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Unsubscribe Me from Forced Position Torture

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'amnesty international, cia, torture, waiuardsting for the g' to 'amnesty international, cia, torture, waiting for the guards' - edited by kronosposeidon

Unsubscribe Me from Forced Position Torture

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'amnesty international, cia, torture' to 'amnesty international, cia, torture, waiuardsting for the g' - edited by kronosposeidon

Aristide and the endless revolution (2005)

NordlichReiter says...

This guy is a very good speaker. His gestures are.. He strikes me as a lie. A living lie.

I'm going to Godwin this now, there are other good speakers, and one that he reminds me of is Hitler.

US, plutocratic actions on Haiti, if true are deplorable.

Accusations of widespread human rights abuses

Human Rights Watch accused the Haitian police force under President Aristide, and his political supporters, of attacks on opposition rallies. They also said that the emergence of armed rebel groups seeking to overthrow Aristide reflected "the failure of the country’s democratic institutions and procedures."[27]

The OAS/UN International Civilian Mission in Haiti, known as MICIVIH (its French acronym) found that the human-rights situation in Haiti improved dramatically following Aristide's return to power in 1994. [28] Amnesty International reported that Haiti was "descending into a severe humanitarian and human rights crisis" after Aristide's departure in 2004.[29]
[edit] Accusations of drug trafficking

Drug trafficking was allegedly a major source of money. Canadian police arrested Oriel Jean, Aristide's security chief and one of the most trusted friends, for money laundering.[30] Beaudoin Ketant, a notorious international drug trafficker, Aristide's close partner, and his daughter's godfather, confessed that Aristide "turned the country into a narco-country. It's a one-man show. You either pay (Aristide) or you die." Aristide denied the allegation, and the U.S. has not charged him directly with involvment in the drug trade.[31]
[edit] Accusations of corruption

Haitian investigators claimed to have discovered extensive embezzlement and money laundering by Aristide's administration, in which millions of dollars of public funds were allegedly lost to sophisticated financial transactions.[32] Aristide has forcefully denied these accusations. [33] The Haitian government filed a RICO (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act) lawsuit in the U.S. in Miami, Florida, in November of 2005, alleging that Aristide and his associates took hundreds of thousands of dollars in kickbacks from the long distance company IDT, and that IDT diverted into a secret offshore bank account controlled by Aristide payments that should have gone to the Haitian company Teleco. The lawsuit was suspended by the Haitian government on June 30, 2006. [34][35]
[edit] Accusations of embezzlement of telecom revenues

According to a report by Christopher Caldwell in the July 1994 American Spectator, Aristide stole Haiti's telecom revenues while in the United States. Caldwell claims that, between 1991 and 1994, Aristide ordered that the proceeds from Haiti's international phone traffic, handled by the Latin American division of AT&T, be moved to a numbered offshore bank account in Panama.[36]

Some officials have been indicted by an US court.[37] The companies which made deals with Aristide included IDT, Fusion Telecommunications, and Skytel; critics claim the two first companies had political links. AT&T reportedly declined to wire money to "Mont Salem".[38][39][40][41]

Laura Ingraham vs. Devout Atheist

hpqp says...

wow, no one has given me such homicidal urges as this braindead bigot has...

One thing that really pisses me off is when christians use the "humanitarian aid" and "charity" argument. All the main and most widespread humanitarian aid groups are secular (UN, CICR, MSF, Amnesty International, etc.), while a lot of those "missionaries" do much more harm than good, feeding on the misery and lack of education of people in need to push their sick beliefs, some of which are counter-humanitarian (I'm looking at you, pope).

Where to now, VideoSift? (Sift Talk Post)

NetRunner says...

I like the idea of advertising and fundraising for causes a lot. Though I think if you want it to be non-partisan you're going to have to limit it to fund raising for charities. If it's a "cause" like the American Civil Liberties Union, National Rifle Association, Organizing for America, Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, Greenpeace, or Focus on the Family that does political work, it's going to be "partisan" to somebody. I'd wager even EFF and Amnesty International will seem partisan to somebody.

Maybe just make a clear separation between charities, and non-profit political organizations, and let them coexist in separate areas, so people can be clear about what they're signing on for.

I'd also like a form of "news article sift", to try and get some crowd sourcing at work on elevating reports and opinion pieces with some quality.

Aljazeera reports United4Iran

14 yr old girl Tasered in the Head by Police Chief

JiggaJonson says...

I contend that we need to seriously reconsider the use of tasers by our police force. They should be used under the guidelines that a lethal weapon would; the taser would be a last resort and the lethal weapon would be THE last resort.

Right now, based on a seeming spike in incidents, police are using them on a whim. I think their intention is not to injure anyone (their chief concern is not injuring themselves) but people who get tasered are sometimes injured fatally:

"As of March 7 [2007], Amnesty International lists 220 people who have died since June of 2001 in the United States after Tasers were used on them, said Mona Cadena, San Francisco deputy director for the western region of that organization."

I'm sure, besides death, other injuries occur (I have a huge fear i'll face plant and break off my front teeth if i'm ever tasered - unlikely but probably as unlikely as a 14 year old getting it in the brain) So why do police seem to use tasers with increasing regularity?

Dumpling Girl Freakout

grinter says...

The family used to be a windowless dungeon. People would treat you like shit, and there was no one to keep them in check, and no reference as to how people really should treat one another.
Now there's camera phones and youtube... and if your big sister is a lunatic and an ogre, the world will know.

youtube is like amnesty international for the family -- it's harder to be a dick when the world is watching.

Waterboarding IS Torture -- Amnesty International

JiggaJonson (Member Profile)

Waterboarding IS Torture -- Amnesty International

Edeot says...

Well, your prose is concrete and straightforward, but I've never been much for free verse. More of a haiku guy, really.

>> ^enoch:
a very unsubtle way to make a very powerful point.
sometimes it has to be done.
i don't think its neither wise nor morally sound,
to continue with the naive notion of victimless war.
bloodless wars dont exist.
waterboarding=torture....and,it does not work.
the pain and suffering is real,
and for what?
false confessions?
its evil,and i shall have no part in it.
a powerful and profound clip.
thank you.

War on Gaza: Annie Lennox speaks up

Irishman says...

Bianca Jagger:
Council of Europe Goodwill Ambassador, Chair of the World Future Council, Chair of the Bianca Jagger Human Rights Foundation, and a member of the Director's Leadership Council of Amnesty International US.

Annie Lennox:
Academy Award-winning songwriter, also a political and social activist, leading such events as a pro-Palestinian rally in London January 3, 2009

Ken Livingstone:
English socialist politician, mayor of London 2000-2008.

Alexei Sayle:
English stand-up comedian, actor and author, notable for his cynicism, intelligence and political awareness.

Police, Bystanders Beat Terrorist Good!

MINK says...

hey dufus, i am not a fucking pacifist, i was a weapons instructor in school you freaking moron.

and the courts should decide whether this guy deserves imprisonment, death by lynchmob, or something else. the best way to do that is to simply arrest him and not kick the shit out of the evidence. big wow you are studying law, i guess that means you have the right to advocate lynch mobs. i guess amnesty international is a weirdo pacifist bunch of twats, right?


This Is Not The Greatest Post In The World, No... (Mystery Talk Post)

gorillaman says...

I could go for some light peer bonding activity. Going to post before I read.


1) Season - Autumn.
2) Place in the world - My home. I don't really see the point of anywhere else.
3) Children's book - I'm going to count the whole silver age X-Men as one book and make that my answer.
4) TV Series - The Crystal Maze
5) Word - Appendices.
6) Film - The Fifth Element
7) Curse - Making something up on the spot is always the most satisfying.
Creature - Man.
9) Past time - Past time or pastime? The Victorian era, when people knew how to dress / playing board games.
10)Person - Myself. Everyone should be just like me.

Which one?

11) Dog or cat - Cat, if they didn't have those brain parasites.
12) Sweet or savoury - Savoury unless I run out of sweet. Everything, and as much as possible.
13) Cereal or Toast - Toast.
14) Tan or pale - Pale.
15) Shoes or barefoot - Barefoot.
16) Desktop or laptop - Desktop.
17) Drive or walk - I'd rather have whatever it is I'm driving or walking to delivered.
18) Drama or comedy - Comedy.
19) Sex or food - Food. I made that choice a long time ago.
20) Futurama or Simpsons - Simpsons.

The Sift

21) Your fave personal submission - ...didn't get any votes.
22) A great comment on one of your vids - * promote
23) Most off the wall member - Obviously choggie.
24) Favourite user name - I would have to check every name to answer this question.
25) Your most used channel - eia
26) Personal dumbass moment - I've never made a mistake in my life.
27) Best avatar - dotdude's examples of his own artwork, and anything from that star wars thread.
28) Partner in crime - Don't have one.
29) Do people offline know of your sift problem - To some extent.
30) Idea for the site - Bring back the new member queue.

About you

31) Where do you live - SE Britain.
32) Smoker/non-smoker - Occasional cigar/pipe smoker.
33) Left or right handed - Right.
34) Hair colour - Brown.
35) Relationship status - Leper.
36) How tall - Don't know, 6' 4"-ish.
37) Children - are too expensive.
38) Ever had an operation - Nope.
39) Best feature - Glorious human mind.
40) Use four words to describe yourself - Better person than you.

If you could...what, who, when etc

41) Bring a famous person back from the dead - Tolkien. I'd like to see what he made of those films.
42) Give 50 grand to any charity - Amnesty International.
43) Send someone on a one way ticket to the moon - Sarah Palin.
44) Relive a moment in your life - Any time when I was hitting somebody.
45) Have a superpower - Wolverine's healing factor, in continuities where it makes him immortal.
46) Find out one thing you've always wanted to know - The future of the human race.
47) Have the opposite gender deal with something you have to - Scarcity of awesome sex toys.
48) Be president for one hour - Have the last president executed.
49) Delete a period in history - Anything people are proud of today without having actually participated in the accomplishment.
50) Achieve one thing - Bomb something.

sometimes (Member Profile)

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