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eric3579 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Might I suggest to you and @lucky760 "the wages of fear"? My favorite movie, and the introduction of Super Mario (oddly I'm only kind of joking about that) in the 50's. It's about bums in Mexico getting a job driving trucks of nitro glycerin through the jungle to a burning oil well. Remade as "sorcerer" in 77 with Roy Schieder (see the original first) it's still my favorite movie, due largely to the last 30 seconds of the film (I won't spoil it). It's a bit of a slow start, like many older movies are, but it gains speed quite nicely. I still love it even though it's French (and I hold onto my irrational hatred of the French because, well, you gotta hate someone!)
Hope you like it if you try it.

eric3579 said:

That movie trailer you posted looks great. A real good feels type movie. There are so few good films that it sucks to have to wait when there is one you want to see.

Ill pimp a movie at you that i just saw as it is a feel good film that I really loved and you may also. Watch the trailer

Open Letter to Ellen Degeneres: Don't Promote A Psychic

ChaosEngine says...

Meh, she's still presenting it really poorly. I *agree* with her and I struggled to watch this video. Someone who wasn't a skeptic would have switched it off in the first 30 seconds.

And while I was joking about her "freaking out", and I agree that parts of the response to it were horrific (threats of rape, etc), it doesn't make her initial statement (that a polite, even respectful invitation is somehow threatening) any less ridiculous.

Sotto_Voce said:

This is supposed to be addressed to someone who isn't already a skeptic. I doubt your 30 second dismissal would be at all effective in that kind of context. Probably Rebecca's pitch wouldn't be effective either, but at least she's presenting evidence and reasons that have a chance of getting through.

Also, if you think Watson's reaction to the whole elevator incident counts as "freaking out", you haven't seen a good freak-out. She mentioned the incident and advised guys not to behave that way (which is pretty good advice, I think). How does that qualify as freaking out? You want to see a good freak-out, check out the ridiculously over-the-top response her one-minute mention of this incident got.

Open Letter to Ellen Degeneres: Don't Promote A Psychic

Sotto_Voce says...

This is supposed to be addressed to someone who isn't already a skeptic. I doubt your 30 second dismissal would be at all effective in that kind of context. Probably Rebecca's pitch wouldn't be effective either, but at least she's presenting evidence and reasons that have a chance of getting through.

Also, if you think Watson's reaction to the whole elevator incident counts as "freaking out", you haven't seen a good freak-out. She mentioned the incident and advised guys not to behave that way (which is pretty good advice, I think). How does that qualify as freaking out? You want to see a good freak-out, check out the ridiculously over-the-top response her one-minute mention of this incident got.

ChaosEngine said:

Jesus, that took 5 minutes to make a point that could have been made in 30 seconds.

"Psychics are con-artists, charlatans and evil scumbags who prey on the grieving using simple illusionist tricks that any 12 year old kid could be taught in a few minutes. Stop giving them air time"

There, done. Now Rebecca can get back to being freaked out when people invite her for a cup of coffee.

Open Letter to Ellen Degeneres: Don't Promote A Psychic

ChaosEngine says...

Jesus, that took 5 minutes to make a point that could have been made in 30 seconds.

"Psychics are con-artists, charlatans and evil scumbags who prey on the grieving using simple illusionist tricks that any 12 year old kid could be taught in a few minutes. Stop giving them air time"

There, done. Now Rebecca can get back to being freaked out when people invite her for a cup of coffee.

Puddles the Sad Clown Covers 'Team' by Lorde

Navy Laser Weapon System LaWS will be deployed in 2014

enoch says...

and its probably already 15-20 yrs old.
i remember when i was in the navy in the early 80's and they had sea-wiz.
15 yrs later i see in a popular science article on the NEW and AMAZING sea-wiz.

well,was not so new and not so amazing.
broke down constantly.
they would run a test....would last like 30 seconds..and then you would hear over the 1mc "FC3 kristoferson..quarterdeck".


What Systema looks like once you've reached a certain level

JustSaying says...

The reason MMA fights are more likely ending with getting choked out than having your limbs broken is quite simple. If you are the guy who breaks everybodys shit, nobody will want to fight you anymore because broken bones take you out of fighting (the thing you do to make money), training (the thing that allows to compete on such a level in the first place) and the enjoyments of life (ever tried to masturbate with two broken hands?) for weeks. Weeks or erven months.
Nobody will book you or allow you in their competitions anymore because 30 second fights aren't that interesting (which is why proffesional boxing matches rarely turn out to be like Muhammad Ali vs random guy from the audience), getting qualified and equal fighters as opponents becomes next to impossible (see above) and "liability" would be the word promoters mutter in their sleep while having nightmare about faceless lawyers.
MMA isn't the Kumite from Bloodsport. MMA matches are a business and their cash cows are their fighters otherwise it would be just bum fights. You can't milk a cow with a broken udder. But you can choke its nipples until the milk flows, you just gotta have the right technique.

Velocity5 said:

This video is self-deception, same as Aikido and every other martial arts scam.

Prove these techniques in an MMA match or GTFO.

Zombeavers - Official Trailer

Sagemind (Member Profile)

SDGundamX says...

No, no, no offense taken. I and don't think you're hypocritical. You probably consume far less tuna over the course of a year than an average Japanese individual. The sad thing is, the population as a whole here is completely unaware of the tunas' plight. There's a conspiracy-theory level lack of coverage of the issue in the media here.

Case in point, a few weeks back the media reported about the first tuna auction of the year at Tsukiji Market in Tokyo, where traditionally people overbid on the largest tuna caught as kind of "good luck in the coming year" tradition. Except, the highest bid this year (as well as the fish caught) was much smaller than the last two years.

I read two different Western newspaper articles on the topic and they both went into great detail about how tuna catches are way down due to overfishing and how the size of the fish being caught is much smaller because only the juveniles are left (the more adult fish have already been caught). Both mentioned Japan consumes 80% of the worldwide tuna haul.

Then that night I go running at my local gym and watch the Japanese nightly news and they have a brief 30-second bit about how the first Tsukiji auction of the new year took place and how the person who won was the same as last year.

That's it, end of coverage. I literally laughed out loud on the treadmill, more in bitterness than anything else.

That's why in my Media English classes at the university I teach, the first newspaper article of the semester is always an English newspaper article about the tuna fishing situation. The kids are shocked at the statistics and they tell their friends about what they read. Most claim they're going to stop eating tuna. I have no idea if they actually do or not, but it's all I can really do to try to change attitudes here.

Sagemind said:


Didn't mean to get on a rant. My apologies, hope I didn't offend.
My basis was based on a documentary I say a year ago....
I'm forming conclusions I suppose. I've always had issues with over fishing on general terms. Perhaps my rant was misplaced, rambled on and got away from me.

I may be a bit of a hypocrite though, as even tonight I made soup with my katsuobushi (skipjack tuna) witch is a product of Japan.

Animals - Glyde Condoms

Animals - Glyde Condoms

Arkansas Mother Obliterates Common Core in 4 Minutes!

draak13 says...

She made a really good case. I had no idea things were this bad. This really does need more attention. a person presenting an argument, citing the trembling in your voice (3:40) to merit the importance of your argument doesn't work...especially when you are trying to refute that this isn't just a group of hysterical middle class mothers less than 30 seconds prior.

The 4 Most Insulting TV Ads you see Every Christmas

SFOGuy says...

Huh; I've found instructions on-line for even my pathetic Comcast remotes and can skip 30 seconds at a time; 6-8X taps, and it's like "what advertisement"?

ant said:

Some DVRs and/or their RCs, all VCRs, and most online streaming videos (e.g., Hulu) don't let you skip.

World War Two Movie Making Gone Wrong

shatterdrose says...

Actually, to practice road ride, you MUST ride in a group. There is a huge group etiquette and not to mention learning to pass, take over, draft, follow etc can only be learned by actually doing it.

Most road groups like that ride on long stretches away from town. It's not like it's the end of the world to pass them, safely mind you, by waiting a good 30 seconds.

But you're right, roadies are lame. Fat Tire for life!

BTW, should be noted that most cycling experts will attest that most cycle lanes are more dangerous than not having them. Between all the road debris and poor maintenance, it's sometimes the worst place for us to be.

Which means I should also point out, that cycle lanes does not mean we're required by ANY law to use them. They are basically a courtesy for slower solo riders. In Florida they tried passing a requirement law, and it hit a lot of walls due to liability issues. If a cyclist is in the bike lane and there's an obstacle, and they hit it and get hurt, the city/state is completely 100% liable for any injuries or deaths.

ChaosEngine said:

You mean typical ROAD biker.

My experience has been that mountain bikers (who generally view being on the road as a necessary evil to get to a trail) are careful and courteous.

The lycra brigade, OTOH, all think they're in the fucking tour de france and feel the need to practice riding in a peloton. What especially annoys me is when there is a cycle lane and these idiots ride on the outside marker so that half their body is in traffic.

Gravity Visualized

MilkmanDan says...

The last 30 seconds or so about "is general relativity in the state standards?" says kinda positive and negative things about the state of US education...

Positive: Good teachers can still teach special lessons about topics that they are passionate about if they can fit it into the time after they have covered the state (and test) mandated stuff.

Negative: They have to teach to the tests first.

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