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Kicked Out of Class for Saying There are Two Genders

BSR says...

"Keep off my pen.
This is my quill, and this is my pen. This one's for writing, and this one's for sin."

Brilliant! I love it.

But death calls now, gotta run.

EDIT: You hold on to that pen as tight as you can. But you may want to buy another one just...

newtboy said:

First, I said that about his arguments....but I'm not saying it DOESN'T apply to the person.

1) Second, those are my informed opinions, not stated flatly as fact, not repeated as facts. You know no, it doesn't apply.

2) Discussing anything with Bob is never self serving, it's a distasteful public service. Using verifiable fact to contradict nonsense proffered as fact is a civil responsibility, not an enjoyable privilege.

Keep off my pen.
This is my quill, and this is my pen. This one's for writing, and this one's for sin.

Animated Commentary - American Football - Superbowl special

Innovative Way To Load Car into Truck

Honest Government Ad | Climate Change Policy

bobknight33 says...

Blaming Mountain Dew drinkers as radicals.
Brilliant logic buddy.

Nope. We have folks that believe in the Constitution and see it being ignored by 1/2 people and the Democratic party is right there trying to tear it down. Flaws and all, this is still the greatest country in the world and your side wants to destroy it.

So when 1 proud American snaps, Its understandable, not tolerable and they should be punished.

When your side steps out, all is OK. They are advancing the cause. No punishment should be taken.

newtboy said:

Lol. Math....not your friend. That's around .00013 people.

I would conservatively estimate in the U.S. around 1% (around 1,300,000) of self described "conservatives" fully support the multiple right wing terroristic murderers at least privately, and depending on how much mountain dew they've had, between .01 - .0001% (approximately 13000-130) are anxiously awaiting their opportunity to get away with being one.

Name the terroristic murdering lefties from the last year, please.

A Better Way to Tax the Rich

newtboy says...

There you go....the best way to stop people from hoarding wealth is to only tax them when they spend it....brilliant.

surfingyt said:

Don't give the crack addict more crack.

Simple solution: remove entire tax code and implement a high universal sales tax.

Hail Satan?-Trailer

diego says...

im gonna butt in here with my 2 cents

they are miscommunicating intentionally for attention, but thats what makes it a brilliant propaganda/publicity play. they are turning christianity symbolism against it using the same perks and loopholes churches use to parody and provoke their beliefs. If they came out in suits and said none of us believe in satan this is all just a joke it wouldnt have the same effect. is that any different than many christians who go to church and identify themselves as but dont really believe or follow the supposed teachings?

Can You Trust Kurzgesagt Videos?

The Coathangers - Fu*k The NRA

Januari says...

That's brilliant bob, really well thought out. If by 'bigger problem' you mean they are both horrible, corrupt and terrible for society (the NRA wasn't always) then I guess maybe, but I think anyone who is accustomed to your... I guess 'arguments', knows that isn't what you meant.

bobknight33 said:

Malleable elected politicians who line their pockets instead of enacting true gun reforms are the bigger problem, not the NRA.

Starship Troopers - What's the Difference?

Stormsinger says...

Brilliant? OMG, I want some of what you've been smoking!

That was a piss-poor movie that created supposed links to an amazing classic of science fiction. It was barely watchable, but I wouldn't have felt so cheated had it had the decency to stand on its own and not try to steal an audience based on an unrelated book.

Old Guy Takes Down Two Big Trees

Stormsinger says...

The only time we ever cut a tree, we were shocked at how far it "jumped" with the final cut. The base of the trunk flew at least 12-15 feet, coming -way- too close to the truck supplying the tension. That pulley allowing the truck to supply tension from a different direction is nothing short of brilliant. If only youtube had been available in the 70s, we too could have been smart.

Six-String Soldiers - Wish You Were Here (Acoustic Cover)

Squirrel Obstacle Course

StukaFox says...

Squirrels are stupidly determined little fuckers when it comes to nuts.

I used to have a bar fridge out on my patio and one day, I threw a bag of peanuts into it because it seemed like a good idea at the time. Anyway, the next day I came out onto the patio and the fridge door was open and the nuts were gone. The little bastards actually chewed through the soft magnetic strip holding the door closed and managed to get the door open and abscond with my hard-earned nuts.

I got even, 'tho -- kinda.

On the corner of our block, we had this big green thing that was a cover for some pretty high voltage stuff underneath. I threw some peanuts under the gap between the cover and the ground and waited. Sure's shit, here comes one cocky fucking squirrel lookin' to score my nuts. Under the cover he goes then --FLASH!! -- BOOM!! -- victory over squirrels! Only he took the power out for the entire block and the surge fried my brand-new Pentium Pro computer. Oh, and one of my neighbors narced me off to PG&E who were none-too-happy with my brilliantly-laid trap and my erstwhile vengeance over genus Sciurus.

I know a lot of people would ask me, "Well, what did you learn from all this?", to which I'd reply, "Not a damned thing."

Ferry Vs. Container Crane

TUI Boeing 757 Comes into Land SIDEWAYS in 40 KNOT CROSSWIND

USAF Veteran taking a stand against NFL

ChaosEngine says...

I don't believe for a second that this is anything other than a brilliantly calculated and utterly cynical move from Nike to co-opt Kaepernick's protest.

But I find it hilarious that people are falling for it, especially the idiots burning their shoes.

So you were fine with Nike when they were doing actual evil shit like sweatshops and child labour, but you'll burn the sneakers (that you already gave Nike the money for) over an ad?

And liberals are just as bad on this. Nike are a big corporation who give 0 fucks about BLM. If you buy their shoes, you're supporting a company with terrible labour practices.

I'm not saying you should or shouldn't buy Nike shoes. If you want some shoes and they're good shoes and you're ok with their labour practices (or you feel that you not buying one pair of shoes won't make a difference), then buy them. Or if you don't like them as a company, don't buy them.

But don't lie to yourself and pretend that buying or burning Nikes is some kind of political statement.

MilkmanDan said:

So, at least in my eyes, kudos to him for standing up for what he believes in. Even after losing his primary soapbox (being an NFL player), he's still putting the issue out there with Nike's help. I don't necessarily trust their motivations -- all publicity is good publicity, after all -- but after having heard his own statements I sure as hell trust his as being 100% genuine.

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