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Panda Snow Day

Grumpy Korean Girl's Squeaky Shoes Cheer Her Up

dear americans-please don't move to canada

Shakka says...

I'm pretty liberal minded but things have been going too far in this country recently. Our social benefits and tolerance of other cultures are being abused. Perhaps muslim women should consider respecting the traditions and customs of the country they moved to instead of expecting everyone else to acquiesce to their demands. Our citizenship ceremonies might seem pointless to them but they matter to us a great deal.

Have a little perspective, would muslim culture be tolerant of non-compliance? No, you would be put to death for it. Meanwhile in Canada you can freely debate, engage and have a wide variety of cultural freedoms. All Canadians were asking is to move a piece of cloth for 30 seconds during a very important tradition of ours, one where you join our country and become a citizen of our country.

Stephen Harper was wrong to politicize this issue but muslim women who won't even offer the country they're moving to a modicum of respect and understanding are wrong too. If people are going to become so abrasive over such a non-issue in a country that already bends over backwards for other cultures, where will they be on issues that actually matter?

How to Pass Your Next Science Project

newtboy jokingly says...

I'm not sure what he's talking about.
I got an 'A' on my 30 second science project...jug of fire. I took a glass jug, poured in some rubbing alcohol, and lit it on fire. The teacher liked it so much he gave me ether to try in it....I would not suggest repeating that experiment.

I like to impress people with my Lamborghini by revving it

EMPIRE says...

three things:

- 360p in Dubai? Come on!

- What the hell is up with those annoying side-wipe transitions every 30 seconds?

- Yeah, just scream: "HEY!! HEY!!" instead of getting out of your car and running to the idiot to let him know the car is on fire.

Zawash (Member Profile)

Isaac Caldiero's Epic Ascent of Mt. Midoriyama

lucky760 says...

I finally just finished watching the 3 hour finale on my DVR (kept trying to avoid this spoiler post) and was thoroughly happy with the results.

I'm way on board with your sentiments, but must add my 2 cents.

First, I think it's important to realize it's not the way ANW runs the show that causes the competitors to behave the way they do; it's the American competitors themselves who share that undesirable selfish, braggadocious attitude/philosophy. Even when you watch the Japanese Sasuke competitions, when there's an American competing surrounded by Japanese competitors inside Japan, you still feel that same air of arrogance.

I've been watching the Sasuke for many years and started watching ANW before it was ANW (even in the first "seasons" on Attack of the Show where the competitors had bounce on a trampoline and swing on some monkey bars to earn their way to Japan). The American attitude always been something that bothers me and takes a huge chunk out of my interest.

I always find it disconcerting the way they don't explain any details, such as why Geoff got to climb first (which is why he gets to claim he's the first person to ever reach the top).

The other thing I've been crying "foul" on is that they seemed to lighten it up on the obstacles. This year there were 38 people to go to round 2. That's ridiculous. But what's worse is that round 2 had way too long a time limit. Normally competitors who succeed on stage 2 have about a second left when they hit the button, but many of those who went through to stage 3 had around 30 seconds on the clock.

I had to rewind a couple of times, but I confirmed Isaac said "share the moment" not the money.

My wife and I were both displeased that Geoff announced he gets to say he's the first to beat stage 4. That's such a poor attitude, and I liked Popeye a lot more until then. And regardless how they decided who got to go first, I think they both have to be considered as equally the first to finish stage 4. (Side note: I was really bummed they didn't use the loud "bang! bang!" sounds to start stage 4 like they do in Japan.)

I myself don't have a problem with the very redesigned courses each season.

The USA versus the World bullshit is some serious bullshit that's hard to swallow. Not only is the whole "our country is better than you" concept horrible, but the actual competition is shit. It's not the same beating the course one rested person at a time. But also last year the Europeans brought in a rock climber who knew nothing about Ninja Warrior and just sent him in fully rested to do the arm-centric work.

Boy, we could get together and write a dissertation on this subject.

rancor said:

What a monster. Both guys are so deserving. Both in their 30's!!

On a less joyous note, I take pretty serious issue with the way ANW runs the competition. Once I found out about the original Sasuke, I went back and watched every single season. Because it's awesome. But I feel like the Japanese organizers of Sasuke clearly understood that the competition was "competitors versus course", not "competitor versus competitor". In that vein, any set of competitors who complete the course should be equally rewarded.

Can you imagine dedicating your life to completing that course, succeeding (as one of only two people in the world, over nearly a decade of competition), then walking away with nothing because the other guy was an insignificant amount faster than you?

Props to Isaac for at least mentioning "share the money" in the post-interview (not included in this sift).

Another way I massively disagree with ANW is that they significantly redesigned the courses for every year of competition. Some variation is essential to testing the competitors' adaptability, but with so much new stuff each year they excluded lots of top talent due to bad luck or running order. Cynically, maybe to avoid paying the prize money. Last year was particularly bad with only two guys making it to stage 3. I feel like this year the pendulum swung back a little too far (or maybe "farther than intended") which is why they actually had two winners. That said, that new cliffhanger is ridiculous, but at least it's a variation on existing obstacles instead of something totally unique.

Lastly, let's not forget ANW's "USA versus The World". Really? That's so stereotypically American it's sick, especially for an adopted competition.

Throat Singing

noims says...

Can't find a copy online with 30 seconds of searching, but my favourite throat singing is Yat-Kha's version of Led Zep's When The Levee Breaks.

I recommend it enough to make this mostly useless comment.

Robot Butler

newtboy says...

Really more of a robot bell boy than a butler, but still awesome!

I saw a 'news' story about this the other day. They said it's supposed to linger about 30 seconds after delivery to give you time to take a selfie with it...but here it seemed to just leave. Hmmmm.

What if there was a black hole in your pocket?

Damien Walters jumps over his house from a Russian Swing

Swiss efficiency opens 5 beers at once

Stormsinger says...

Yep, spend 30+ seconds coordinating and setting up the scene, so you can in one move, replace 5 actions that take 3 seconds each.

It's brilliant! Brilliant, I tell you!

Shia LaBeouf delivers an intense motivational speech

lucky760 says...


Love the hand-grabbing-hand bit.

What's this all about anyway?


Ah, scripted and directed in front of a greenscreen for a max 30 second art video with max 100 words.

Today on C.G.W.-Cop Goes Into GTA Mode And Runs Down Suspect

newtboy says...

Really, you don't understand that phrase? It means what you do may be done back to you, and you can't complain. That's not good when part of what you do is kill people.

Which nutcase do you mean, the actually violent nutcase with a gun, or the suspect?

Yes, they had that information because 30 seconds before he had the gun to his own head, and they broadcast that info on the radio.

There were no people near where he was walking, the cops had the block surrounded. He had already walked by a number of people in the area without incident, and none can bee seen on either video in the direction he was going.

No surprise you have to be informed that there is a middle, rational ground between walking right up to the armed suspect and running him over at over 40mph with enough force to blast through a cement wall.
You know those things called Tasers...there's a reason cops have them...same with bean bag bullets. Those are tools meant to be used, or at least TRIED, not ignored or dismissed because they don't work 100% of the time...if that's the standard, bullets don't work 100% of the time either so why ever use them?

lantern53 said:

What does that mean...turnabout is fair play?

As for the nutcase depicted, did the cops have information that he was trying to commit suicide-by-cop? Or did they just have information that he was the suspect in a crime spree including a home invasion, the theft of a gun and the discharge of same in a public place?

If he was walking toward some people with a gun and what the cops believe to be criminal intent or being out of control with the gun, then they are justified in using lethal force to stop him and protect innocent lives.

I don't know too many people who would be willing to just approach the guy and give him a pamphlet of mental health resources in the county.

On the other hand, we did have a dispatcher who would have offered to give him a hug.

Star Wars the Force Awakens Trailer #2

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