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Kid Accidentally Shoots Computer Screen

MilkmanDan says...

I think every kid needs to go through something like that.

I used to shoot pest rabbits around our house (in the country, far from any neighbors) with a BB rifle. Went through safety training, was always very careful, etc. etc.

One day I saw a rabbit hiding under a row of trees between myself and the back side of my house. I never shot towards the house / people / whatever, always away from. But, the rabbit was there. I could have walked around the trees, but the rabbit probably wouldn't have been visible from the other side. Plus, the land sloped up so there was a bit of a hill/grade between me and the house, not to mention the thick tree branches and underbrush. BBs almost never went clean through a rabbit, they'd get lodged in the body.

So, I rationalized all that. Five pumps instead of ten, make sure I hit the rabbit so the BB doesn't go through, plus I'm aiming down into the ground so even if I miss the BB will probably lodge in the ground or hit a tree or brush. Should be fine. Do it.

I pull the trigger, rabbit runs away, and I hear a really loud "thump". The BB had ricocheted off the ground and hit right in the dead center of a huge sliding glass door on the back of the house. Safety glass, so I saw it spread out in little spiderweb patterns from the impact point in the center over the course of about 30 seconds or so, and then all fall into a pile of glass bits.

So of course I run to my dad and said "no, I was totally aiming *away* from the house -- must have had a really unlucky ricochet off of the flagpole or something!" He just smiled and said "really?" and then explained that I'd be doing chores and mowing the lawn to help pay to replace the glass door -- which ended up being about $800.

But you can bet your ass that I never aimed even remotely in the direction of a house, car, or anything else that I didn't want to shoot after that...

Kitty to the rescue!

dannym3141 says...

I think that the noise being picked up by the recorder makes it sound a lot worse than what it is. In my opinion, he's only really patting next to the baby.

Would it not be fair to say that clapping is a roughly equivalent action? And i see people doing that near babies all the time without someone worrying about affecting the kid's mental state as it grows up, or worrying if the kid perceives the clapping of hands as a threat or worry.

If babies are too young to understand, then they may misunderstand clapping? Or alternatively how are they to understand the waving of someone's hand nearby to be aggressive? Especially given that it appears to be a comfortable family unit.

Most importantly, can we please consider that the baby was slapping its own leg? Perhaps one day the baby slapped its hand about, the father did the same thing, and the baby got enjoyment out of it? It slaps its hand about again at the end too. We don't know, we can't know, and it's very unfair to make so many casual assumptions - not just about his actions, but about what is normal for different people.

I'm concerned about the amount of assumptions being made in chastising this man. Especially when drawing a parallel to an anecdote about someone "growing up skittish" because of "teasing". Correlation, not necessarily causation.. and again, what evidence is this of teasing, and how is it fair to speculatively compare it to something stated so vaguely?

I'm sorry to be combative about it, but i feel this is a huge leap of imagination based on 30 seconds of video. A great many of us (if not all) could be made to look all kinds of contrary ways based on 30 second snippets, and it's an indelible brush that he's being hurriedly tarred with. I stand to be corrected, but i don't see any signs of distress either from the baby or the person recording, and the baby looks otherwise healthy and well provisioned. It was not placed in that seating with those accoutrements without care and attention. I think more harm than good can come of judging things like this, considering the subtlety of most *actual* abusers.

Porn Actress Mercedes Carrera LOSES IT With Modern Feminists

GenjiKilpatrick says...

We'll start with the "youtube comments are toxic".

We're in agreement. Even youtube agrees.

While it's unfortunate that the comment cream doesn't rise on youtube..

This still doesn't eliminate that fact that tons of valid criticism is being censored by Sark & plenty of other unscrupulous agenda-pushers.

It's a perfect opportunity to squash any dissent, under the guise of -

"there is no real debate here. only insults & threats. I had to disable comments to spare my audience the vitriol"

However, imagine if the youtuber was an outspoken Scientologist or Creationist..

Snowball's chance in hell you aren't viewing that as a deceitful tactic to avoid scrutiny.

"Everyone knows creationism is easily debunked/scientology is a cult. Clearly they've disabled comments because they want to squash dissent/valid arguments"

Rarely, if ever, would you think -

"Disabled comments? I get it. They probably just got too many death threats. Scientologists have feelings too yuh know"

Nonetheless, when the EXACT SAME scenario is put in front of you..

..with regard to topics that tug at your liberal, tree-huggy sympathies..

You lose all skepticism. Why is that?

Literally all it takes is a 30 second google search to discover the inconsistencies in Sarkeesian's statements & actions.

From the first article -
In the words of Tumblr user robbiebaldwin:

“She says she wants to ‘create a dialogue’ or ‘force video games into open debate,’ except she turns off both comments and even ratings on her videos. Wanting to hear your own voice in an echo chamber is the total opposite of ‘open debate.’”

Leading the charge against Sarkeesian’s decision is Tumblr user amazingatheist, who posted a ten-minute video entitled "Who’s The Damsel Now?"

Arguing that Sarkeesian’s “censorship” of YouTube comments counteracts her message about strong women

Are you seeing the larger picture now @newtboy @Babymech etc.?

This self-described - "critic of sexism in pop culture" - is espousing a set of ideas & strong statements..

Then completely cowering, juking, and being absolutely non-responsive when called on her shit.

She disabled the RATINGS for FSM's sake!
The neutral, objective, non-threatening, non-absuive RATINGS!

That's the way you stand strong for your cause, right!
By disallowing even your supporters from showing their approval!

And before you even mention that cancel lecture of hers.



Straight from Utah State -

"Throughout the day, Tuesday, Oct. 14, USU police and administrators worked with state and federal law enforcement agencies to assess the threat to our USU community and Ms. Sarkeesian. Together, we determined that there was no credible threat to students, staff or the speaker, and that this letter was intended to frighten the university into cancelling the event."

They were all "Please don't cancel. We love con-artists! We're Mormons, remember!"


Anita Sarkeesian is a self-proclaimed pop-culture critic..

Who claims that she wants to 'create a dialogue' & 'force video games into open debate'..

She then proceeds to disallow any & all discourse or scrutiny of her work - positive or negative - going so far as to disable like & dislike ratings on her videos.

Oh and I forgot to add..

She conveniently forgot to disable the vitriol 'whining' on her Kickstarter page until AFTER those comments boosted her campaign to over $150,000 in donations.

[i'll search for the video while you whine about citing sources]

It's the overall debacle & all the stupid articles surrounding it.

Tho first I have to slog thru this shitstorm because you're easily distracted by syntax & word choice.

Shit, this is pointless.

Oh well. Done for now.

The entirety of 'Game of Thrones' in 30 Seconds

Bill Burr on Ebola and First Ladies

"Unskippable" Geico Ad

AeroMechanical says...

Hm, well, it's a minute long.

I'm hoping they figure commercials on TV out one day. Originally Hulu would play one 15 or 30 second commercial at the point where a normal broadcast television show would have 2+ minutes of commercials.

I don't watch live TV because of the commercials. When I have to, I go off and do something else, check my phone, flip to TCM (no commercials) or do anything but watch the commercials. If nothing else, I just zone them out and think about other things.

A single 30 second commercial break is too short to bother forwarding through, getting up, or otherwise diverting my attention. I actually watched the commercials, and I didn't even mind, really. You would think that would make the commercial time much more valuable, but I guess that isn't the case because the last time I watched Hulu it had almost as many ads as normal television.

I try to stay positive about the human race, but I fear that the majority of people actually sit there paying attention all throughout the stupid long commercial breaks on TV.

Ragdoll Cat Gets Teeth Brushed

Sportscaster responds to racism and hate

Babymech says...

... Do you even know how long 30 seconds is? Can I come to your next social gathering and hold a sign saying "asshole" in your face for 30 seconds, and then flip it over to say "drink coke" when someone makes me? It would be a fun coincidence for all, I think.

Sportscaster responds to racism and hate

bobknight33 says...

The investigation concluded ·

..." At some time during the FMHS vs. PESH boys’ varsity basketball game, a student displayed the “White” and “Power” combination of cheerleading spirit signs. It has been long-time tradition that cheerleading signs are used at sporting events to read, “Navy & White” representing FMHS’ school colors and “Jaguar Power,” a FMHS mascot cheer.

· The inappropriate ordering of the signs was displayed for no longer than 30 seconds. FMHS administrators immediately took action.

· Reports indicating the FMHS student section was chanting “White Power” during this time were found to be unsubstantiated"

The kid holding the sign POWER is also holding the JAGUAR sign. so apparently he is flipping between signs hence indicating Jaguar Power.

Mr White just happens to be holding his sign WHITE behind the Jaguar Power. sign guy.

Coincidence / deliberate/ is unknown.

So again
People see racism even when its not there. The left are masters at it.

Babymech said:

Of course you stand by your statement, because you it is what you really want to believe, and you are too lazy / ignorant / arrogant, to assume that anyone who disagrees is telling the truth or doing their jobs properly. Which the news are. Which the school is (belatedly). Etc.

"Lewisville Independent School District (ISD) interim superintendent Kevin Rogers announced that their week-long investigation into the February 13 sign incident was conducted through a variety of means. Those included witness interviews, including Flower Mound High School (FMHS) and Lewisville ISD administrators, staff, students and spectators; an in-depth review of surveillance and game footage; social media research; and cooperative, continued communication between FMHS and Plano-East Senior High School (PESH) administrators."

How I Feel about the Super Bowl

newtboy says...

Mostly I agree, but superbowl adds are the highest production valued media available, so they SHOULD (not are) be better than most. At least that's how I see it. If 30 seconds costs them (estimating) $5million, you would think they'll put at least 1/2 that into making the spot. Even the most expensive blockbuster movies don't throw that kind of money per minute at the screen, so I watch them assuming someone will have spent that money well. Sometimes I am disappointed, like with most of the superbowl commercials this year. Where did all that money go? Not to writers, I hope (although I did love the snickers commercial).

ulysses1904 said:

I must be the only one in the nation that doesn't go ga-ga for Superbowl ads. I would have to be held hostage for a year to regress to a point where I would find TV commercials interesting. TV and pop culture is nothing but disposable retreads, but people keep chasing that first high. Gotta keep "pushing the envelope" with high production values, shock value, celebrity cameos, and everything else you learn in Publicity Stunts 101.

Fun Lovin' Criminals: Scooby Snacks

Girl Performs Amazing Inline Skating Dance Routine

AeroMechanical says...

Yeah. Not the most informative message, is it? Should I be patient for 30 seconds? Five minutes? Come back tomorrow? Every time I reload the page, does it start all over again or do I need to reload it before it will eventually work? Will it ever work?

Incidentally, I believe the answer to that last one is no. But now I'm curious about this Feng Hui and her amazing enciphered skating abilities. Just not quite curious enough to search for the video on Youtube.

Dogs apparently have tunnel vision

The Fine Tuning of the Universe

FlowersInHisHair says...

The first 30 seconds of the video exposes the fallacy behind the argument.

"Scientists have come to the shocking realisation that each of these numbers has been carefully dialled to an astonishingly precise value"

That's what's called "begging the question", that is, concealing the conclusion one is trying to prove in the initial premise of the argument. There is no reason to believe that the constants have been carefully dialled.

Making an Airbus A350 Airliner - Minute Physics

RFlagg says...

Isn't the A350 more like Airbus's response to the 787 Dreamliner... well, they likely both started design near the same time, just Boeing managed to beat them to out. I'm not sure where either company will try next. The A350/787, A340/777 and A380/747 markets cover all but more regional flights. So it'll be interesting to see where they go next...

A somewhat interesting video comparing the two (the more interesting part starts around 30 seconds in and ends by the time it gets to 2:15 after that the side by side comparison ends)

ant said:

OK Boeing, it's your turn!

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