fight", in their heads the religion is as much a cause for the war as anything else. This is something the we should actively try to destroy. If they don't believe they are right no matter what, then wars can be avoided.

Like westy says, religion can be used to justify atrocities easily, and have been many times already. Removing it from the equation certainly wouldn't hurt.

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