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2009 Presidential Inauguration Liveblog (Politics Talk Post)

Atheists launch bus ad campaign in UK

spoco2 says...

>> ^Xax:
Yes, if by awesome you mean childish and petty.

Why is this childish and petty pray tell? It says 'probably', it gives a positive message, it doesn't promise an afterlife in eternal hell like the others. It doesn't espouse it's views to be THE right views... it just presents a thought and says be happy.

That's it. If religious people get annoyed by this then why can't us atheists get really annoyed at ALL the religious signs and bumper stickers and the like that say the 'lord is our saviour' or the like? Hmmm? Why can religion have those but us not have some light hearted ads like this? They're non combative, non aggressive, non threatening (unless you're super insecure in your faith)... so really, what is your problem?

The Al Qaeda and Osama Bin Laden Myth

12622 says...

Thanks for bringing this up again. It's funny. People opposed to truth seeking pieces such as this get very annoyed when "9-11 Truth" type info gets discussed. But these are the same people that run "Never Forget" bumper stickers on their cars.

You are damn right I'll never forget.

Apple Introduces Revolutionary New Laptop With No Keyboard

dag says...

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If this wasn't The Onion I probably would have been fooled for a little bit. Epic.

"I'll buy anything if it's shiny and made by Apple." - that's me.

I want an "I'm a Mac douchebag" bumper sticker.

GOP picked the wrong candidate for president

rottenseed says...

Ron Paul's problem was he didn't have any bumper sticker slogans or ideals. Everything said was long-winded (which it should be). Unfortunately, here in the states we have a short attention span.

CA Prop 8 is Hate. (Religion Talk Post)

kagenin says...

>> ^Eklek:
Thanks or sharing your story! A real slice of life..
When I read about the "treatment" of homosexuality at the time, I reminded the lifestory of Alan Turing..

Thank you VERY much for mentioning Alan Turing, one of the brightest minds of his era, a life tragically cut short before we could see what other potential he might have been capable of. He's nothing short of a hero who's contributions to technology sparked the information age we live in today. It sickens me that he was persecuted for his notion of love, despite making contributions to the world that helped end the largest conflict in history to date.

>> ^NordlichReiter:
One thing that can be done now, to ease the pain of marriage woes, is to seek Civil Union, its marriage under a different name.

My gripe with "Civil Unions" is that it's proponents aim for it to be a "Separate but Equal" institution. The Supreme court found "Separate" to be inherently "not equal" during the Civil Rights era. While I appreciate the notion as a step in the right direction, it's not a big enough step to satisfy my desire for real equality.

Thanks again for the kind words, everyone. I'm really glad to see so many free-thinkers here on the sift. I'm still bummed to see so many "Yes on 8" signs and bumper-stickers on the road, though, but I just have to keep telling myself that it is they who are in the minority on this issue, and hope that those who feel the same way as I do will exercise their vote to reflect it.

BillO, try not to drink too much haterade, that stuff is bad for you.

Ashley Todd goes to Jail

China criticises US on human rights record !

imstellar28 says...

I can't think of one thing why China would be a better country to live in than the USA, if you aren't a leader of the party that is.

Ever been to China? how about outside north America? How about this, the people from china aren't self-righteous high-horse riders pushing their diseased philosophies down other peoples throats. Last I checked the USA was more socialist than China and China had a better economy.

We're free you say, and they aren't? Then why do we pay higher taxes than they do if they are the communists? Ever look at Chinese tax law? Didn't think so. If we are the "free" country with "democratically elected officials" supporting a "rule of law" why are you voluntarily creating a country thats worse than a communist dictatorship?

Whats worse, people who live under oppression by force, or people who live under oppression voluntarily? Maybe you need to re-think that USA #1 bumper sticker you've got.

What the hell is going on here? (Blog Entry by NetRunner)

davidraine says...

>> ^Farhad2000:
The acts of a few does not reflect the views of the many.
You wouldn't have heard about this if it didn't have OBAMA sprayed on the side. It's simply an act of vandals not political revolutionaries.

Then why go to all the trouble to tear the Obama '08 bumper sticker off the back yet leave the others alone? I'll agree that it's simply an act of vandals, but they seem to be politically motivated vandals.

The McCain-Palin Mob

B A N N E D R E D A C T E D-Dedicated to Westy (Art Talk Post)

laura says...

Two new 'insider joke' bumper sticker ideas:

"I ♥ Choggie"
"Some people are like slinkies. Utterly useless, but they bring a smile to your face when pushed down the stairs."

Project on that what you will.

VP Debates Webcast live on the New York Times (Election Talk Post)

jonny says...

Agreed rougy - I thought Biden let her off easy on too many points. The coaching on his side must have believed the BS about him looking like a bully or sexist if he really went after her.

>> ^Farhad2000:
>> ^jonny:
farhad - I think you may have reverse beer goggles on. You're assuming that the average voter in the US is more concerned with Biden's command of facts and issues versus Palin's hockey mom charm. No doubt Biden kicked her ass on substantive points, but she often was able to successfully retort with bumper sticker slogans (thanks SG - that's a great line - hmmm, BSG 9000?).

Oh yea I forgot. Most Americans are simpletons and pick their heads of state based on whether or not they would like to have a beer with them.

I'm not sure if you're being sarcastic or not. No, most Americans are not simpletons, and they also know that no one has all the answers. That's why it is easier to lead them towards a "straight-talker" instead of a policy wonk. When someone comes off as a know-it-all, it doesn't ring true, because everyone knows better. Individually, they may not have any coherent response to a particular issue, but anyone that comes across as "I know all about this stuff better than you" is viewed with great suspicion. Look at GWB's first presidential campaign. Or Reagan versus Carter.

And that goes back to rougy's point about Biden not clobbering her when he could have. He would have come off as "Mr. Smarty-pants", and she would have been the darling with good sense and decent values.

VP Debates Webcast live on the New York Times (Election Talk Post)

Farhad2000 says...

>> ^jonny:
farhad - I think you may have reverse beer goggles on. You're assuming that the average voter in the US is more concerned with Biden's command of facts and issues versus Palin's hockey mom charm. No doubt Biden kicked her ass on substantive points, but she often was able to successfully retort with bumper sticker slogans (thanks SG - that's a great line - hmmm, BSG 9000?).

Oh yea I forgot. Most Americans are simpletons and pick their heads of state based on whether or not they would like to have a beer with them.

VP Debates Webcast live on the New York Times (Election Talk Post)

jonny says...

farhad - I think you may have reverse beer goggles on. You're assuming that the average voter in the US is more concerned with Biden's command of facts and issues versus Palin's hockey mom charm. No doubt Biden kicked her ass on substantive points, but she often was able to successfully retort with bumper sticker slogans (thanks SG - that's a great line - hmmm, BSG 9000?).

shuac, I think if you look at the replay, she fumbled at least a couple of times, but tended to recover. So, unless you think it's a disaster that she didn't implode, then I give advantage to Biden. But not a big one.

I think the big question for Palin is can she now go out on the campaign trail and keep this up. It was the same question after her acceptance speech, for which she was also heavily coached. She failed to impress already on her own, and I think she will again if they let her.

VP Debates Webcast live on the New York Times (Election Talk Post)

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